Death Bear

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"MOVIE NIGHT!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby dumps a box of DVD's on the floor. "Let's see what we've got." Rigby said. "Hey! Love by the Dozen." (Y/n) said as she picks it up. "Eegh! A romantic comedy? VETOED!" Rigby tosses Love by the Dozen somewhere else. "Oooh, what about this one?" Eileen holds up a DVD titled Cease & Deceased. "It looks creepy!" She said. "Cease & Deceased? Nah, no scary stuff, Rigby can't handle it." Mordecai said. "What?!" Rigby asked, glaring at him. "Remember the time we saw Dead for Breakfast? You wouldn't eat pancakes for a week!" Mordecai said. "Or the whole Ello Gov'nor incident? You went nuts, dude." (Y/n) said. "You were scared of that movie too!" Rigby points at her. "And whose fault was that?"

She asked, rolling her eyes. "You made me watch it by teasing me about it." She said. "Remember?" She asked him skeptically, raising an eyebrow at him, and he slumps in defeat. "Yeah you're right, I shouldn't have teased you about it." Rigby said. "Don't you guys have anything with adventure?" Margaret asked. "Uhhh, let's see." Mordecai said. "Forget movies! We should go on a REAL adventure!" Rigby said. "Huh?" Everyone else asked. "Yeah! To the old, abandoned park zoo!" Rigby said. "Come on, guys it's movie night! We should stay inside, and veg out on the couch." Mordecai said. "Hm, hm. Mordecai is just afraid we will run into Death Bear." Rigby said. "Death Bear?" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen asked.

"You guys have never heard of Death Bear?" Rigby asked. "No." Margaret said. "Well, gather around!" Mordecai grunts heavily. "The tale of Death Bear, is a tale that's as old as fifteen to twenty years ago. He was a troubled bear that lived in the park zoo, who was evil to the core! One day, out of nowhere, he attacked and killed his trainer! The zoo was forced to close down. But Death Bear wouldn't leave, so he still roams the old abandoned zoo, getting more evil over the years, only to be able to survive by breaking into people's homes,

eating all of their food, and then eating THEM!" Rigby shouted. "Whoa!" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen said. "Pfft. Lame. Death Bear is a dumb old urban legend. Come on storytime is over. Let's get this movie started. Right? Yeah." Mordecai picks up a bowl of popcorn on the coffee table, and sniffs it. "Mmm, semi-burnt popcorn! Saved you a seat right here, (Y/n)." Mordecai pats the cushion of the couch. "Yeah, see, I told you! Scared of Death Bear!" Rigby said. "What?! Death Bear isn't even REAL! You know I'm not scared, right, (Y/n)?" Mordecai asked her. "Mordecai, it's alright. If you don't want to go, I mean, it does sound pretty scary." She replied. "What?! No! It's just that it is supposed to be movie night." Mordecai said.

"Excuses, excuses man! Look, if you are not scared of Death Bear, then I dare you to take a picture inside Death Bear's cage!" Rigby said. "Ooooooooh!" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen said. "No dude, that's just dumb." Mordecai said. "Come on! It will be an exciting adventure!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, and all desolate, and spooky." Eileen said. "Eileen, we are trying to make him NOT scared." Margaret said. "I'M NOT SCARED!" Mordecai shouted. (Y/n), Margaret, Eileen, and Rigby all start to murmur then Mordecai lets out a deep sigh. "Okay, fine. We'll go to the abandoned zoo and take a picture in a dumb bear cage." He said. "Yeah, alright!" (Y/n) said.

"This is going to be fun!" Eileen said. Rigby runs upstairs. "I'll get the camera!" He shouted. "We'll watch a movie another night, I promise." (Y/n) said. "We better." Mordecai said, and (Y/n) pushes Mordecai in the shoulder. "Such a pouter!" She giggles. Rigby slides down the stair-rail with a camera. "Yes! Death Bear!" He shouted. An echo approaches when Rigby yells "Death Bear." The gang are now at the abandoned zoo. "There it is!" Rigby said. "Neat!" Eileen puts her head into the mouth of a lion statue. "Check it out! I'm a lion tamer! Ahhhhh!"

She shouted. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby stare at her in confusion. "Eugh! The gate's locked!" Margaret shouted while struggling to get the gate open. Eileen climbs on top of the lion statue. "Aw man!" She said. Rigby runs to the gate. "No way!" He said. "Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. But we still have enough time for movie night, know what I'm saying? Let's go back to-" Mordecai said. "Hey! I found a way in!" Rigby said. (Y/n) runs to the hole in the gate that Rigby found.

