Silver Dude

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Mordecai and Rigby are playing a game called "Zombies Return" as kids. "Wow!" Then they play "Zombies Return 2: Massacre Mall" as teens. "Wow!" Then they play "Zombies Return 3: Blood Bunker" slightly older. "Wow!" Back in the present, Mordecai and Rigby, along with (Y/n) this time, are watching TV and Mordecai keeps changing the channels. "Lame. Boring. Change it. Change it." Rigby said. "From the series that just wouldn't die." Mordecai and Rigby are surprised by this.

"Control a zombie with all new moves. Boomer-arm, Bellowing Bile. The final game with more terror, and bigger bites. "Zombies Return 4: Fatal Finale." $49.99. Wherever video games are sold." The announcer said. "Dude, it's the last game of the series!" Mordecai said. "Aw, man! Did you see those graphics? It looks just like real life!" Rigby makes video games sounds and (Y/n) giggles. "We need to get that game. Plus, you need to play this game (Y/n)." Mordecai said. Rigby gets excited for this. "Oh yeah! It'll be your fist time playing this! That totally calls for a party!" Rigby said. "Wow, you guys are really into this game, huh?" (Y/n) asked. "Well yeah! We've played each one throughout our lives. We grew up with this series."

Mordecai said. "Yeah, which is why you NEED to play it!" Rigby said eagerly. "But just one question, how do we get it? All those bits cost extra money." Rigby asked. "Hmm."  Benson is in his office, and Mordecai and Rigby slightly open the door as (Y/n) stands behind them and start to whisper. Benson didn't hear it. "Benson." Benson starts to get angry. "Benson, can you hear us?" Rigby asked. "Yes, I can hear you! What do you want?!" Benson asked angrily. "What'cha doing?" Rigby asked.

"What game do you want to buy?" Benson asked, and (Y/n) snickers. "Game?" Mordecai laughs. "What? No, come on. We wanna work, you know? Get our hands dirty. Sunshine." Benson stops and looks at him. "Zombies Return 4." Mordecai said. "No. If you buy some new game, you'll end up doing even less work than you do now." Benson said. "It's not just some new video game, it's the last in the quadrilogy." Rigby said. "Is that a word?" (Y/n) asked. "Yes, it's a word!" Rigby shouted.

"This game grew up with us and we grew up with it. We need to see it through to the end. Plus, (Y/n)'s never played it before. We want her to play it with us." Mordecai said. "Hmm. I guess there is one thing left. If you wax all the floors." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are excited. "And I mean ALL of them." Benson said. "Whooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Barame dame dames, playing video games!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "NOW!!" Benson shouted. "Barame dame dame." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run out and start waxing the kitchen floors rushingly.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah!" Mordecai said. Benson later comes in. "What are you doing?" He asked. "The chore....?" (Y/n) said. Benson picks up the chair. "This is NOT how you do this!" Benson puts it back on the floor and it slides to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "You have to pick up every piece of furniture and move it outside... including the fridge!" Benson shouted. "How are we supposed to do that?" Rigby asked. "Figure it out!! And clean the floors before you wax them!" Benson shouted.

"But-" Mordecai said. "Do it right or I won't pay you!" Benson walks out. "Why do I even—?" "Ugh!" The trio said. "Come on, let's get this over with." (Y/n) said. She, Mordecai and Rigby move the fridge out of the way, revealing a large fridge stain. They are sickened by the sight of it. "This is gonna take forever!" Rigby shouted. "Wait. Shh. Do you hear that?" Mordecai asked. "Hear what?" Rigby asked. "Money." Mordecai said. They look out the window. They notice a silver guy performing acts and earning money from people passing by. "Whoa. That silver guy is just juggling glass balls and people are paying to see it." Rigby said.

"Yeah, that's pretty lame if you ask me." (Y/n) said. "Dude, that's it! A few hours of street performing, and we'll have the cash to get that game." Mordecai said. "Sure beats waxing the floors like a chump." Rigby throws the sponge in the bucket and kicks the bucket. "Now let's get some silver paint." He sad. "Wait, we can't rip that guy off, it's not cool. We gotta come up with our own thing." (Y/n) said. "Like what?" Rigby said. "Hmm..." (Y/n) said, deep in thought about it for a few moments. She then gasps and snaps her fingers. "I got it!" She said.

"No offense (Y/n), but I don't think we're going to get very far by snapping." Rigby said, and Mordecai snickers, and she face palms. "No, idiot! That wasn't my idea." She said. "Oh yeah? What was it then?" Rigby asked. "Songs, the two of you could write your own music and perform it." She said. The duo look at each other with uncertainly at first, but then think about her suggestion a little more. "Hmm, actually, I think you might be onto something..." Rigby said.

Mordecai starts rapping. "Should be entertaining." Rigby took the hint and joined in. "Probably not too straining." He said. "Something super easy." Mordecai said. "But nothing that's too cheesy." Rigby continued. "How 'bout singing songs, to make a little cash. If we sing 'em up right, we can make a fat stash!" The duo said. "Money stash!" Mordecai said. "Money stash!" Mordecai said.

