Carter and Briggs

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"Car-ter! Bri-iggs! Car-ter! Bri-iggs! Car-ter! Bri-iggs!" The trio chanted as they watched tv. "Hey!" Sammy shouted. Briggs takes his wallet. "Looky what we got here, Carter." Briggs tosses the wallet to Carter. "Why am I being arrested?!" Sammy asked angrily. "Attempted hit and run." Briggs said. "Ah, Slammy Fenderbend." Carter said. "That's not my name!" Carter and Briggs get in the vehicle with Sammy in the back. "We know you work for Escobito, Sammy."

Static is heard and Commissioner Davis comes through the intercom. "Carter and Briggs! This is Commissioner Davis. You two are loose canons!" Davis shouted. "Whatever, Commissioner La-mis." Carter and Briggs's theme music plays. "Carter! Briggs!!" Davis shouted. "Awww, ye-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ah!!" Briggs hits the gas and does a donut. The screen freeze-frames as credits appear for the executive producer T. M. Blunderbuss. "Next week on "Carter and Briggs". Carter and Briggs are doing donuts while shooting guns in a warehouse with four masked men, one of which falls from an upper-level. "Ye-e-e-e-e-e-AH!!" They shouted.

"Escobitoooooooo!" Briggs shoots a missile. "You know what I like about this show?" Rigby crosses his arms. "The realism." He said. "And their custom 1985 police cruiser, engineered for doing donuts." Mordecai said. Mordecai imitates a car screeching while pretending to turn a driving wheel. "Donuts for Show-Nuts!" Rigby said in a high pitched voice, and the trio laugh. "Best cop show ever!" (Y/n) said. "Would you like to meet Carter and Briggs?" The announcer asked. "Yes!" Rigby said.

"They'll be at Horton Motor Arena this weekend, judging the 8th Annual Donut Spin-a-thon! Spin-a-thon!" The announcer said. "Dudes, donuts!" (Y/n) said. "We do donuts all the time." Mordecai said. "For show-nuts!" Rigby said. "Whoever holds the longest spin will win! WIN!" The announcer said. "Win what? Win whaaat?" Rigby asked anxiously, and (Y/n) giggles. "You and some friends could win... a guest starring role on "Carter and Briggs"!" The trio anxiously gasp.

"What?! No way!" (Y/n) said. "Ah! Awesome!" Rigby said. "We should-! We really should-!" The trio said at the same time respectively. Rigby points at (Y/n). "You go first." He said. "Dudes... Dudes... Duuudes. We gotta enter that contest." (Y/n) said. "That's exactly what I was gonna say! Are we on the same level or what?" Rigby asked. The trio raise their arms.

"Who-OOOOOOOOAH!!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run out of the house. Pops enters the living room and looks at the television. "And now it's time for "Crime She Typed". The narrator said. "Oooh! What's she going to type this time?" Pops asked excitedly. Later the trio are in the cart, in front of the house, doing donuts. "Ooooooooooh!" They slide off to the side. "Awwww...

They reattempt the donut. "Oooooooh!" They slide off again. "Aww..." Rigby said. "Aw, man..." Mordecai said. "This isn't working." (Y/n) said. "Dudes...Maybe we're not as good at this as we thought..." Rigby said. "Yeah...Who do we know that's really good at spinning donuts?" Mordecai said, and (Y/n) smirks. "Two words, Muscle Man." She said. The trio are now outside Muscle Man and HFG's trailer.

Muscle Man is working with some tools. "Muscle Man. We need your help." (Y/n) said. "Can't you toolboxes say that I'm busy organizing my toolboxes?" Muscle Man asked. "There's a donut-spinning contest, and we need to win!" Rigby said. "But donut sports are off-season." Muscle Man said in confusion. "But Carter and Briggs are holding it!" Mordecai said. "What? That show's for babies, bro." Muscle Man said. "Come on! Without your help we ca—" the trio began, but Muscle Man cut them off. "But.....I do love spinning donuts." He crosses his arms. "Your first lesson is tomorrow at dawn." He said. Later the trio are in front of the house meeting with Muscle Man. The trio give an aggravated sigh.

