Men in Uniform

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Huge Head is hiding in the bushes at the park. "You stole my name, Pops, and it won't be over until I get my revenge!" He chuckles evilly. The gang is sitting down while Benson is seen messing with some sweets. "Hey Benson, what's with the fancy spread?" Rigby asked. "Mr. Maellard said he needed to give an announcement this morning." Benson turns toward the others.

"You know, you all could learn a thing or two about boss appreciation..." he said. Suddenly, Mr. Maellard's limo crashes through the sweets and Mr. Maellard steps out of his limo. Benson sighs and facepalms. "Mr. Maellard! How nice of you to visit us today." He said. "No time for bollocking Benson. Take a seat." Benson does so. "As you are all aware: park attendance has been declining for years. With no visitors, I'm basically just paying you guys to babysit Pops at this point." Mr. Maellard said. "And they're doing a bang up job."

Pops said, and (Y/n) snickers. "With that in mind, I've decided to shut down the park." Everyone starts complaining, and (Y/n) freaks out. "WHAT?!" She shrieked, and everyone covers their ears from her loud outburst. "No visitors? Well, what about, uh, that guy?" Mordecai asked. Everyone looks at Huge Head. "Wait, not yet!" He said, and (Y/n) shivers.

"One ugly guy, plotting revenge on my son for the last four years isn't enough to keep the park open." Mr. Maellard said. "You better keep away from him you creepy old man!" (Y/n) shouted at Huge Head. "You guys all had a good run, but I'm afraid you're all fired. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go rig a yacht race." Mr. Maellard begins to walk back to his limo, and it begins to drive away. "Wait! Mr. Maellard! Mr. Maellard!" His limo stops as Benson holds onto the car door.

"Benson, get a hold of yourself." Mr. Maellard said. "Please, just give us one more shot. It's all I've got." Benson groans. "Uuuuugghh, oh geez. Look, it'll take a week for the paperwork to go through, but if you could get attendance up, I might reconsider." Benson grins. "But, I'm talking about real park visitors, not a bunch of weirdos hiding out in the bushes." Mr. Maellard replied. "Thank you Mr. Maellard!" Benson shouted, and his car window starts to close.

"Thank you so much!" Benson said. "One week Benson." Mr. Maellard's limo quickly drives away, causing Benson to lose his balance and fall on his back. "..Thank you Mr. Maellard." Benson said. Later Huge Head is still hiding in the bushes. "Not yet! Ho, ho, ho!" The gang is in Benson's office with a turnstile. "Maellard sent us this turnstile to keep tabs on our attendance. Ideas for bringing in more visitors? Anyone?" No one responses. Mordecai mumbles to himself and puts his hand over his shoulder. "Paddle boats?" He asked.

"Mordecai, do you have something you'd like to share?" Benson asked. "Yeah, if so, then please do." (Y/n) crosses her arms. "Oh, uh, I was just thinking that paddle boats are kind of lame, so maybe, if we could..." Mordecai said. "Woah! Let me stop you right there, 'cause I see where you're going and I like it!" Rigby said. "Battle boats!" The duo said. "What?" (Y/n) asked in pure confusion. "Like bumper cars, but on the high seas." Rigby said. "Slap small tires on the sides, get people lances for jousting." Mordecai said. "I don't think that's a good idea." Skips said. "I'm with Skips on this one." (Y/n) said. "Aw, what?! Come on, (Y/n)! As my girlfriend you're supposed to support me not drag me down." Rigby said. "I do support you, just not all of your ideas, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Don't be so dramatic." She said.

"Hold on, you two. Now, obviously battle boats is a terrible idea. We all agree on that. But we've got just one week to save the park. So no idea, besides battle boats, is too stupid. Now, come on, let's get some visitors to the park!" Benson said. On Monday, Pops flies Carmenita with a banner that says "Visit the park!" In the sky, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are arrow sign holders holding up the signs that says "Park,"  and Benson and Skips sets up an air dancer that says "Park", but the tabber says "000", meaning they have no visitors. On Tuesday, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are at the Snack Bar, with Mordecai crossing out the "No" in the "No Refills" sign to make it say "Refills". On Wednesday, a ball pit is set up, and as a kid and his mom are walking towards the ball pit, Pops appears out of the balls,

scaring the kid and his mom and they ran away, and the tabber says they have 2 visitors. On Thursday, Mordecai places a sign that says "Concert Tonight!" On a stage and the gang as (Y/n), Mordecai and the Rigbys are performing on stage, but no one is here. Huge Head is still hiding in the bushes. "Well, this was a disaster." Benson said. "No shit, Benson." (Y/n) said.

