New Bro on Campus

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All of the park workers are outside. "Alright, we got a lot of big jobs, so we're gonna work in pairs today. Pops and Skips, spray the paddle boats down by the docks. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, take out the trash by the snack bar. Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost, my A-Team, I need you two to work your magic, and remove those old stumps by the playground." Benson said. "Uh, I'd rather work alone today." Muscle Man said, sounding upset, and everyone gasps. "What?" Benson asked. "You heard me, I want to work alone." Muscle Man said. "Okay, what's the problem here?"

Benson asked, slightly irritated. "He uploaded a highly confidential video of me onto the internet." Muscle Man said. (Y/n) was surprised. "What?! Are you sure? Fives doesn't seem like the type who would do something like that." (Y/n) said. "Yes I'm sure!" Muscle Man snapped. "You labeled the files wrong! I got confused!" Fives said. "It was your camera, bro! Don't lay this on me!" Muscle Man shouted. "Well, I took the video down before it spread, didn't I?" Fives asked. "Oh, you mean this video?" Rigby plays a video of Muscle Man holding a South of the Line chile relleno with tongs, wearing an apron that says "Kiss The Chef" in the kitchen on his phone.

"It's recording." Fives said. "For those of you who didn't believe me, I'm gonna be the first person to successfully fry a South of the Line chile relleno. Okay, here it goes, bro." He drops the chile relleno into a fryer, but it explodes, burning off his clothes, then he starts squealing and panicking, he first knocks down the dishes from the table, then he runs around screaming, knocking down the fryer, then he rolls on the floor until he stops. The park workers laugh. "Classic Muscle Man." Skips said. "Yeah, this thing has like fifty million hits, too!" Rigby said. "It's funny, because all of his clothes burned off!" Pops said, the park workers laugh again.

Muscle Man stares angrily at Hi-Five Ghost. "Look, Muscle Man, I..." Fives said. "No, don't even say it, bro! The damage is done! I never want to speak to you again." Muscle Man said. 'Yikes...' (Y/n) thought, knowing firsthand how hurtful words could be sometimes. "Well, okay, if that's what you want, then I gotta go. Excuse me!" Fives flies away, distraught, and (Y/n) felt bad for him. "Uh, alright. Muscle Man, in that case, you'll be with (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby.

I guess that's it. I'm gonna go and process all of this." Benson, Pops and Skips walk away. "Muscle Man, that was pretty harsh. He did say it was an accident." (Y/n) said. "Yeah dude, Hi-Five Ghost took that pretty bad. Maybe, you should go talk to him." Mordecai said. "Yeah right! I'm glad he feels bad. I'm never speaking to that traitor again." Muscle Man said. "Come on, dude, that's crazy." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, you guys have been best friends forever." Rigby said. "Not so, bro." Muscle Man said. "What? What are you talking about?" Mordecai asked. "When I first met Hi-Five Ghost, I couldn't stand him."

(Flashback begins at a high school called South Tree High.)

'You see, back in high school, I was the most popular guy for miles.' "Hey it's Muscle Man!" A student said. "Hey Muscle Man!" Some other students said. "Hey Muscle Man." A girl nearly kisses a guy who looks like Muscle Man but notices he isn't Muscle Man. "Hey! You're not Muscle Man!" Reggie cleans the gold plaque that says "MUSCLE MAN" "Hey Muscle Man! How's it going? Aw what am I saying? You're the most popular guy in school! You're probably doing great!" Reggie said.

"You're right Reggie! I am doing great!" A black car with a plate that says "FIVES" arrives and all the students look at the car. The driver is revealed to be Hi-Five Ghost. "Your car is really amazing!" A female student said. "Oh thanks! It's a stick shift. Well. I'll be seeing ya!" Students then say bye to Hi-Five Ghost. "Wow! That guy is cool! If you don't watch yourself Muscle Man, you might not be cool anymore!" Reggie laughs. "It's just a joke Muscle Man. You know how you like Reggie's jokes!" He said. "Yeah. A joke." Muscle Man said.