"Why do we have to get up so early...?" Rigby asked. "I'm gonna need more coffee..." Mordecai said. "Can I go back to bed?" (Y/n) whined as she rubs her eyes tiredly. "Sure, if you want to lose the contest." Muscle Man replied, and she groans. Muscle Man knocks Mordecai's cup of coffee out of his hand. "Coffee is for people who don't have adrenaline!" He shouted. "Yeah! Get some adrena-"

Muscle Man knocks the cup out of Rigby's hand. "My coffee..." he whined, and (Y/n) giggles, and he glares at her playfully. "Now listen up!" Muscle Man climbs on top of the cart, making sounds of struggling. "Donuts are an ancient practice that probably started in some foreign country, by old wizards, or something. The number one rule is to keep your turn radius small." He said. "Turn radius?"

(Y/n) asked. Muscle Man jumps off the cart, pulls out a rod, and draws a 10' diameter circle in the dirt "Keep your front wheel in this circle." He points at the circle with his finger. "The smaller the radius, the longer you can hold the spin. So let's get to work on your radius." He said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby practice their donuts' radius, but they fall out of line with the circle. "Aww..." the trio said. "Augh! I told you! Hold the turn radius! Now do it again!" Muscle Msn blows his whistle. The trio attempt the donut again. "Hold it! Hold it!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby continue the donut. Muscle Man draws an 8' diameter circle within the previous circle. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are displeased but carry on their training.

"Master the radius." The circle turns into the sun and then the moon as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby continue their donuts around it. "The smaller the radius, the longer you hold." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby keep doing smaller and smaller radiuses. "Woooooooo!" Dusts flies towards him, making him cough. He then walks to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Good form, nice circle work, and you cut your turn radius in half." He said. "Alright, let's get it down to zero!" Rigby said.

"Whoa. You wanna drive in a vortex, bro?" Muscle Man asked. "Huh?" (Y/n) asked. "Zero turning radius is only theoretical. When you find that sweet spot, Infinite donuts." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby gawk at Muscle Man. "But you've gotta spin in a vortex." Muscle man twirls his finger around. "It's too dangerous to attempt. I think you guys are ready now. Congratulations, losers." Muscle Man walks away as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby shake hands and walk away just to turn back and give each other a high five. Later the trio are in Skips' garage.

"Alright, fellas. The cart is ready to go. Got it all tuned up. Refreshed the fluids, filled her with special high octane fuel, and installed extra bald, no friction tires. With these babies, you'll be spinning donuts for days." Skips nods. "Thanks, Skips." The trio said. "Don't mention it. Good luck out there." Skips tosses them the cart keys, but is intercepted by Benson. "Not so fast. I heard all about your little contest. There's no way I'll let you guys do it." He points at the trio.

"Wait, what?" Mordecai asked. "Why not?" Rigby asked. "Come on, Benson! Can't you just-" (Y/n) began. "Ah, ah, ah. Not unless you wear these on T.V. if you win." Benson holds up a shirt. "Oh. Let me see." (Y/n) is handed the shirt and she holds it up. The shirt has red seams on the sleeves and neck, and plain text that says "The Park" "Wow...Great design..."

(Y/n) said, trying to sound sound convincing. She laughs nervously. At the 8th Annual Donut Spin-a-thon one of the competition are getting ready. "Oh, man...These guys are pretty serious." Mordecai said. "Don't get psyched out, bros. It's not about the equipment. It's about heart...Wait...That doesn't sound right...It's about turn radius. And you two got that down." Muscle Man said.

