Picking Up Margaret

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in The Coffee Shop. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby sing a breakfast rap. Rigby starts beat-boxing. "Eggs and sausage. Hot sauce and ketchup. Now that's what I call a healthy big breakfast!" Mordecai said, then he beat-boxes. "Worried 'bout your thighs? Put the mayonnaise on the side. I said mayonnaise on the side. Why you starin' at my thighs?!" Rigby raps. "On the side I keep my mayo.

All my people say heyooooo!!" (Y/n) said, and all three laugh. "Yeah, I hate mayo." (Y/n) said. "No, it's cool, it's fine.. yeah, no, no I'll figure it out. Okay bye. Uugh..." Margaret sits on the chair. "Dude, Margaret, this eggs are good! Got any extra mayo?" Rigby asked. "What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked her close friend. "My friend Tania just bailed on me. She was supposed to give me a ride to the airport." She replied. "Wait, you're going on a trip?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah! Didn't I tell you? It's just this... I'm going to check out this University of States... well, I'll probably never even get in, but..." Margaret said. "Wow, a university." (Y/n) said.

"I thought you're already in school?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, the Community College! But I'm just getting my general studies out of the way, so I can transfer and focus on what I really wanna do. Hey sorry, I gotta figure this out. My interview with the university is first thing tomorrow so, I can't miss my flight tonight." Margaret said. "Hey Margaret, I can take you." (Y/n) offered. "Really?" She asked. "Yeah, you're a really good friend, I'll give you a ride." (Y/n) said. Margaret hugs her.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you! You're a life saver!" She said, and (Y/n) smiles. "You're welcome." She said. "I just need a simple ride to the airport. We leave early, get there with plenty of time, no getting off-track, no craziness." Margaret said. "Trust me, I got it." (Y/n) said. " Okay! Heh... sorry... thank you so much! This is really nice of you, (Y/n)." Margaret said. "No problem." (Y/n) said. "Pick me up in front of the main building at six o'clock." Margaret said. "Six o'clock. I got it." (Y/n) said.

"I'm going to see if there's any old cinnamon rolls left for you." Margaret said. Later in Pops' house, Benson is talking to Mr. Maellard on the telephone in Benson's Office. ".....Yes Mr. Maellard, I'm sorry sir." Benson said. (Y/n) knocks on the door. "Benson?" She asked. "Absolutely, I'm working on it right now. Of course sir, I-" Benson sighs. "What is it, (Y/n)?" He asked. "Uhh.. are you redecorating here? Ahah.. I knew it! New poster right? Ha.. really cool. Can I borrow the cart?" (Y/n) asked. "What? Shouldn't you be working?" Benson writes and uses a calculator. "I thought I told you to rake the leaves?" He asked her. "Oh.. yeah, yeah! I finished that.. ahah.. can I borrow the cart?" (Y/n) asked. "What?!" Benson asked. "Can I borrow the cart?" (Y/n) asked quietly again. " Look, I'm busy! What do you want!? SPEAK UP!" Benson shouted.

(Y/n) sighs. "Can I borrow the cart?" She asked again. "No. But you can borrow my car." Benson said. (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "Really?!" She asked. "My car is in the shop getting some work done. Calm down, it's just being detailed. Anyway if you go pick it up, you can borrow it." Benson said. "I can totally do that! Thanks, Benson! You're the best!" (Y/n) said. "Meh.. saves me the trip." Benson writes something on the note. "Here's the address." He hands it to (Y/n).

"Downtown?! How am I supposed to get all the way over there?!" She asked. Benson answers the phone and covers it with his hand. "I hope you got good walking shoes...! Yes, Mr. Maellard." Benson said. "Ugh!" (Y/n) said. Later (Y/n) is downtown with heavy traffic and she is asking a guy in a newsstand. She holds a note. "Hey, excuse me, is there a quick way through mid-town?" She asked. "Uhh.. sure, the pass is way through 7th...." He replied. "Cool, 7th. Thanks!" (Y/n) said. "But... I wouldn't go through that part of town..." (Y/n) walks through the creepy-looking 7th Street and her phone rings. "Hello?" She answers it. "(Y/n), what's up?" Margaret asked. "Margaret, hey, hi! How's it going?" (Y/n) asked. "Goooood! Just headin' in my class." Margaret said.

"Oh yeah." (Y/n) looks at the guys sitting on the trash bin. "Hey, hey! Where are you going girl? Hey is that a cellphone?!" Lee asked. "No cellphones little girl, can't you read?" Nate asked. "Don't have any change, man." (Y/n) replied. "Sorry, just some dudes yelling something." She said. "Hey, so you're still cool to pick me up later, yeah?" Margaret asked. "Yeah! We're all set." (Y/n) said.

