Take the Cake

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The groundskeepers are at Pops' House. "This is it, people. The big day." Everyone begins talking to each other, and Benson sighs at this. "Pops?" He asked. "Today is my dad's birthday." Everyone but Pops talks to each other again. "Seriously? Does no one read the emails I send out? " Everyone mumbles in response. "Anyway, everybody knows that Mr. Maellard loves surprises. But they also know that he's impossible to surprise." Benson said. "It must be from his time in the war.

He says he always slept with his eyes open." Pops said, and Benson chuckles. "That's why I've come up with the perfect plan." He flips the chalkboard next to him. It reads 'Fake Surprise' in large white letters. "Bam! 'Fake Surprise'. See, it'll go down like this." He shows what he is planning. "Maellard will show up like...." He and Maellard shake hands. "Hiya, Benson. I'm here to pick up Pops for my birthday dinner." Benson said. "And I'm gonna be all, 'What? I didn't know it was your birthday'." Benson takes Maellard to the snack bar. "That's when I'll take him to the snack bar where," Thomas pops up and gives Benson a cupcake for Maellard. "Bam! Fake surprise." Benson drives Maellard to the house. "He'll be so thrown off by it he won't suspect a thing when I take him to the real party." The groundskeepers are partying.

"Wow, Benson. That was the perfect surprise." He hands Benson a bag of money. "Here's a million dollars." The plan ends, and Benson still continues to narrate what he thinks will happen next. "Gee thanks, Mr. Maellard. You know, it was nothing really." Benson said. Y/N awkwardly clears her throat. "Uh, Benson?" She asked. "Uh, so yeah. That's how we're gonna do it." Benson said, and Pops claps. "Oh, that plan sounds wonderful, Benson." He said. "Alright. Time for your assignments. Skips, set up the table. Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, go buy balloons. Mordecai and Rigby, you're picking up the cake. You too, Y/N." Benson said. "Really?" She asked.

"Yeah. It's prepaid and everything. All you have to do is pick it up." Benson gives Rigby the receipt. "Just give them the receipt and bring the cake back. That's it." Benson said. "Aw, yeah!" Rigby said. "♪Picking up the cake, picking up the cake! Picking up the cake, gonna do it great!♪" the duo rapped, and Y/N snickers. "Just pick up the cake and try not to ruin my big day." Benson said. "I thought it was Maellard's day." Y/N said. "JUST PICK UP THE CAKE!" Later, the trio are at Top Tier Cakes. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby walk in. There's a long line of people. "Man, this place is packed! Why does everyone need a cake so bad?" Rigby asked. Y/N looks at the receipt. "Whoa, check it out. This cake Benson ordered is crazy expensive." She said. "It is?" Mordecai asked, also looking. "$130?!" Rigby asked. "I guess Benson is going all out." Y/N said. "Hey, guys, check out that line." Rigby points at the sign. "Nobody's in it." He said.

"It says "Pre Paid", so yeah; let's do it." Y/N said. "I got my cake, I got my cake!" A man said. As a female customer is about to talk, Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby switch over to the Pre Paid Order stand. "Excuse me, I'm here to pick up a cake." Y/N said. "Oh, if you have a pre paid order receipt, I can get that for you." The employee said. "Yeah, we do!" Y/N said, and the female employee takes the receipt. "Okay, it'll be just a minute." She said. "Excuse me, I was here before they were." A customer said.

"Sorry ma'am, but pre paid customers take priority." She walks away to pick up the cake. "Hey, you three!" Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby look up at her. "That's right, I'm talking to you, bozos. You just cut the line." The woman said. "Uuuhhhh...." Mordecai said. "What? No we didn't." Y/N said. "Yes you did! Get back here and take a number like everybody else." The woman said. "We didn't cut in line. This is the pre paid line." Mordecai said. "Ho, ho. That's a fine excuse for a bunch of LINE CUTTERS!" The woman shouted. "Look, we didn't cut, okay? This is a separate line for people with pre paid receipts." Y/N said. All of the other customers murmur in agreement and start lining up at the pre paid order stand. "But..." the woman said. The female employee returns with a cake box.

"Alright, here you go." She opens the box with a cake inside that says: "Happy b-day Mr. Maellard. "Woaaaaahhhh...." Mordecai and Rigby said. "Also, you guys get our last free cake pastries." She gives the pastries to Rigby. "This is ridiculous! I've been here longer than anybody!" The woman shouted. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but the sign says pre-paid customers get tended to first, so maybe you should learn how to read." The female employee said. "WOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" Rigby and everyone said, and Y/N bursts into laughter. The female customer gets angry. "Haha, okay, thanks for the cake. Bye!" Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby run out with the cake box. They then tie the cake on top of the cart and begin to drive away.

