Benson's Car

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The trio are sitting on the couch watching TV. Rigby is eating chips. "Aw, yea-yuh! Time for some Zombie Pep Squad." Mordecai said. "I heard this movie has the world record for most stings in a movie ever!" Rigby said. "You heard right." (Y/n) said, she turns on the movie. "What do you say we ditch the party and head on up to Make Out Point?" The boy in the movie asked. "OK, but..." the girl opens a locker to find a zombie girl leaning out, growling. A sting plays. "Here we go." (Y/n) said.

"Relax, babe." He suddenly grows fangs and hisses, making the girl scream. A group of zombie girls gang up behind and surround her as multiple stings play. "Hey, dudes, can you pause it for a sec? I'm gonna go get some chips." Rigby said. "No way! It'll ruin the flow." Mordecai said. "Dude, just pause it for a sec!" Rigby said. "No!' Mordecai said. "But I'm starving!" Rigby tries to take the remote.

"Still?" (Y/n) asked him. "Yeah, you just ate six bags of chips." Mordecai said. "And now I need more." Rigby said. "In a minute!" Mordecai said. As they struggle for the remote, Mordecai slips on a chip bag. The remote flies out of his hand and through an open window. A crash is heard. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby rush to the window and stare in shock.

The remote crashed into the windshield. They run outside to the car. "Oh no, no! What did you idiots do?!" (Y/n) scolded her friends. "Benson's windshield! This is not good. What are we gonna do?" Mordecai asked. "Maybe he won't even know it was us. It could've been anybody. Pops, Skips, Thomas. Yeah, let's pin it on Thomas!" Rigby said. (Y/n) turns to glare at Rigby for that and he shudders slightly. "No way, Rigby. We're not pinning this on Thomas. Besides, the poor guy gets enough abuse from Muscle Man." (Y/n) said. "Ooh, what's this? Got some feelings for him, (Y/n)?" Rigby smirks and (Y/n) hits him on the head.

"Ow!" He glares at her, then continued. "I mean you must since you defended him so quickly. That must be a sign that you like him. Why don't you get some guts to actually ask him out." (Y/n) hits him on the head again, harder, giving him a furious look. "OW!" "Guys, enough!" Mordecai scolded angrily, glaring at his best friends. "He started it." (Y/n) huffs and crosses her arms and Rigby scoffs. "If we don't get this fixed before Benson finds out, he's gonna fire us." Mordecai said.

"Aw, man! And I still don't have chips." Rigby said. "Yeah, we should've paused the movie." Mordecai said. "Oh sure, now he admits it." (Y/n) said. The trio are now searching through Benson's office. "Keep looking. Benson's car keys have to be here somewhere." Mordecai said, and Rigby snaps. "His jacket." He said. "Dude, of course!" Mordecai said, and (Y/n) sighs. "Dudes are you sure this is a good idea?" She asked. "Would you rather get fired?" Rigby asked her, and she sighs. "Fair point." "Hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm!" Mordecai and Rigby said.

They are about to reach into Benson's jacket hanging on the door when he suddenly enters the room, carrying a box. "What the?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby gasp. "What are you doing in my office?" Benson asked. "Uh, nothing." Mordecai said. "We were doing nothing." Rigby said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Did you do that thing I asked you to do?" Benson asked. "Thing? Uh, we were gonna do that thing." Mordecai said. Rigby nods. "Totally gonna do the thing." He said. "Could you just give us instructions, though? Just having a hard time getting started." (Y/n) said.

"You need instructions for raking?" Benson asked. "Oh fuc..." (Y/n) began. "Yes!" Her best friends shouted. Benson walks to the window and gestures to the rake outside. "You see that raky thing out there? Pick it up and rake with it!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby glance at the jacket. "Uh, actually, could you show us? We're more visual learners." (Y/n) said, and Benson sighs and begins to demonstrate. "You walk over to some leaves, take your hands, grab the rake..." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby go 'Hmm!' as they inch closer to the door. "...and then you raaake the leaves. You raaake the leaves." They start to reach into the jacket. "Hey! What are you doing back there?" Benson asked. "Oh! Um, we can see better from here." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, so we can get the whole..."