Later in Benson's office, a gird chart with the arrows that represent visitors is going down, meaning they got negative visitors. "Low turnout is one thing, but how did we get negative visitors? Guys, in 24 hours, Maellard's gonna shut the park down! No more ideas at all?" Benson asked. "We could update our resumes." Fives suggested. "Good idea." Skips opens and looks at his scroll-like resume that says "Ye Old Skips' Resume, Park Worker, 1800 - NOW. "Oy." He said. "This is it." Benson said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "What?!" She asked. Pops' eyes fill with tears in sadness. "I'll miss you all!" He blows his nose with a tissue.

"What? No! NO!" (Y/n) shouted, quickly standing up and everyone looks at her. "Are we seriously all just giving up?! We can't! If we lose this park, I lose you guys too! I can't! I already lost Thomas, I'm not losing anymore friends! If I lose you guys I have nothing!" Her voice cracked, and everyone looks at her sadly. "Well, I mean... you didn't necessarily lose Thomas... he still comes and visits you every few years or so, and we can do the same." Rigby smiles at her. "No! It won't be the same! You have no idea how hard it was on me when Thomas left, seeing him just every few years isn't the same! I won't let this happen to you guys too! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!" She starts crying. Rigby quickly hugs her and she hugs back.

Then the rest of the group join in. "We... we don't want to lose you either, (Y/n)..." Benson said. "You're like family to us." Fives sniffs. "Yeah, I've always even seen you as a bro too." Muscle Man said. "We'd be lost without you, (Y/n)..." Pops cries again and rubs his eyes. "You have no idea how many times we were afraid we would lose you..." Mordecai said. "I guess now, we really are..." Skips sniffs. Benson sighs once they pull away from the hug. "Aw, come on, guys." He sniffles. "Let's have some fun at our last night, huh? Wing Kingdom? My treat?" He asked. Later the gang is in a gazeebo at East Pines eating chicken wings from Wing Kingdom and drinking sodas while they're chattering. All of them are drunk from how much they've eaten except for (Y/n).

"So, I'm all like "You don't get it, man." Benson said. "Oh, yeah, I remember that." Skips burps. "Ew, gross!" (Y/n) waves her right paw. "Thank you." He said proudly, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. Benson shushes everyone. "Hey, hey! I wanna say something. Here's to the best crew I've ever worked with!" Everyone cheers. "And you know what? I'm just gonna say it. Maellard is a jerk!" Everyone, except Pops and (Y/n) cheer again. "He's my father, though." Pops said. "Yeah exactly, and you're boss. If he heard you say that, you'd be so fired." (Y/n) said. "Well, I'm already going to be fired anyway, (Y/n). People are jerks, too. Why wouldn't you wanna come to our park? I mean, look how pretty it is tonight." Benson said. "You know what my favorite part of the park is?" Mordecai points to the left. "That tree right there. Wait, that's not... Or... where was it, again?" He asked.

"Come to think of it, where are we?" Pops asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Ah. I've worked here for years. I've never seen this part of the park before." Gene and his two employees are behind the gazebo. "That's because this isn't your park!" Gene said angrily, then smirks at (Y/n). "Well hello (Y/n), finally come to your senes and decided to join my park?" He asked. "Ugh, as if, Gene!" She snapped, glaring at him. "Yeah Gene, back off!" Rigby said angrily. "Go remember stuff somewhere else. You're holding up the line for the gazebo." Taylor points behind a line of angry people waiting. "How did we end up in East Pines?" Benson asked. Mordecai slaps his face.

"How many wings have we had?" He asked. "Quick, guys, let's trash the place!" Muscle Man slaps a glass of soda off the table, jumps above the lights and attempts to destroy the poles, but fails. "That's actually pretty solid."  He said. "Get 'em outta here!" Taylor and the other East Pines employee escorted Benson out of East Pines. "Hey! Stop! Cut it out!" He attempts to get away from the employees, but fails.

"Sweet threads." Taylor and the other East Pines employee throw Benson and the gang out. "What's the secret?! Why does East Pines get visitors when we don't?! It's the uniforms, isn't it Gene?" Benson asked, and Gene sighs. "Yeah, Benson, it's the uniforms." Gene said sarcastically. The guys laugh maniacally and (Y/n) face palms. "Ha! So you admit it!" Gene and his two employees look at each other in confusion. "What are you talking about?" Gene asked. "It's too late! We know your secret!" Benson said. He and the guys run back to the park.

