Skips' Stress

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Skips is working on the cart in his garage. Skips sighs after sipping a cup of tea. "Hey Skips, could you help us fix the pump in the fountain?" Mordecai asked. "Come on, Mordecai. He looks busy." (Y/n) said. "I am busy." Skips replied. "But Skips, we don't know what we're doing!" Rigby whines, and Skips sighs. "Alright, I'll be right there." He skips out of his garage. While he is fixing the fountain for (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, Benson walks to them carrying paint.

"Skips, can you help me put a new can of paint on the benches?" Benson asked. Skips sighs as he touches his arm. "Yeah, sure." He walks off to do so. Skips is now painting the benches. "Skips, can you help me plant my chrysanthemums?" Pops asked. Skips sighs and then clutches in pain as he notices some black lines. "Skips?" Pops asked. "Sure, sure, Pops." Skips said.

Skips is now planting when Benson runs over to him. "Skips, what's going on with those benches?" He asked. "I had to help-" Muscle Man shows up with Hi Five Ghost. "Skips, we wrecked another gas line." Muscle Man said. "Uhh..." Skips said. "Uhh..." Skips said. "Skips! Skips! Skips!" Mordecai & Rigby said as (Y/n) stood beside them. "What? What? What?" Skips asked.

"Lunch. Lunch. Lunch." Mordecai & Rigby said. "Why don't you guys go on ahead without me? I've got too much to do today." Skips said. "You heard him, he's busy." (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Come on dude. You look like you could use some lunch." Mordecai said. Later the gang is at Two Peaks Mall. Everyone is having lunch together. "Ok, ok. How much money would it take for you to walk up to a shark and punch it in the face? Go!" Muscle Man said. "I'd do it for half a million.

But only if I get to pick the shark." Mordecai said. "Same." (Y/n) agreed. "I'd do it for $500 and get me a pair of genuine leather biker boots! What about you, Skips?" Rigby asked. "Look, I don't know, guys. Can we just get back to the park? I got a lot to do today!" Skips said. "Oh, oh! I got one." Rigby said, and Skips groans in pain again. "You should get a motorcycle before you get biker boots." Benson said as the gang was leaving.

"Yeah, I'm gonna listen to the guy who doesn't drive a hog to work every day." Rigby said. "Hey! Everybody stop leaving and come look at this!" Muscle Man shouted. Skips sighs. "A stress test machine. I always ace these things." Muscle Man places his hand on the machine. "You know who else always aces these things?" Muscle Man asked.

"Your mo-" "MY MOM!" He said, interrupting (Y/n) and he starts the test by pressing the red button. It gives the final results. "Stress Level: Moderate. Suggestion: Cut back on the late night pies." The machine said. "Aw, what?" Muscle Man asked, and (Y/n) snickers. "Dude, you just got roasted!" She said, and her best friends snicker. "Whoa!" Everyone else said. "You should do it, Skips. You'd be all, 'Stress? Never heard of it!'"

Mordecai said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Oh come on, Mordecai everyone gets stressed at least once in their life." (Y/n) said. "Aaah, can we just go?" Everyone encourages him to do it. "Wait, I'll go first. How about that?" (Y/n) asked, and Skips sighs. "Fine." He said. (Y/n) steps onto the machine. "Stress level: above average. Suggestion: try counting from one to ten." Everyone looks at (Y/n) with wide eyes. "Uh..." she said. "What the...?" Rigby asked, sounding slightly concerned. "Are you okay, (Y/n)?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, are you actually that stressed?" Muscle Man asked. "I wonder why that would be." Rigby asked obliviously and (Y/n) face palms. "Yeah, it's a real mystery, Rigby." Benson said sarcastically with his arms crossed.

"My turn I guess." Skips sits down and starts the test by pressing the red button and then placing his hand. "Stress Level: Critical." "Oh no..." (Y/n) said. The pharmacist is alerted by this just at the pharmacy. He comes out of the pharmacy and takes the incoming stress test results out of the machine. "Oh my goodness. Oh, oh no. Oh, no, no, no, no. Sir, are these your stress test results?" He asked. "Uh, yeah. Why?" Skips asked.

The pharmacist shows him his stress levels. "I regret to inform you that your stress levels are off the charts." He said. "Whoa! How did that even happen?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, Skips, what made you so stressed?" Rigby asked. "I can think of two reasons, and they're in front of me right now." (Y/n) said. The duo's eyes widen. "Look, I'm fine! Can we just go?" Skips asked. "No, I'm afraid you're not fine. Now, uh, may I?"

The pharmacist takes Skips arm and reveal the black lines on it. Everyone is surprised at the sight of it. "These are indicators of severe stress." He said. "Oh no!" (Y/n) said. "I guess I have been a little stressed out." Skips said. "Sir, if you fail to reduce your stress level, you will die." The pharmacist said. "But he's immortal!" (Y/n) protested. "Who's the pharmacist here? The immortality won't save him on this one! I'm sorry, sir, but if you don't take immediate action to reduce your stress levels, you will die."

