Stick Hockey

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Benson is walking and ends up stepping on a piece of gum. He reaches down to pick it up and groans. Meanwhile the trio are playing with a stick hockey table, two against one, (Y/n) and Rigby Vs Mordecai. "Rufus passes to (Y/n), (Y/n) to Old Man Samson, Samson with a twirl and, OHHHHHHHH!" Rigby said. A horn sounds, the scoreboard is shown with Home: 3, Away: 3, Period: 3 and Time Remaining: 3:40. "Whoa, sweet shot!" Mordecai laughs and presses start to release another puck. The trio laugh brainlessly with engrossed looks on their faces until Mordecai scores.

"OHHHHHHHH!" Mordecai said. "Aww, man! Alright, you're going down. C'mon fellas, let's pick it up!" Rigby said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby continue playing. Benson opens the garage door. "Hey! What the heck are you doing?" Benson asked. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked as she looks away from the table. Mordecai shoots a goal. "WHHHHHOOOOAAAA!" He said. The horn sounds, and the scoreboard shows Home: 3, Away: 4, Period: 3, Time Remaining: 0:00.

"Aw, (Y/n)! You made us lose!" Rigby said. "What? It wasn't my fault, Benson distracted me!" She said. "Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Mordecai said. "Alright, best out of fifteen." Rigby said. "Whoa, whoa, hold on a second. You guys are supposed to be working." Benson said. "Yeah, I know but, c'mon check this out. We found crammed in the back behind all this junk." Mordecai said. Rigby rubs against the table. "Miniature man hockey dome." He said, and (Y/n) shakes her head. "It's called Stick Hockey table." She said. "Yeah, and it's mine." Benson said. "It's so much fun." Rigby said. "So much fun." Mordecai said. "So much fun." Rigby said. "So much fun."

Mordecai said, and (Y/n) giggles. "Look I don't care how much fun you think you're having, you're supposed to de-gum the park today and now I find you holed up in here twiddling some sticks?" Benson asked. "Ugh, don't say it like that." (Y/n) said. "I knew I should've gotten rid of that game. It's a waste of time." Benson said. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa." The trio said.

"Okay, okay, we'll go out right now and finish de-gumming. Please just don't get rid of the game!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, please don't." (Y/n) said. "It's so much fun." Rigby said. "So much fun." Mordecai said. "I think he gets the point, dudes." (Y/n) said. "Fine." Benson sighs. "If you finish all your work on time you can keep the game." He said. "Yes!" Rigby and (Y/n) said. "All right!" Mordecai said. The trio run out of the garage. "Thank you thank you thank you thank you." The three of them then work together to get the gum out of various places. Once they're finished, the trio return to the garage exhausted.

"We did it!" (Y/n) raises her arms. "See? Having a goal totally focused us!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, I guess it really did. The two of you should set yourselves some goals more often, maybe then you'd get some more work done." (Y/n) said, and the duo glare at her playfully. "Oh, I didn't realize you were keeping track of our goals. How about setting a goal to mind your own business?" Rigby snarked, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes playfully. "I get it now, work hard and then play hard!" Rigby said.

"And we're gonna be playing hard all night!" Mordecai said. "Ugh, don't say it like that!" Rigby said in disgust, causing (Y/n) to laugh. Mordecai opens the garage door. "What?!" The trio shouted. The inside of the garage is empty. The trio walk up to Benson, Pops and Skips. "Hey, Benson, where is it?" (Y/n) asked. "Where's what?" Benson asked. "Our stick hockey table!" Mordecai shouted. "I got rid of it." He replied. "Aw, what?!" The trio asked. "But you said we could have it!" Rigby shouted. "Nice try, there's no way you three de-gummed the entire park." Benson said, and (Y/n) angrily throws the bucket at him.

"Oof!" He said. "We kept our end of the deal so give it back." (Y/n) said. "Sorry, I already took it to the thrift store." Benson said. "What?!" The trio asked. Rigby raises both arms in disbelief. "Who does that?!" He asked. "How was I supposed to know you'd actually finish your work for once?" Benson asked. "You can't just say one thing and turn around and do another!" Mordecai said. "What are you talking about? You guys do that all the time!" Benson said. "That's different, you're the boss!" (Y/n) shouted. "How are we supposed to work for someone we can't trust?"

