Just Set Up the Chairs

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Benson goes through the list of what needs to be done with Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, and two new characters: Mitch "Muscle Man" Sorenstein, a fat, green man, and Hi Five Ghost, a very self-descriptive ghost. "Alright, listen up. We've got this birthday party today, so... lots to do, lots to do... Muscle Man, Hi Five Ghost, you're in charge of picking up the special entertainment." Benson said.

"Yes! Uh!" Muscle Man & Hi Five Ghost high five. "Skips, you set up the bouncy castle." Benson said. "Hmm." He skips over into a bush. "Let's see, I'm picking up the kids, so... Mordecai and Rigby, you set up the chairs. And (Y/n)-" Benson began, but was interrupted by the two. "Augh!" Mordecai slides down the steps, onto the ground. Pops calls from above. "Oh, what about me~? Surely, I'm invited to my own birthday party!" Pops said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Pops, your birthday was last week, remember? It's a kid's party today." She said.

Pops pulls out a bundle of balloons. "I still have balloons!" He said. "We've got it covered, Pops." Benson said. "Oh. I see." He slips out, and is carried through the air by the balloons. "Now where was I? Oh yeah, (Y/n) you'll-" but Benson was interrupted again. "Dude, how come we always get stuck with the lame jobs? Setting up the chairs?!" Mordecai asked. "Lame!!!" Rigby said. "Maybe because you guys never take anything seriously." (Y/n) said. "Exactly. I can't trust you guys with something actually important. You're always slacking off." He agreed. "You calling us slackers?" Mordecai asked. "Did he? Did you?" Rigby asked.

"He's calling us slackers. Look dude, we can totally set up all those chairs without slacking off." Mordecai declared. "Ha!" (Y/n) said, stepping in between the three. "I'd like to see you try!" She said. "Challenge accepted, missy!" Mordecai said. "Yeah, and then next time you'll get someone else to set up the chairs? Like (Y/n) for example." Rigby asked. She glared at him. "Uncool, dude." She said. "Fine." Benson groaned.

"OOOOOOOOHHH!!! Not settin' up the chairs next time! Not settin' up the chairs next time! UHHHHH!" The two said. "Just set up the chairs." Benson said. "I think I should go with them." (Y/n) said. "What?! (Y/n), no. I need your help with something else, besides, are you sure you want to be stuck with those morons?" Benson asked her. "It'll be fine, Benson. Besides, you put me in charge of looking out for them, remember?" She said, and he sighed. "Fine, fair point I guess. I'll see you later." Benson walks off. Later, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are with the trolley of chairs.

"Benson's gonna drop his balls when he sees how good we set up these chairs, he's gonna be all like," Oh no, my gum balls!" Rigby said. "Oh, I thought you meant something else there for a second." (Y/n) said. "Ha ha ha! Yeah-ya, we rule at settin' up the chairs." Mordecai hands Rigby a chair. "One." He said. "Yaaa! 1!" Rigby throws chair it falls on the ground. "Yeah dude, this sucks." Rigby said, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "Dudes, come on. Get over it." She said. "Why are you even here?" Rigby asked her. "To make sure you two slackers don't slack off, duh. That's my job." She smirks, and Rigby scowls at her. "Well, normally I'd be all "let's quit", but we have to prove to you and Benson we can set up these chairs." Mordecai said to (Y/n). "All right. AAGGGHHH! Must be nice to be the boss. Benson never has to do chores." Rigby said.

"You're kidding, right?" (Y/n) asked, and Rigby looks at her in disbelief. "He's got the most chores out of all of us here." (Y/n) said. Meanwhile on the highway, Benson is driving a bus full of kids. "Happy birthday Jimm—"JUST DRIVE THE BUS YOU CRAZY SLOP JOCKEY!" Meanwhile Rigby is wearing a bunch of chairs, imitating a robot wreaking mass destruction. "BEW! BEW! BEW! PSSHHH! BEW! HA HA!" He knocks over the chairs. "What the H, dude?" Mordecai snapped. "Hahahahahahahaha!" Rigby laughed. "I think someone's lost it." (Y/n) said, and Rigby glares at her. "Shut up!" He said. "Can we please just focus?" Mordecai asked.

