Limousine Lunchtime

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Everyone is outside the park house with Mr. Maellard's limousine. "Alright, Mr. Maellard gets back from vacation today, so I need you guys to clean the limousine." Benson said. "Why don't we just wait 'till it rains? That's how I clean myself." Rigby said, and Benson gives a brief glare at Rigby. "I want it looking as good as new when he comes in this afternoon. That means washed, waxed, and detailed. Got it?" He asked. "Yeah, yeah, we got it." Rigby said. "So, where are the keys?" (Y/n) asked.

Benson has the keys in his hand. "Oh, you mean these keys?" He asked. "Yeah, what other keys would I be talking about?" (Y/n) asked, and her friends snickered while Benson glares at her. "I have no time for your sass, (Y/n). I'll be holding onto these." Benson said sternly. "Aw, what?! How are we gonna listen to the radio then?" Rigby asked. "Your job isn't listening the radio. It's to clean the car!" Benson turns red. "DO IT BEFORE MR. MAELLARD GETS BACK OR YOU'RE FIRED!!" Benson walks away. "Classic Benson." (Y/n) said. "Great—No radio. This is gonna be so boring!" Rigby opens a limo door, and club music begins playing.

They see the inside of Maellard's limo with couches, a polar bear mat, a refrigerator, plasma TV screens, a sink, a telephone, and a back seat. "Whooooa!" The trio said. "Dudes, you know what's not boring? Limousine Lunch Time'!" Mordecai said. "What?! Okay no offense dude, but that sounds like a terrible idea." (Y/n) said. "Aw what? Come on, (Y/n), it'll be fun." Mordecai said. "Yeah (Y/n), since when were you the party popper?" Rigby asked, and Mordecai punches him for that. "Ow!"

Rigby glares at him. "I'm not! I love most of the things you guys do, they're great, but eating in our boss bosses' car is a recipe for disaster!" (Y/n) said, and Rigby scoffs. "No it isn't, come on (Y/n), it'll be fun." Rigby said. "Yeah (Y/n), please?" Mordecai asked. "Fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." (Y/n) said. Mordecai takes out a bag, and the trio go inside the limo. Mordecai takes out two meatball subs from the bag. "Meatball suuub!" Rigby said. Rigby chews on his meatball sub, and one of the meatballs falls out of his sub in slow motion. "Aaaaah!" Rigby shouted.

"Noooooooo!" Mordecai shouted. "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted. (Y/n) tries catching the meatball, but it falls onto the seat before she can get to it and splatters. "Rigby!" Mordecai shouted. "Ugh! See?! I knew it! I knew eating in the car was a bad idea, but no! Let's all ignore (Y/n) and do it anyway! Because that went really well!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "Whoa! (Y/n), chill! It's just one meatball. Oh!" Rigby grabs the meatball that fell, but it slips out of his hand in slow motion and hits Mordecai in his eye. "Ugh! My eyeball!" He shouted. "Aw, sick!" (Y/n) said in disgust. "Whooooa!" Rigby said.

The duo's subs fall out of their hands and land onto the seat. Once the trio see the mess, they scream. Mordecai tries to wash the stain off. "Agh! It's still there!" He shouted. "Stop, stop! That's only making it worse!" (Y/n) scolded. "Don't worry, dude—I got it. This is my mom's special cleaning formula." Rigby pours soda and vinegar into the cleaning bucket. "Club soda, vinegar, and some elbow greeease!" Rigby starts washing out the stain, but it wouldn't come off.

"By the power of my mom, stain be gone!" He shouted. "Rigby!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "Hmm, maybe that's why the house is never clean." Mordecai groans. "We're so fired!" He said. "Hey man, it could be worse." Rigby sees the meat sauce on his hand dripping onto the floor. "Huh?" He asked. "Rigby! Look what you did!" (Y/n) shouted. "I'm sorry! I didn't know I had it on me!" Rigby slips on the meat sauce and falls onto the floor. The meat sauce splattered all over the limo.

"Agh!" Rigby said. "Dude, stop moving!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby shouts indistinctly. "Rigby, stop it!" (Y/n) grunts and grabs Rigby and they both fell onto the ground, moaning. The limo is now splattered with meat sauce. "We got to get Skips." Mordecai said. Later Skips is examining the stain. "Huh. Yeah, this is pretty bad. Maellard loves this limo; almost more than he loves Pops." Skips said.

"Can you fix it?" Rigby asked. "Nope. I know a guy who runs an auto-body shop, though. He could fix it for you." Skips said. "We got to get the keys from Benson." (Y/n) said. "Aw." Rigby said. Benson is watching tv which is playing 'Better Bosses'. Benson is watching it intently. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby attempt to get the keys by inserting a stick through a window behind him. They try to make as little noise as possible. "The key to being a better boss is—diligence. Keep your eyes peeled.

