Bet to Be Blonde

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The trio are playing Xtreme Xcape. "Hm. Hm. We're totally going to get to the bottom before you two." Mordecai said. "Oh, yeah?" Rigby asked. Rigby shoots the barrel, unaware that it will do more harm than good. It explodes, and he ends up losing a life. "Aw, what?!" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) laughs. "Don't shoot the barrels, man." She said. "I bet you can't get that power-up." Mordecai said.

Rigby gets the "power-up", but it turns out that Mordecai tricked him again. Mordecai laughs. "I can't believe you did that! I was totally kidding, that slows you down! Check out my dude. I'm glad I picked the dude with the more aerodynamic hairstyle." Mordecai said. "THAT'S IT!!!!! PAUSE THE GAME!!!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai pauses the game. "My dude's hairstyle is awesome, and I can totally kick your butts at this game!" Rigby said.

"You sound pretty confident." (Y/n) said. "Care to wager on that?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah. If I win, you have to get your player's stupid haircut for a week." Rigby said. "And if we win, you have to get your player's "awesome" haircut." Mordecai said. "Fine, but you better not back down when I win, though." Rigby said. "Of course, dude, I never back out of a bet." Mordecai said. "Me either." (Y/n) said. "Hm. Hm. We'll see about that." Rigby said. Rigby goes AHHH and AUGHHHHH as he falls on the couch dramatically. "Uh... are you okay?" (Y/n) asked him. "I'm dying, dudes!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) just scoffs and rolls her eyes. "Yeah right." She said.

"No, seriously, dudes! My stomach is crazy dry right now! I must be dehydrated!" Rigby said. "Ughh, what do you need?" Mordecai asked. "I need water." Rigby said. "Ughh. I can't believe how lame you are sometimes." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) walks into the kitchen to make Rigby some water. "Thanks, dudes." Rigby said. "Ugh, where did the cups go?!" (Y/n) asked, and Mordecai sighs and gets up, walking into the kitchen to help her find them. Rigby gets up when they're busy.

He unplugs Mordecai's and (Y/n)'s controllers and says, "Don't forget to put ice in it." He then proceeds to put socks over the plug to make it look like they're still plugged in. "Here's your water, you baby." Mordecai said. Rigby drinks his water. "Thanks, man. Now that my stomach isn't dry anymore, I'm totally going to beat you two." Rigby said. "Hm. Hm. I highly doubt it." Mordecai said. "Okay, I'll just un-pause it." Rigby said. The game starts back up. Rigby's character easily moves through the level, while Mordecai and (Y/n) notice they're not able to move their own characters.

"Aw, what?!" (Y/n) asked. "What the heck?!" Mordecai asked. Mordecai throws the sock and finds their controllers unplugged. (Y/n) and Mordecai look at each other knowingly and try to put their controllers back in but Rigby wins. "OHHHHHH! In your face! You're gonna have to go blonde you LOSERS!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby! You didn't cheat, did you?" (Y/n) asked with her arms crossed, looking at him suspiciously.

"What? No! I never cheat on a bet. Now back to what I was saying before you interrupted me, in your faces! You gotta go blonde you LOSERS! OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" Rigby said. Later the trio go to the coffee shop. Mordecai and (Y/n) both have blonde hair. "Oh, My, BLONDES!" Rigby cracks up hysterically. "Ohh, that's it. I'm gonna start calling you "Blondecai". How many Blondecais does it take to order a cup of coffee?

Just one. YOU!" Rigby laughs hysterically. "That wasn't even funny." (Y/n) said, she didn't mind the color, but what embarrassed her was her hairstyle. Sam comes in. "Hey, Rigby, I've got your usual." Sam looks at (Y/n). "Can I get you anything, ma'am?" Sam asked. "Uhh, hey, Sam. It's me, (Y/n)." She said, and he giggles. "I like your new hairstyle, (Y/n). Excuse me." He walks away chuckling. "Oh, man! Who knew winning a bet would be this hilarious! I gotta use it." Rigby gets up from his seat. "Keep an eye on my coffee, blondies." Rigby said. "Jerk." Mordecai said.

