Garage Door

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Benson is walking out of the house, whistling, he approaches the garage, and the door, which is open, is painted to look like the interior. "Ugh! How many times do I have to tell them? Close the garage door when you're finished painting it!" He gets out the garage controller and shuts the door, he looks at his clipboard, then looks up. "What the? Didn't I just close that?" He presses the button on the controller twice and stares at the interior-painted door. "Argh!" Pops is in Carmenita and driving towards the garage. "Coming through!" Pops laughs.

"POPS, NO!" Benson jumps out of the way, as Pops crashes into the garage, he then looks towards the door. "Bad show!" Pops said. "MORDECAI AND RIGBY!!!" A firetruck is now at the house, and a fireman is using the Jaws of Life to get Pops out. "Ugh!" Pops said. "Pops, are you okay?" (Y/n) asked worriedly. "Optical illusion!" Pops said. "Don't worry, sir! Thanks to the jaws of life, you'll never get trapped in an enclosed space again." The fireman opens the jaws of life. "Whoa!" The trio said. "Where'd you get that?" Rigby asked. "It came with the truck." He replied. "WHAT WERE YOU TWO THINKING?!?" Benson asked angrily, as he knew (Y/n) wouldn't do something like that. "It was just a joke!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we were going to paint over it after our break!" Mordecai said.

"Well, how's this for a joke? Buy a new garage door by the end of the day or YOU'RE FIRED!!!" Benson leaves. "I don't think that was a joke." (Y/n) said, and Rigby snickers. "Come on, let's go get the garage door." Mordecai said. "Well I'm coming with you, it's my fault you have to replace the garage door in the first place." Pops said. "I mean, not really... but-" (Y/n) began, but Mordecai  and Rigby glare at her. "Thanks Pops." Mordecai said. "That new place "House Warehouse" just opened up. They have everything." Rigby said. The gang go to the House Warehouse.

and everybody enters with a long gasp. "Ugh! This is gonna take forever!" Rigby said. "Hey, it's that old knight guy!" (Y/n) said. "Ah! Good-morrow, valued customers!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Pops approach him. "Dude, weren't you just guarding those Golden Game Badges?" Mordecai asked. "The game store floated away. And with it, my job. But fortune smiles upon me as the home improvement. Business is booming!" The knight replied. "Oh. That's cool." Rigby said. "Now then. Uh...Might I interest thee in a rewards card?" The knight asked. "Ooh! I love rewards!" Pops said.

"No. We're not here for that. Can you just tell us where the garage doors are?" (Y/n) asked. The knight gasps. "Garage doors, you say?! Oh, that is not an easy item to acquire. For, you see, they're located in a faraway aisle deep within the heart of the House Warehouse. It is a parallelous journey to undertake, you will face three trials." The knight said. "Whatever, look can you take us there or not?" Rigby asked. "For (Y/n) of the omelete, and Mordecai and Rigby of the golden badges, and that fellow comrade whose name I do not know, it would be an honor."

The five then proceed to start their journey through the garage doors, until after a long journey they stopped very tired. "Are we... there yet?" (Y/n) panted. Rigby glares at her. "The last ten times you've asked that the answer was no." He said. "A rest, a short rest." The knight said. The five then sat down to rest, with the knight grabbing his drink. "Ah Chalice, you quenched my spirit and my thirst." The knight said. "How much further?" Mordecai asked. "It- It's just down this way. Uh, no- no this way. Wait, did we pass the Doorknob Isle?" The knight asked. "This is STILL the doorknob Isle." (Y/n) said.

"This place is gonna close before we make it into the garage doors!" Rigby said. Suddenly jazz music starts playing. "What the...?" (Y/n) asked. "What's that sound? It's so smooth and-" Mordecai said. "Jazzy!" Pops gasps. "Could it be?" The five proceed to follow the direction of music. "Woooooah." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. "Ooh, it's the Jazzy Bed!" Pops said as they saw a small bed spinning around. "The smoothest sleep, you'll get on four wheels." Pops said. "This thing will get us to the garage doors twice as fast!" Mordecai said. "Oh, how convenient!"

The knight said. "You can say that again." (Y/n) said. The five use it to get to the first trial. The bed drives past cracks in the floor, and the knight chops down some wires, then the bed comes to a stop. "Halt! We have arrived... At the first trial." He said. "Nuts and bolts?" (Y/n) asked as she looks at the two buckets on the floor. Suddenly the guardian is formed in front of them. "I am the bolt keeper, keeper of the bolts--" he hesitates. "And the nuts." Mordecai and Rigby laugh, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Silence!" The keeper slams his staff. "Your task is to sort various nuts and bolts into their correctly-labeled buckets." He said, as he uses his staff to gesture to the two buckets.