"AGGHHH!" Rigby takes off the chair. "When you say that, it makes me tired." He sits down. "Dude!" Mordecai snapped. "Agghh! You sound like Benson." Rigby said. "Dude, listen. If we pound through this, we'll never have to do this lame chair stuff again." Mordecai said, and Rigby gasps. "Next time it could be us picking up..." he said. "The special entertainment!" The two said together. "I highly doubt that." (Y/n) smirked, and the two groan. "What is with you, today?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, you're our best friend, you're supposed to be on our side!

Not trying to bring us down all the time!" Rigby shouted. "Hey, I'm just trying to be realistic here, if you guys want the more important jobs, then you have to prove you can do the smaller ones first!" (Y/n) argued. Rigby crossed his arms with a pout. "Fine!" The special entertainment gets picked up by Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost. Muscle Man knocks on the door. The door opens showing eyeballs. "We are here to pick you up." Muscle Man said. The door opens showing a horse. "Just a second." "Aghhyyyagghh... who's at the door? Whoa, it's bright! " the clown puts on sunglasses. "You know who likes special entertainment like that? My mom!" Muscle Man said. "Could I borrow five bucks?"

Time Skip

" 37..." Rigby throws a chair, and Mordecai holds it, and puts it down. "38...38...Rigby!" Rigby lies on the trolley with no more chairs. "That's all the chairs, dude." Rigby said. "There's supposed to be 50." (Y/n) corrected. "That's your problem." Rigby said to her. "No dude, that's our problem." Mordecai said. "HMM!" Rigby pouted. "C'mon, we've gotta find the rest." Mordecai said. "Fine." Rigby said. He gets up and runs to the side of the structure, getting ahead of Mordecai. "Let's find your stupid chairs." Rigby approaches a door, and pushes it effortlessly, likely as an attempt to ditch the job. "It won't open, let's get out of here." He said. "Did you try the actual door knob?" (Y/n) snarked. "Aagghh, you're both killing me..." Rigby slides his hand over the door knob, again, effortlessly. "It's locked, let's do something else." He said.

"C'mon dude, take this seriously." Mordecai grabs the door knob and turns it both ways, but turns out Rigby's moaning about it being locked was spot on. "Oh, it is locked." He said. "Really? Let me see." (Y/n) also tries to open it to no avail. "Huh, you're right." She said. "Hmm, hmm." Rigby said. "We've gotta get those chairs." Mordecai runs at the door. "HEY!" Rigby shouted. Mordecai slams into the door, knocking it down. "AAAGGGHHHH!!" He's on the floor rubbing his arm in pain. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) quickly ran to him. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Ugh, yeah, I'm fine." He replied. (Y/n) helped him up. "Thanks." He said. "Whoa!" Rigby said. "Agh, you see the chairs?" Mordecai asked. "Even better..." Rigby said. "What do you mea—" the two gasp.

The trio see arcade games all set up in a line. "It's like old school heaven!" Rigby said. "Yeah, look at these things! Ball of Yarn, Lemonade Stand, Hats 4 Sale, Clap Like This, Candle Maker, Deli Dude, Staring Contest?!?! Why are these even here?!" (Y/n) asked, starry eyed. "Who cares? Let's play!" Mordecai grabs Rigby's head. "No dude. Dude, no. You want Benson and (Y/n) to think we're slackers forever?" Mordecai asked. "I don't know. Do you and (Y/n) want to be boring forever?" Rigby fired back. "Uncool..." (Y/n) said. "Whatever, I'm taking my break." Rigby starts game and idiotically smashes his fist against the buttons. "Okay then, slacker!" (Y/n) shouted at him. Rigby scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Jerk." He mumbled. "Dude, you're not even doing it right. You're just mashing the buttons." Mordecai said. "Whatever, why don't you and your girlfriend go back to work?" Rigby asked, and (Y/n) punched him. "Ow!" He rubs his arm and glares at her.