(Later in a classroom.)

"Class, we have a new student joining us today. So, tell us a little bit about yourself." The teacher said. "Well, I moved here from Wichita. I like music and uh, my name is Hi-Five Ghost. But my friends call me Fives." Fives said. "Well then, guess no one calls you Fives! Get it? Because you have no friends!" Muscle Man said. Fives laughs. "No. I have tons of friends. But do you want me to be your friend? You seem pretty uncomfortable about not having friends." The whole class laughs at Muscle Man.

"Yeah, well, you know who else doesn't have any friends? My mom! Hah!" Muscle Man said. Fives laughs again. "That's really funny, but...that's really sad. You should be considerate to your mother. It would probably hurt her feelings if she heard you talking like that." He said. "Oooo! New kid schooled you!" One of the students said. "No he didn't!" Muscle Man shouted. "As a third-rate substitute teacher, I have to say, you got schooled Chimichanga pecs." The teacher said. The whole class laughs at Muscle Man again.

~Time Skip~

"Who does that guy think he is?!" Muscle Man asked. "I think he said his name was Hi-Five Ghost." Reggie said. "Uh, I know that Reggie, it was a rhetorical question." Two girls then laugh while talking. "Hey Reggie, check this out." Muscle Man said. "Oh yeah! Muscle Man! Go knock 'em dead!" Muscle Man approaches the ladies. "Hey ladies. You like buns?" He asked. "Yeah." Lacey replied. "Then check out these butt cheeks!" Muscle Man then shakes his butt cheeks up and down.

"Excuse me! Can one of you guys show me where Room 2-10 is?" Fives asked. "Oh, I'll show you." Lacey said. "Not if I show him first Lacey!" Her friend shouted. "Oh, I'm sure both of you agree with directions. Um, could you both show me?" Fives asked. "We'll get you to Room 2-10." Lacey's friend said. "Hey! The show's not over!" Muscle Man removes his shirts then. "Oh! That's impressive physique. Well, see you later!" Fives said. "Wait! I need directions too! Oh, it's on bro!" Later at the cafeteria, Muscle Man is eating then Fives appears.

"Hi! Mind if I sit with you?" Fives asked. "Yes, I do." Muscle Man said. "Oh thanks!" Hi-Five Ghost then sits beside Muscle Man. "Oh, I see you like nachos, so do I! What a coincidence!" Fives said. "Is that so?" Muscle Man eats his nachos fast and messy. "Let's see how much you really like them. Reggie!" Muscle Man shouted. "Nacho Eating Contest!" The duo fight for the contest and Muscle Man is weakening while Fives is still not giving up and Muscle Man finally passes out. "He's gotta be like the coolest dude around!" A student said. "Let's get the new guy the best parking spot on campus!" Students then yell "Fives!"

repeatedly and moving Muscle Man away and putting Fives' car on Muscle Man's parking spot. "Aw man! That was a really convenient spot! Can you believe this Reggie?" Muscle Man notices Reggie is gone. "Reggie?" He sees Regie on Fives' side with the other students. "Reggie get over here!" He shouted. "Uhh, I think I'm gonna hang out with Fives now." Reggie said. "What? Reggie how could you do this to me?" Muscle Man asked.

"I'm sorry bro, in life, things gotta change, like going from not-so-cool to very cool. And hanging out with this guy will make me very cool!" Reggie said. "Uh, Thanks! I'm glad you think so Reggie!" Fives said. "Sure man! You're my best friend! Up high, bro!" Reggie said. "That's it! I challenge you to a drag race, new kid! If I win, I get my parking spot back, which means, I'll be the coolest guy on campus! And you might as well move back to Wichichusetts." Muscle Man said. "Wichita." Fives corrected. "Whichever! Tomorrow, after school, at the park, we go" mano e mano". Be there!" Muscle Man shouted. "Oh-uh, sure! If it's a race you want, then it's a race you'll get, I guess." Fives said. "You hear that everybody?! Drag race tomorrow!" Reggie shouted.