"Complete this trial of assortment and you may pass." The keeper said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "That's it?" She asked. "Yeah, this should be easy! Any dingus can tell a nut from a bolt!" Mordecai said as he, Rigby and (Y/n) get off the bed. The keeper then teleports a pile of them in front of the buckets. "You were saying?" (Y/n) asked. "Aw, nuts!" Rigby said. "You have 60 seconds. Begin!" The trio quickly rush over,

and frantically begin sorting them out, constantly shouting "nuts" or "bolts" in the process. Pops watches the trio worriedly. After some sorting, they stumble upon a nut and a bolt combined. "Dudes, it's a nut and a bolt together! What do we do?" Rigby asked worriedly. "Uh..." Mordecai picks it up, and the keeper checks his watch impatiently. "It's neither!" Mordecai throws it towards the ground, and it suddenly floats. "Hmm. You have passed the test." The keeper uses it to pull aside a shelf. "You may proceed." The group then exit the room.

"Wait! Did you guys want to buy any nuts or bolts?" The keeper shouted after them. The five ride the jazzy bed to someone sitting and reading a newspaper. "Uh, hey. Is this the second trial?  We need to get to the garage-door section." Mordecai said. The person reveals his face to be a toilet, and the group cringe. "Now, slow down there, chief!" The toilet said. "Ew!" (Y/n) said in disgust. "You want to get there, you got to get by me first-- The toilet keeper!" The toilet said.

"Okay. So, what do we have to do for you "toi-let" us pass?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) snickers. "All you guys gotta do is unclog the toilet." The toilet man replied. "Huh. That's easy enough." (Y/n) said. "Good! Then start plungin'!" He shoves the group in the small room with a toilet. "Oh, and the light in here don't work so good. Hope that's not a problem!" He shuts the door and the light goes out. "Asshole." (Y/n) mumbled, and Rigby quickly turns on his phone for light. "All right. Here goes." (Y/n) slowly tries to unclog the toilet.

"Nah, dude! You gotta force it!" Rigby quickly grabs the plunger from her. "Hey!" Rigby then grunts as he forcefully pushes it down. Water soon starts pouring out. "Oh, dear! I don't think that helped!" Pops said. "Way to go, Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted. "Hey, I just wanted to get to the garage doors at all cost! It's not my fault you got no rhythm!" Rigby shouted angrily. (Y/n) scoffs and crosses her arms. "Whatever."

But then her eyes widened. "Rhythm? Dude, that's it! We'll split the difference! Slow, slow, fast, fast! I'll plunge. You work the handle." (Y/n) walks over to the toilet and starts to unclog it. "Slow, slow." She said. Rigby flushes it twice.  "Fast, fast!" He said, but the water continued to flow. "It's not working!" Pops shouted. "Keep plunging! This armor isn't very buoyant!" The knight shouted. "Oh!" The group said as the water filled up the room. (Y/n) and Rigby swam toward the toilet and (Y/n) began to plunge into it. "Slow, slow." She said. "Fast, fast!" Rigby said. The duo continued their routine. "Slow, slow." (Y/n) said. "Fast, fast!" Rigby said.

The door opens and all of the water flows out and everyone gasps for air. "Dude! We totally got the rhythm!" Rigby said. "Yeah, we do! Huh!" (Y/n) said, as she and Rigby high five. "Onward, comrades! Only one trial remains! We must face the Lord of Lumber..." Rigby nails him back together and he gives him a high five. "Paint-o-tron..." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hold three sheets of color toward a wall,

and Paint-o-tron nods in approval. "Mr. Mini-blinds..." Mordecai pulls down a blind on a window, then glares at Mr. Mini-blinds. ""Key-per" of keys..." (Y/n) is holding a set of keys and grabs the right one. "Whatever that light-bulb guy is called..." Rigby puts in the last light bulb, then the light-bulb guy shines really bright and Rigby closes his eyes and puts his paws out in surprise. "The Hedgegrow-mancers..." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby cut leaves off him with bored expressions, as another one shaped like an octopus grabs Pops as the knight cuts it. Later the five are riding on the jazz bed again.