"I know, how 'bout I take my break too?" Mordecai knocks Rigby out of the way and plays the game without the button mashing. "Bam!" The game screen displays "You win" "OHHHH!!!" He said. "Man, that was just luck." Rigby said. "Hmm, hmm." Mordecai starts the game again. Mordecai and Rigby begin playing each game as (Y/n) watches, and Mordecai wins every time while Rigby mashes the buttons. All the while with Mordecai yelling "OHHH!" with every win. And for the climax... " OHHHH!!! TEN IN A ROOOOWWWW!!!!!!" (Y/n) giggles, and Mordecai smirked, pleased with himself for making her laugh. Now Rigby was pissed. "Alright, let's finish those chairs." Mordecai said. "Wait guys, what about that one?" Rigby sees another game in the back, which has a note "Out of order" and is covered by a sheet. "What? You mean the one with the big sign that clearly says "out of order?" (Y/n) asked, crossing her arms. "Didn't they teach you how to read?" Mordecai asked.

Rigby gives them a look and takes the sheet off. Revealing a game called "Destroyer of Worlds" "Whoa! This... looks... awesome." He said. "Yeah, whatever, it's broken." Mordecai said. "Probably because people couldn't stop playing it, cause it's so awesome!" Rigby bangs at the bottom of the stand in a pitiful attempt to fix the game. "How are you gonna fix that with your third grade education?" Mordecai snarked, and (Y/n) snickered. "Hey! Why don't you go ask Benson or (Y/n) to tell you what to do?" Rigby asked. "Move over, Rigby." They open the control panel, and when they do, they find a note attached to one of the wires. "In the name of all that is holy, don't connect the red wire to the blue wire"?" They read together.

"Oh boy, guys..." (Y/n) began, trying to warn them. "I don't think we should do this." Mordecai said. Rigby gives him a look, takes the note, throws it behind him, and tries to connect the two wires to get the game to work, all the while with sparks flying every time. "C'mon c'mon!" Rigby successfully connects the wires and a smoky face of Destroyer of Worlds appears. "Ha, ha, ha ha!" The power goes out. "Boys, what just happened?" (Y/n) demanded. Mordecai and Rigby glance at each other. "We don't know." They said. The game turns on, but with the power in the building still off. The game's turning on force sends (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby flying and when they look back at it, the Destroyer of Worlds spawns. "That can't be good." Mordecai said. "Ya think?!" (Y/n) snapped. "I don't know, it could be cool." Rigby said. DOW blasts a hole through the wall. "We're screwed." (Y/n) said. "Maybe no one will notice." Rigby said.

DOW shoots lasers and sets the trees on fire. "Oh, who unleashed the Destroyer of Worlds? Good show!" Pops said. "We better go find Skips." (Y/n) said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run to Skips, who is currently setting up the bouncy castle. "Skips, uh dude." Mordecai said. "What did you two do?" He asked. "What? Nothing. Heh." Mordecai said. DOW is still shooting lasers, and destroys the playground's slide. "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" "You ignored my note, didn't you?" Skips asked. "Yup." (Y/n) deadpanned, and the two glare at her. DOW shoots his laser again, this time setting the bouncy castle on fire. "You fools! Destroyer of Worlds will kill us all!" Skips shouted. Destroyer of Worlds appears behind them and laughs evilly. "I have an idea, but I need time. Distract it!" Skips shouted. "Wait, what? Distract it how?" (Y/n) panicked.

Rigby picks up a rock. "Get outta here!" Rigby throws the rock at DOW, which in turn hits the floating face. The response is a frown, signalling more attacks coming their way. "Uh-oh." Rigby said. "Nice going, Rigby!" (Y/n) snapped. "AAAHHHHHH!!!!" (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby scream, while getting chased by the DOW. Benson pulls up with the bus. "We're here... AAAAHHHHHH!!!!" DOW goes up to the bus. "It's the special entertainment! Yay!" The kids said. DOW blasts through the top of the bus, opening up the roof. In response, Benson and the kids on board scream. The kids run off of the bus and then run into Muscle Man and High Five Ghost,

who are arriving with the real special entertainment. "Hey kids. Get ready for our very special entertainment!" Muscle Man said. Right as they begin to perform their act, with the horse waving, Destroyer of Worlds fires his laser at the two, disintegrating them into ashes. The kids scream again and scatter around the park, Destroyer of Worlds setting more of the park on fire. "We're screwed." Mordecai said. Skips arrives back in the cart with a set of Arcade stands.

