A Skips in Time

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There is a tornado warning being heard on the radio. "This is an emergency alert. A freak storm is moving towards the city. Citizens are advised to stay in." The announcer said. Techmo is taking pictures. "Haha, yes! Wait till the followers of my extreme weather blog see this." Through the camera lens, multiple things are seen flying around the tornado, then a hot air balloon comes into view. "What the?" Techmo zooms in and sees a man in the hot air balloon.

He then sees something else, something that looked like a small figure falling. He couldn't see who the figure was though. "Oh, no." Back at the park, Benson is getting everyone into the basement. "Okay everybody, this is not a drill. The tornado is gonna hit us in minutes, go, go, go!" Benson shouted, using a megaphone. "Wait up!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby shouted, as they come around the corner. "Whoa, you guys actually got the emergency supplies?" Benson asked. "We got every kind of pizza pouch son!" Rigby said. "Pepperoni pizza pouch, sausage pizza pouch, pepperoni sausage pizza pouch." Mordecai said. "All you brought were pizza pouches?!"

Benson asked angrily. "Well, yeah. Check this out though, tornado ready pizza pouch." Mordecai said. "I'll yell at you later. Now get in!" The hot air balloon is seen crashing into the trees and the person is seen falling to the ground. "Oh my gosh!" Benson shouted. Then another person falls towards them and lands far from the other. (Y/n), Benson and Rigby run to the two. "Hey, what's going on?" Skips asked. "Someone just ate it in the trees!" Mordecai said.

Mordecai and Skips run to help (Y/n), Benson and Rigby. "Rigby, you carry the small one. Lift!" The others lift the man, before bringing them into the basement and close the basement doors. "Spread out, spread out!" Skips shouted. They set the guy and girl down and Mordecai pulls the hat up; it reveals that the guy is a yeti, he is a complete lookalike of Skips, but much younger.

Skips gasps in shock and disbelief and goes up to him. "Skips, who is that young rapscallion?" Pops asked. "It's me." Skips said, and everyone gasps as the lights go out. The tornado passes and the park is wrecked from the storm. "So you're teenage Skips from the 18th century?" Muscle Man asked. "Tis true, but my name is Walks." Walks said.

"He's from before I changed my name to Skips." Skips said. "Then who's that?" Muscle Man asked, pointing to the smaller figure. "That I don't know." Skips shakes his head. "Is she okay? She still hasn't woken up yet." Rigby said worriedly, going over to the figure. But then they hear a few grunts from her. "Wait hang on, I think she's waking up now." Mordecai said.

The girl stood up, she seemed to be the same height as (Y/n). Her eyes opened and she looks around in confusion. "Hey, are you alright?" Rigby asked her with concern as he helps her stand up. "What happened?" Mordecai asked. "Mordecai, Rigby? Is that you?" She asked weakly. (Y/n)'s eyes widen at this. "How do you know our names?" Rigby asked in confusion. "I..." she tried to explain her situation, but then tears began to run down her face. Everyone watches in confusion. "What's going on here, bro?" Muscle Man asked in confusion. Thomas gasps slightly in slight realization.

"Wait a minute..." he said. Benson steps forward. "Who are you?" He demanded. "And why do you sound so much like..." He began, and the gang gasp once her hood is pulled back. (Y/n) was frozen in shock. It was her. Another (Y/n). "No..." she said in shock and horror. "(Y/N)?!" Everyone asked in shock and disbelief. "This is insane." Mordecai said. "It's... it's (Y/n)!" Rigby then turns to point at their (Y/n). "But you're (Y/n)! How... Are you from the past too?" Rigby asked, and everyone looks at the other (Y/n) curiously, but she shook her head.

"But if you're not from the past, then that must mean you..." Mordecai's eyes widen and he gasps. "Yes, I came from the future." She replied, and her friends all looked shocked. "The future?!" Everyone shouted in surprise. "Whoa, no way! How far ahead? Is the future really cool like in all of the movies?!" Rigby asked with excitement. Multiple people in the room face palm or shake their head and Mordecai punches Rigby. "OW!" He shouted. "Dude, come on! Try and be a little considerate! She obviously just came back from something traumatizing!" He scolds. "Sorry..." Rigby rubs his sore head. "How did you both get here?" Benson asked. "I was with my friend Samson, and we were engaging in my favorite pastime. Stormchasing." Walks said.


A storm and a tornado are being approached by two hot air balloons. Walks laughs. "What a thril!" He said. "Wait'll the readers of my bog book see this!" Samson said, drawing the tornado. "Samson! Tis' unfortunate to be your log book, I'm flying closer to the tornado, or my name isn't Walks! Tally ho!" Walks flies into the tornado. "Walks, no! You are a novice!" Samson shouted.


