Gold Watch

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The gang is at Wing Kingdom. "Guys, guys! I'd like to propose a toast. I know I'm the one being honored tomorrow with the gold watch for showing up to work 1,000 consecutive days in a row, but I want you to know: it's actually about you guys," Benson claps. "So thank you." Muscle Man, Fives, Y/N, Thomas, Pops and Skips applaud. "Thanks, Benson. That means a lot." Skips said. "How do you do it? How do you always get to work on time?" Thomas asked. "That is a great question, Thomas.

Did everybody hear that?" Benson gestures at his forehead. "The guy knows how to think. I've gotten this far in life by doing one thing, and that's playing it safe. I set three alarm clocks every night, including," Benson points to his watch. "This one. And then, I leave my toast and coffee out the night before so that it's ready for me when I wake up." He said. "You eat stale toast?" Y/N asked, she sounded a little disgusted. " Yes. And I don't like it, not one bit. But I know that it'll all be worth it the moment that Mr. Maellard honors me with that gold watch." Benson said. "You must want that watch pretty bad, huh?" Fives asked. "Oh, you have no idea how long I've wanted that thing! But tonight, I can finally stand before you guys and say: "I did it!" They all cheer.

"Hey, man, I don't mean to be a Debbie H. Downer here, but don't you think it's a little bit early to be celebrating? I mean, you still have to make it on time tomorrow." Muscle Man said. "He has a point." Y/N said. "Oh, come on, Muscle Man. What could possibly go wrong between now and then?" Mordecai and Rigby show up with two guys. "Hey, Benson. You're not gonna believe this—these guys are celebrating 1,000 of something, too!" Mordecai said. "1,000 test missions." Tango said. "You guys are test pilots?" Y/N asked. "We sure are." Stache said. "Hey, I'm Tango and this is Stache." Tango said. "Wait, but wouldn't you be Stache?" Y/N asked Tango. "No, I'm Tango." He gestures to the other man. "He's Stache." He said. "Okay..." Y/N said. "Why don't you join us for some wings, and we'll celebrate our 1000s together?" Stache asked. "More wings? Benson likey, and I'm Benson!" Benson said. "Are you sure that's a good idea, Benson?" Y/N asked. "She has a point. You don't wanna eat yourself into a food coma again." Skips said.

"Yes. Perhaps you've done enough winging for one night." Pops also agreed. "Look, I can handle it, guys. It's just one round." Benson said. "It's just, uh... well, sometimes people do things they regret on a bellyful of wings." Skips said. "That's all we're saying." Pops said. "Don't worry, guys. I got it under control." Some time later, an alarm sound is heard. The next day in a desert, Benson wakes up and checks his watch. The time is shown to be six a.m. "Ow... my head." He's stranded in the desert with a military jumpsuit strapped to an ejector's seat with a parachute behind it. "What happened to me?"

Benson asked. "What could possibly go wrong between now and then?" Benson remembered asking. "Hey, Benson. You're not gonna believe this—these guys are celebrating 1,000 of something, too!" Mordecai said. "URRRRGH, MORDECAI AND RIGBY!!!!" Benson runs through the desert. "Where am I?" He checks his watch. "Augh! I only have three hours to get back. How am I ever..." He sees a road with a telephone booth on the other side of the desert. "Wait, a road. I'm saved!" He runs up to the phone booth, puts his quarter in, and dials a number. "Come on, come on, pick up." Benson said. "Hello?" Pops asked. "Pops, it's Benson." Benson said. "Oh, Benson; are you okay?" Pops asked. "I'm fine, Pops. Listen, could you put Mordecai and Rigby on so I can scream at them for ruining my life?" Benson asked. "They're not with you? Oh, dear, they didn't come home last night. And neither did Y/N. We're all worried sick!" Pops said.

"What the heck happened last night?" Benson asked. "I'm afraid I don't know." Pops said, and Benson sighs. "Well, whatever it was left me stranded out in the desert. Could you come pick me up?" He asked. "Oh, of course. Where in the desert are you exactly?" Pops asked. "Uh, hold on, let me see." He looks around the desert. "Great." He sees a police car coming. "Oh, a car." A sheriff is seen driving the police car. "Hey! Hey, stop!" The sheriff stops driving and exits his car. The sheriff sniffs. "Can you tell me what road this is?" Benson asked.

"Sure. How about right after you tell me if this hurts or not?" He punches Benson, proceeds to arrest him, and drives away. "Benson? Hello?" At the sheriff's office next to a prison cell, it has Y/N, Mordecai, Rigby, Tango, and Stache in it. "What on earth are you arresting me for?" Benson asked. "Benson, you're alright!" Mordecai said. "You!" Benson said angrily. The sheriff puts Benson behind prison bars. "Ha! Knock yourselves out." The sheriff closes the door as Benson grabs Mordecai by the neck. "What did you do to me?!" Benson asked. "Whoa, whoa! Benson, stop!" Y/N tried to pull Benson away from him. "Do you not.... remember anything?" Mordecai asked. "No!" Benson shouted. "Get off of me and I'll tell you!" Benson lets go of him as he takes a deep breath. "Here's what happened."