"Sing some songs, and make 'em really funny. Get people to stop, and drop all of their money, into our hats." The duo rapped, and (Y/n) nods. "Yeah, this could definitely work! And I'll even help." (Y/n) said. "She's right, this is it! Let's just make up some songs." Mordecai said. "Yeah, they're so easy. How do we do that anyway?" Rigby asked. "Probably 'cause we're such good friends." Mordecai said.

"You really think people will pay us for that?" Rigby asked. "They paid that loser that juggled glass balls, didn't they?" (Y/n) asked. "Good point." Rigby said. The trio set up their street performance. "We wanna buy a video game." Rigby rapped. "Video zombies eating video brains." Mordecai continued. "Zombies struttin', chomping dude like muffins! Zombies struttin', chomping dude like muffins! Those graphics look insane, gotta gotta get this game!" The trio rapped together. "So we went and ask for more chores." Mordecai said. "But our boss, Benson got us waxing the floors! Waxing, waxing. Agh! Waxing, waxing. Agh!" The trio said. Everyone seeing the silver guy start coming over to  trio. Mordecai starts beatboxing.

"Shoulders aching, back is breaking." Rigby rapped. "Don't wanna be waxing, when we could be relaxing!" The trio rapped. "Playing video games." Rigby said. Everyone starts applauding and they some money in their hat. "Dudes, it's totally working!" Mordecai said. "Hmm, hmm. We should've thought of this years ago." Rigby said. "Let's keep going." (Y/n) clears her throat, and then she starts rapping. "Sun, sun shining." "Day is so inviting." Rigby continued. "But dollar dollar bills equals zombie fun timing." The trio rapped. "People walkin' by-o stop and say hi-o." Mordecai said. "Put some dinero in the sombrero." Rigby said.

"Hey there, buddy, put some money in the hat." Mordecai said. "Speed walking guy, put some money in the hat." (Y/n) said. "Lady with the baby, put some money in the hat." Mordecai said. "Dude with the eyebrows, put some money in the hat." Rigby said. "Money in the hat-hat, money's where it's at-at. Money!" The trio rapped. Later the trio are at Cheezer's.

Mordecai is counting the money, with (Y/n) watching while Rigby is eating a sandwich. "Dudes, just a few more songs and we can get that game." Mordecai said. "Why stop there? We should do this every day." Rigby said. "If we make this our job we'll hate it. Gotta keep it special!" Mordecai said. "He's got a point there." (Y/n) said. "We can still do this for the rest of the day, right?" Rigby asked. "Yeah-uh we can!" Mordecai said. "Zombies Return. Zombies Return. Zombie's Return." Mordecai and Rigby said.

Back at the Park, the trio are walking with their street performance setup. Suddenly, they heard one of their raps. It is shown that the Silver Dude recorded and remixed their rap on his boombox and uses it for his street performing. "Sun, sun shining." Came (Y/n)'s voice. "What the?!" She asked, as she hears one of their raps being played. "Day is so inviting." Rigby's voice came next. "But dollar dollar bills equals zombie fun timing." The trio's voices are then heard together.

"The Silver Dude concludes his performance and the people who were watching applaud. A boy puts some money in the box. "Hey! That's our voices!" (Y/n) snapped, glaring at the dude. "Yeah! That's our song! Stop copying us!" Mordecai shouted. "I''m not copying." The silver guy rolls his glass balls. "I'm re-interpreting." He said. "Same difference." (Y/n) snapped. "You're still stealing." She said. "Yeah, you're just recording our voices!" Rigby agreed angrily. "Being silver makes it different." Silver dude said. "No it doesn't!" (Y/n) shouted.

"It's the same thing with a different color!" Rigby shouted. "Street law! If you can't take the heat, stay off the pavement!" Silver dude said. "I'll whup your pavement!" (Y/n) shouted. "Relax, (Y/n). We wrote the songs. People'll come to us no matter where we are in the park." Mordecai said. "Yeah, stay away from us, you silver-coated dirt bag!" Rigby shouted as he and his friends leave with their stuff. The trio are now at the front of park. "It's alright. We'll bring people here with our free-styling." Mordecai said.

(Song: Zombies Return 4)

♪A bitin', bitin', bitin', bitin

Best watch out for the livin' dead

Bitin on your arms and gnawin' on your he-ad

Ding, ding, ding, ding... Dong, dong, dong, dong...

Who's that at the door?

Zombies Return...4.♪

People nearby applaud and put money in the sombrero. "Hey, these guys are copying that silver dude but they're not even in color. D'you guys wanna come check him out?" People walk off. One of them takes out his money, and (Y/n) growls angrily. "What?! We're not copying him, he's copying us!" She said angrily. "Now people think we're the fakes." Rigby said. "That's it!" Mordecai said.

