Fuzzy Dice

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The gang are all in Benson's office. The trio walk in when all the other groundskeepers are sitting down. "Ugh, finally! Could you close the door, please?" Benson asked. "Yeah, close the door!" Rigby said, and Mordecai pushes Rigby. "Just sit down!" He closes door and goes to sit down as Benson begins to speak. "As you guys may or may not know, it's Pops' birthday tomorrow."

Benson flips a page on an easel to reveal the words "Pops' Birthday. "I was planning on getting him something nice from the arts and crafts fair last Saturday, but, nothing really stood out. Has anybody gotten him anything yet?" He asked. "No." Muscle Man said bluntly. "Why am I not surprised?" Benson pulls a cap off of the marker. "Ideas? Anybody?" He asked. "How about one of them Jeff Forgeman grills?" Muscle Man asked.

"That's actually not a bad idea, but Pops has been watching his cholesterol. Doctor's orders. What else?" Benson asked. "How about we get him some new gardening tools?" Skips asked. "Well, maybe. It's just, he gets new gardening tools all the time." Benson said. "What about some horseback riding lessons?" Mordecai asked. "Please tell me you're joking." Benson said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Well, no. Isn't he into that?" Mordecai asked. "Don't you remember? That's the exact same gift we got him last year." Benson said. "Psht." Rigby scoffs. "Don't "Psht" me.

I don't hear you coming up with anything." Mordecai said. "Yeah, but at least I didn't say the same thing that we got him last year." Rigby said. "Hello? May I please enter?" Pops said, from outside, knocking on the door. "Oh no, it's Pops! Quick, act natural!" (Y/n) said. "Just a second!" Benson flips the page on the easel back onto the blank sheet. "Okay. You can come in now." He said. Pops opens the door. "Ooh! What's everybody doing in here?" He asked. "Oh, hey Pops. We were just, uh...

going over the schedule." Benson said. "No! We were talking about how no one knows what to get you for your birthday." Muscle Man said. "Oh!" Pops said. "Dude, come on! What the heck! I said, "act natural" not "spoil everything" (Y/n) said, face palming. "I'm just saying what's on my mind, bro. I'm just real like that." Muscle Man said. "Ugh!" (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "You want to know what to get me for my birthday? Well, that's quite simple." Pops said.

"Really? What is it, Pops?" (Y/n) asked. "A pair of fuzzy dice from the Fun Fun Zone." Pops said. "Fuzzy dice?" Rigby echoed. "Yes! They're so much fun! But alas, the only way to get them is to win a million tickets. I'm afraid I'm not very good at throwing Skeeze Ballz" He walks away. "Well, fuzzy dice it is." Benson said. (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "What? Are you serious? How are we supposed to win a million tickets?! That's insane! No one can win that many!" She said.

"Yeah, plus, I'm not going to the Fun Fun Zone." Rigby said. "Yeah, me neither. I can't stand that place. All those nasty kids..." Mordecai said. "Yeah, and talk about sub-standard pizza." Muscle Man said. "And what about that annoying animatronic band?" (Y/n) asked, and everyone agrees with her. "Alright, alright. Look, I don't like the Fun Fun Zone any more than you do. But if Pops wants those fuzzy dice, then we're gonna get him those fuzzy dice!" Benson said. The gang go to The Fun Fun Zone, accompanied by a sound of an explosion. On the inside, the groundskeepers, minus Pops, enter, and look at all the bad stuff about it: the animatronic band,

"Dance Like a Loser 3," the pizza, the kids laughing, two kids slapping a third kid with pizza while atop a car statue, and two kids passed out on top of an ice cream stand, and (Y/n) cringes. "Let's get this over with." Benson said. The groundskeepers attempt to walk on in, but are stopped by a female employee. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Excuse me! Where do you think you're going?" She asked. "We're just here to get some fuzzy dice." Mordecai said.

"I'm sorry, but you must accompany at least one child to enter." The employee said. "Aw, come on! We'll just buy the dice and leave." (Y/n) said. "Oh, I can't bend the rules for you, sir. Because it just wouldn't be a "Fun Fun Zone" without fun fun rules." The employee said. The groundskeepers walk out. "Man, how are we supposed to get this stupid dice now?" Muscle Man asked. "We could kidnap a child and force them to go with us." (Y/n) said, and everyone glares at her. "Kidding." She said sheepishly. "I think I have an idea." Skips said. The group go back in The Fun Fun Zone, with Rigby hidden, the groundskeepers try to get in again, but the employee tries to stop them.

"Hey, I already told you that you need a kid to get in!" The groundskeepers walk to the side to reveal Rigby dressed in a backward-facing hat, sweatshirt, pouch and sneakers. There is silence for a few seconds, then, Mordecai punches Rigby. "What's up, man?" Rigby repeatedly zips and unzips his pouch, while saying "LOL!" in sync with the zipping, and (Y/n) giggles at his lame attempt of acting. "Hmm..." the employee perks up. "Okay! Go on in, folks!" She unhooks the velvet rope.