"You are a novice!" And that's the last thing I remember." Skips said. "Well, what about you?" Rigby asked future (Y/n). She frowns. "I just accidentally got sent to the wrong timeline." She said. "I don't know how you're both here, but if we don't return you to the past Walks, a whole chain of events will never happen." Skips said. "What are you on about?" Walks asked. "In the years after the balloon incident, you change your name, meet some giant baby, yadda yadda yadda, and spoiler alert: you become immortal. If you're here, that will never happen.

In 24 hours, time is gonna catch up to me and I'll age rapidly and die! As for you," Skips turns to future (Y/n). "You staying here probably isn't the best thing either. We need to get you back to your timeline." Skips said, and her eyes widened at this. "No!" She shouted, surprising everyone, and they turn to look at her in shock. "Look, I... I made a mistake! And I need to go back and fix it. If you send me back to my actual timeline it'll be too late. You have to send me back to before it happened." Future (Y/n) said. "To before it?" Rigby asked. "But won't that mess up the timeline?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, that doesn't sound like a good idea..." Thomas said.

"I know it's risky, but trying to fix this couldn't be any worse than what I've done." Future (Y/n) said. "What did you do that was so bad?" Mordecai asked softly. Her friends all look at her with concern and she shakes her head. "I... I don't think I should tell you." She said. "What?! Why not?" Rigby asked. "I don't want any of you to get involved!" She shouted, startling everyone. "This is MY problem, not YOURS!" Future (Y/n) shouted angrily. "Don't be ridiculous!" Rigby snapped, and future (Y/n) turns to him in surprise. "You're our friend, remember?

Which means your problems are our problems too! Maybe if you told us what it is we could help you!" Rigby shouted. "He's right you know, don't you think you should have more faith in your friends, future me?" (Y/n) smiles at her, and so does everyone else. "Am I really lecturing myself right now?" Future (Y/n) asked with a chuckle. "Look, the reason I don't want you getting involved is because it's too dangerous." She said. Skips sighs before turning to the duo.

"Eh, don't you guys have a time machine?" He asked. "Sure, we had a bunch of 'em. But Mordecai broke 'em over a girl who doesn't feel the same way." Rigby said, and (Y/n) sighs. Mordecai punches him. "Ow!" Future (Y/n) giggles, as (Y/n) shakes her head. "Classic Mordecai and Rigby." Future (Y/n) said. "You can say that again." (Y/n) said. "You know, we really should get you back. I don't know if I can handle the amount of sass coming from two (Y/n)s." Rigby said, and everyone snickers, Thomas even laughs a little at that.

"Too much for you, huh?" (Y/n) asked with a smirk. Muscle Man is reading a newspaper. "How about you, Muscle Man? You tend to know a guy." Skips said. Muscle Man yawns. "Yeah, I know a guy with time machines. He's real good. His dad basically invented 'em." Muscle Man said. "Alright, so what are we waiting for?" Benson asked. "You got cash?" Muscle Man asked. "I'll do you one better." Benson shows Muscle Man a cheque book. "You know who else is easily impressed by cat cheques?" Muscle Man asked.

"Your mom?" Future (Y/n) asked dully, and the others snicker. "Hey! Don't say it like that, you'll ruin it!" Muscle Man shouted angrily. He then continues the joke anyway. "My mom!" Muscle Man and Fives laugh and hi five. They walk out with Benson. "Alright! You guys go, we'll keep an eye on Walks and Future (Y/n)." Skips said. "This grows tiresome. What's say we have a bit of fun? You there, what do you enjoy doing?" Walks asked. "I like to read." Skips said. He hands Walks a book. It's called Upkeep and Repair of Phonographs. "Ugh. Whatever events led me to be such a bore I hope to never find out." Walks spits on the book and hands it back. "Hey, lay off! Skips is cool!" Mordecai said.

"Yeah, you should see the work he does!" Rigby said. "Work?" Walks asked. "General upkeep, repairs, landscaping, manual labour, helping people around the park." Walks suddenly gets up. "Helping people? I'll never help people." He starts running off. "My name is Walks, as in Walks never helps people!" Walks said. Skips blocks the doorway. "You can't leave! You and future (Y/n) need to stay here!" Skips shouted. "Why do you arrest me so?" Walks asked. "If you learn too much about our time, you could alter history." Skips said. "Nonsense." He tries to go through, but Skips still blocks him. "Release me!" Walks shouted. "It's for your own good!" Skips shouted. "Ye be not my father!" He gives up.