Silver Dude is ripping off the rap from before. A bitin', bitin', bitin', bitin, Best watch out for the livin' dead, Zombies Return...4.♪ Everyone cheers as the trio  confront him. "Dude, stop ripping us off! You don't even know what Zombies Return is!" Mordecai shouted. "Doesn't matter, I'm makin' bank." Silver dude said. "Those are our voices, our songs, and our moves! You're just remixing 'em!" Rigby shouted. "Plus, I'm silver." Silver dude said. "We know you're silver! STOP COPYING US!" (Y/n) tackles Silver Dude to the ground and they start brawling. A drawing of a man begins to come to life.

Her best friends try to break up the fight. "(Y/n), don't!" Mordecai said. "He's not worth it!" Rigby shouted. "Now what is all this ruckus?" A funny dressed man reveals himself. "Who are you?" (Y/n) asked. "Why, I'm the God of Street Performing." He acts as a one-man band. "What seems to be the problem?" The god asked. Rigby points to Silver Dude. "This guy stole our act!" He shouted.

"My children, why it causes me such great heartache to hear somethin' like this." The god said. "We just wanna make enough money to buy a video game, then we'll go home." Mordecai said. "There's only one way to solve a dispute of this nature. We shall have a competition! Whoever performs the greatest shall keep the act, and obtain all the winnings from the sombrero.

Y'all agree to this challenge? (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby?" The god asked. "Hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm-hmm!" The trio said. "And what about this silver dude over here?" The god asked, and the dude repeats the trio's answer. "Let's get it on." The god pulls out a guitar and rocks out, causing the ground beneath (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Silver Dude to form into a stage. People gather round to watch. "Let the battle begin!" The trio nod and begin rapping.

♪We sing the songs, we do it all the time

We sing 'em careful to make sure that they rhyme

Rigby: Most of the time!

Mordecai: Most of the time!

(Y/n): Most of the time!

All the time rhyme!

Psychically linking, I know what you're thinking

Pickin' up the brainwaves, all over the airwaves!

Wee-you, wee—you, w-w-wee-you, wee-you♪

The crowd cheers and throws money in the sombrero. Silver Dude plays his boombox. "♪All over the airwaves, wee-you, wee—you, w-w-wee-you, wee-you♪

The crowd cheers again and the money from the sombrero goes into Silver Dude's box and (Y/n) growls. "He's still stealing our songs!" She shouted. "Let's end this." Mordecai said.

♪ Rigby: We were the first ones singin' on the streets!

Mordecai: But then this Silver Dude shows up stealin' our beats!

It wasn't cool, it was a pile a stink!

All he did was press 'Record' and didn't even have to think!

(Y/n): Not that he could, his head's really small!

Dude's so dumb that he doesn't have a brain at all!

Oooooooooohhhhhhhh, Silver Mini-brain!♪

Once again the crowd cheers and the money goes back into (Y/n)'s, Mordecai and Rigby's sombrero. Silver Dude is annoyed and plays hsi boombox again.

Boombox: ♪Dude's so dumb, so dumb, that he doesn't have a brain at all!♪

The crowd cheers yet again and the money goes back into Silver Dude's box.

"Errr! He's dong everything we're doing and the crowd loves it!" Rigby said. "Ugh! Forget him, man. We got this." Mordecai said.

The trio fist bump and begin to rap again.

♪You're a silver copycat in a junky bowler hat

Copy-cat cat, copy-cat cat, copy-cat

We're innovatin', you're imitatin'

Stealin' our songs is wrong, you ain't creatin'!

Rigby: Make your own music and don't steal ours!

Mordecai: Our original songs have unique powers!

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby have a yellow glow around them

Our songs come from within

Mess with us and you'll never win!

Cause you're nothin' without your lame boom box!

(audience sways hands to song)

You're nothin' without your lame boom box!

(the boombox begins to grow)

Boom box boom, boom box boom, boom box boom, boom box boom!

Ya wanna remix? Well remix this!♪

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby shoot at the boombox with yellow lasers, which got destroyed and the explosion wiped off Silver Dude's silver paint off him, then the crowd cheers and the money goes back into (Y/n)'s, Mordecai and Rigby's sombrero. "Uhhhhh...." Silver Dude starts rapping.

♪Once upon a time there was a cow that was purple

Walking through the grass and have found a chicken that was...Uhhhhh...zhurple?♪

The crowd boos at him as he rolls his glass balls and throws them away. "Well, I'm a Silver Dude and I'm here to say...Give me the money!" He tried to take the money from the trio's sombrero, but he hit an edge of an invisible glass placed by the God of Street Performing. "Oh no! No, please! Don't send me to street jail!" The God of Street Performing turns Silver Dude into a mime. "No!' The god starts to lift the invisible box which has Silver Dude in it with gravity,

then he hits Silver Dude up in the sky and he explodes. The crowd cheers. "Wooaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!" Mordecai and Rigby said. "Now, that was some mighty fine street performing, guys. Now let's go get your vidi-game." The god said. Later the trio are playing Zombies Return 4 where the zombie uses the bellowing bile at the man which he melts. "Whoooooo!!!!" The God of Street Performing starts doing splits while (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby cheered. "Are you guys gonna finish waxing the floors or wha..." Benson sees the god doing some splits on the carpet. "I'm also gonna need you to vacuum the carpet, mostly this spot right here." Benson said.

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