"Awesome." A croquet ball rolls towards (Y/n)i. She bends down to pick it up. As she bends back up, she sees that a gang has appeared and is staring at her. She gives the ball to their leader. "You know, I really appreciate this. If you believe in coming to a ride to the airport, those are the most important people in your life." Margaret said. "Yeah, exactly!" (Y/n) said. "I mean, I don't know why I didn't just ask you in the first place?" Margaret asked. "Yeah.. I.. know, hey can you hold a sec?" (Y/n) covers the phone mic. "Heey, guys, what's up?" She asked.

"Didn't ya here my boys earlier?! No cellphones!" The leader shouted. "What? Why not?" (Y/n) asked. "Nobody talks back to "The Wickets"!" The leader shouted. "The "Wickeds"?" (Y/n) asked. "Wickets!" The leader holds up a croquet wicket. "Wickets! Don't you play croquet?!" He shouted. "Okay! The Wickets! I'm sorry!" (Y/n) shouted. "Actually, "The Wickeds"

kinda sounds tougher, really!" Barranca shouted. "Well, would it be "The Wicked Wickets" that sounds pretty cool." Thompson shouted. "Quiet! We'll discuss it in our next general meeting!" He talks back to (Y/n). "I guess you're not from around here but, this is our turf! And nobody uses cellphones on our turf!" The leader shouted. "I'm sorry! I didn't know this was-" "yeah!" The group shouted. "(Y/n)? Who's voice is that?" Margaret asked. "What? Uhh... just... nobody!"

She replied quickly. "Ohh... she thinks we're nobodys!" The leader said. "Look guys, I'm just trying to get to the mechanics!" (Y/n) tried to reason. "(Y/n), are you in trouble?" Margaret asked. "Hahah.. what? Trouble? No." (Y/n) said quickly. "You don't want trouble? Then don't break the rules!" The leader shouted. "What do you got against cellphones?!" (Y/n) asked. "They're rude!" Gaston smashes a cellphone on the ground. "I gotta go, I'll see you soon!" (Y/n) said. "See you at six!" Margaret said. "Bye!" (Y/n) said. "Smart girl... Let this be a warning to you, (Y/n)! No cellphones in our territory, got it?! Nobody crosses "The Wickets"!" The leader shouted. (Y/n) runs out of the alley then pants and saw the autoshop. She pants. "Finally..." she walks closer to the Mechanic.

"Can I help you?" Raymond asked. "Yeah, I'm picking up the wagon. Is it all set?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, the key's on it." He looks at (Y/n). "You're not Benson." He said. "No, I'm (Y/n). I work for Ben-" (Y/n) began. "Only owner can pick up car." Raymond said. "What? But Benson sent me!" (Y/n) shouted. "Rules are rules." Raymond said. "Dude, come on! I have to get my friend a ride to the airport and I'm already running late!" (Y/n) shouted.

"I wish I have friend problems." Raymond said. "Ugh!" (Y/n) calls Benson. "Benson, I'm at the mechanics, he won't let me take your car cuz' I'm not you!" She shouted. "Fine, I'll just pick it up tomorrow." Benson said. "No! I need to borrow it now, remember?" (Y/n) asked desperately, and Benson sighs. "Put me on speaker." He said. (Y/n) puts the phone on speaker. "Hey, Benson wants to talk to you." She said. "Hello?" Raymond asked. "Listen Raymond, can you please just give (Y/n) my car?" Benson asked.

"Benson—rules is rules!" Raymond said. "Look, I'm too busy to go down there. Some of us have REAL jobs!" Benson shouted. "Benson!" (Y/n) scolded. "Oh what, Raymond don't have real job?!" Raymond asked. "If the cover all's fit!" Benson shouted. "Oh jeez.." (Y/n) facepalms, then hears something. "(Y/n), put your phone away." She looks around then sees him. He is bumping 3 croquet balls on his hand.

"(Y/n), put your phone away!" (Y/n) gasps. The leader is still bumping 3 balls on his hand. "(Y/n), put your phone away!" (Y/n) looks at the "The Wickets" Leader on the car. "(Y/n), put your phone away!! (Y/n), put your phone away!! (Y/n), put your phone away!! "The Wickets" started appearing everywhere in the autoshop. "(Y/n), put your phone away!!!" "The Wickets.. AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" Raymond runs away to his office. "We've warned you, (Y/n)!" The leader shouted. "Look, leave me alone! Go back to playing mini-golf!" (Y/n) shouted. "It's croquet! Raaaaaah!" The leader attempts to hammer (Y/n) but she dodged it. "Aaahh! Got to go Benson!" She shouted. "Wait?" Benson asked.