Gene still looks confused, then looks over at (Y/n). "Honestly kid, I have no idea what you see in those clowns." He sneered, and (Y/n) growls. "Well at least those "clowns" never tried to kidnap me multiple times, Gene!" She snapped. "Hey, cut me some slack. It's been a while since I've tried to do that, sweetheart. Not since that little intern of yours sunk into my park. I'll be sure to get him back for that." Gene said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Oh yeah? Good luck with that, Gene! Thomas isn't with us anymore!" She shouted. "Either way, I'll be sure to make "Nicholas" pay for what he did." Gene said. "Actually, his real name is Nikolai, idiot." (Y/n) said.

Gene then looks confused. "I thought it was Thomas." Gene said. "Nope. And good luck catching him, he's a spy." (Y/n) said. "I think I know that, (Y/n)! Considering that's how he weaseled his way into my park! Mark my words, I will make him pay for that!" Gene shouted. "You lay a finger on him, or any of my friends, and you won't live to see tomorrow! You crazy vending machine!" (Y/n) shouted. "Just you wait, (Y/n). I'll get you, and your little intern too!" Gene said. (Y/n) just scoffs. Later back at the house, the gang are back at the computer mumbling. "Hey! Hey! Quiet! We only have 12 more hours to save the park. Now..." He holds up and opens a can of soda. "...who's ready to stay up all night designing uniforms?" He asked.

"Uniforms! WOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" The guys shouted, and (Y/n) covers her eyes. The guys select and decide different designs and what to add to design their uniforms on the computer with a whispering voice saying different words from the YOUnique website. The next day the gang is outside the house. "Well, guys, this is it, our last day, so I don't know, rake some leaves or something." Benson said. Huge Head is still behind the bushes, breathing heavily as the Zip Delivery truck arrives and the delivery guy drops 7 separate boxes on the ground and leaves.

"Oh, great! Guys, the uniforms!" Benson said. The guys run up to the boxes. "Uniforms!" They shouted. "Are you guys sure this is gonna work?" (Y/n) asked. "Duh, of course it will." Rigby said. "Huh. Maybe, it won't be our last day after all." Benson said. "Weird they put them all in separate boxes." Skips said. Fives looks at a label on one of the boxes. "Looks like there's some kind of warning." He said. The label says "Caution: Contents of this package exceed ugly index and should not be combined with other items of similar rating. Avert eyes!" "Blah, blah, blah! Do you wanna read a bunch of words, or do you wanna save the park?" Rigby opens the lid of the box.

The guys put on their uniforms, and the uniforms turned out to be ugly. "Oh dear lord..." (Y/n) said. "Oh, my. These didn't turn out well at all." Pops said. "Yeah... I kind of figured something like this would happen..." (Y/n) said. "(Y/N)!" The guys shouted. "I don't understand. They looked so cool on the computer last night." Rigby said. Muscle Man takes a picture of Rigby in his ugly uniform. "Smile, bro! My friend, Scottie is gonna love this." He said. Scottie types on his computer at his place.

His phone rings, he picks it up and he sees the picture of Rigby in his ugly uniform. "Heh. Classic. Mmm-hmm." He shares the picture. "Check it out! Your picture is going viral!" Muscle Man said. "Stop talking!" Rigby snapped. "Dude, what is wrong with you? Did you seriously just try to humiliate my boyfriend in front of everyone?!" (Y/n) asked angrily. "Ooh, what're you gonna do about it, (Y/n)?" Muscle Man asked teasingly, and she growls. "Whoa! Benson, look! We've got visitors." Mordecai said. "What?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief.

A family arrives in their RV, comes out and are taking pictures of the guys in their ugly uniforms. "Huh. Looks like the uniforms are already working." Benson said. "Are you sure it's in a good way, though?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey, there's more!" Skips shouted. A line of cars, buses and campers arrive at the park as lots of people come out of their vehicles and take lots of pictures of the guys in their ugly uniforms. "Whoa, this is crazy!" Rigby shouted. "Dude, whatever they're paying you to wear those ugly uniforms, it's not enough!" They both laugh. (Y/n) growls at them. "They're even more heinous than that internet picture!" Another person said. "Aw, what?! Muscle Man! These people are just here to make fun of our uniforms because of your dumb picture." Mordecai said. "Whatever.