Rigby trails off. Benson turns red. "Leave!" Benson runs and pushes them out the door. "Uh, thanks, Benson!" Mordecai said. "Dude! Yeah, man! Really helpful." The trio are shut out and Benson sighs. They are now outside in the window's view as Benson watches them. "Hey, Benson! Like this, right?" (Y/n) starts to rake. "Yeah, real good. Are we done? Got a lot of work to do here." Benson said. Rigby sneaks open the door and takes Benson's keys out of his jacket. The trio are later at the autobody shop with the car.

"Mm-hm, mm-hm. Uh-huh, uh-huh. Uh-huh. Uhhh-huh! Yep, yep. Broken windshield." Roger said. "Wow, we got a real Sherlock Holmes here everybody." (Y/n) said sarcastically, and her friends snicker. "We know that!" She then snapped. "How much?" Rigby asked. "Eh, I'll do it for...300 bucks." Roger said. "We can't afford that. How 'bout 65?" Rigby asked.

"You dare come into my store with an offer like that? I'm an artiste! Get outta here!" Roger walks away and (Y/n) groans. "Nice going, Rigby." She said. Later back at the park, Mordecai drives the car behind a bush. He, (Y/n) and Rigby walk outside of it. "Dude, we'll just hide the car here while we figure out a Plan B." He said. A police siren is heard and Muscle Man is using a metal detector with Hi-Five Ghost, and Benson is speaking to two police officers. "This can't be good." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, the old kind of station wagon." Benson said. "Oh! Uh, hey, Benson. What's going on?" (Y/n) asked as she and her friends walked up to Benson.

"My car is missing." Benson said. "Or maybe you never had one in the first place?" Rigby asked sheepishly and Mordecai punches him. "Ow!" He said. "Not likely, Rigby. That car is the most important thing I own. So, officers, when you find it-" Benson said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! We'll keep an eye out for it but..." the officer whistles. "Hm." He said. "What is that? Does that mean you'll find my car?" Benson asked. "Let's just say you're gonna wanna get a bus pass." Both officers laugh as they walk to their car and drive away. "Lousy cops. I'm going inside." Benson said.

"Are you all right, Benson?" (Y/n) asked with concern. Benson walks up the steps to the house. "I'm fine." He said. "Dude, this is awesome!" Rigby said. "What is?" Mordecai asked. "Benson says he's fine, so if we just ditch the car, we're off the hook!" Rigby said. "No, Rigby. Look at him." (Y/n) said. Benson is in a room, breaking furniture in anger. "We need to fix this." She said. The trio go to see Muscle Man. "I knew it was you losers! Where'd you stash the car?" He asked. "Please don't say anything, Muscle Man!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, Benson can't find out." Rigby said. "Show me the damage or I talk." Muscle Man uses the metal detector to inspect the car. "Woo-hoo! Yeah, I really hit the motherload over here!" He said.

"Come on, dude! Just help us find someone who can fix it for cheap." (Y/n) said. "Ugh. Here, hold my gear, and don't even look at my chips." Rigby glares while holding the detector. Muscle Man hops on the car and looks at a crack. "Hmm. Yeah, this is polyvinyl butyl laminated breeze resistant glass. But don't worry. I know a guy who'll fix it for real cheap." Muscle Man said. Benson is in his office with the lights turned off and he's looking through the blinds of a window. A man enters the room.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice. Please have a seat." Benson drinks from his mug as the man sits down. "Oh, and could you get the light?" The lights are turned on and Benson sits down. "Thanks, Bring 'Em Back Jack." He said. "No problemo." Jack said. "I've never hired a bounty hunter before. Just curious, though. Are you really from the future like your ad says?" Benson asked. "Huh, huh!" Jack shows a bronze casing around his arm with multiple weapons inside. The letters V.I.C.K.I are written in red on it "I got a voice activated future gun here. Hello." He said. "Hello, Jack." She said. "VICKI, silent mode. See? VICKI stands for Voice Input Calling and Killing Instrument." Jack said. "Whatever. Can you track down the scum that stole my car or not?" Benson asked.

"Heck, yeah, brah! I just need half my payment up front, half when you get your car back, and I only ask one more thing. That I can do whatever I want to the perps when I find them. See in the future, violence is outlawed." Jack said. "Fine. Just get my car back." Benson said. "That'll be 500,000 dollars." Jack said. "Now, I do have an internet coupon." Benson hands the coupon to Jack. It reads, "New costomer offer! Your first bounty $500". "In the future, internet coupons are also outlawed, but since we're in your time, I guess I'll honor it." Jack said.

