Daddy Issues

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At Cheezers, there's a long line. Rigby can be heard groaning while in line with (Y/n), Mordecai, and CJ. "We've only three inches of this line and I'm starving!" Rigby said. "You just had breakfast, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, a whole half hour ago. Urrgh!" Inside Cheezers, a cheese sandwich is being grilled. A waiter, carrying the food, goes to the table where the gang is sitting. "Alright! Now we're talking!" Rigby said. The waiter places the food on their table. "Here you go. Four Cheddargeddons with a side of tomato bisque." The waiter said.

"Aw yea-yuh! Cheddargeddon my stomach!" CJ said. "Haha, nice." (Y/n) said. "Hey man, what's with the balls?" Rigby asked. He is referring to the yellow balls placed with their meals. "Those are complimentary golf balls for our new Sink Hole ide Queso! challenge." The waiter said. "If you get a hole-in-one, your party eats for free." He continued. "Oh, yes!" Rigby picks up his sandwich and throws it against the restroom door. "Rigby, what are you doing?" (Y/n) asked. "Free stuff always tastes better." He goes over to the challenge. "Now let's do this!" Rigby starts goofily laughing while holding a golf club. He hits the ball and it bounces off goal, landing in a man's tomato soup.

Rigby screams. "Mordecai, you gotta make this shot! I don't wanna have to eat my lunch off the bathroom door!" Rigby shouted. "Move..." Mordecai takes a shot, but it misses, and rolls straight back to Mordecai's feet. "No!!! Why?" Rigby shouted. "Sorry, dude." Mordecai walks off as (Y/n) runs over. "Oh, oh - my turn!" (Y/n) takes a shot, but it doesn't even make it as far as Rigby's. "Aw...sorry, Rigby." She said. "Your turn, CJ." Mordecai said. "Uh, that's okay. I think I'll pass." CJ said. "Aw, come on! Just try it! You can't be any worse than us." (Y/n) said.

"I just really don't like mini golf." CJ said. "Please CJ, I'm so hungry!" Rigby begged, and CJ sighs. "Here." CJ takes the golf club and hits the ball, getting a hole-in-one. Fireworks shoot out of the course as the Cheezer's Mascot bursts through the wall. "Boss! Boss! Someone won!" A mascot said. "Cheezers of partying approval alone, we have a winner! Chaz Melter, CEO and Founder of Cheezers.

You are the first and only customer to beat the Sink Hole ide Queso! Congratulations!" Chaz passes CJ a giant check for a free lunch. "Huh?" She asked. "Say...with skills like that, you gotta play in the Putterpalooza this weekend! Uh, sponsored by Cheezers, of course. Grand prize is a "Cut the Cheezers" card. Win one of these babies and you get to cut in the front of the line for life!" Chaz said. "Aw, yeayuh! No more lines!" Rigby said. "Yeah, that must be a paradise for you." (Y/n) crossed her arms and smirks, and Mordecai laughs. "Whatever." Rigby said.

"Look - I don't wanna do this! I don't like mini golf!" CJ said. "And I don't like waiting in line! We're talking about cutting in front of people and getting away with it! You're the only one who can win this for us!" Rigby shouted, and (Y/n) slaps him. "Ow!" "Look, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't have to. Don't force her into this, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Oh come on, (Y/n). It'll be really fun, just try it and see! Think of all the time we'll save skipping all the lines." Mordecai said, and CJ sighs. "Okay. I'll play." She said. "Oh, yeayuh - Cut the Cheezers!" Rigby said. "But I'm gonna need a little practice if I'm gonna enter the tournament." CJ said. "You don't need practice! You're gouda 'nuff to win! Heh." Chaz said, and the gang stares at him. "I get paid extra to say that." Chaz said. "We figured." (Y/n) said.

~Time Skip~

The gang are at a Putt Hut mini-golf course. "Okay...don't get your hopes up. I'm a little rusty." CJ attempts a shot and gets another hole-in-one. "That's what you call rusty?" Rigby asked. They see CJ get another two hole-in-ones. "Intuitive pivoting? Angle control? You got serious skills, CJ!" (Y/n) said. "How did I not know you were amazing at this?" Mordecai asked. "Eh - I'm full of surprises." She hits another ball, but it bounces off a novelty mermaid's tail and into a lake. CJ gets angry, turning slowly into a storm cloud. "How did I miss that shot!?"