"Tell me about it." (Y/n) grumbled. Rigby is washing his hands in the bathroom. "Ahhh, it feels good to be the champ. Yet...I can't help but feel bad, somehow. Meh." Rigby exits the bathroom to see they're gone. "Huh? They ditched me?!" Rigby asked. Mordecai and five other blondes laugh. (Y/n) was standing nearby as well. "Hm, hm!" Rigby said. "Your friend was bashing you both pretty hard there." Butt-chin Blonde said. "Dumb jokes about your hair?" An Asian Blonde asked.

"Yeah." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, we've heard them all." Butt-chin Blonde said. "Normal hairs are always jealous of our style. And you my friends, have style." The Asian Blonde said. "Really?" Mordecai said. "Yeah, man. You two should totally hang out with us. We've never had a girl in our group before, but hey, first time for everything, right?" Butt-chin Blonde asked. Rigby walks towards the blonde group. "Hey blondies who are these guys?" Rigby asked. "Oh, sorry man. We don't talk to normal hairs." One of them said. "Technically, he has fur, not hair." (Y/n) corrected, and the group of blondes look at her quizzically. "That's too bad, 'cause I've got a really funny joke for ya. How do you confuse a Blondecai?" Rigby asked.

The blonde group is silent. "You don't. They're born that way! OOOOOOOOHHHHH!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Hm, that was pretty good. Here's a joke for you. What's brown, black, and blue, and lying in a ditch?" A blonde asked. "Uh, what?" Rigby asked. "You, if you don't take that back right now." The blonde said. Rigby screams, and the blonde laughs. "I'm just yanking your chain, man. It's cool." The blonde said. "Huh?" Rigby asked. Mordecai laughs. "OOOOOOOOHHHHH-" another blonde puts a hand on his shoulder. "Uh. He's had enough." He said. "Hm." Rigby said in defeat. Later the trio are working at the park. Rigby throws a bag of garbage on the ground and Mordecai turns to look at him.

"Hey, why did the blondies jump over the clock?" Rigby giggles. "Excuse me. So he can get some overtime!" He said. Rigby laughs obnoxiously, snorts, and walks over to them. "You know, because you're both dumb." Rigby punches (Y/n)'s arm playfully, but she felt rather hurt by the comment. "At least I have the intelligence to come up with a clever comeback. Can't say the same for you." She snapped, and Mordecai laughs, causing Rigby to glare at him. "Whoa, chill (Y/n)! It was just a joke!" Rigby said. "Anyway, you wanna hang out?" He asked.

"Seriously dude, your jokes suck." (Y/n) said. "Nah, I'm actually gonna go hang out with the blondes." Mordecai said. "Again?" (Y/n) asked. "Come on (Y/n) they're cool, and they actually want you to join in, maybe you should consider." Mordecai said. "No offense, Mordecai, but hanging out with a group of guys I don't really know doesn't really appeal to me, even if you're there. And to answer your question, Rigby, no, I don't really want to hang out." She said. "What do you do with those guys, anyway?" Rigby asked. "We play video games, watch movies, eat tacos, y'know, cool stuff."

Mordecai said. "That sounds really familiar to the things we do together." (Y/n) said. "That's because we do those things all the time. You should stay here." Rigby said. "And risk being made fun of? No thanks. See, the guys tell me the fallacy normative environment of this park is way too (Quotes) blonde hostile. Besides, the blondes are really cool." Mordecai said. "But, but Mordecai!" Rigby said. The blonde group pull up next to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby.

"Hey, come on Mordecai." Mordecai runs towards the van. "Hey guys." He said. Rigby runs after Mordecai. "Mordecai! You don't have to go." He said. "Oh, yes I do! I'm Blondecai now, so I gotta hang out with these guys. See you later, dudes!" He closes the door, and the van pulls away. Rigby runs after the van. "Mordecai, wait!" He then runs back to (Y/n). "(Y/n), please stay with me?" Rigby begged. "I..." (Y/n) turns away, and begins to walk away. "(Y/n), wait!" Rigby sighs, then runs up to Skips. "Skips, Skips! I need your advice." He said.

"Let me guess: you cheated on a bet." Skips said. "How did you know?" Rigby asked. "I can tell by the shame in your eyes." Skips said. "It's true; I cheated on a bet and now my best friends have a weird haircut and Mordecai is hanging out with all these creepy dudes and (Y/n) won't even talk to me anymore, an-" "Rigby, you should have the courage to tell them you cheated. Even though they'll be upset at first, they'll respect your honesty." Skips said. "Yeah. I was with you until the honesty and courage part. Is there any way I can get off scot-free?" Rigby said.