"Great. Here's half. 250 dollars." Benson said. "You're lucky I like fantasy violence in adult situations so much." Jack walks out the room to outside the house. He jumps off the porch and onto the ground. "VICKI, analyze clue." He said. Vicki sends three red lasers to inspect the ground while Jack moves around. "Broken glass. Dirt. Dirt. Tire tracks." She said. "Bingo." Jack said. Now at nighttime, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are with the car. They're somewhere in the city, near a parking lot. "Are you sure this is the place? This place is way off the sticks, dudes." Rigby said. "This is where Muscle Man's instructions say to wait. Oh, and we gotta signal." (Y/n) said. She flashes the car's headlights three times.

"Dude, nothing happened." A truck's headlights turn on as a man drives up next to them. The truck is holding a bunch of windshields in the back. The man sniffs. "You Armond?" Mordecai asked. "You have 60 bucks?" Armond asked. (Y/n) hands the money to him. Armond takes it and hops out of the truck's window to inspect Benson's windshield. "Dude, can you fix it?" Rigby asked.

Armond sniffs the car and the remote deeply. "Gimme 1 hour." He said. The trio smile. Meanwhile back at the autobody shop, Jack is recording a drawing of what Roger is describing of the trio. "They weren't real with it. Oh, a little on the pointy side." He said. "Hm, these the guys?" Jack shows his drawing, albeit poorly made. "Eh..." Roger said.

"Don't worry. VICKI's got it covered." He brings out VICKI and it scans the drawing. It then shows a hologram of (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Targets identified. (Y/- n) Morde-c-ai and Ri-by." Vicki said. "Not bad." Roger said. "Now, locate targets." "Target location. The Park." Vicki said, using a hologram compass. "Call the coffin shop, VICKI." Jack said. "Hello, Sunset Coffin Shop."

A female Female Operator said. "Yeah, I'm gonna need three coffins for later today." Jack said. "Wonderful, and will you need any flower arrangements with that?" The operator asked. "Not necessary." Jack laughs darkly. The trio are pushing the car back to the park while Rigby sits in the driver's seat, singing. "♪Oh, driving in a car. Yeah, we busted Benson's windshield. Gotta fix it fast or Benson'll fire us for...breaking his windshield. We're gonna looose ourrr job!♪" he sung.

"Dude, cut it out or Benson's gonna catch us." Mordecai said. They push the car in front of the house. Rigby walks out, holding paper. "Oh, dudes, that was close." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, let's just put the note on and get outta here." Rigby places the note under a windshield wiper. It reads, "Sorry I borrowed your car without asking. - a Common Crimminal". "Done and done." Rigby said. "Your targets are in range." Vicki informed. Jack suddenly tumbles out of a nearby bush. "You didn't really think you'd get away with this, did ya?" He asked. "Who are you?"

(Y/n) asked. "Benson hired me to find the guys who stole his car. So now that I found you it's time to kill you!" Jack takes out a VICKI and opens the weapons, and the duo quickly step in front of (Y/n) protectively as the trio back away. "Dude! We-we were just-" Mordecai said. "VICKI, destroy targets!" Jack fires a red bomb at the three, who safely dodge it. The bomb blows a hole in the house garage, however. "Come on, VICKI! Destroy targets!" Jack hits VICKI. (Y/n), gasps, then the trio run up the steps to the house, yelling. (Y/n) closes the door behind him. "Benson called a bounty hunter? He must be really mad!" Mordecai said. "No shit Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted in panic. Rigby pushes a closet in front of the door. "What do we do?" He asked.

"We gotta get Benson to call him off!" Mordecai shouted. An incoming missile is heard as the two run away. The missile blows up the door and closet. Jack walks in, watching them run down the hall. He fires three missiles inside the house, destroying some of it. "VICKI, play epic tunes." Jack said. VICKI does so. Jack approaches (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby in the kitchen.

"Scramble missiles!" He fires missiles around as the three run away. He then walks to Pops and Skips, sitting at the table. Both are eating sandwiches and watching in surprise. "Sorry, innocent bystanders." He walks out the kitchen and inspects the living room. Thomas walks in the room, wearing a pizza costume, but walks straight back out at the sight of Jack.