"Have a great time!" She said. The groundskeepers walk into the main Fun Fun Zone as electro-music starts playing. While walking in, Benson steps on a slice of pizza. "Ugh!" Benson gets pushed by kids. "Hey!" He shouted. "Let's just find the dice and get out of here." Mordecai said. "Agreed." (Y/n) said. The groundskeepers go over to a prize center, run by a man named Diego Montez. "May I help you?" Diego asked. "Yeah, hi. We'd like a pair of fuzzy dice, please." Benson said. "Uh, Benson, I think you're forgetting something, like basic math! We don't have ANY tickets yet!" (Y/n) said. "(Y/n), No." Benson pulls out his wallet. "We're actually gonna be paying with cash." He pulls out a dollar bill. "How much is that gonna be? Ten, fifteen bucks?" He asked.

"Don't hold your breath, Benson." (Y/n) mumbled. "One million tickets, sir. If you like, all of our price listings for our items are on the wall." Diego said. "Well, can we just buy the tickets?" Muscle Man asked. "Tickets are a penny each." The groundskeepers all groan. "Told ya." (Y/n) said. "Nice, what's that, like, ten bucks?" Rigby asked. "Dude, it's not ten bucks. It's ten thousand dollars." Mordecai said. "Wow, really?" Rigby asked. Benson turns to the other groundskeepers.

"Alright, bad news, everybody. We're gonna to have to win some tickets if we're gonna get those dice." He said. "Uh, yeah, we were right here the whole time." Skips said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Picking up some sass off of (Y/n), are you?" Benson asked him, and Skips shrugs. "It's go time!" Muscle Man said. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Benson, Hi Five Ghost, Muscle Man and Skips all seven-way high-five. First, (Y/n) ends up playing a game similar to Pac Man, successfully winning the game, Rigby plays air hockey. He beats three kids: one in a blue shirt, one in a blue sweatshirt, and another in braces, the last of which cries as Rigby dances while the tickets print out of the slot. Next, Mordecai is playing Skeeze Ballz.

Mordecai is added every time he rolls the ball into the hole in the center, up to three Mordecais. After that, Skeeze Ball is being rolled up the ramp, and turning into a token that gets entered into a slot when the ball goes airborne. Then, Skips plays a game called "T-Nuggets." Skips smashes the nuggets with a mallet every time one comes up, eventually smashing the machine with it. Then, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost are playing Dance Like a Loser 3. When they start, they dance [though Hi Five Ghost uses his hands] as the image goes into a grid view that eventually turns into six views of Muscle Man & Hi Five Ghost playing.

Finally, the groundkeepers do another seven-way high-five under the words. They now have earned 980,000 tickets. "Alright, guys, I got some bad news. We're 20,000 tickets short of the fuzzy dice. And what's worse, is that we only have one token left. But I've noticed one game that gives out more tickets than all the others." Benson said. "Skeeze Ballz. This will have to be a team effort." He points out the timer and the balls. "The faster we go, the more chances to throw the balls we get.

So I want everyone to line up, and when the balls drop—" M&R laugh at the sexual innuendo, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes and Benson facepalms. "Ugh... when the game starts, you throw, and get back in line. Now let's roll!" Benson said. Benson inserts a token, and the game starts. He throws the ball up the ramp, followed by (Y/n), Rigby, and Mordecai, who score 3,000, 5,000 and 5,000, respectively. Skips then throws his ball, followed by Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, who score higher scores of 10,000 and 15,000. The timer shows that there are five seconds left. "Hurry!" Rigby takes another throw, but the ball bounces away. There's three seconds left, and 990,000 points scored.

"Come on, (Y/n), sink it!" She rolls the ball up the ramp with two seconds left on the clock. The ball dangles on a 10,000 hole as the others gasp. The ball then falls in, totaling one million, with no time to spare. The groundskeepers celebrate as the tickets start printing. Twenty minutes later, the tickets are still printing as the groundskeepers look on, bored. When the tickets stop printing, they go back to the prize booth. Benson drops the tickets on the stand. "One million tickets." He said. "What would you like?" Diego asked. "We'll take the fuzzy dice." The groundskeepers cheer as he grabs a pole with a hook. "For Pops." He removes the lid with the hook, and grabs the dice, then, gives them to Benson.

"Yeah! We did it! Now, we can give these to Pops." Having somehow come off the stage, along with the other animatronic band members, the bear robot grabs the dice out of Benson's hand. "Hey! Gave that back!" (Y/n) shouted. "Sorry, but you ain't giving nothing to nobody." The groundskeepers question the animatronics' actions. Then, the bear pulls out a remote, extends the antenna and presses the button, causing a car to fall from the ceiling after the support explodes. "What?! This is stealing! We worked really hard to win that thing!" (Y/n) shouted angrily.

The animatronics get in the car and drive off the stage and through the wall of the Fun Fun Zone as the groundskeepers watch. "She's right, let's get 'em!" Mordecai said. "WHOOO!" The groundskeepers run into the golf cart and drive into the street, crossing right in front of another car. The animatronics continue to drive on, cutting in front of cars and running red lights.