"Cool!" She said. "Way to go, Rigby!" Eileen said. "Wait! But-" Mordecai said. "You coming, Mordecai?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, Mordecai, you coming?" Rigby asked, while imitating (Y/n). "Ehhh, you are enjoying this, aren't you?" Mordecai asked. "Hm, hm!" Mordecai and Rigby go through the hole in the gate. "Cool!" "It is so weird without any animals." Eileen said. "I know, right? Something about it just feels creepy." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, it's like the end of the world, or something!"

Margaret said. "Now look who's scared." Mordecai said playfully to (Y/n) as she turns and glares at him playfully. "Ha ha, very funny. You're the big chicken here!" She said. "What?" He asked. The gang find the Reptile House. "Aw yeah, reptile building! Think you can handle going in there?" Rigby asked. "Pffft! Step aside!" Mordecai said. The gang is now inside the Reptile House. "Do you think Death Bear is real?" Eileen asked, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Of course not." She said. "Uh yeah he is, (Y/n). He's probably waiting for us on the other side of this building!" Rigby said.

"No he's not, dude, there's no one here." A squirrel comes out of a broken reptile tank, much to Mordecai's surprise, he screams and falls on his butt. Rigby laughs hysterically and (Y/n) giggles. "Don't worry Mordecai, I'll save you from that terrifying squirrel!" (Y/n) said dramatically in a playful manner, the other two girls giggled and Rigby bursts into laughter. "Maybe I should take the lead, there might be more "terrifying" SQUIRRELS up ahead!" Rigby said. Margaret, Rigby and Eileen run off, leaving Mordecai and (Y/n) by themselves. (Y/n) helps Mordecai up. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mordecai and (Y/n) exit the Reptile House. "You sure you can handle Death Bear? That squirrel was pretty scary back there." (Y/n) said. "I wasn't scared, I was just surprised. There's a difference, you know." Mordecai said. "Oh yeah, sure. You looked pretty scared to me. Boo!" (Y/n) said playfully. "Ha ha!" Mordecai rolls his eyes at (Y/n). "No seriously though, we actually came to the zoo a couple of times when we were kids, you know?" He asked. "Oh, cool!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. The only thing I didn't like was the bear." Mordecai said. "So you ARE scared of Death Bear?" (Y/n) giggles. "Well, yeah, when I was little.

It was just a regular bear though." Mordecai sees something that catches his attention. "Oh, no way! I totally remember this!" The thing that catches his attention is a little, ride-along train that is abandoned along with the rest of the zoo. One car is seen laying sideways on the platform of the station. Mordecai runs toward it. "This was my FAVORITE part about coming to the zoo!" Mordecai puts his hands on the roof of the locomotive. "I loved riding this train. The conductor would yell "All aboard!", and I would race to get the first seat I could!" Mordecai runs toward a train car, and sits in it. Mordecai lets out a breath of relaxation.

(Y/n) walks up to the train car Mordecai is sitting in. "Sounds like a good time! Scooch!" She sits with Mordecai. "Kinda small." She said. "I can get out..." Mordecai said. "No, I don't mind. It's cozy." (Y/n) said. "Oh. Yeah. Heh." Mordecai said. "So, where are we going?" (Y/n) asked. "Conductor! Take us somewhere exotic please, and mind the bumps, my lady does not like getting ill! Thank you!" Mordecai said. Mordecai and (Y/n) laugh until the point where it starts to get into

"heh's" back and forth until they are both silent. (Y/n) has a huge smile on her face when staring at Mordecai. Then out of nowhere, Rigby comes and kills the moment by yelling out a window of an abandoned complex in the zoo. "Hey guys, over here! We found some more train tracks!" Rigby shouted. The gang walk on the newly-found train tracks. The gang eventually find a metal tunnel. "Oh, rad! Everybody, scream through the tunnel!" Margaret, Eileen and Rigby scream through the tunnel. "After you!" Mordecai said to (Y/n). "Oh, what a gentlemen!" (Y/n) screams through the tunnel, then laughs with Margaret and Eileen on the other side. "Wait, where's Mordecai?" (Y/n) faces the tunnel. "Mordecai!" Her voice echoes. "Hello? Morde-" "(Y/N)!" He shouted. She screams, and Mordecai laughs.

"Ugh, what are you doing?!" She asked angrily. "I went around!" He replied. "Ugh, don't do that!" (Y/n) shoves Mordecai in anger. "What? It's funny!" He said. The gang follows the train tracks again only to discover that the metal rails have been pulled up, leading them to a dead end. "Aw, what?" Rigby asked. "Now which way?" Margaret asked. Rigby and Eileen look around. Eileen finds something on the ground. "Whoa, check it out guys!" Eileen said. It turns out to be a footprint of something large. Margaret walks over to it. "Is that a footprint?" She asked. "It's huge!" Eileen said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby walk over to it. "Nah, it can't be. It's just a hole in the dirt." (Y/n) said.