"This job was a piece of cake." Y/N said. "Yeah, it was." Rigby said as he munches on the pastry. "Hahahahahaa." Mordecai and Rigby laughed. "Hand me one of them victory pastries." Mordecai said. "Uuuhhhh...." Rigby said. "Aw, man, did you eat all three of them?" Mordecai asked. "Sorry, the second one just fell in my mouth." Rigby said. "Augh! You're the worst." Suddenly, the female customer from Top Teir Cakes drives up in her car and bumps into the cart. "What the?!" Y/N asked. She growls, and the car roof falls off. " LINE CUTTERS!" She picks up a cake knife. "LINE CUTTERS ARE GONNA GET CUT!" She shouted. "AAAAAHHHH! She's got a cake cutter! Let's get outta here!" Rigby shouted. "Time to shake this cake witch!" Mordecai pumps the gas pedal and passes the green car. She then bumps the green car off the road, and it explodes as they scream and turn to the left. She growls as she sees a Road Closed sign.

"Wait, what does it say? I wish I could read!" She drives past the Road Closed sign and falls into a small hole in the road. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby drive into an alley and accidentally bump into a pothole. The cake box slips off the top of the cart and the cake splatters all over the alley road as they gasp. "Ooooooooooooh! Road cake!" People come out from their hiding places in the alley. They approach the road cake and start mooching off it. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby scream as they run to them. The alley leader's phone rings. "Time for the meeting with accounting!

If we're late, Tokyo will drop the deal! Come on!" They go to their car and drive off. Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby look at the damaged cake. "Oh, boy." Mordecai said. "What're we gonna do?" Y/N asked worriedly. Later at the house, Mr. Maellard rolls up to Benson in his limo. "Hello, Mr. Maellard." Benson said. "Where's Pops? We're gonna be late to my birthday dinner." Mr. Maellard asked. "Birthday? It's your birthday today?" Benson asked. "Yes. But I'm sure you don't have anything planned." Mr. Maellard said. "Benson laughs. "Of course, how could I? I only just now found out about it. Just now. But you know what? I think Pops is at the snack bar. Let me take you there." He said.

"Mmm. Let's go see "Pops at the snack bar." Mr. Maellard said. "Right this way." Mr. Maellard goes to the cart. Benson whips out his walkie talkie. "I'm taking Papa Eagle out to the field. We'll be back at the nest shortly. Do you copy?" Benson asked. "Who's the eagle again?" Skips asked. Benson sighs. "Maellard is the eagle. It was in the email!" Benson grunts and heads off. In the kitchen, CJ and Eileen are with Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby. "Okay. So I get that you don't have enough money for a new cake, but you really don't know how to make one? Isn't it like, one of your food groups?" CJ asked. "Hey! Less judgy, more cakey!" Rigby said. "There's not a lot of time. Can you help us or not?" Y/N asked. "Does angel food cake cool upside down?" Elieen asked.

"Uhh..." Mordecai and Rigby said, and Y/N face palmed. "Yes. The answer is yes." Eileen said. Everyone pitches in to make a new cake. The finished result is a four-layer cake. "You guys are awesome. This is even better than the cake Benson bought. He should be paying us!" Rigby said. "Come on, let's get this outside." Mordecai said. Eileen opens the door for Mordecai and CJ to get the cake outside, but because the cake is too wide, they are not sure how to get through the door. "Uh oh." Y/N said. "Eileen, what did you do? It doesn't fit out the door!" Rigby said. "Hey, I can't do the math if I don't have the whole equation." She said. "Ughhh!" Rigby said. Meanwhile Benson spoke in his walkie talkie. "I'm taking Papa Eagle out to the field. We'll be back at the nest shortly. Do you copy?" He asked.

"Who's the eagle again?" Skips asked. "Maellard's the eagle. It's in the email!" Benson shouted. "He knows I don't do email." Skips said. "Where are Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby?" Fives asked. "Oh, they should have brought the cake by now." Pops said. "Skips sighs. "Let's go find 'em." Back in the kitchen, Pops, Skips, Muscle Man and Fives come inside. "Oh, there you are!" Pops said. "What's the holdup, bros?" Muscle Man asked. "It's not our fault! The cake won't go outside!" Rigby said. "How'd it get inside?" Skips asked. "That's not important!" Rigby said.

"Look, we just need to get it outside before Benson shows up with Mr. Maellard. Does anyone have any ideas?" Y/N asked. No one says anything. "Way to go, dudes. You really messed up big." Muscle Man said. "Yeah. Benson's gonna be really bummed out." Fives said, and Y/N, Mordecai and Rigby groan. "If only there was a way to--outside cake!" Rigby said. "Oh, I might have something, then!" In Pops' room, he gets something out of the closet. "Aha! Here it is!" Pops said. "What is it?" Y/N asked. Pops is holding a box that says "KIMMEL - Handy Dandy Matter Mover" "it's my Handy Home Matter Mover. I got it in the 1950s."