"Get in!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby run to the cart and it takes off in pursuing the Destroyer of Worlds. "Climb on top but don't press start until I say." Skips said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby climb onto the top of the golf cart and Pops crashes into the golf cart. "Skips my good man! I lost my balloons." Pops said. "Take the wheel." Skips said. Skips leaves the cart and Pops starts the driving in chasing the Destroyer of Worlds. "It must be my birthday!" Pops said. "Okay everyone, press your start buttons on three. One, two, three!" Skips said. Everyone presses start, which in turn creates a huge video game character much bigger than the floating face in Destroyer of Worlds.

"Whoa!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said. Destroyer of Worlds fires his laser at the character. "(Y/n) and I got the arms, Rigby, Mordecai, you got the legs." Skips said. "Aw what, legs?! Legs suck man, this is worse than the chairs!" Rigby said, mashing the buttons. The video game man is spinning round in circles firing pixelated burgers all over the place, not at Destroyer of Worlds. "Dude, quit mashing the buttons, you're messing up the legs!" Mordecai shouted. "SHUT UP!!!" Rigby shouted. After a moment of jumping about, the character runs away, with Destroyer of Worlds giving chase. "Drive, Pops, drive!" Skips shouted. "This is so much fun! Woohoo!" Pops hits the pedal on the cart and chases after the two battling characters.

As they get ahead of Destroyer of Worlds and drive in front of hit, the mask fires a laser at the cart, knocking off Skips in the process. "Skips! Pops stop, we lost Skips!" (Y/n) shouted. Pops skids the cart to a halt. "Skips!" Destroyer of Worlds destroys an other building, Mordecai gasps in turn seeing the extra chairs. "The extra chairs! Guys, you kill the Destroyer of Worlds, I'm gonna go get the chairs!" Mordecai said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "WHAT?! Mordecai, are you out of your mi-" Mordecai jumps off the top of the cart. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted.

"It's too dangerous, just leave them!" Rigby said. "Rigby's right! For once, just forget about the chairs!" (Y/n) shouted. "I don't care, we're not slackers!" He shouted. Destroyer of Worlds follows Mordecai to the building, firing at him. (Y/n) and Rigby both gasp, believing that Mordecai was shot. "MORDECAI!" They shouted. Mordecai is inside the building holding onto one of the chairs, taking cover from the Destroyer of World's lasers. "AAAHHH!"

Rigby and (Y/n) start mashing all of the buttons on every arcade stand. Which begins to work as the Destroyer of Worlds is taking damage from the pixelated burgers. "WHAT THE..." "The button mashing's working! Finish him off, guys!" Mordecai shouted. "AAAAHHHH!" Rigby and (Y/n) mash every button and Rigby's tail grabs the analogue stick Skips was on. The video game character finishes off the Destroyer of Worlds, once defeated, it turns into a cherry. The character walks up to it and eats it with 100 points popping up.

"That was some pretty sweet button mashing, dudes." Mordecai said. The trio high five. "I told you I got skills." Rigby said. Benson climbs out of a fiery ditch, red in the face. "YOU!!!!!!" "Whoa, hey, Benson. Before you freak out, we totally set up those chairs." Mordecai said. The kids were sitting on the chairs, surrounded by fire. Muscle Man and High Five Ghost also joining in on the fun. "Whoo! This birthday party's hot!" Muscle Man said. "So we're cool, right?" Rigby asked. "YOU IDIOTS!!! That's the last time I entrust you with something important, LIKE THE CHAIRS!!!!!!!!!!!!" Benson shouted.

"OOOOHHHH!!! Not setting up the chairs next time! Not setting up the chairs next time!" Mordecai & Rigby said. "But you are gonna clean up this mess, and you can start by sweeping up the special entertainment." Benson walks away. "Yeah, no problem." Mordecai said. "We got it." Rigby said. "Way ahead of you." (Y/n) said. "Don't worry about us." Mordecai said. "We're gonna take a break first, right?" Rigby asked. "Yeah." Mordecai said. "Definitely." (Y/n) said.

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