Never lose focus. Act as if your employees are right behind you at all times." (Y/n) tenses a bit at those words but manages to grab the keys without Benson seeing. "Poetry." Benson said. Later the trio are at an auto-body shop with the three standing outside with Mr. Maellard's limo. "Hello? Hello?!" Mordecai asked. A man named Roger is underneath a car, fixing it. "We're closed!" He said. "But —" Mordecai said. "We're closed!" He repeated.

"This is an emergency! We got a limo!" (Y/n) shouted. The man rolls out of the garage. "Limo?!" The man gets up in their faces. "What do you know about limos?! Huh?!" He looks at Maellard's limo. "Well, I'll be. What are you guys doing with Mr. Maellard's 'White Stallion'?" He asked. "You know this car?" Mordecai asked. "Heh, know it? Heck, I used to drive it!" Roger said. Roger pulls out a wallet with many photos of him when he drove the limo. "Whooooa!" The trio said. "Yep, I used to be Mr. Maellard's chauffeur back in the day. The name's Roger. Yep, it was good times driving this car—Me and the Stallion cruising the Financial District together. So, what's the trouble with her?" Roger opens the door to the limo and looks at the stains.

"What is that—Pomodoro, Marinara?" He asked. "Uh, meatball sub." Mordecai said. "Hmm. All right, it won't be easy, but I'll see what I can do. Bring her in!" Roger said. "Thanks so much!" The trio back the limo into the garage, but the metal in the back scrapes against a wall. Mordecai gasps. "I-It'll be fine. I'll just adjust it." He tries to move the limo forward, and the metal scrapes again.

The trio get out of the limo and scream. "You can fix this, right?!" (Y/n) asked hopefully. "I'm a mechanic, not a magician." Roger replied. "Ugh!" (Y/n) face palms. "Dudes, what are we gonna do?! Mr. Maellard's picking up the car in a few hours!" Rigby shouted. "Face it, dude. We can't get out of this one.

Let's just take it back." Mordecai said. The trio sigh. "Actually, I know a way to get a limo just like this one." Roger said. "How?!" The trio asked. "There's a place where the richest of the rich gather—A secret place where the limos duke it out and the winner gets a brand-new limo. Limo...Demolition...Derby. It's the only way you're gonna get a new limo in time, unless you guys got a million bucks handy." Roger said. Rigby counts the coins on his hand.

"How much is a million?" He asked. "We'll do it." (Y/n) said. The gang drive the limo to the Limo Demolition Derby. The limo stops at a brick wall, with Roger honking the horn, which presumed to be the secret code. The brick wall was revealed to be brick gates, to which it opens and the gang drives the limo inside. The limo then drives into an arena with cheers and applause. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby then stick their heads out the roof of the limo. "Whooooa!" They said. "Welcome to the Limo Demolition Derby!" There were men dressed in black suits cheering and applauding.

"Don't look into the eyes of the millionaires! Their greed will blind you!" The trio whimper. "Now, the rules are simple, guys. When the ref rules your limo undriveable, you're out. But the last one standing gets to take home the prize limo—A brand-new White Stallion!" Roger said. (Y/n) points to the new limo. "Dudes, there it is!" She shouted. "We have to win it." Mordecai said. "Hang on, fellas! Let's talk strategy first. There's a couple of things you should know before you go out there.

One, go for the stretch limo first. It's at a disadvantage 'cause it's too long. Two, if you see a Jeep limo, take out its back wheels. Three, it's a scientific fact that gold limos are heavy. So take it to the mud, and that nugget will sink. You got all that?" Roger asked. "Uh..." Mordecai and Rigby said, and (Y/n) face palms. "I got it." She said. "Of course you do! You three are responsible! Now go out there and win that limo so Maellard doesn't tear you limb from limb!" Roger said. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby stare at the gold trophy. "Chauffeurs, start your engines!" Cars begin to start their engines.

"On your mark, get set, go!" The chauffeurs hit their cars' gas, the man in the blue suit laughs. Unfortunately, the cars bump into each other. The crowd cheers. "Aauugh! Every time!" A man shouted. "Watch out, watch out!" Rigby shouted. (Y/n) steers, but the cars bumped into Mr. Maellard's limousine which (Y/n) is driving. "Aaaaahhh!" Mordecai and Rigby bump into each other.