(Flashback to the 1953 World's Fair, where a salesman is promoting the product.)

"Gather 'round! Gather 'round!" A younger Pops observes from the front. "What you see before you will revolutionize how you move things! Let me introduce the Handy Home Matter Mover!" The salesman said. "Oh, my!" Pops said. "Does this sound familiar?" A lady is carrying three kids while standing between a bouquet of flowers and an empty table. "Say the missus wants to put a vase of flowers on the dining room table, but she has her hands full with the kids." The lady turns around in a clueless way. "Hmm." Pops said. "Well all you have to do is key in the coordinates, aim and hit the switch." The machine teleports the vase and kids to the table, but as a result, they appear jumbled up. The crowd seems unimpressed. "I'll take it." Pops said.

(The flashback ends.)

"A teleporter? It's perfect!" Mordecai and Rigby hmph. At the snack bar, Benson is driving Mr. Maellard. Thomas ducks down. "Well, I don't see Pops out here." Mr. Maellard said. "Are you sure? Maybe you should check behind the counter." Thomas clears his throat and pops out with a cupcake. "Surprise!" Mr. Maellard chuckles and takes the cupcake. "That was a good one." Mr. Maellard said. "Heh, right? And you thought I forgot your birthday." Benson said. "Well, it's certainly thoughtful of you to come up with this one surprise for me." Benson laughs. " It's no trouble. One surprise is the least I can do. Let's head back to the house for Pops." They head back to the cart.

"Yes, I'm sure Pops is very lonely waiting all by himself." Mr. Maellard said. "Oh! Oh, wait for me!" Thomas tumbles out of the snack bar and runs off. Back in the kitchen, Y/N is setting up the coordinates on the teleporter. "Are you sure this'll work?" Fives asked. "It looks really old." Muscle Man said. "Okay, I think I got it." Y/N presses a button to start the teleporter, but it activates for a second and powers down. "Uuhh..." Rigby said. "Papa Eagle is coming to the roof. Get the eggs ready." Benson said, and everyone mumbles in panic. "Come on, come on!" Y/n said, trying to start the teleporter. "Hurry up, bro!" Muscle Man said. "I expect that everyone is ready to crack the eggs." Back to Benson, Mr. Maellard and Thomas are in the cart. "Sorry for all the work calls, but we got a real eagle problem at the moment. But anyway, I'm sure Pops is somewhere around here." Benson said.

"I'm sure he is." Benson keeps driving until they reach the party area. "Surpri—" When they see the party area empty, he gets mad. "Can you wait here?" Mr. Maellard gets out of the cart, and he drives off to look for the gang. "Whoa!" Thomas said. Back in the kitchen, Skips sets the coordinates on the machine. "I think I almost got it." He said. Benson and Thomas enter the kitchen. "Gaahh!!" Benson said angrily. "Oh, there you guys are." Thomas said. "Did I not make myself perfectly clear?! Papa Eagle is out there and NO CAKE AND NO GUESTS!! What PART of "surprise party" do you NOT UNDERSTAND?!" Benson shouted. "It'll be fine.

We just had a few setbacks. There was this angry woman..." Y/N began. "And these shaggy-looking business guys..." Rigby continued. "But CJ and Eileen helped us to make this better cake. It's just a little too big to get out the door." Mordecai said. "But now we got this teleporter, so—" Rigby said. "Are you kidding me?! I've had this whole surprise party planned out, AND NOW THERE'S NO SURPRISE!!!" Benson shouted. "But the teleporter—" Y/N began. Benson snatches the teleporter. "FORGET THE TELEPORTER!!!" He shouted. "No! We can still save the party!" The four wrestle over the device teleporter which finally goes off and the teleports the cake and everyone else out of the room. Back at the party area, the wind blows off the tablecloth off the table as Mr. Maellard is still standing.

"This is how they throw a birthday party? THERE'S NO ONE HERE! This is how they treat me... after all I've done for them?" Mr. Maellard sighs; quietly. "It's lonely at the top." He sheds a tear. The cake appears in the sky as The Flower Duet by Lakme plays and it starts to fall. Mr. Maellard turns and sees the cake fall and it lands on the table as frosting splats on his face and everyone pops out of the cake. "Surprise!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Ah... ah..." Mr. Maellard said. "Papa is so surprised he doesn't know what to say!" Pops said. Everyone cheers until Mr. Maellard passes out. Mr. Maellard is now in a hospital bed where he wakes up. "That was the best birthday surprise of my life! Where am I?" He asked. "You're in the hospital." Pops said. "You've been in a coma for three weeks." Mordecai said. "Sir, we are so sorry." Y/N said. "What do you have to be sorry about? I've always wanted to be in a coma. I'm impressed you figured out what to get the man that has everything. This birthday really takes the cake." Mr. Maellard and Pops laugh.

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