Trailer Trashed

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"Alright, everyone. Listen up. I have a new health inspector coming in any minute, so I need everyone on—" Benson began. "On our best behavior." Everyone said, sounding bored. "Ooh, here he comes!" Pops said. A van drives over and the new health inspector comes out. "That's not our usual inspector." Muscle Man said. "That's what I just SAID! DO YOU GUYS EVER LISTEN TO ME?!" Benson askd.

"Which one of you is the Park manager?" The inspector asked. "That's me, Benson. Nice to meet you." He offers a handshake, but Frank doesn't shake it, leaving Benson surprised. "Mmm, hmm." Frank writes something down on his clipboard. "Frank Jones. City health department. I've been sent to inspect your park. Now, if it's alright with you, I'd like to get this inspection under way." Frank checks to see if the soda machine is working right, checks the tools, checks Pops's harpsichord, checks the benches, checks the bathrooms, and finally checks the trees. Back to the park, the park workers are looking worried as Frank tensely writes on his clipboard.

"Well, that's it." Frank said. "Did we-" Benson asked. "You passed. Barely." The park workers celebrate. "The department will be in touch." Frank stops, agitated of what he sees. "Wait... what is that?" He asked. "My trailer. Pretty sweet, huh?" Muscle Man asked. "No human could possibly live in that thing." Frank said. "I highly doubt Muscle Man is human." Y/N mumbled, and Thomas snickered. "What? No way, bro. That trailer is a palace inside. Go see for yourself." Muscle Man said. Frank opens the door to Muscle Man's trailer and quickly shuts it. He sprays paints an "x" on the door with black spray paint. It is implied that Frank is going to shut it down. "Wait, what are you doing?" Y/N asked in surprise. "This trailer needs to be destroyed. I'm taking it to the dump." Frank said. "You can't! This trailer is the third best thing that's ever happened to me! I won it at a hotdog-eating contest." Muscle Man said.


"The winner!" The announcer said, and everyone cheers. "Yeah! Alright! This is the third best thing that's ever happened to me!"

(Flashback ends)

"Look, this trailer is a health hazard and it's getting scrapped!" Frank said. "But you barely even looked at it!" Muscle Man breaks down in tears and kneels in despair, and Y/N actually felt a little sorry for him. "I'm calling the dump!" Frank said. " Wait! Muscle Man has twenty four hours from the time of notice to get his trailer up to code. It's the law!" Y/N said. "Uh..." Frank sighs. "I'll be back in 24 hours.

And when you fail inspection, again, I'm taking your trailer!" Frank said, then walks away. "Twenty four hours? Pssh. Probably only take me one. What am I gonna do with the other twenty three?" Muscle Man asked. "Muscle Man, we need to see the inside of your trailer." Benson said. "Sure, dudes. Mi casa es your house." Everyone enters the trailer and groans disgustedly at the sight of the trailer's inside. There is nothing clean inside and outside of the trailer, it's a dirty and unhygienic place. "Chill, right?" Muscle Man asked as he enters. "Okay Muscle Man, no offense, but this is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen." Y/N said as she looks around.

"Agreed." Thomas said. Pops sees flies buzzing around a pan. "Oh, my!" He said. "That's my breakfast nook." Muscle Man said. "What the..." Skips notices a hole in the ceiling. "Sunroof, bro." Muscle Man said. "Dude, Muscle Man, what is that?!" Muscle Man picks up a bowl containing an unknown substance. "Ew!" Y/N said. "Well, it used to be a bowl of chili. Now it's more of a house plant."

The other park employees are unimpressed by the trailer. "Now you know how I live. I need help." Muscle Man said, sounding ashamed. "Don't worry, dude." Mordecai said. "There's no way we'll let the inspector take your trailer away." Rigby said. "And if we all contribute, this caravan will be spick-and-span in no time." Pops said. "Thanks, bros. LET'S DO THIS!" Muscle Man throws the house plant, and everyone glares at him with anger and annoyance. "Really?" Y/N asked in disbelief. "I'll clean that up." He replied. The group help Muscle Man clean his trailer for the rest of the day and night.

"I can't believe we actually did it." Benson said. "Yeah, who knew under all that dirt and junk was a kinda decent mobile home?" Rigby asked. "I didn't." Y/N said. "Me either." Thomas said. "You're sure to pass the inspection now." Pops said. "Thanks, guys. I couldn't have done it without you. I can't wait to see the look on that chump's face when he sees-" Muscle Man said, Frank claps, interrupting him. "Mmm. Impressive." He said. "Yeah. Sorry to disappoint you, but it looks like I'm keeping my trailer." Muscle Man said.