(A flashback begins of the night before at Wing Kingdom)

"The wings just kept coming." The guys repeatedly shout "Benson!" as Benson pours a cup of wings into his mouth, except for Y/N who watches worriedly. "Whooooooo!!!!" The guys shouted. "Both of our engines were on fire, but somehow we managed to crash-land right in the middle of a hot-tub party." Stache said. "I wish I was cool like you guys. Instead, I'm being honored tomorrow for 'playing it safe.'" Benson said. "Ouch." Rigby said. "Yeah, that's rough." Stache said.

"If you want to be honored tomorrow with some Grade-A-Guts, you should drive up to the ceremony in the Mach Infinity." Tango said. "Yeah, it's the supersonic car we just test-drove." Stache said. "Seriously?" Benson asked. "I didn't know that car actually existed!" Mordecai said. "Nothing can drive that fast." Benson chuckles deeply. "You'd be taking a big risk, but in a cool way." Stache said. "I don't know, Benson." Y/N said. "You might be risking more than just that gold watch." Mordecai said. Benson pounds on the table. "It's worth it!" Later, Y/N and the guys are outside. Benson is patiently awaiting their instructions in the Mach Infinity.

"Just make sure your lift-to-drag ratio stays level. You don't wanna go into a high-G maneuver." Stache said. "Whooooo! High-G maneuver!" Rigby said. "Alright, here goes." Benson sets the car to drive. Benson starts speeding straight ahead and screams as he goes over the limit. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" Fearing for his life, he yanks a cord and ejects out of the seat, landing out far in the desert. He passes out as the seat comes to a halt. A parachute pops out.

(Flashback ends)

"That's crazy." Benson said. "Yeah. You landed about a mile away, but the car kept going and ended up on the road." Tango said. "Yeah, when we went to go find you, the cop arrested us for speeding." Y/N said. "We even showed him our government clearance card which allows us to speed. But he just ripped it up." Stache said. "He was like, "nyah, nyah"...." Rigby makes tearing motions with his hands. "I'll go try and talk to this guy." Benson walks up. "Uh, hi sir? I kind of have to be somewhere by nine and..." Benson said. "Well, we wouldn't want you to be late, now would we?" The sheriff asked.

"No we wouldn't, sir." Benson said. "Well, son, the soonest I can open that door for you is, uh... 9:01 A.M." Benson bangs his head on the prison bars. "You didn't even look at anything! You just made that time up to be a jerk!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, let us out of here!" Y/N shouted. The sheriff points. "You open your mouth again, pretty boy, and you're getting the hose!" He then points at Y/N. "Same for you, young lady!" He shouted. "That won't be necessary!" Pops said. "Pops!" Everyone said. "How did you find us?" Y/N asked. "Oh, it was quite simple." A flashback begins to earlier, where the sheriff arrests Benson, and a chicken vulture is on top of the police car. "While you we're being arrested, I happened to hear the distinct mating call of a chubby-necked chicken in the background." Pops uses the computer to look for information about the chubby-necked chicken vulture.

"I tried to use your computing device to look up its habitat on the internet." It shows a shirtless man with orange hair and muscles, then Pops covered his eyes, and ran away. "But, I got scared." Thomas was then looking for information about the chubby-necked chicken vulture, while Pops is standing up, looking scared. "So, I called Thomas over, and he found it without any trouble at all." The flashback ends. "That's my Thomas." Y/N said to herself quietly. "Wow, Pops, that's amazing." Benson said. "Now, Officer, allow me to pay you whatever finds they re-crude, and we'll be on our merry way." Pops said. "Are you trying to bribe me, sir?" The sheriff asked. "Bribe?" The sheriff throws Pops in behind the prison bars. "Pops!" The guys said. "Oh come on!" Y/N said. "You can't arrest him for no reason!" Mordecai shouted. "Yeah!" Y/N said. "You think you're above the law?!" Rigby asked. "On this quarter mile stretcher highway, I am the law!" The sheriff picks up a hose and sprays it on them, and then closes the prison door. "Y'all sit tight while I find the bigger hose." The sheriff leaves to get the bigger hose.

Benson sighs. "Well, you ruined my life again." He said. "What?! We have nothing to do with this!" Rigby said. "I woke up in a military jumpsuit, strapped to an ejector's seat. Of course you have something to do with this!" Benson shouted. "Woah, Benson." Stache said. "Nobody put those wings inside you but you." Tango said. "Just because we party like handsome maniacs doesn't mean you didn't have a choice." Tango said. "They have a point, Benson." Y/N said. Benson sighs. "You're right. I decided to take risks and this is the price I pay. We've tried everything but this cop won't listen to reason." Benson said.