"To think I should turn into you. A doddering old fool with no sense of adventure. I'll never change my name to Skips." Skips winces for a bit. "What a jerk." (Y/n) said. "It's okay, you can't help being like this. You'll grow out of it one day." Walks just spits, shrugging it off. He goes over to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are playing a video games with future (Y/n) watching the trio. "Hey there, chaps. Pray tell, uh, what are you doing?" Walks asked. "Playing video games." Mordecai said.

"We thought it would help cheer up (Y/n)." Rigby said. "Which one?" Walks asked. The duo pause for a moment, look at each other awkwardly, then continue playing without answering. Walks holds up the game called "Hot Air Balloonerz 5000". "My word!" He said. He sits down next to them. "Yeah, man. Give it a try." Mordecai said. He gives Walks the controller. Walks starts playing the game. "Unbelievable! This device...is it powered by hot air as well?" Rigby takes out a pizza pouch. "Totally. Here, slam one of these." Walks is given the pizza pouch. He opens it and begins eating.

"Tally-hooooooo! This is the future I can get behind!" Skips groans as future (Y/n) glances at her present self nervously, wondering if this was such a good idea. "Are you alright?" Pops asked. Skips covers his face. "Uh, yeah. I'll be fine." When he uncovers his face, it has aged. Pops screams at this. "What?" Skips asked. Pops takes out a lollipop and shows it like a mirror, and Skips sees his reflection. "No, no! The timeline is catching up." Muscle Man, Fives and Benson return. "No go, bro. Turns out my boy went back in time and bumped into his dad, and then his parents never met.

I guess he faded from existence or something. You know how it goes." Muscle Man said. "What?!" Future (Y/n) asked in panic. "Now what do we do?" (Y/n), her future self, Mordecai and Rigby appear through the hallway. "We've got some ideas." Mordecai said. "Then please, share." Future (Y/n) said. "We can order one. It only takes six weeks to ship. Or was is six months?" Rigby asked. "Six months?! I don't think you guys understand! I can't be stuck here for six months! I won't be able to fix my mistake and help you guys!" Future (Y/n) shouted furiously. "The only way is to catch up to the storm. Send us back the way we came." She said.

"I was totally about to suggest that." Rigby said. "Yeah. Let's do that." Mordecai said said. "What?! That sounds a bit extreme, don't you think?" (Y/n) asked. "It's the only way, (Y/n)." Her future self replied, and she sighs. "But it's impossible without state-of-the-art storm chasing equipment." Skips said. "Oh, I've got some." Pops holds it up. "No. There's only one person who has what we need, and I don't even know if he still chases storms." Skips said. As if on cue, Techmo opens the door. "Did you see it?" He asked. "Techmo!" Skips said.

"Samson!" Walks said. "When I saw the balloon, I knew to come here." He replays the scene from the camera on his arm. "Oh no, Skips' balloon. I need to go to the park." Techmo said. "So you know about the tornado?" Mordecai asked. "Timenado." He corrected, and at this, future (Y/n) flinches slightly, and everyone notices. "Hey, are you okay?" Rigby asked her with concern. "I'm fine..." "I was with Walks when he caught in the 1700s." He projects a screen with his eye. "It was the baddest storm we ever chased. And now it's back." Techmo said.

"You're a technomancer and a storm chaser?" Rigby asked. "Yes." He replied. "Could you be any cooler?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) chuckles. "Does having a panini maker in my arm answer your question?" He reveals it. "Oh yeah, that definitely answers the question." (Y/n) said. "There'll be plenty more time to compliment me later. We got a timenado to catch." Techmo said. "Tallyhoooo!" Everyone except for future (Y/n) said. Outside, Muscle Man, Fives, Thomas, Pops and Benson wave as the Delerean DMC-12 takes off toward the timenado with Mordecai, Rigby, (Y/n), future (Y/n), Skips, Walks and Techmo inside.

"What matter of carriage is this? Where have you hidden the horses?" Walks asked. "Uh, it's a secret." Mordecai said. Behind him and Rigby, Skips' chair turns around. He falls to the ground, stable and still aging. "Skips!" Everyone shouted. The (Y/n)s, Mordecai, Rigby, and Walks go to him. "Mordecai, I need you to take the console." Techmo said. Mordecai does so.