Jack then tumbles to a closet door. "VICKI, vaporize door!" VICKI vaporizes the door and unveils (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Time to shut you down for good." Jack said. "Leave us alone!" (Y/n) shouted, closing her eyes and putting her paws in front of her friends protectively, and the duo's eyes widen in shock as she somehow fires another energy blast attack at him knocking him down, however, her eyes were closed in the process,

so once she opens up, her eyes widen in surprise once she sees Jack on the floor. "What the?!" (Y/n) asked. "What just happened?!" She asked. "Uh..."  Mordecai said in shock, and she turns to look at him. "Never mind that now, run!" Rigby shouted. Jack grunts as he slowly gets up as the trio run to Benson's office. "Benson!" The trio said as they dash into the office. Benson comes from under his desk. "Guys? Listen, you gotta lay low. I think Jack found the guys that stole my car." Benson said. "Oh, he found them all right." (Y/n) said fearfully.

"What do you mean? Why are you talking like that?" Benson asked. "We're the ones who took your car." Mordecai clarified. "What?!" Benson said. "We were fighting over the remote, and the remote cracked your windshield, so we took it to a guy to fix it, then we took it to another guy, but it's all better now! Could you call the future guy off?" Rigby asked. Benson growls loudly, red with anger. "I'll deal with you three later. We have to stop Jack." Another missile explodes, crumbling some of the ceiling. Jack is outside, blasting holes in the house and laughs.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are!" He said. "Stop!" Benson runs down the steps as he protects (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby with his arms who look terrified. "VICKI, berserker ion cannon!" VICKI prepares a large, blue energy ball. "Now, Benson, brah. I don't wanna alarm you, but those are the perps." Jack said. "I know." Benson said. "What?" Jack asked. "They didn't steal my car. They're my employees. They took my car to get it fixed and didn't tell me." Benson stops in front of the car. "But you told me I could do what I wanted with the perps. You promised!" Jack shouted. "You WHAT?!" (Y/n) asked. "Not now, (Y/N)!" Benson shouted. Jack charges the energy ball even more. The others gasp. "Look, Jack. There's no reason to hurt them.

All I wanted was my car and it's right here. Just keep the money, OK?" Benson and Jack stare each other down, sweating. "Suit yourself, brah." Jack said, and the others sigh. "VICKI, shut down code, alpha sigma row." Jack said. VICKI beeps, misunderstanding the command. "All systems go." She said. Panicking, Jack waves VICKI in front of Benson, (Y/n), Mordecai, and Rigby. The energy ball shoots out of the cannon and all four scream. "Noooo!" In an effort to protect them, he pushes (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby out of the way of the energy ball, the energy ball unfortunately hits his car and creates a massive explosion. The next day, officers inspect a giant hole where Benson's car used to be.

"Woo! Bummer about your car, man. At least that explosion was pretty awesome. Totally satisfied my violent urges, you know what I'm saying? Hey, can I get the other 250 bucks?" Jack asked. "Police!!" Benson shouted. Jack backs away. "Rain check. Got it, brah." He backflips into the bushes while police officers chase him. Benson growls loudly to the sky, then turns to point at (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, creeping away. "You!"  Benson shouted.

"Thanks for saving us, Benson." Mordecai said. "Yeah, thanks, man." Rigby said. "DAMAGE TO THE HOUSE! DAMAGE TO MY CAR! MY BUS FARE FOR THE NEXT MONTH! YOU'RE PAYING FOR ALL OF IT!!!" Benson walks away. "He didn't say to clean up this mess, but..." Rigby said, and (Y/n) sighs. "I'm pretty sure it was implied." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, let's get started." Mordecai said. They begin to clean when Rigby finds something. "Whoa, dudes, check this out." Rigby said. He, (Y/n) and Mordecai pick up Benson's new windshield, completely intact. Muscle Man walks by them with Hi-Five Ghost. "Told you my guy was good." He said.


Mordecai and Rigby were alone in their bedroom while (Y/n) was in hers from across the hall. Mordecai sighs and Rigby instantly notices something's wrong. "You alright, man?" He asked, and Mordecai turns to him. "Rigby, I need to talk to you." He said. "It's about (Y/n)." He said. "She ended up knocking that guy down with those anime like powers she had back when GFB. Jr was controlling her. I thought they'd be gone by now since he gave them to her, but she still has them?! Why?!" Mordecai asked, and Rigby sighs, then looks back at Mordecai. "He didn't give them to her." Rigby said, and Mordecai looks surprised. "Wait... what are you talking about?" He asked quietly. "Mordecai, I have something to tell you."