"Thanks, Muscle Man." (Y/n) said. "Dudes, look!" Rigby points upward. "It's Carter and Briggs!" Carter and Briggs are waving to the audience. "Alright. You guys ready for some donuts?" Briggs asked. The crowd cheers. "I can't hear you! I said, "Are you ready?!" The crowd cheers louder. "Thank you! My hearing's not so good!" He raises an arm. "And now, whoever holds the longest spin, will win!" He shouted.

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby face their first opponents, who quickly lost their spin, making (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby continue on. The trio face their second opponents, whose bus tire breaks and their bus flips to an edge of the stadium, killing them, making (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby continue on. Benson, Hi Five Ghost, Thomas and Pops hold up four signs that says "(N/n), Mordo & Rigs"

which they flip over and says "Kick Their Butts". With Thomas holding the part of the sign with (Y/n)'s nickname. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby face their third opponents, who felt sick and had to stop to vomit. The trio continue as the crowd cheer them on. Mordecai drinks a bottle of water, then passes it to Rigby who squirts the bottle on his head, who then passes it to (Y/n) as she has a drink. Skips repairs the wheel while Muscle Man gives (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby some more advice about keeping their turn radius small. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby face their next opponents, whose engine burst into flames and the opponents caught on fire, making (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby win as the crowd cheers.

"Welcome to the final round!" Briggs said. "It's really you guys!" Rigby said. "What are your names, contestants?" Briggs asked. "(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, sir." Mordecai said. "Let's see who you'll be up against." Carter said. The trio gasp. "Oh no, bro!" A police cruiser is revealed with two posers dressed as Carter and Briggs in it. "A mint-condition 1985 police cruiser? 300 horsepower V8, extra bald tire streaks, aerodynamic chassis?"

The Briggs poser drives as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream, then they do donuts until they stop. They come out as the crowd cheers. "Hey, Briggs! Those guys look like us!" Carter said. "It is an honor, Carter and Briggs. And as for you two posers, you are going down." The Briggs Poser said as he and the Carter poser bow to the real Carter and Briggs. "Posers? You're one to talk with your identical looks to Carter and Briggs!" (Y/n) shouted, and the crowd 'ooh'd' at this. "Yeah! We don't need Halloween costumes to be fans." Mordecai said. "As Escobito said in the TV movie "Carter and Briggs Bust Russia": We will destroy them your holiness." The Briggs poser said.

"Well, as Briggs said in episode 238: Shut your crime hole." (Y/n) said. "Episode 129: Eat Taser!" He takes out a taser. Carter and Briggs laugh nervously. "Alright." Briggs said. "Which team will win the chance to be on Carter and Briggs?" Carter asked. "Probably the one that's an exact replica of a police cruiser, am I right?" Briggs asked. "Awww, ye-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-ah!!" The duo said. "Teams, to your vehicles!" The two teams go to their vehicles. Muscle Man goes to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby.

"Bros! Bros! Don't listen to them. Focus. They have a 1985 police cruiser replica, which is pretty much the perfect donut spinning winning machine. But I don't train losers to lose, I train winners to win. Now go win this Donut Spin-a-thon, losers!" He walks away. "Thanks, I guess." Mordecai said. The final round of the Spin-a-thon starts as the two teams do donuts. "Up the ante, bros!" Muscle Man shouted. Mordecai shifts the stick gear, which makes their cart spin faster, then the Briggs poser shifts the stick gear, which makes their police cruiser spin faster. "Hit the grease!" the Briggs Poser shouted. He pushes a button, which releases grease on the ground and they spin on it. "Come on!" Benson shouted. "Whoa! That street-legal, Brad?" Carter asked.

"Does it matter?" They kept spinning on the grease until they get closer to the cart as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream, then they bump the cart, making both of the teams' vehicles bump into the walls of the stadium until they continue to spin. "You'll never break our spin!" (Y/n) shouted. "We got mad skills!" Rigby shouted. "Who need skills?"