"Aw, man!" Mordecai said. "Uh, (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. The man driving the red truck laughs evily and switches to "Death Mode" "dude!" Rigby shouted. (Y/n) tries to pull the gear. "The gear is stuck!" She shouted. The red truck hit Mr. Maellard's Limousine into the corner. ""Aaaahhhh!" The red truck tears Mr. Maellard's limousine. Suddenly the telephone rings. Rigby picks up and answers the phone.

"Hello?" He asked. "Sorry I forgot to tell you, the Stallion's packed with weapons controlled through the glove box." Roger said. Rigby opens the glove box full of buttons. "And you're just telling us now?" Rigby asked. "I said I was sorry." Roger said. "Yeah, yeah." Rigby said. "Oh, and don't press the red button, it launches the missile. And you only have one, so don't use it until you really need it." Roger said.

The tires screech, and the man in the red truck laughs. "Dude, do something!" Mordecai shouted. Rigby pushes one of the buttons. A machine gun rises through the limousine's roof and lets it rip, popping the truck's tires. The referee flags the red truck. "Rigby, start pressing buttons!" (Y/n) shouted. "Hmph hmph hmph hmph!" (Y/n) hits the gas, and the truck explodes. Rigby pushes a button, releasing spikes causing another tires to pop. Rigby pushes another button, causing the windscreen cleaners to be set off, he flicks some switches that cause missiles to be sent out of the hood, blowing up a limo.

Rigby pressing another button causing spikes to come out of one of the wheels, flattening another limo's tires. Another button makes a hook attach itself to a golden limo, which is thrown into a giant mud puddle and drowns. The limo is then seen doing donuts while firing its machine gun. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are the only ones left. "We...we did it!" (Y/n) said. "Dude, we won!" Rigby said.

"Haha, yeah!" Roger said. The audience start jeering, but then begin chanting. "Limosaurus...limosaurus..." "Limo what?" (Y/n) asked. "Huh?" Roger asked. "Limosaurus, LIMOSAURUS! LIMOSAURUS! LIMOSAURUS! LIMOSAURUS!" A garage door slowly opens as some loud thuds can be heard. "Dudes, why's the ground shaking?" Mordecai asked.

The limo's phone rings, and Rigby answers it. "Guys, I know I keep forgetting important information, but I promise this is the last thing. To win the final round of the derby, you need to defeat a dinosaur made out of limos!" Roger said. "Are you serious?!" (Y/n) asked furiously. The Limosaurus is revealed. It roars, and (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby scream. The Limosaurus runs towards them. "(Y/n), go go go!" Rigby panicked. (Y/n) accelerates as the Limosaurus slams its fist down to the ground. The limo goes between the Limosaurus' legs, which the Limosaurus watches, causing it to the ground. The audience gasp. "Dudes, Limosaurus is down!" Rigby said.

"Hmph, hmph! More like hunk-of-junk-osaurus!" Mordecai said. "OOHHHH!!!!" The Limosaurus gets up and breathes fire onto the limo, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream and run circles around the Limosaurus. "Dude, just press everything!" (Y/n) shouted. Rigby presses all the buttons on the limo's dashboard, including a grappling hook which pulls the Limosaurus to the ground. Rigby starts firing lasers. "Pew-pew-pew!" Rigby said. "Haha!" Mordecai said. The Limosaurus roars and picks up the limo, causing the trio to scream again. They are flipped upside down and a meatball sub hits Rigby in the face. "This is all your fault, meatball sub!"

Rigby throws the sub out of the window, hitting the Limosaurus, causing it to drop the limo. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby crash to the ground and groan. The Limosaurus looks at them. "Dude. Press the red button." Mordecai said. Rigby reaches for the red button, the Limosaurus roars, just as Rigby is able to hit it. The limo splits in half as the three scream, revealing a missile which blows up the Limosaurus' head, killing it. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby jump out of the limo, as the audience cheers them on. Roger puts his thumb up to (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, who smile. Later at the park, Mr. Maellard is back and inspecting the new limo. "Hmm...hmmm! Heheh, this looks as good as new! Thank you, Benson, great work." He said. "Oh, it was no trouble at all. Right, guys?" Benson asked, and the trio laugh nervously. "Now, on to more pressing matters! Limousine lunchtime." Mr. Maellard opens a sandwich in the back of the limo.

"Ah, pastrami with extra coleslaw, I've been waiting to eat this the whole plane ride back!" As Mr. Maellard is about to eat his sandwich, his phone rings. "What? What is it? I'm busy, here!" The ingredients drop out of the sandwich slowly, shocking Mr. Maellard and scaring (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "No!!!" The trio shouted. The sandwich drops on the chair and splashes over everyone. "Agh!" The trio said. "Eugh...I'm rich. I'll just buy another limo."

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