"Ugh! This is so hard!" Rigby whined. "Dude, that was definitely more than one trial." Mordecai said. "That was like ten!" (Y/n) shouted. "Forgive me. I'm still very new to this job. But I'm most certain this is the last one." The knight said. "You better be right this time..." (Y/n) mumbled. The bed continues forward, and the group sees two golden statues, one of a dog and one of a cat with wings on their backs. "Look!" The knight points to a man on a horse. "Yeah, hon. I'm almost done at the House Warehouse. I'll pick up dinner on the way home. Love you. Bye."

He hung up. "Hyah!" As he rides forward, the two statues' eyes glow a light blue. "I just wanted a garage door!" He shouted, before getting annihilated, and the group gasps in horror. "This is indeed the worst trial." The knight said. "Attention, shoppers! House Warehouse will be closing in 10 minutes. Please finish all shopping and/or trials and head to the nearest checkout." A voice over the PA said. "There's no way we can make it through that thing!" Rigby said. "I'm with Rigby on this one." (Y/n) said.

"We've come too far! We've gotta do it. Pops, floor it." Mordecai said. "With pleasure!" Pops reaches for the handle and the jazz bed goes full speed. "On three, everybody, we're gonna jump! One... Two... Three!" Mordecai shouted. "Aah!" The group screams as they jump off the bed, just in time as the lasers zap it into a pile of ash.

"Ugh!" The group said. "You've done well, Jazzy Bed. Now it's your turn to sleep smoothly." Pops said as he salutes the bed, and (Y/n) giggles. "Rest in peace, Jazzy Bed." She said. "Behold!" The knight said, and Pops and (Y/n) both turn around. "We have arrived!" The knight said. The group approach a big white garage door as it opens. "There it is! This is our Pearly Gates model! Ain't she a beaut?" The salesman asked as he and another customer approach. "Excuse me, sir. Are you the garage-door salesman?" Mordecai asked.

"Yeah. We need a garage door." Rigby said. "This is my last customer of the day, all right? You want a garage door, come back tomorrow." The salesman said. (Y/n) was outraged. "What?! Do you know all the things we had to go through just to get a garage door today?!" She asked furiously. "Yeah, we came all this way!" Rigby agreed. "Too bad! As I was saying, you can't find a better deal!" He taps it, and suddenly it sparks and it closes on him. "Don't worry. It's supposed to do that." The salesman said.

"Yeah. I'll come back tomorrow." The customer walks away, and the group walk toward him. "Dude, are you okay?" Mordecai asked. "Yes." He smiles at them, but then it fades. "No. I'm actually dying." He replied. "Oh, dear!" Pops said with concern. "Don't just stand there! I'll cut you a deal if you get me out of here--!" The salesman said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby grab the door and try to lift it up to no avail. "It's no use. It's completely stuck." (Y/n) said. "Well, do somethin'! By the time any help arrives, I'll be dead! This dumb store is too big!" The salesman shouted.

Mordecai looks around quickly, then sees a fire truck. 'It came with the truck.' "The Jaws of Life! Rigby, (Y/n), over there!" Mordecai said. The duo follow Mordecai over to the truck, and Mordecai takes out the tool. "So much power in my hands." Rigby said, and (Y/n) giggles. "I should have seen this coming. Live by the garage door, die by the garage door." The salesman said. "Not today." The salesman turns to see (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby holding The Jaws Of Life. "Come on!" The trio then use it to start chopping down the door. "Don't you die on me!" Pops shouted dramatically. They cut through around the salesman and set him free. "We did it!" Rigby said. "You guys saved my life! How can I ever repay you? I tell you what-- Whatever garage door you buy, you get a

complimentary installation-- For $20!" The salesman said as he stands up. "Uh, no, thanks. We're good." (Y/n) said. "Eh, suit yourselves! Now, which one do you want?" The salesman asked. "That one." (Y/n) points to one just above the giant garage door. "Once again, you have proven yourselves worthy of such a prize. Now go forth and bask in glory! And, uh, fill out this customer-satisfaction survey while you're at it."

The knight said as he takes out a piece of paper, and Mordecai grabs it. "Uh, sure. We gotta go." He said. The four get into the golf cart and drive away. "Goodbye, my friends! Goodbye!" The knight said. Later back at the house, Benson was inspecting the new door. "Wow! You guys actually installed this yourselves? I don't believe it!" Benson said. "Hm-hm! Well, believe this! Pssh!" Rigby takes out a remote and pushes a button, only for the walls around the door to crumble and fall, along with the new door. "Oh come on!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yep. I believe it." Benson said.

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