"You guys really put a lot of work into this thing. Unfortunately, I still have to fail you." Frank said. "What?!" Muscle Man asked. "That's not fair! We worked really hard to fix this trailer!" Y/N shouted angrily. "Yeah, see? Take this shutter for example." Assistant #1 puts it out of shape. "Not up to code!" Frank said. "Dude, what the heck!?" Mordecai asked. "That window over there?" Assistant #2 shoots an arrow and shatters it. "Not up to code!" Frank said. "Dude, stop it!" Y/N shouted, about to attack Frank, but Thomas grabbed her right arm and held her back. Muscle Man growls silently. "Quit messing up my trailer, bro!" He shouted.

"Even this doorknob here." Frank kicks it. "Not up to CODE! This trailer is nothing but a pile." An enraged Muscle Man punches him in the face and he falls. The park members gasp in shock, alongside the assistants, who get ready to beat Muscle Man up. "You're not taking my trailer!" Muscle Man shouted, and the assistants come up. "NO!" Frank wipes his nose. "You get that one for free. Let's ride." He goes back to the vehicle. "I'm coming back for that trailer, and when I do, I'm bringing an army. You're gonna wish you'd never won that hotdog-eating contest!" He drives off.

Muscle Man twirls and throws his shirt. "Whoo-hoo! Eat on that, health department!" He shouted. "What?! Muscle Man, this isn't over! Didn't you hear what the guy said?!" Y/N asked. "She's right. This is no time to celebrate. He's bringing an army!" Benson said. "How are we to stand up to those ruffians?" Pops asked. "One thing I've learned from food-eating contests is: Even when you're at your limit and feel like you're gonna puke your guts out, you never give up! You threaten a man's home, you threaten the man! I don't care how many guys he brings, I'm standing up to that punk! You with me?!" Muscle Man asked, and everyone cheers.

"Good, cause I have a plan." Muscle Man goes inside of his trailer and calls his brother, Muscle Bro. "You there, Muscle Bro?" He asked. "What's up, little brother?" He asked. "I need your help. Bring the truck." Muscle Man said. "Hey, listen up! Those punks think they can keep that trailer from me?! That trailer's mine! To the park!!" Frank said. His henchmen cheer and drive off. "Trailer locked and loaded, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "Locked and ready to go, bro." John said. "Everybody here?" Muscle Man asked. "Everybody except Fives." Rigby said. "Yeah, we should wait."

Mordecai said. "No time. Now you dudes should know this is gonna be dangerous. Ya wanna bail, I'll understand." Thomas raises his hand. "Yeah, Thomas?" Muscle Man asked. "Are we getting overtime for this?" Thomas asked. "Doubt it." Y/N mumbled. "NO!" Benson shouted. "Dude, it's not about overtime." Mordecai said. "Muscle Man, I think I speak for everybody here when I say we're doing this cause we're your friends." He said to Muscle Man, and he was touched. "Thanks, bros." he said. "It's just that Y/N and I don't know him that well, and..." Thomas continued. "THOMAS!!!" Everyone scolded, except for Y/N. Muscle Man sniffs.

"Dude, what do ya smell?" Rigby asked. "Danger. Positions!" Muscle Man said. "Huh. Didn't know that had a smell." Y/N said. Everyone heads to their position. Frank and his men are at the park entrance. "Muscle Man, we have two paths. Down one, you hand over your trailer, we leave peacefully. The other leads to violence and horror." Frank said. "YOU KNOW WHO ELSE LEADS TO VIOLENCE AND HORROR?! MY MOM!!!"

Muscle Man shouted. "Uh, that's not one of our choices." Benson, Pops, Skips, Y/N and Thomas drive up in their vehicles. Benson and Pops in Pops' car, with it's own driver drives; while Skips, Y/N Thomas are in a pick-up truck, with Skips driving. "Hey, you're the most persistent health inspector ever." Benson said. "We're not giving you the trailer." Skips said. "Very well." Frank's henchmen jump out of their vehicles and approach the park workers, who gasp. "Muscle Man, now!" At that moment, an explosion happens. It clears up, and Muscle Man and John drive the truck out through the gates of the park. As they crush one of the vehicles of the henchmen, the other park workers follow suit. Frank sees a border sign.

"Aaaah! They're taking the truck to the border! Stop that truck!" Frank said. Frank and his henchmen roll out. The park workers and John are driving. John and Muscle Man cheer. "Looks like we've got a convoy going! Now remember, the inspector doesn't have any jurisdiction out of state. Guard the trailer, and once we cross the border, we'll be untouchable." Muscle Man said. "Ten four!" Benson shouted. Frank and his henchmen have caught up. One of the henchmen head for the truck. "Hey!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai knocks him out of the way with the cart. "Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm!" Another assistant shoots Skips's vehicle with flaming arrows, but Skips puts it in reverse and destroys him.