Skips is now feeling uncomfortable. "And telling him THAT is supposed to calm him down?!" (Y/n) asked furiously. "(Y/n)!" Benson scolds. "Now, can I interest you in any bandages or breath strips?" The pharmacist asked. Skips and Benson are walking to Skips' house. "I'm worried about you, Skips. I think you should take the rest of the day off." Benson said.

"I can't. I've got too much to do today!" Skips said. "No, Skips. You're taking the day off. Doctor's orders." Benson said. " Fine." Skips goes into his house and lies down. He enters a dream. "Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips!" Rigby said on a unicycle. "Skips, you gotta help us. Quick, put this on!" Mordecai and Rigby put a black and white shirt on Skips. The dark background reveals a haunted house carnival. "Skips, I need help!" (Y/n) shouted.

Benson appears in a a ringmaster costume. "Skips!" Skips turns around and sees him. "Skips, I've got to start my show! Where's my fish?! Where's my fish?!" His hands turn into black octopus-like whips. A shark swallows him. Skips hears Pops laughing at a booth. "Skips, you must play at my booth!" His voice deepens as he turns into a black creature. "Try to hit the target!" He laughs.

Skips begins to back away. "Skips! Test your strength, bro!" Muscle Man's hair becomes dark and wiggly. "Ring the bell, Skips! Ring the bell!" Skips notices a mallet in his hands, then see a bell in front of him. He bangs the mallet down and rings the bell. The black lines on the shirt wriggle around. "Aaaah!" He wakes up from the dream and finds something shocking underneath the blanket.

Later at Pops' house, everyone and Skips, who is wearing a jacket, are waiting for Benson. "Alright, guys. Here's what left to do today." Benson notices Skips. "Skips, what are you doing here?" Benson asked. "I'm working." Skips said. "No, you're not. The doctor said you need to take it easy." Benson said. "He was a pharmacist at a shopping mall! Trust me, I'm fine." Skips said. "You sure?" (Y/n) asked him with concern. "Yeah. I'm fine!" Skips said. "Alright, but let me know if it's too much." Benson checks the schedule. "Okay. So, we have the ice cream social today. Skips, you're setting up the booth, the ice cream—" Skips starts screaming in pain and rolls downs the stairs as everyone looks at him in shock. He knocks himself out cold.

"SKIPS!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. He wakes up with his friends surrounding him. Benson unzips his jacket. "Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips!" Rigby shouted. When he comes to, Pops has just taken something off his head. "Skips, are you alright?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, what's that black gunk?! You look like you're gonna die!" Rigby said, and Mordecai punches him. "Oww!" He shouted. Benson and Pops are both helping Skips. "It's just stress. I-I-I'm okay." Skips said.

"Skips, you're not okay! You can't put it off any longer." (Y/n) said. "(Y/n)'s right. You must visit the bell!" Pops said. "Bell? What bell?" (Y/n) asked. Pops and Benson help Skips up while he winces in pain. "There is an ancient stress bell that lies atop the Himalayan mountains. When it is rung, it relieves you of all your stress." Pops said. "Then why didn't you visit the bell sooner?" (Y/n) asked. "It's not that simple. Ringing the bell is 5 times more dangerous than stress itself.

Usually I can keep my stress under control, but I guess I let it get out of hand." Skips replied. "Well, okay. You gotta ring this bell. But how do we get to the Himalayas?" Rigby asked. "Leave it to me." Pops said. Pops opens his garage, where Carmenita is. He takes her out of the garage and opens the boot. Skips places a sword in the boot. Rigby asks, "Is that a ninja sword?" and Skips nods "Yes". Pops puts Carmenita in fly mode and he, Skips, (Y/n),

Mordecai, Rigby and Benson start taking off to the Himalayas. Muscle Man and Fives wave goodbye to them, and they wave back. As they are flying, Skips' stress continues to envelope him. Rigby shows a mixtape entitled "Rigby's Stress Mix". He plays it, and Skips covers his ears. (Y/n) slaps him, and throws the mixtape out of the car. A storm brews, and Skips' stress become even worse. Benson places a watch in Skips' mouth so he can calm down. The gang have arrived at the Himalayan mountains. "There it is. The ancient stress bell." Pops said. They see a giant bell. Benson hops out of the car. "Here, Skips. We'll help you up there." Benson said. Everyone starts carrying Skips to the bell. They walk past a bunch of skeletons. "Whoa, who are all these dead guys?" Rigby asked.

"They must have lost their battles against their stress." Skips said. A skeleton splits in half. The gang get Skips onto the bell. "Thanks. Now, what I'm about to tell you is really important. You have to keep your ears covered for as long as the bell is ringing." He said. "Ok, Skips." Mordecai said. "Rigby, what did he just say?" (Y/n) asked sternly. "Keep our ears covered." Rigby said.