Any publicity is good publicity." Muscle Man said. "Are you sure about that, dude?" (Y/n) asked. Another person touches Muscle Man's shoulder. "Hey! I wanna picture with double-wide!" He said. Muscle Man shoves the man towards the crowd. "Get off me, bro!" The people start laughing at them as they're continuing to take pictures of them. "Alright, alright, let's all settle down. We're glad you're visiting the park." A dodgeball gets thrown at him. "Who threw that?" People continue to take pictures of them and make fun of them. "Piss off!" (Y/n) shouted. "Augh! No more pictures!" Rigby shouted. "Now seems like a good time to leave." Skips said.

"Agreed." Mordecai said. The gang start to run away. "They're getting away!" Someone shouted. "Hey! I'm not done making fun of 'em!" Another shouted. "Get 'em!" The people start to chase the gang. "Where are they going?!" "Hey, guys! The houndstooth codpiece was a great idea, but it's making it hard to run from this angry mob!" Muscle Man shouted. "Ditch the uniforms then!" (Y/n) shouted. "Got it!" Muscle Man said. "Okay, fine! But it's a colossal  waste of money!" Benson said. They start to take off their ugly uniforms. "They're they are!" Someone shouted.

The guys throw their ugly uniforms into the ground, combining them, and then the uniforms are glowing. "Uh, what the?" (Y/n) asked. "Uh, guys, what's going on?" Mordecai asked. "Those clashing colors and styles are highly unstable! Run!" Skips shouted. The gang runs behind a tree as the people run to the uniforms and the clashing colors are transformed into a black hole of ugliness and starts to suck the people in. "It's a black hole of ugliness! It only sucks in ugly things." A guy's shirt, a Sphynx cat and another man is sucked into the black hole. "Yeah, but we're safe. We're not ugly." Rigby said. Muscle Man holds on to the tree. "Oh, yeah, bros! We got nothing to worry about!" He said. "We have to find a way to plug up that hole!" (Y/n) said. "Agreed. In the mean time, Muscle Man try to be more... attractive?" Benson asked.

"Ouch..." (Y/n) mumbled. Muscle Man nods, grabs a comb and brushes his hair. As the black hole continues to suck in the people, Huge Head comes out of the bushes and starts to sneak up on Pops. The gang goes to the shed and Benson opens the shed to find a opossum and its babies inside it and hisses at them as the gang screams, then the black hole sucks the opossum and its babies in. As Huge Head continues to sneak up on Pops, the gang runs towards the hole with shovels. "Fill it in!" Benson shouted. The gang tried to dig the dirt to plug up the black hole, but failed, then two hipsters and a male model appeared.

"Look at these dweebs." The hipster female said. "I'm a male model, and even I know you can't fill up a magic portal." The male model said. "Yeah, losers!" The two hipsters and the male model get sucked into the black hole. "Guess they were ugly on the inside." Skips said. "I think that was kind of obvious." (Y/n) said. "Bros! Bros! I think I might be the right size and shape to plug up that hole! I'm too, you know, appearance-challenged for this world anyway, right?" Muscle Man asked. The gang mumble in disagreement, then the tree starts to break as the gang gasp.

"Stop trying to protect my feelings, bros! It's science! I'm gonna let go!" The gang hesitate at Muscle Man's idea and start to run to Muscle Man to save him. "No!" Skips shouted. "Muscle Man!" (Y/n) shouted. Huge Head runs behind Pops and grabs him by the neck, (Y/n) notices and quickly turns around with a gasp. "POPS!" She shouted. "Gotcha! I've waited a long time for this! Huh?" Huge Head asked. "Time to see what's on the other side." Muscle Man lets go of the tree and heads towards the black hole.

Huge Head and Pops are pulled by the black hole. "What is this?!" He asked. "Who are you?!" Pops asked. "You took my life away from me! Now I'm gonna return the favor!" He laughs evilly. "Huh?" (Y/n) quickly jumps on Huge Head. "Let go of him!" She punches him hard, making Huge Head let go of Pops and he is about to be sucked into the black hole. Muscle Man is about to be sucked into the black hole as well. Huge Head is completely sucked into the hole. Later, the turnstile gets 6981 visitors as people come into the park as a

fair is happening. Mr. Maellard shakes hands with Benson. "Well, I don't know how you did it. We have never had more visitors." He said. "Oh, Papa, does  that mean?" Pops asked excitedly. "That we'll be open for years to come, yes! This park is wonderful!" Mr. Maellard sips his tea. "Oh, this tea is wonderful too." He said. "Thanks for noticing the tea, sir." Benson said. "How did you all think of it?" Mr. Maellard asked. "Well, we just asked ourselves, "what do we have that other parks don't?" Benson asked. Huge Head's head is stuck in the black hole as Huge Head is seen by the people. He chuckles. "Finally! The attention I deserve! I'm so happy! He he."

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