"Maybe you can't reason your way out of this one." Tango said. "Maybe the solution is..." Stache said. "...another risk. Ok, I got an idea." The cop comes in with the bigger hose, whistling. He sees only Pops, who is groaning on the ground, and drops the hose. "What in tarnation happened here?!" Pops slowly gets up. "Oh, it was terrible!" The others are hiding and clinging onto Pops head. "They ganged up on me and beat me up before they escaped!" Pops said. "Escaped?!" He unlocks the cell. "Nobody escapes from my-" "now!" Pops shouted. Everyone appears. "What?!" Benson and the gang tackle the sheriff. They are then running out through the door. "I can't believe that worked!" Y/N said. "Yeah. I figured Pops' head would only hide two of three of us tops." Rigby said.

"How much time until the ceremony?" Mordecai asked, and Benson checks his watch. "Less than an hour." Pops points to Carmenita. "We can take Carmenita." He said. "She's too slow!" Tango clears his throat and shows Benson the keys to the Mach Infinity. "It's your only chance, Benson." Stache said. "How bad do you want that watch?" Benson puts his hand out. "More than anything." The others go into Carmenita. "Perfect! Let's go!" Tango throws the keys to Benson. Carmenita takes off. "See you at the ceremony!" Rigby shouted. Benson looks over to the Mach Infinity. The sheriff gets up.

"What?!" He moves to the seat, slamming it, and reveals a compartment with guns, nunchucks, a grenade and other items. He takes the big gun and shoots the cell door open. Meanwhile Benson is trying to start the Infinity. He holds down on a button. "Come on, come on.....yes!" The sheriff runs up to him. "Get out of the car!" As Benson, drives away, the rudder slices off the sheriff's mustache in slow-motion, then the sheriff is knocked down to the ground. Benson escapes through the gate in the Infinity through the desert. "It took me thirty years to grow this thing!" He gets up and starts running. On the road, he is in the police car, shooting his gun out. He tries to hit the Infinity. "What the-?!" Benson thrusts the Infinity forward. It speeds up, heading for 700 kph.

"Where're you goin', boy?!" He pushes a button, and his car's engine powers up some more. While the Infinity is still speeding up, the police car's engine starts catching on fire. The front opens up. "Noooooooo!" He and the car get obliterated. Benson continues to speed in the Infinity as the scene changes to rainy weather. A wing floats in front of Benson. The Infinity finally stops in the park. The time on Benson's watch is 8:59. "Yes! I made it." Benson walks up to the park groundskeepers, Tango, Stache and Mr. Maellard, who are wearing suits and holding umbrellas. Standing with them are some men. "Hey, how did you guys get here before me?"

The park members gasp. "It's a miracle!" Pops said. "Well, I don't know about miracle, but..." Benson said. "You're alive?!" Y/N asked. "Dude, where have you been for the last 3 months?" Mordecai asked. "What?" Benson asked. "What probably happened is that you went so fast, that you actually traveled three months into the future." Tango said. "We all thought you were dead, man!" Rigby said. "Then if this isn't my gold watch ceremony, it's my..." Benson sees a gravestone that says 'Benson "You're Fired" "Memorial service." Skips said. "And who are all of these guys?" Benson asked. "They're applicants for the park manager position. They're waiting until after the service to be interviewed." Benson goes up to his boss. "Mr. Maellard, about the gold watch..." he said. "Uh, I'm gonna have to say no. I've always been a stickler for the rules." He replied. "Hey, man. At least you're not dead." Rigby said. "No!" Benson runs back to the Infinity.

"Without that watch, I am dead." He turns on the Infinity, and puts it in reverse before looking behind. Tango and Stache run after him. "Benson, stop!" They shouted. "The Infinity's reverse gear could tear a hole in space time!" Stache said. "I have to take that chance!" With that, the Infinity zips off. "Now, there goes a man who takes risks." The Infinity is reversing down the road. "Come on!" A screw loosens out, and the glass begins to crack. As it zips out on the ocean, Benson's face appears distorted in slow motion. The Infinity begins to enter spacetime. "I...I never knew." Benson screams as the Infinity reverses around the Earth. He looks at his watch as its reversing in time. "It's..... working!"

He accidentally dismantles the stick shift, and there is a bright spark. Parts of the Infinity begin to break off, and Benson pulls the parachute and screams as he exits space time and stops in front of the ceremony. "Told you he'd make it." Muscle Man said. The boss walks up to Benson with a small red box. "9:00 A.M. on the dot! You did it, my boy." He reveals the gold watch, shining brightly. Benson sighs. "It's beautiful." He said. "I brought us some wings to help us celebrate." Muscle Man said. "Seriously?" Y/N asked in slight disbelief. Benson chuckles. "Sorry, Muscle Man, not this time." He said. "Come on, it's only one wing." Mr. Maellard said. "Well...." Later he is in the middle of the ocean. "Ah, come on!" 

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