~Time Skip~

"Huh?" Muscle Man sees Fives' car on his rear-view mirror. "I like what you did to your truck! The spoiler's pretty cool!" Fives said. "Well I hate to spoil the ending, but I'm gonna win this race and things are gonna go back the way they were, the way they should be." Muscle Man said. "Oh-uh, eyes on the prize, huh?" Fives asked. "Sorry, what was that?" Muscle Man asked. "Oh! I said..." there's a car engine noise. "I said!" Then another car engine sound. Starla then appears. "Alright! The first one to make it at the end at Devil's Run, is the coolest guy in school! Go!" She shouted.

The race then commences and they race each other, there is the Devil's Run but Muscle Man wants a shortcut. "Time to take a shortcut." Muscle Man said. "Whuh!" Fives said. Muscle Man goes through a maintenance road while Fives went through the Devil's Run. "Time to jump this gorge!" Muscle Man turns on his nitro and makes the jump but his steering wheel is dislocated. "Time to freak out!" Fives then sees the finish line.

"Home free!" Muscle Man then bumps the car of Fives. "Whuho!" Fives' wheels then pops and both cars are going towards the Eagle's Rock. "They're gonna crash in the Eagle's Rock!" Reggie shouted. "We gotta bail! On three, One-" Fives began. "Whoa whoa! Who said you can count?" Muscle Man asked. "Three!" They both then bail and hit each other while their cars explode upon hitting the Eagle's Rock and after the explosion, a hole that is now known as the Crash Pit was created. Muscle Man is barely hanging on the Crash Pit. "Muscle Man! Take my hand!" Fives shouted. "Why!? I was a complete jerk to you!" Muscle Man shouted.

"That doesn't matter now! Just grab on!" Muscle Man grabs Fives' hand but the piece of boulder that Muscle Man was holding onto breaks and they both fall into the Crash Pit. "I'm too heavy! Just let me go! You're too cool to die because of me bro! You've always been cooler than me!" Muscle Man shouted. "What? No way! I always thought you were the coolest. No one's jokes have made me laugh as hard as yours!"

Fives shouted. "Really? Well, maybe we could have been best friends!" Muscle Man tries to let go but Fives' hand doesn't, then he goes up barely. "No!" Fives shouted. They then successfully made it back at the surface. "You, you saved me! I'm sorry for being such a jerk to you Mile High Cool!" Muscle Man said. "It's Hi-Five Ghost, but you can call me Fives." Fives said. They then shake hands.

"You still want that parking spot?" Fives asked. "Nah, both our cars are destroyed anyway." Mr. Maellard and Pops arrive. "Hey! What did you ruffians do to my park?!" Maellard asked. "Scatter!" All of the students, including Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost scattered away. "Get back here! Why you... HEY! Aarrrrggh!! Rotten kids! Pops, promise me you won't let things happen when you are park manager. Pops?" Mr. Maellard finds that Pops is beside the Crash Pit. Pops laughs. "Look at the penny go, papa!" He drops his penny in the pit. "Ah, I gotta hire somebody else to take care of this place." Mr. Maellard said. "Dude, you wanna come back later to crush stuff into the pit?" Muscle Man asked. "Okay, I'm cool with that!" Fives said. "Yes! Woo! Woo woo woo!"

(Flashback ends)

"Yeah ever since then Fives and me have been best bros, practically inseparable." Muscle Man said. "So does that mean you're gonna forgive him?" (Y/n) asked hopefully. "Forgive him for what? Oh." Muscle Man said. Fives stands beside of what used to be the Crash Pit and Muscle Man approaches Fives. "Remember when this used to be the Crash Pit?" Muscle Man asked. "Yeah." Fives said. "I wish it was still here so I can crash this dumb argument in it." Muscle Man said. "Look, I'm really sorry about the video." Fives said. "I shouldn't have overreacted. If anyone should apologize it should be me. Besides, a thousand embarrassing videos could never tear apart our friendship. I'm sorry Hi-Five Cool." Muscle Man said. "Call me Fives." Fives said.

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