The Briggs Poser pulls a lever, which lets out an engine and a speed booster as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream, then the cruiser spins and hit (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby's cart, making the vehicles spin at zero turning radius and create a vortex, which the crowd, except Muscle Man and Skips, who are holding an edge of the stadium, run away. They spin in the vortex as (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream and the Crater and Briggs posers laugh maniacally.

"Resisting defeat, we have ways of dealing with you!" The Carter Poser grabs a baton and hits (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, but Rigby grabs the Carter poser's arm. "The sooner you die, the sooner we'll be on "Carter and Briggs." He said. "What?! You guys would seriously kill people for this?!" (Y/n) shouted. "You guys are psycho!" Mordecai shouted. They see a piece of the ground above the vortex, then Rigby bites the Carter poser's arm, making him drop the baton and land in Rigby's hands. Rigby throws the baton at the piece of the ground,

making it fall, then Mordecai spins the cart away from the police cruiser. "That hurt!" The piece of the ground crashes on the police cruiser, causing it to drive at the bottom of the vortex and it explodes, killing the two posers. "We're gonna win!" (Y/n) shouted. A skull monster with tentacles rises up. "We're gonna die!" Rigby shouted. "What do we do?!" Mordecai asked, and (Y/n) gasps as she remembers.

"You gonna drive in a vortex, bro?" Muscle Man had asked. "Dudes! We gonna do zero turning radius! Spin in a vortex!" (Y/n) shouted. "But that's crazy!" Mordecai shouted. "Have any better ideas?" (Y/n) asked. Mordecai pumps the gas pump and turns the wheel to spin with the vortex. "Hold it!" (Y/n) shouted.

The cart starts spinning with the vortex as the two are vibrating. "It's workinnnnnnng!" Mordecai shouted. "Zeeeero turrrrning radiuuuus!" Rigby shouted. The cart continues to spin with the vortex until it rises out of the vortex as the crowd watches. Muscle Man smiles. Carter and Briggs get up. "We have a winner!" The cart comes down and stops spinning as (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and the cart are vibrating. Carter and Briggs give (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby medals, which they magnetically land on their chests. "Congrats, Motor-cai, Spins-by and (N/n)." Carter said.

"See you three on set." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby gasp excitedly. Later back at the house, the gang, including Margaret, Eileen and Thomas, are in the living room watching (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby's guest starring roles on Carter and Briggs. "This free publicity will be so good for the park." Benson said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes, but it was more in a playful manner. "Shh! Be quiet. Our scene is next." Mordecai said. They watch the scene where

(Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who are wearing the shirts Benson gave them, are in an area in town with Carter and Briggs where the scene is made. "What are you guys doing?!" (Y/n) asked the cops angrily. "Pu-pulling us of the street won't do-do a thing, Carter and Briggs." Rigby said nervously. Carter and Briggs look disappointed. "Yeah. Crime is like a lizard's tail It always..." Mordecai coughs. "It always grows back?" He said. "Take your last breath of fresh air, punks.

'Cause you won't be breathing them for a long time." Carter is proceeding to arrest (Y/n). "Hey! That actually hurt!" She shouted. "That did actually hurt." (Y/n) said. The screen freeze-frames as credits appear for the executive producer T. M. Blunderbuss. "So, what do everybody think?" Everyone, disappointed at the scene, mumble and walk away, leaving (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, except for Thomas, who stays and walks over to (Y/n). "Hey (Y/n), I thought you were great in that scene." He said.

"O- oh. Really? Thanks, Thomas." She said, blushing a little. "You should be a real actress." Thomas said, he seemed to be blushing a tad as well. Mordecai and Rigby look at each other awkwardly. Rigby shrugs before they look back at the duo. "Maybe I'll think about it." She said. Thomas smiles at her before walking off. After a few moments of awkward silence, (Y/n) speaks up. "Dudes, this is the best day in my life." She said, and Rigby smirks. "Why? Because you got a compliment from Thomas?" (Y/n) hits him hard and Mordecai snickers. "OW!"

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