"For as long as the bell rings." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, yeah." Rigby said. "Good. Now go! Go! Get out of here! Far away!" Skips said. "Good luck, Skips!" Rigby said. (Y/n), Pops, Benson, Mordecai and Rigby run away from the bell and cover their ears. Skips then rings the bell, producing a long, loud sound. He screams as the stress exits his body and transforms into a stress monster that looks like Skips. "Cool." Skips grunts and charges at the monster, but it grabs hims. Rigby spots the ninja sword. "Skips, you forgot your ninja sword!" He runs to grab the sword.

"Rigby, no!" (Y/n) uncovers her ears and grabs Rigby. Mordecai, Pops and Benson uncover their ears and grab Rigby also. "Cover your ears!" Benson shouted. Rigby is still trying to get to the sword, but he screams as his stress exits his body and the four of them float into the sky. "No!" The stress exit the four of them, except for (Y/n) for some reason, and they all fall back down, and go into Skips' stress, causing it to squirm around and form 4 more stress heads; one of Rigby, Pops, Benson and of of Mordecai. "What the heck?!" Mordecai asked.

Skips raised an eyebrow at the chipmunk. 'She wasn't affected?' He asked himself, confusion in his features. Why hadn't her stress come out? Skips was starting to grow his suspicions, considering the stress machine said her stress levels were kind of high earlier, but choose to focus on the bigger problem right now. "I gotta get the ninja sword!" Rigby grabs the sword, then runs to Skips.

"Skips!" He throws the sword to Skips, who sees and swiftly catches it. Skips whips it out of the case and start fighting the stress. "Let me handle this!" Skips screams as he charges at the stress, but is thrown away by its tentacles. He rolls and slices them off, but is soon grabbed by the tentacles again. The stress monster throws him into a statue, and grabs him by the neck. "We gotta help him!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yeah! Let's get this thing!" Benson agreed. They all scream and charge. They start grabbing weapons left behind behind by the skeletons, and start going at their own stress head. Mordecai screams at he runs to his stress head, but he is whacked by its tentacles. Pops' stress head grabs him. "Leave Pops alone!" (Y/n) shouted, and bangs her weapon on the head, only to be grabbed into the head. Rigby pokes his weapon at his stress head, but is whacked away. "It's too powerful!" Pops shouted.

"We gotta cut off all of its heads!" Skips shouted, while slicing a tentacle. All the stress head roar. Mordecai gets up. "Time to de-stress." He starts dodging the tentacles as he runs toward the stress head. He finally cut it off, causing it to vanish. Pops runs back toward his stress head, cuts off it tentacles and finally slices it off. (Y/n) sees Benson about to be caught by a tentacle of his stress head and quickly runs over to help him. "Benson, watch out!" She quickly pushes him out of the way and is caught by the tentacle of Benson's stress head instead, and screams as she heads towards it. "(Y/N)!" Benson shouted worriedly, running towards her. "Let her go!" He shouted. Rigby runs to the stress head with his weapon. "Hold on!" He shouted. "No, no, no! Rigby, don't!" (Y/n) shouted.

Rigby throws his weapon at the tentacle, disabling it. (Y/n) screams as she falls. She grabs her weapon and hits the stress head. "Thanks!" She said. "No problem." Rigby shields himself from a tentacle, and screams as he slices his stress head down, causing it to vanish. Benson is caught by the tentacles, as (Y/n) runs to him. "Benson, take these!" She throws tiny axes at Benson, who throws them at his stress head's eyeballs, causing it to explode.

Everyone except Skips is taken aback from the vibration. They watch Skips as he is fighting his stress head. Skips continues using his ninja sword and chops at the tentacles. He leaps up on top as the head dodges, and lunges the sword into it. The head pop back up and the monsters uses its tentacles to grab the sword and throw it aside. "Skips" They are knocked aside by a tentacle.

The monster has Skips in his grip, but he breaks out and runs down the monster, who is clinging onto him. He jumps down and sees a spear on the ground. He grabs it and turns around to stab it in the monster, going straight through it and causing it to completely vanish. Skips pants heavily. Everyone comes and cheers for him. "We're sorry we made you so stressed out, Skips." Mordecai said.

"Ah, forget it. And thanks for helping me out back there." Skips said. "This isn't going to happen again. We could all stand to do more of our own work without bothering you for help." Benson said. "Yeah." (Y/n) agreed. "I enjoy helping my friends, but, uh, that might not be such a bad idea." Skips said. They all head back to Carmenita. "Oh my." Pops said. "What's wrong?" Mordecai asked.

They see the weapons jammed into a tire. "We've got a flat tire." Pops said. "I'll take care of it!" Skips opens the boot, but notices the gang staring at him while Benson shakes his head "no". He backs away, then they start fixing it themselves by working together. "Here's the tire iron." (Y/n) gives it to Rigby. "I'll grab the jack." Rigby said. "I got the spare." Mordecai said. "Oh, let me help you with that." Benson said, and Skips smiles.

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