Mordecai asked. "Hey! Trust me, I did you guys a favor. That thing is a waste of time." Benson looks to Skips. "Skips, back me up." He said. "You shouldn't have thrown away the game, Benson." He replied. "I concur, one must be a man of his word." Pops said, and Benson laughs disbelievingly. "I can't believe this!" He said. "We want our game back." Mordecai said. "Yeah, man. You owe us!" Rigby said. "You do owe 'em." Skips said, and Benson sighs. "Alright, let's go get it." He said.

The four go to the King Thrift. "Yeah, yeah, the game with the sticks. Nah, it's gone. I sold it to Jeffy over at Thift World." The employee said. "What?!" The trio asked. "Yeah, it was in great condition. I don't know why someone would just donate it like that." The employee replied. "Yeah, they probably weren't thinking straight." (Y/n) said, eyeing Benson angrily. "Wait, where's my head? I got another stick game in the back!" The employee said. "Really?!" The trio asked. "Yeah, right over there!" He points to the left. The trio run in the direction the employee is pointing. They uncover the table to see that it's a foosball table. "Aww what?" Rigby asked. "No!" Mordecai said. "Lame." (Y/n) said.

"Hey, great find, guys! This is great!" Benson said with mock enthusiasm as he walks over. "It's not the same." (Y/n) said. "No, but some would say foosball's better. It's got the same wrist action, plus mass appeal. Way more people play soccer than hockey. C'mon, give it a shot!" Benson said. The trio start to play it dejectedly. "So what's this called again? Foolsball? Hm!" Rigby flicks a stick aggressively and it hits Mordecai in the eye. "Aw!" He said. "See?" Rigby asked. "Argh!" Mordecai said. "So we gettin' it?" Benson asked. Later on the four are driving home on a golf cart.

"I can't believe you tried to pawn off that junky foosball table on us." (Y/n) said. "Sorry, jeez! At least, it was pretty much brand new! That old stick hockey game was a piece of junk." Benson said. "Well, I guess you would know all about being a piece of junk." (Y/n) sneered, and that comment hurt Benson more than he'd care to admit, and Mordecai and Rigby both snickered. "That piece of junk was the coolest thing in the whole park!" Rigby said. "Sure, it's cool now, but keep playing it and one day, bam! Your lives are ruined." Benson said, and (Y/n) raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, what?" She asked, eyeing him suspiciously. "What are you talking about? It's just stick hockey." Rigby raises his arms in exasperation. "Could you just trust me on this one?" Benson asked. "Alright, Benson, we trust you. Oh wait, now I'm taking the trust I said you could have and I'm throwin' it away instead." Mordecai said. "OHHHHHHHHH!" The trio said. Benson stops the golf cart in a fury. "This wouldn't have happened if you guys had done your job!" He shouted.

"No, no, no. You can't get mad this time. You messed up, not us!" (Y/n) shouted. "Argh! Just listen to me!" "You know what, Benson? Forget it." Mordecai shoves Benson off the cart. "Thanks for all your help, but we can get the stick hockey table without you." He drives the golf cart away. "What the heck?! How am I supposed to get back to the park?!" Benson asked. The trio end up going to multiple places in order to get the hockey stick table back, but each person they asked only shook their heads and pointed to the left. Eventually the trio came to a steel door.

The door opens and an arm gripping a stick flies out. "Uh, we're heard there was a stick hockey table here?" Mordecai asked. Meanwhile Benson storms into the house. Pops and Skips are playing cards. "Benson! Care to join our game of cards?" Pops asked. "Not now, Pops." He said. "Suit yourself!" Pops said. "Where are (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby?" Skips asked. "How should I know?! They stole the cart and took off without me! Can you believe it?" Benson asked. "After what you pulled? I believe it." Skips said. "What?! You're still on their side?!" Benson asked.