Rigby and Walks continue to support him. "Dude, he's fading." Rigby said. "Talk to him!" Techmo shouted. "Uhh, stop dying, you old fool!" Walks shouted. Skips groans, and future (Y/n) slaps Walks. "Ow! What the heck?!" He asked. "Not like that, you idiot!" She scolds, and Mordecai chuckles. "Looks like (Y/n) hasn't changed a bit." He said to Rigby. "Yup, still the same as always, an annoying chipmunk." Rigby said, crossing his arms,

and both (Y/n)s turn to glare at them. "What was that?!" They both asked in sync. Rigby quickly put his paws up in surrender. "Uh..." he said nervously. "Nothing!" Mordecai said quickly. "Uh, Skips, remember when I was possessed by a computer virus, and then we had an epic sledgehammer battle?" Techmo asked. Skips laughs weakly. "What? Did that really happen?" Walks asked. "How about when you defeated Klorgbane with the Fists of Justice?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, that was awesome." 

Skips said. "Or, or, when you saved our skins by being mind-blowingly heroic? Which is like, every day." Rigby said. "Huh. Perhaps you aren't as meek as I thought." Walks pats Skips. "Eh, nice work." Skips smiles and closes his eyes. Mordecai is looking through the radar. "Techmo, it's moving into delta quadrant!" He shouted. "Roger." Techmo takes a right turn. "Talk to me" Techmo said. "North east!" Mordecai said. Techmo drives off the road and on the shore. (Y/n), Rigby, Skips and Walks scream. Techmo eventually gets back onto the road. "Timenado visual confirmed!" Techmo said. "Whooooaaa." (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Skips and Walks said.

They approach the timenado. Many objects are revolving around the timenado. Techmo swerves his car as some objects nearly hit him. It is now ahead of the timenado. "Proceed with Phase 2." Mordecai pushes a button, causing the car's boot to burst open, revealing a hot-air balloon. The sunroof is also open. "Alright, Walks! Future (Y/n), once you're in your balloons, present you, Mordo and Rigs'll ease you into the core of the timenado! You'll find portals to your home there! And we'll send you back a few minutes before like you wanted!"

Techmo said the last part to Future (Y/n), who nods. As Techmo says this, Walks and future (Y/n) listen while (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby put up a ladder for the balloon, the former climbing up through the sunroof. Walks approaches the near-ending Skips. "Skips, I can tell that living our life will be the greatest adventure of all, but I'm still not changing my name." Walks said. "You just gotta..." Skips inhales. "Meet the right girl." He said. Walks smiles and pats Skips before heading off. He bumps into a box of pizza pouches that tumble out. He licks his lips at the sight.

Future (Y/n) then approaches her present self. "(Y/n), before I go, I should warn you, I can't tell you exactly what'll happen in the future, but I'll say this. You will face challenges, and friendships will be tested, but whatever happens, you have to promise me three things. Stay strong, never give up, no matter how hopeless things may seem. And don't let go of your friends. Promise?" She asked. The trio seemed shocked at first, then smile at her. "Promise." (Y/n) said. "Yeah dude, and don't worry! We're her best friends, which means we'll be by her side no matter what." Rigby smiles. Mordecai nods in agreement.

"We won't let you down." He said, and future (Y/n) smiles. "I know." The quartet are at the balloon. Walks comes climbing through the sunroof. "Walks! What took ya?" Mordecai said. "Nothin'!" He runs into the hot air balloon, his arm over his jacket. Mordecai notices this. "Hey! Do you have something under your jacket?" He asked. "Art thou a judge? Am I on trial here?"

Future (Y/n) snickers at this. A pizza pouch falls out of his jacket and Rigby gasps. "Dude! Our pizza pouches!" Mordecai and Rigby jump into the balloon, and (Y/n) gasps, then jumps in after them along with her future self. Rigby puts down the control. "Hand 'em over and nobody gets-" Walks punches Rigby, causing his elbow to hit the "release" button, releasing the balloon, connected to a wire with (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Walks on it as it flies around the Timenado. Techmo notices an error.

"What the..." he said. "Auto-pilot." Techmo runs out of his seat as Skips gasps weakly, then Techno jumps out of his car and sees the balloon flying around the Timenado. "What a mess!" Techmo said. A viking boat falls and gets tangled up with the wire as Walks touches the lever to make the balloon go higher. Techmo draws out his sword, hops on the viking boat and cuts the wire off, making the balloon go into the Timenado as Techmo's car stops. As the balloon gets inside the Timenado, a giant crystal at the center of the Timenado creates portals through time.