Rigby said with a serious tone, and Mordecai raises an eyebrow at him. "Remember back when we were changing the book of Park Records, and I found (Y/n)'s page?" Rigby asked, and Mordecai's eyes widen. "Yeah..." he said. "And what I saw freaked me out so much I couldn't tell you?" Rigby continued. "You still remember that?..." Mordecai asked cautiously.

"What did you see?" He asked. Rigby tenses, before looking at the ground with a sigh, then taking out the book. "I could tell you, but you wouldn't believe me, so you'll just have to see for yourself." He said. Mordecai's eyes widen, but then he sighs and takes the book, after reading it, he gasps, and drops the book. He tenses, and his hands clutched into fists. "Mordecai?" Rigby asked uneasily. "I... no... I can't believe this..." he trails off, then turns to glare at Rigby. "Experimented on, from another dimension..." he said, anger rising in his voice.

"So you knew.... You knew about this for this long and you didn't think to tell me?" Mordecai asked quietly. "I wanted to!" Rigby shouted desperately. "I kept trying to tell you, but it never seemed like the right time!" Rigby shouted. "Are there any other secrets you've been keeping from us?" Mordecai asked, and Rigby froze at that question, but then quickly shook his head. "No! Of course not!" He shouted, and Mordecai sighs. "So she was experimented on, and she doesn't just have the energy blasts, she has other powers too, we just haven't seen them." Mordecai said. "She was taken from her family at a young age, which probably explains why she doesn't remember any of this.

Luckily her parents were able to find her and decided to send her to another dimension to protect her, which just happens to be ours." Rigby said. Mordecai growls in frustration. "Why would someone do that?! That's so sick! And if they wanted to protect her why did they abandon her?!" He asked. "I don't know!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai grits his teeth angrily. "This is so messed up! We have to tell her this!" Mordecai shouted.

Rigby's eyes widened in panic. "NO!" He shouted, and Mordecai quickly looks at him in disbelief. "No?! Are you insane?!" He asked. "Telling her about this is a bad idea, dude! If (Y/n) finds out, it could destroy her! She'd feel like an outsider in her own home!" Rigby shouted. "So what?! We're just going to lie to her and keep secrets about herself from her?! Dude, that's a horrible idea! I thought we were her best friends, friends don't do that to each other!" Mordecai shouted furiously. "We have to!" Rigby shouted desperately. "Rigby, this could totally backfire! If she found out, she'd hate us forever!" Mordecai shouted.

"Well if she does find out we could LOSE her forever!" Rigby said. "What?..." Mordecai asked. "Think about it, dude! If you found out that you were from another dimension, wouldn't you want to go back?" Rigby asked. Mordecai gasps and his eyes widen at that. He looks conflicted, then sighs and sits down. "I don't know... I mean, I wouldn't know anything about my universe. What would be the point?" Mordecai asked. "Reuniting with family." Rigby said.

"My family is here, and (Y/n)'s is too." Mordecai said. "No, they're not." Rigby said dejectedly, shaking his head. "Dude, I meant us. We're her family. She's even said so herself multiple times! So I really think we should tell her..." Mordecai said. "We can't!" Rigby panics. "Dude, come on." Mordecai said in disbelief. "I still don't want to risk it, okay?! You and (Y/n) mean everything to me! I can't lose her!" Rigby shouted, slight tears forming in his eyes. "Rigby..." Mordecai said. "Don't tell her!" Rigby shouted.

"Please..." Mordecai looks at Rigby who grabs his left arm and is giving him puppy eyes. Mordecai gets angry. "Okay, fine!" He shouted, standing up. Rigby sighs with relief and lets go of him. "Thank you..." he said. "I still think this is messed up, but I don't want to lose her either..." Mordecai said. "So you won't say a word to her or anyone else about this, deal?" Rigby reaches a paw towards him for him to shake on it. Mordecai stares at it for a long moment, then sighs and shakes it.

"Fine." He said. Rigby smiles but Mordecai looks guilty. "Hey, don't sweat it, Mordecai. This is for the greater good." Rigby said. "Yeah, the greater good...." He repeats, unsure. The duo then hear their door creek and their eyes widen as they turn to look to find it open a crack. "Rigby, was our door always open...?" Mordecai asked. "No... I'm pretty sure I closed it when we came in." Rigby said. "Then how.... was someone listening to our conversation?!" Mordecai asked in panic. Rigby froze, panic flooding in. "Oh god..."

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