"No, (Y/n). It's Death Bear! This way!" Rigby said. The gang walks over to a bear cage that has a huge hole in the bars, the same size as the hole in the gate earlier on. "Uhh, I think we found it." Eileen said. "Yeah, that's definitely it!" Rigby said. The gang walks through the hole into the bear cage. "Okay, well, we're here. Let's take the picture and go." Mordecai said. "Oh, no! This is just the entrance. Anybody can take a picture in here. We are going to the real cage, down through there!" Rigby turns around and points to a small door in the back of the cage that is open. "What?!" (Y/n), Margaret and Eileen asked. "No way, dude. We're not going down there!"

Mordecai said. "Why not? I thought you weren't scared!" Rigby opens the door with a sinister laugh. "Rigby! Agh!" (Y/n) said. "Well?" Eileen asked. "You two coming?" Margaret asked. (Y/n), Mordecai, Margaret, and Eileen go through the door. "Rigby?!" (Y/n) called. "Whoa, awesome!" Rigby runs down an aisle of various bear cages. "Agh, Rigby! Where are you?!" Mordecai asked. "Hurry up!" Rigby shouted. Eileen looks inside a cage as she is passing by that holds a stray bone. "Feels like we shouldn't be in here." Eileen said. "Yeah, no shit, Eileen."

(Y/n) said sarcastically. "Rigby, come on!" Margaret shouted. "I'm not stopping 'till I find Death Bear!" Rigby shouted. "Dude, quit messing around!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby laughs from a long distance. "He's lost his marbles." (Y/n) said. "Dude, forget it! We're going back. Come on, guys." (Y/n), Mordecai, Margaret and Eileen are one second on their way back only to hear Rigby screaming. "Rigby?!" They asked. They all race down to the end, hoping to save Rigby. "Rigby! Rigby!!!" Mordecai and (Y/n) shouted. Rigby is on the other side of a wall. He jumps right in front of the gang with a loud scream. It scares them so much that Mordecai and (Y/n) are holding each other, and all three of them fall on their butts. In despite of all of this, Rigby is laughing hysterically. "Rigby you jerk!

That wasn't funny! I was really worried about you!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "Dude?! What the heck?!" Mordecai asked. "Oh, man! You should have seen your faces!" Rigby laughs. "You really, you really believed!" Rigby laughs again. "Dude! You almost gave us heart attacks." Margaret said. "We thought Death Bear got you!" Rigby laughs hysterically. "Death Bear's not real! It's just a myth! You guys totally fell for it!" Rigby said. "Whatever. Can we go back to the house now?" (Y/n) asked. "Sure, sure. But let's take the picture first." Rigby said,

while trying to regain his breath. Rigby sets the camera on a rock and sets the timer. The gang lines up for a picture. "Okay, get ready." Rigby said. "Hey, what's this door for?" Eileen is referring to a metal door that is in back of them. "I don't know, I'm not a zookeeper." Rigby said. The camera captures the moment, and takes a picture. The picture comes out through the slot of the camera. "Sweet! Ha ha! Man, I got you guys good, you gotta admit it!" Rigby said. "Yeah, yeah." Mordecai said. Mordecai and (Y/n) walk off, leaving Rigby and Eileen alone.

"Well, you got ME good, Rigby!" Eileen said. "Yeah, Death Bear's really going to be living down here." Rigby knocks on the metal door, pretending that Death Bear is in there. "Uh, hello? Death Bear? You home?!" Rigby and Eileen let out a small laugh. "Yeah, uhhh," Eileen knocks on the door. "The pizzas you ordered are here!" She said jokingly. Rigby and Eileen let out a small laugh. "You were holding me pretty tight for someone who is not scared!" (Y/n) teased. "What? No! You were totally holding onto ME!" Mordecai and (Y/n) let out a small laugh. Rigby is shaking the developed photo trying to make it appear. "Aw, man! These things take forever to show up!" Rigby said. "Actually, you're not supposed to shake it." Eileen said.

"Oh, hey, do you know what this piece does?" Rigby points to the lens of the camera. "Yeah, you see, you just turn it, like this." Eileen turns the knob on the lens. The metal door that Rigby and Eileen were knocking on opens very slowly. "So, you still wish you were just watching a movie?" (Y/n) asked. "No, this was pretty fun, I mean, I got to hang out with you, so, that's all that matters." (Y/n) lets out a small laugh, then Mordecai leans over, hoping to kiss her.