"Oh no..." future (Y/n) said. "Look!" Walks points to a portal to the 1700s where Samson is on his hot air balloon looking for Walks. "Walks! Walks!" He sees Walks. "Walks!" A Great Sphinx head hits the balloon, causing it to knock Walks off, but (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby grab him as the 1700s portal is slowly closing. "We don't have much time! Hurry!" Future (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby swing Walks to the portal, sending him through the portal back to the 1700s and Walks lands on Samson's hot air balloon as the portal closes. Skips returns to normal age. Next another portal opens back to her timeline. "There's my timeline!" Future (Y/n) shouted.

"What're you waiting for?! Go!" (Y/n) shouted. Without hesitation, her future self leaps into the portal before it closes. "Can this thing fly?" Skips asked his friend. "Does this answer your question?" Techmo asked. Techmo presses the "yes" button as his car flies to the Timenado to save (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are still in it. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream as the trio hang on to Walks' hot air balloon, a portal opens to reveal a high school as past versions of Mordecai and Rigby walk by and notice it. "Dude, check out this portal, dude. It looks like older us." Past Mordecai said. "It's us in high school!" Mordecai said.

"No! Anything but that!" Rigby shouted desperately. "Help us!" (Y/n) shouted. Techmo's car flies into the Timenado as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are about to be sucked into the portal, but Skips saves them and the car flies back to the park. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby get out of the car. "Thanks, Skips." (Y/n) breaths in relief. "No problem, kid." Once they land, the trio get out and wave at Skips as he approaches his friend. "Thanks, Techmo." Skips then said to his friend.

"Hey, now we're even." Skips gets out of the car as Techmo drives off as the techno remix of "Yankee Doodle" plays briefly before the car disappears. "Everyone, Skips and (Y/n) are back!" Pops announced. He, Benson, Muscle Man, Fives and Thomas run up to them. "Thank goodness you're both alright." Pops said. "Good to have you back, guys." Benson said. benson shakes Skips' hand, then (Y/n)'s. "Don't go almost dying on me again, bro." Muscle Man said to Skips. "Eh, I'll see what I can do." Skips said, and (Y/n) chuckles at this, but then she looks rather worried. "You okay, (Y/n)?" Thomas asked her with concern.

"Yeah, I just... something future me said has really been bothering me." She said. "Which is?" Thomas asked. "What mistake did I make? And why was I so desperate to fix it?" She asked, and her friends gasp, then think hard about her question. "Do you think it's possible that..." Rigby began, but (Y/n)'s eyes widen in horror. "I created the timenado?!" She asked, and her friends' eyes widen as they gasp. "What?! No! I wasn't going to say that at all! Why would you ever do something like that?!" Rigby asked. "I don't know! But I have a bad feeling!" (Y/n) shouted.

"What if that was my mistake?!" She asked frantically. "But (Y/n), I see no reason why you would want to do something like that." Mordecai said. "Yeah, it just makes no sense." Thomas said, but (Y/n) was still panicking. "That was it, wasn't it? That's what I did! What have I done?! I could've messed up so many timelines! I could've killed Skips!" (Y/n) had her paws over her head in panic as she scolds herself, and her friends look at each other with concern before Thomas runs over to her. "Hey, hey! (Y/n), snap out of it!" He grabs her paws and she turns to look at him.

"Stop it! Okay? We have no proof of that!" Thomas shouted, trying to comfort her. "But..." (Y/n) protested, and Thomas sighs. "Look, maybe you created the timenado, and maybe you didn't. But that doesn't matter right now. That was in the future, (Y/n). So don't worry about that right now, just enjoy the present, okay?" He asked. "He's right you know, there's no point in worrying about something that hasn't even happened yet." Skips said. "Exactly. You'll just be miserable forever then." Benson agreed. "But it will STILL happen!" (Y/n) said.

"It doesn't matter. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it." Rigby shrugs. "Yeah, and no matter what happens, we'll face it together, okay?" Mordecai asked, and Rigby smiles and nods in agreement, and (Y/n) smiles. "Yeah..." Skips smiles too. "(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, come with me." Skips said as the trio are about to walk away. Later at Skips' house, Skips opens his attic with ladders coming out of it and they climb up the attic.

"Uh, let me get the light." Skips turns on the light to reveal ancient artifacts from his travels around the world. "Whoa!" The trio said. "Skips, this is incredible. You kept mementos from all of your adventures?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. But this one's for you guys." Skips hands over a picture to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby of Walks and the Guardians of Eternal Youth eating pizza pouches and writing that says "Thanks (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. Tally-ho!" And (Y/n) smiles.


A/n: I know that in the show the Timenado only opened portals from the past, but I'm changing that for the sake of this story

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