"Wait, you're not taking my advice?" Skips asked. "I got it! I'll just call the bet off." Rigby said, and Skips laughs mockingly. "Call the bet off. Okay. Don't say I didn't warn ya." He said. Rigby enters their bedroom to see Mordecai packing clothing away. "Mordecai, I wanna call off the bet." Rigby said. "What? No way. I never back out of a bet, remember? And neither does (Y/n)." He replied. "Forget about the bet. We can go back to you being Mordecai instead of Blondecai." Rigby said. "To be honest, I kind of like being Blondecai now. Without this bet, I never would've been able to make such cool friends. Well, thanks again, man." He walks out of room.

"Where are you going?" Rigby asked. "Oh, the blondes are going to let me move in until the bet is over." Mordecai said. "What!?" Rigby walks out of room. "No, that wasn't a part of the bet!" Rigby shouted. "Dude, chill! It's only going to be until the end of the week. I don't know what your problem is." Mordecai drives away in a I-Haul truck, slamming the door behind him. Rigby runs after the truck.

"Mordecai, wait! Mordecai, I have something to tell you!" He shouted. He then looks worried. "I gotta tell (Y/n)." He said. Rigby quickly runs back into the house. "(Y/n)?" He asked, getting no response. "(Y/n)!" He shouted, still no answer. He growls in frustration and quickly searches the entire house, finally coming to a realization and going to her bedroom door. Rigby knocks on her door. "(Y/n), are you in there?" He asked. "Go away." She said. "(Y/n), come on! I have something important to tell you!" He shouted. She groans, and opens the door, then walks back to her bed. "(Y/n), look. I know you're mad at me, but this bet is getting out of hand." Rigby said.

"Uh huh." She said, not really listening. "What? (Y/n) are you even listening to me?" Rigby asked. "Yeah." She said. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry!" He said. She still wasn't really listening and he growls. "Ugh! Okay fine, you want the truth?! I CHEATED! I cheated, (Y/n)!" He shouted furiously, and her eyes widen before quickly turning to him. "I cheated on the bet, okay? I was just so sick of you and Mordecai making fun of me and beating me all the time!" He shouted. (Y/n) was in shock.

"So I cheated. I unplugged both your controllers in order to beat you." (Y/n) was still surprised that he had actually just admitted all this. "But now Mordecai just told me that he's moving out and is living with that group of creepy blondes! If we don't do something now, we're both going to lose him! Mordecai is in trouble!" Rigby shouted. "WHAT?!" She quickly sprang up form her bed. "We need to get him back!" Rigby said. "We will. And Rigby..." he looks at her. "It's okay... I knew you cheated." Rigby's eyes widen as he looks at her. "I just wanted you to admit it, I'm surprised you did." She said. "I..." he trails off. "I just didn't want to lose you as a best friend."

Rigby said, and she smiles at him. Meanwhile Mordecai and the blondes are hanging out with Rigby and (Y/n) following them. Mordecai and the blondes jog home. "Hut hut hut hut hut!" "Hoo! Alright, great fun run, gang. Let's go play some video games." The blondes jog away. "I'll catch up with you guys in a sec." Mordecai said. He cracks his knuckles. "Okay." Mordecai cracks his back as the other blondes jog away. The duo run up to Mordecai. "Mordecai!" They said. "Huh?" "We've been trying to talk to you all day, but those blonde creeps keep cutting us off!" Rigby said.

"Now I know you're trying to be nice and call off the bet, but the truth is, you've got skills, and you got me. You got me good." Mordecai said. "No, Mordecai, the truth is you don't have to do the bet 'cause I chea- chea- chee- chea- chea- chee- EEOH! Wow, bless me." Rigby said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes and face palms. "That was the weirdest sneeze I've ever heard. Well, it was good to catch up, but I better be going. I'm gonna be late for my secret club initiation." Mordecai said. "Initiation?!" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, apparently you get a really cool ring for joining. In fact, there's actually only one more thing I have to do before becoming a member." He said. "What?!" (Y/n) shrieked. "You can't do that, Mordecai!" She shouted desperately.