"Yeah! Way to go, dudes!" Muscle Man said. They're not far from the border. The helicopter assistant tries to destroy the truck with bombs from above. "Benson! Pops! Take care of the helicopter!" Pops puts his car in flying mode, and flies toward the helicopter while Frank and one of the assistants come around the truck. The helicopter assistant throws more bombs, eventually knocking out Skips, Y/N and Thomas. "Watch out!" Y/N shouted. "Grenades! Woah!" Thomas said. "We're out." Skips said. Benson and Pops have caught up to the helicopter and finally knock it down. "Yeah!" "Yay!" Pops and Benson said. The assistant at the back of a two-passenger vehicle points an arrow gun at the car and shoots a barrel of arrows at it. Pops get oil all over his face from the car.

"Carmenita!" Pops shouted. He and Benson scream as the car flies backwards. "Muscle Man, we're out, too." Benson said. The arrow gunner laughs, but Mordecai then knocks his vehicle out of the way with the cart. "Eat cart, dumpheads!" Rigby said. He and Mordecai shout a loud 'woah!', but find the vehicle has come back on track. They scream as the arrow gunner fires rapidly at the cart, finally popping a tire and eliminating them. "Sorry, dude." Mordecai said.

The two-passenger vehicle heads for the truck. "Not on my watch!" John swerves the truck to the side of the vehicle and destroys it, causing a brief explosion. Emerging from it is a furious Frank. "GIMME THAT TRAILER!" He and he last assistant are at the sides of the truck. Frank screams as they both climb on. John tries to close the window on the assistant, but the assistant puts pressure on the window, causing John to lose his grip.

They both get into a rumble and the assistant pulls John out through the window. "Muscle Bro!" Muscle Man takes the wheel. He sees a sign that says 'Border Up Ahead' "The border!" Frank then comes in and punches him in the face, causing the truck to go off the road to the border. The two are now fighting as they drive towards a cliff. "What's your problem?! You're the most insane health inspector ever!" Muscle Man shouted. "Health inspector? I'm no health inspector!"

Frank shouted. "What?" Muscle Man asked in confusion. Frank reveals himself. "You really don't remember, do you? I'm Frank Jones!" A confused Muscle Man shakes his head. Frank then takes his glasses off. Muscle Man gasps as he remembers him from the hotdog-eating contest. A flashback shows Frank Jones struggling to eat more hotdogs. "I was the runner-up that day." Frank said. "And Frank is out! Look at Mitch! Some kind of water technique." Muscle Man performs the technique and wins the trailer, and Frank is disappointed.

(Back to present.)

"Using water to mush your food is cheating!" Frank shouted. "It's totally," Muscle Man pushes Frank. "Legit! That's how Japan wins all the time!" He shouted. "THIS TRAILER IS MINE!" Both continue fighting until Muscle Man gives in. "You want it so badly? You can," Muscle Man pushes Frank to the door." "Have it!" Muscle Man ties his shirt to the steering wheel. "No!" Muscle Man pulls out the brakes of the truck, jumps out before Frank gets to him, and rolls away. Frank tries to control the truck to no avail. "The trailer!" Frank climbs on top of the truck and opens up the back, only to find a 'Gotcha Dude!' sign. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He goes down with the truck over the cliff, and dies in the explosion. Muscle Man appears, looking down. "Gotcha, bro." The other park workers appear. The park crew don't know that trailer wasn't in John's truck.

"Sorry we couldn't save your trailer, Muscle Man." Y/N said. "You can stay in the house until you find a new vehicle to live in." Pops said. "Guys, it's cool. My trailer's still back at the park!" Muscle Man said. "What?" Everyone asked. "Fives has been guarding it this whole time." Hi Five Ghost comes out of the bushes. "I needed everyone to believe we were driving to the border so the inspector would take the bait. And that punk totally fell for it!" Muscle Man laughs. "Remind me to never touch Muscle Man's stuff." Rigby said. "Seriously, though. You guys really came through for me today. Thanks." John comes out from some bushes looking bruised. "Sorry I'm late. Did we get him?" John asked. "Yeah. We got him, bro." Muscle Man said. "Whooooo!" John hi fives Muscle Man. "Way to go little brother. So, where's my truck?" Muscle Man frowns, and Y/N snickers. "Busted."

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