The bear robot looks through the rear view mirror, seeing the golf cart. The chase continues onto a bridge as the animatronic named Louie looks back at the cart, then, picks up a drum and throws it at the cart. They dodge it as the drum explodes on the road. "Give us back the dice!" Mordecai rams the side of the cart into the band's car twice. "Give us...the...dice!" Muscle Man jumps off of the cart, onto the band's car. Louie punches Muscle Man in the jaw. Weakly, he tries to reach for the dice, but is elbowed by the duck robot. "Back off, creep!" The bear robot opens the door as he is still driving, leaving Muscle Man dangling inches above the road and he squeals.

"Muscle Man!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. A truck is approaching both vehicles. Muscle Man screams on the sight of it. Just as he is about to be hit, Skips yanks him off the door, letting the truck pass between the two vehicles. Back in the band's car, the bear robot laughs looking at the dice as he heads to a dock. "They're getting away!" Benson shouted. Mordecai grabs the gear and resumes driving. "Through there!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai drives to the dock the band are at.

On the dock, the band continue their getaway. The bear robot is having trouble with the brake. "Stop the car!" The duck robot shouted. "I'm trying!" The bear looks ahead and sees a pile of barrels. The robot avoids the pile, but rams the car into a streetlight. The car then bursts into flames. They are unconscious for a moment. Louie sees that his cheek has been destroyed. The bear robot wakes up and grabs the dice. "Go, go, go!" The robots waddle away from the burning car, but seconds later, it explodes. The groundskeepers see the explosion.

"What was that?!" Rigby asked. They continue to drive to the dock. When they see the band, the cart stops, and the groundskeepers all jump out of the cart. "Give us back our dice! We won them fair and square you Freddy Fazbear ripoffs!" (Y/n) shouted. "There's no way you're getting these dice." The bear points away. "Now get out of the way before somebody gets hurt!" The bear said.

"Is that a threat?" (Y/n) asked darkly, glaring daggers at the animatronics. She hated it when people threatened her friends. "What could you possibly want with fuzzy dice?" Benson asked. "Well, ten years ago, we knocked over Big City Jewelers, and made off with millions worth of uncut diamonds." Louie points to the dice. "Those diamonds are in those dice." She said. The bear slaps Louie.

"Shut up, Louie!" He shouted. "I remember reading about that! That was you?" Benson asked. "Yeah, that's right. We've been laying low for ten long years waiting for the statute of limitations on grand theft larceny to run out. And it was supposed to end tonight at midnight." The bear replied. "Mm-hmm. Until you clowns came along and ruined everything!" The duck said. "Can't we just have the dice without the diamonds?" Rigby asked. "It's too late. And you know too much." The bear said. "Mm-hmm." Muscle Man leaps for the dice and yanks them out of the bear robot's hands. "Hey, give that back!" Muscle Man throws the dice to (Y/n), who throws it past the band, and to Rigby, who was running to catch them. "Alright! No more games!" The bear reaches into his jacket. "No, don't!" "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. A light shines onto the bear robot.

"This is the FBI. You're surrounded!" There's a FBI helicopter, vehicles and agents. "Get on the ground, now!" An agent packs heat with a sniper, laying on ground. "Targets are considered hostile, repeat, targets are considered hostile." He loads up. "Copy that, red leader." "Uh, what do we do, boss?" Louie asked. "We do what we were made to do: show these folks a fun time." He replied. "Hm. Funny, I was thinking the exact same thing." The duck said, and Louie whimpers.

"Well then, I guess it's showtime!" The bear pulls out a gun. "Gun!" The FBI shoots the bear robot down. Rigby runs to the cart while being chased by the bullets of the duck robot's gun. "Eat lead, sucker!" The gunsmen shoot the duck robot, causing her to fall of the dock and into a boat. Louie fires at the gunsmen, but not one bullet hits him at first. Then, a man launches a rocket at Louie, which finally hits him. Louie then blows up, along with the rocket.

A gunsman sees a pole on the ground. The bear robot, having survived his shots, picks up the pole and lets out a war cry as the groundskeepers watch in horror. The gunsmen then fire several more shots until a man with a mini gun comes out firing, the bullets falling as he shoots the robot. The machine gun bullets finally knock him into a boat. His head knocks a gear, which causes the boat to go across the ocean as the searchlight of a helicopter watches from above. "Smoke 'em." A man carrying a rocket launcher fires at the boat, which hits and destroys the boat. The groundskeepers watch in shock, then, jump into the air and high-five into a freeze-frame.

Benson and the gang got the fuzzy dice after the FBI retrieved the uncut diamonds from them.

The whereabouts of the Capicola Gang are currently unknown. Though there have been sightings reported all across the lower 48.

Diego Montez quit his job at the Fun Fun Zone 3 1/2 weeks later...and became a multi-millionaire after patenting his ergonomic reaching hook.

Pops received the fuzzy dice for his birthday and loved them. So did Muscle Man. ...A little too much.

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