"What do you mean?" He asked. "You can't just leave us, Mordecai! We're your best friends! We need you, I need you!" (Y/n) shouted. Mordecai frowns, then tsarts walking forwards with arms out. "Uhh, what's that?" Rigby asked. The duo walk backwards nervously and look up to see two other blondes standing right behind them. "Mordecai, what's going on?" (Y/n) asked. "I need to blonde an outsider." He replied. "Bl- bl- blo-" a blonde bags Rigby and (Y/n) blacks out. Rigby wakes up hanging upside down. A large group of blondes is seen standing around him.

He looks around and sees (Y/n) surrounded by a group of them that look at her threateningly. "(Y/n)!" Rigby shouted worriedly, catching their attention. "Mordecai, what's going on?" Rigby asked. "We're preparing for the blondening." He replied. "The what?!" (Y/n) asked. "Brother Mordecai. You have made a pact with the order of the blondes. Here's a really cool ring to show that you're a member of our really cool club." A blonde puts a ring on Mordecai's finger. "Now you know what has to be done. Blonde the normal hair. To death." He said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widen in horror.

"WHAT?!" She asked. "No! Mordecai, don't do it! Please!" She shouted, she tried to run over to him but was grabbed by another blonde. "Sorry (Y/n), I don't have a choice." The floor opens to reveal bubbling peroxide. Rigby screams. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "Mordecai, don't do this!" He shouted. "I have to. I gotta take the good with the bad. A bet is a bet. Plus this ring is really cool, man." Rigby moans in response. Mordecai then pulls a lever, which slowly begins lowering Rigby towards the peroxide. "Goodbye, Rigby. Thank you for helping me to realize my true self." Mordecai said.

"Mordecai, are you crazy?!" (Y/n) shouted. "No! Mordecai! You don't have to do this! You don't have to be a blonde! The bet isn't even real! Because... I cheated! I cheated on the video game! I'm sorry!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai stops the lever so that Rigby is just above the peroxide. "That's all I needed to hear." He said. "Huh?" Rigby and (Y/n) asked. Mordecai pulls off his blonde wig.

"We both knew you cheated, dude. I was just waiting for you to come clean to teach you a lesson." Mordecai said. "Oh, so these blondes are all just wearing wigs to teach me a lesson, too?" Rigby asked. "Uh, no. They're actually an evil secret club. We should probably run for our lives now." Mordecai said. "Oh god..." (Y/n) said. Mordecai walks over to the blonde holding (Y/n) and punches him in the face. The trio then run away as the blondes start chasing after them. "Get them!"

The blondes shoot laser beams from their rings. "What the heck, dude? Those things shoot lasers?" Rigby asked. The blondes shoot more beams from rings. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hide behind a pole. Mordecai shoots back with his ring. They then continue to run as Mordecai shoots laser beams from his own ring. A cyclops blonde reveals himself, which also reveals that he has ten rings. "Oh shi-" (Y/n) said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream as he shoots at them. They run into a room with barrels of hydrogen peroxide. "Woah." The trio said. "Dudes, peroxide?" (Y/n) asked.

"These guys aren't even real blondes!" Rigby suddenly notices something. "Look, an elevator!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run towards the elevator. "Kill them. And take the sacred ring from the outsider." He shoots beams at the trio. "Cover me!" Mordecai shoots at the blondes and knocks over some barrels. "Dude, what are you doing? Don't shoot the barrels!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'm not! They want their ring back-" Mordecai switches the ring from laser mode to self destruct mode and puts it on the floor. "-I'm gonna give it to them." The elevator dings.

Mordecai presses buttons frantically. "C'mon, c'mon!" The elevator dings and closes. The blondes pound on the elevator door. Mordecai's ring begins to increasingly beep faster. "Oh man, that's not good." The ring explodes, causing the mansion caves. The elevator flies out and the doors open. Later the trio are being patched up and many police cars and ambulances parked outside.

"Well, guys, I've learned my lesson." Rigby said. "Did you?" (Y/n) asked playfully, crossing her arms. "Yeah, it's not cool to cheat on bets. And though my physical wounds are minor, this lesson will psychologically scar me for years to come." Rigby said, and (Y/n) laughed. "Same." She said. "So no cheating, huh? Would you care to wager on that? " Mordecai jokingly pulls out blonde hair dye. The trio laugh. After a few seconds, however, Rigby turns to Mordecai, and with a serious expression on his face. "No."

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