"You should've at least given them a chance." Skips said. "It seems the honorable thing to do is apologize. Oh, look!" Pops holds up a joker card with Benson on it. "This one is you!" He giggles. "Hmph." Skips tosses a walkie talkie to Benson. "(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, are you there? Pick up!" Benson shouted. Skips reaches for the walkie talkie. "Let me try. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby. Are you there?" Skips asked. "Hey, Skips." (Y/n) said. "Tell them I want to talk to them! Tell them!" Benson said. Skips skips away. "Where are you guys? Uh huh. Mmhm. Okay." Skips said.

"So what are they still mad at me? Where are they?" Benson asked. "You're not gonna like it." Skips said. Meanwhile the trio are versing Chong at stick hockey in an arena. The crowd is yelling. Chong hits with the visibly battered (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby with a stick. Chong scores, the scoreboard showing Home: 7, Away: 32, Period: 3, Time Remaining: 2:58. The crowd cheer with Chong.

They continue playing when Chong pushes (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby to the ground with sticks. "This is so not fun..." Rigby said. "So not fun..." Mordecai said. Chong grabs holds (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby up by their necks, holding Rigby and (Y/n) in the same hand. "I don't want him to chop off our heads!" Rigby shouted. Chong laughs. "Who's going to finish your game now?" He laughs. "I'll finish it!" Benson walks into the arena. Chong gasps. "Death Dragon!"


Benson and his pupil Dave are sitting on a bench. "Well, looks like we're up. Just remember what I taught you." Benson said. "Thank you, master." Dave said. "I'll see you in the finals." Benson fist bumps with Dave. Benson and Dave play their stick hockey matches. Benson wins quickly. Dave's opponent is Chong, who cuts off his head with sticks. "Oh, my neck!" Benson picks up Dave's head. "Dave!" "Master, I thought you said this was gonna be so much fu- Guh..." he then dies. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..."

~End Of Flashback~

Benson sheds a tear. "I always knew the dragon would return to his lair." Chong throws (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby and they groan. "I go by Benson now." Benson said. "Oooh, Benson." Chong mocks. "I'm here to get my friends and go." Benson said. "Who, these pathetic stick twiddlers?" Chong asked. "Don't say it like that." Benson said. "Get rid of them." Chong's men take (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby away. "No!" They shouted as they tried their best to escape to no avail. "No!"

Benson shouted as he reaches out to them. "What are you going to do about it?" Chong taunted. "I'm going to finish the game and beat you like I should have ten years ago." Benson said. "No!" (Y/n) shouted, trying to run over but was grabbed, along with her two best friends. "No! Benson! Don't!" Mordecai said. "Don't do it! This game is to the death!" Rigby shouted. "Trust me." Benson said. Chong walks up to the table and undoes his hair. He laughs and presses start to release a puck. Benson scores twice. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby gasp. "Whoa." (Y/n) said.

Chong can't get the puck past Benson's goalie. "I see you've retained some of your skills. Too bad the game has changed." The ground around the table sections off and elevates. A pit of fire starts. The section tilts towards Chong. Chong laughs. The section tilts towards Benson. Benson slips and hangs off the edge, then pulls himself up. Benson quickly scores. Chong gasps and surrounds Benson with copies of himself and the table. His score increases. Benson disillusions the copies and goes into overdrive, scoring rapidly. He breaks the table and both of them fly onto the ground.

The scoreboard shows Home: 48, Away: 47, Period: 7, Time Remaining: 0:00. Later, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson and the stick hockey table. Later on Benson has the table set back up in the garage. "There you go, good as new." He said. "Thanks, Benson, we-" (Y/n) said, her tone apologetic. "Ah, ah, before you say anything else, I want to apologize for getting rid of your game.

I shouldn't have gone back on my word." Benson said. "That's cool." Mordecai said. "I guess I just didn't want to see you end up like me. Some dried-up loser stuck working at a park because he wasted his life playing stick hockey." Benson sad. "Yeah, totally." Rigby said. "So what do you say, wanna play a round?" Benson asked. "Ah, no, I think we're good. We should've trusted you, Benson." (Y/n) said. "We're going back to video games." Rigby said. "Later." The trio leave the garage, and Benson sighs. "Why do I even bother?"

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