CJ throws her golf club into someone's windshield. "It was so easy!" CJ shouted. "Whoa, CJ, calm down!" (Y/n) said. "It's just mini golf." Rigby said. "I can't help taking mini golf seriously. It kinda runs in the family." She sighs. "My dad is Carl Putter." CJ said. "Whoa, Carl Putter? The world champion mini-golf pro?" Mordecai asked. "That explains so much." (Y/n) said. "Wait, so your last name is Putter?" Rigby asked. "No, that's just his mini-golf name. Look, it's not something I really like to talk about. Growing up with a mini golf legend as your dad, well - it can be pretty tough."

(Flashback to CJ's childhood. She is mini-golfing with her dad)

"Come on, focus! Focus!" CJ hits a ball with her club. It almost goes in, but misses just about. "Hmm, not bad. Not bad...if you like losing! Takes a little finesse if you wanna beat your old man!" Carl prepares himself, then gets a hole-in-one. "Haha!" 'He never let me win.' Carl is seen knocking away CJ's ball with another ball. "Ooh, too slow! In your face!" Carl does a victory dance.

"He was a real sore winner, until I finally had enough." In the flashback, CJ is now at the Junior Championship Mini Golf Tournament. "Don't mess it up, don't mess it up!" CJ hits the ball with enough speed to make it stop in front of some wooden gopher obstacles. "What are you doing!? I didn't teach you to play it safe!" Carl shouted. "But dad, I'll be able to make the next shot easy, then I can get second place."

CJ said. "Second place is just the first loser! You gotta go all or nothing!" CJ gets angry and bends her putter in half. "Aw, don't take it out on the putter! It's not the putter's fault you played bad!" Carl said. 'And that was the last time I ever played. Until yesterday.' She has a flashback to when she won the Sink Hole ide Queso, and her friends mutter in amazement.

~The flashbacks ends~

"Jeez, CJ. I had no idea. You don't have to play in this tournament if you don't want to." (Y/n) said. "Yes you do! You're our only hope at that "Cut the Cheezers" card! Think of the children! Me! I'm the children!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Such a drama queen." She said. "Hey!" Rigby said, and Mordecai laughs. "I think I still wanna play. Without my dad around, I can actually enjoy it for once." CJ said. "Haha, awesome!" Mordecai said. They are interrupted by the owner of the car, who's windshield was smashed by CJ. "Hey, my car! Who did this!? Huh? What's the matter? You don't want your club back?" The gang back away.

"I think we've had enough practice for today." (Y/n) said. The next day at the Putterpalooza, CJ enters the Putt Hut and sees Rigby and (Y/n) holding "Go CJ!" signs. "Go CJ!" (Y/n) shouted. CJ smiles at them, but then notices a huge crowd gathering around someone. "Oh no." The crowd clears to reveal that Carl Putter himself is at the event, and is signing autographs.

"Ugh! I knew it!" CJ shouted. "There you go! Keep on puttin' the good putt!" He gives his autograph to a fan, as CJ storms towards him. "Dad!" She shouted. "Hey, Ceej!" He said. "Dad, what are you doing here?" CJ asked. "Well, I was hitting the mini green with my old pal, Chaz Melter, the other day. And he mentioned that SOMEONE was playing in the Putterpalooza. Didn't think you'd be dusting off the old mini clubs, kiddo." Carl said. "Grr - dad! I don't want you here!" CJ shouted. "Hey, I wanna see if you still have the chops to come in second place to your old man! Haha!" Carl said.

"Uhh, hello Mr. Putter. My name's (Y/n), I'm your daughter's friend. It's probably not my place to say anything, but what you're doing is not cool." (Y/n) said. "Forget it, (Y/n). Let's just go." CJ said. "Ooh, we got a sensitive girl over here! You must not be very competitive, eh pal? I bet the only trophies you ever won were for crying, since you're so sensitive! Haha!" Carl said. "Ooh!" The crowd said.  "Oh yeah? Well... I'm sure that CJ here will be able to putt holes around you, you... you WALKING ONE-DIMENSIONAL CLOUD SPORTS STEREOTYPE!" (Y/n) shouted,

and everyone gasps. CJ writes her name on the roster. "Time to put you in your place, dad!" CJ said. "Ooh, feeling gutsy, huh? Well, seems as I'm here, I might as well play too. Can't let you have all the fun. Haha!" Carl writes his name on the roster. "Another first place victory for Carl Putter!" Carl said. "We'll see about that." CJ said. "See you in the line at Cheezers, with all the other amateurs, kiddo." Carl said. "Grr!" CJ growls. It's now CJ vs. her father in mini-golf. CJ gets a hole-in-one, and is cheered on by her friends. Putter also gets a hole-in-one. They both score multiple times. CJ scores again. "Yes!" She said. "CJ! CJ! CJ! CJ!" Everyone chanted. "Alright, folks! We have a tie! From here on out, this will be a sudden death putt-off!