"Uh, Mordecai?" She asked. "Yeahhhhhh?" Mordecai pulls his head over to her lips, hoping to kiss (Y/n), but then, she notices something. "What is that?!" She asked. "Huh?!" It turns out that the door really DID hold Death Bear, and he is making an appearance (at the worst, possible time), creeping through the door, disgruntled, as Rigby described him back at the house. Eileen and Rigby let out whimpers, and then Death Bear lets out a huge growl, showing his breath which knocks off Rigby's orange beanie hat. They both step back towards Mordecai and (Y/n), and Death Bear lets out a huge growl, scaring the daylights out of the four of them. They run out hoping to lose him.

"OH MY GOSH! DEATH BEAR'S REAL!!!" Rigby shouted. "Oh man, I'm gonna kill you for this, Rigby!" Mordecai shouted. "I think Death Bear's going to take care of that!" (Y/n) shouted fearfully. "Quit it! Don't say that!" Margaret shouted. The gang, still in hot pursuit, run through the hole in the cage. Death Bear fits through perfectly, stating that Death Bear was the one who made it. They keep running until they get back up to the house. The gang runs through the door, and Mordecai slams the door shut, trying to block Death Bear from coming in. This is unsuccessful, as Death Bear tries to charge in the door. Mordecai backs away with the rest of the gang.

"Quick! Everybody barricade the door!" Mordecai, Eileen, Margaret, and Rigby go look for furniture to barricade the door with. "I'll call animal control!" (Y/n) goes to a nearby phone, and punches in the number for animal control. Meanwhile, Margaret and Rigby use a cabinet to barricade the door, and Mordecai uses a bookshelf. Death Bear demolishes the entire front entrance, knocking Margaret and Rigby to a corner, and Mordecai trapped underneath the bookshelf. Death Bear then sees (Y/n), on the phone with animal control.

"Hello, Animal Control, Hello?" Death Bear then moves in. He walks toward (Y/n). Meanwhile, Rigby is with Eileen and Margaret in a corner, squealing. "(Y/N) WATCH OUT!" He shouted worriedly. Mordecai gasps as he sees the bear about to attack her. "(Y/N)!" Mordecai lifts the bookshelf and frees himself. He runs toward (Y/n) while Death Bear is creeping up on her. (Y/n), still on the phone, is whimpering in fear. Suddenly, Death Bear charges toward her, hoping to kill her, but out of nowhere, Mordecai tackles

Death Bear so hard that Death Bear goes right through a wall. Margaret now has a expression on her face. "Yes, come quick! It's Death Bear!" (Y/n) said, still on the phone with animal control. "Everyone upstairs, quick!" Mordecai said. The gang run up the stairs. Death Bear is on the bottom growling at them. "Animal Control is on its way!" (Y/n) shouted. Two Animal Control officers charge in through the kitchen door, with tranquilizer guns aimed at Death Bear. "It's Death Bear, take him down!" They both rapidly fire at Death Bear, but none of the tranquilizer bullets are powerful enough to knock out Death Bear. Death Bear then judo-kicks one officer, and then roundhouses another officer. Meanwhile, another officer jumps from a rope, only to have Death Bear slice his arms off with his claws.

"I wanna go home..." Death Bear then throws another officer onto the balcony where the gang is. Mordecai picks it up, and tries to get the safety latch off, accidentally shooting Rigby with a tranquilizer bullet in the process. "Rigby!" (Y/n) said worriedly. "Whattttt thhhhe heck, mannnnnnnn?!" Rigby asked. "Sorry!" Mordecai said. Death Bear lets out a huge growl, then charges up the stairs. Mordecai screams his head off, and sweating like crazy trying to take down Death Bear by rapidly firing at him. It doesn't work, even though thirty bullets went in his face. Death Bear makes it to the top of the stairs. Mordecai, who is still screaming and sweating,

tries to take him down. Finally, Death Bear has enough tranquil in his system to knock him out. Mordecai tries to catch his breath. The next morning the gang are watching Death Bear being airlifted by helicopter to an animal sanctuary. "Poor Death Bear." Eileen said. "Don't worry about him. He'll be fine. Those animal sanctuaries are like five-star hotels." Mordecai said. "Hey, so thanks for saving all of our lives and stuff. And my life. That was really brave of you." (Y/n) said to Mordecai.

"To be honest, I was pretty scared." He replied. "Yeah, but that's what made you brave." (Y/n) said. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?" Margaret asked. "Yeah... cool." Mordecai said. "You weren't exactly brave, Rigby, but you are pretty cool. And it was cool of you to warn (Y/n) like that." Eileen said. "Thannnnks." Rigby said slowly. "Hey, so how did that picture turn out?" Margaret asked. Rigby takes out the picture, but it shows that he only took a picture of their feet. "Aw, what?" (Y/n) asked. "Rigby!" Everyone scolded.

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