Both of you putting at the exact same time. First one to miss a shot loses!" Chaz said. "Yeah! Never lost one of these in my life!" Carl said. "It's true. He never has." CJ said. "Until now! You can do this." (Y/n) said. "Let the sudden death round begin!" Chaz pulls a lever, causing the whole Putt Hut to open up, magically turning it into a large course, with live crocodiles and gophers. The hole is next to a volcano. "I hate mini golf." CJ said. CJ and her father get into position. "You first, kiddo." Carl said. "No. After you." CJ said. "If you insist." Carl hits the ball across a river and gets a hole-in-one.

"Top that! Haha!" CJ gets her ball in the hole too. Both get a hole-in-one each time, Including from the top of a hill, up-hill, across gapped steps, through a diamond field, a crocodile lake, and lastly in a cave, leading to the volcano. "End of the line, squirt!" Carl sets up his ball, and is ready to swing. "Haha!" A gopher suddenly bursts through a wall in the cave. CJ and her father both scream, as more gophers burst through more walls. Carl quickly takes his shot, but it misses. "Carl Putter missed the final hole! If CJ makes this next shot, she'll win!" Chaz said. Carl Putter runs off. "Come on, let's get out of here!" Carl shouted. "No. I'm gonna make this shot!" CJ shouted. "That's crazy! If I can't make it, you can't do it either!" Carl shouted. "That's just what you want me to think so you can win!" A gopher jumps to attack her, but she hits it with her putter.

"I've gotta go all or nothing! Just like you told me, remember?" CJ asked. Carl Putter runs off. "Fine! All or nothing!" Two gophers attack CJ, and she screams. "CJ!" (Y/n) shouted. She runs to CJ in the cave. "(Y/N)!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted after her. "CJ, are you okay?" She kicks two gophers out of the way. "Clear the path! I need to make this last shot!" (Y/n) grabs a gopher by the leg and spins it around, knocking them all out.

"All clear!" A giant humanoid gopher storms towards them and roars. (Y/n) and CJ scream. "No! I have to beat my dad!" Carl Putter is attempting his shot from where the ball left off, when he overhears this. He turns around and sees his daughter in danger. "Paws off my daughter while she's trying to putt!" Carl pulls out a giant golf club which has "Eat My Driver" on it. He swings it to hit the ball, aiming towards the humanoid gopher's crotch - he hits his target, causing the gopher to collapse, and Its head explodes.

"Now sink that putt, CJ!" CJ hits her ball and it zooms all the way in the air up into the final hole, making her the winner. The volcano erupts, as (Y/n) and CJ run over to hug each other. Carl Putter, Chaz Melter, Mordecai and Rigby follow after them. "Congratulations, CJ! You've won the Putterpalooza!" Chaz said. "Nice puttin', Ceej! You finally beat your old man. Sorry for being so hard on you, I was trying to prepare you for the world the only way I knew how.

By crushing you at mini golf." Carl said. "It's okay, dad." CJ hugs Carl. " 'cause I whooped your putt!" CJ does a victory dance while laughing. Carl sheds a tear. "I've been waiting a long time for that trash talk." CJ moves over to (Y/n). "Thanks for helping me out, (Y/n). No-one's ever had my back like you do." She said. "Aw. Anytime, Ceej."

(Y/n) said. "CJ, here's your official "Cut the Cheezers" card." Chaz Melter passes CJ a "Cut the Cheezers" card. "You know, after making up with my dad, this seems kinda beside the point. Meh." CJ chucks the "Chuck the Cheezers" card away. Rigby gasps as the card lands in the volcano's lava. Everyone but Rigby and (Y/n) walk off. "No!!!" Rigby starts sobbing by the lava. (Y/n) walks up to comfort him. "Don't worry, Rigby. I'll wait in line at Cheezers with you. I'll wait." She said.

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