(Y/n) dodges more things then sled below the vehicle. "The Wickets" surrounded the car where (Y/n) is under then Raymond left his office wearing a fire suit and holding a flamethrower. "Hey, Wickets!" He uses the flamethrower at "The Wickets" (Y/n) runs away from The Wickets and went to Benson's car. "Hey!" The leader points at Benson's car. (Y/n) starts Benson's car and went to reverse then the muscled guy dived on the top of the car. "Waaaaaaaahh!"

The guy fell and drove to the main building to pick up Margaret then nearly goes outside the car. "Hey Margaret! Let me help with your-" (Y/n) said. "No time! I messed up! My plane leaves at 6:30, not 9:30! We have like 15 minutes to get to the airport! Do you think you can drive fast?" She replied. (Y/n) looks at the rear mirror and saw The Wickets driving towards her. "Not a problem." She fastened her seatbelt and shifted to "drive" and drove away and saw The Wickets again on the rear mirror. "(Y/n)!" Gaston shouted, moving the hammer up and down. "Are those guys saying your name?" Margaret asked. "What? No, I don't think so!"

A girl in "The Wickets" sprays "WICKETS" on the side of Benson's car and threw the empty spray can on the side window. "Hahahahhahaaaaaaa!!" She shouted, and Margaret gasps. "What the heck!" (Y/n) and Margaret look behind. Benson's car is being bumped by The Wickets and (Y/n) lost a bit of control but gets back on track. "What's going on?!" Margaret asked. "Okay, don't freak out but, those guys kinda want to kill me for using a cellphone." (Y/n) said. "What?!" Margaret asked. "I can explain!" (Y/n) shouted. "Now let me guess, did you lose a bet too? Or did you hijack this car from some argyle wearing crime lord?" Margaret asked.

"What?! Margaret, just because I hang out with Mordecai and Rigby 24/7 doesn't mean I do all of the same things they do! Yeah sure, I do MOST of them, but I would never do something like that!" (Y/n) shouted. "That's it! I'm calling the cops!" Margaret takes out her phone and dials "911" "NO!" (Y/n) tries to prevent Margaret from using the cellphone then The Wickets smash the side mirror and nab Margaret's phone and she screams. "I said no cellphones!" The leader crushes Margaret's phone using his hand, "The Wickets" bumps Benson's car on the side and surround them, they hammered the vehicle everywhere. "Hang on!" (Y/n) turns the vehicle to a closed road then ramped on the side of the truck. "The Wickets" on motorcycles attempted to dodge the rolling barrels but crashed on the side, leaving "The Wickets" on the car remain on trail. Margaret looks on the broken side mirror then gasped.

"Come on, come on!" The leader shouted. "Uuughh! This is hopeless! These guys won't quit!" Margaret said. "I won't quit, either." (Y/n) drives faster, and is about to drive through a dead end. Margaret sees the dead end of the road. "(Y/n)!" She shouted. "Just trust me!" (Y/n) shouted. "Okay! I trust you!" (Y/n) turned the vehicle so they won't fly out the dead end and "The Wickets" ramped away and crashed on a cellphone billboard killing them, then (Y/n) arrived on the airport and they both panted. They both hurriedly went to the airport.

"We're not gonna make it!" Margaret shouted. "Oh yes we are!" (Y/n) said. She found a bag stroller. "Jump on!" (Y/n) pushed faster to reach the flight and Margaret hands the ticket to the lady. "Boarding is now closed, thank you!" (Y/n) fell down the stroller after turning it on the side then Margaret quickly hands her flight ticket. "AHHH!" She winces. "Wait! Please! I need to go on this flight!" Margaret shouted. The lady sighs and lifted the telephone. "Hold the gate please." She said. "Thank you! Thank you." (Y/n) puts Margaret's big bag away. "See? We made it!" She said.

"Yeah! Look, I'm sorry for all that stuff I said before. I was kind of freaking out. I never should've doubted you." Margaret said. "It's no big deal." (Y/n) said. "'I'm serious! You're always there for me. I guess.. I mean.. there's not a lot of people I can say that about." Margaret said. "Ma'am!" The lady shouted. "I should get going." Margaret said. "Yeah." (Y/n) said. "Well, see ya!" Margaret said. "Yeah.. uh.. I mean, see ya!" (Y/n) said. "Yeah, bye!" Margaret said. "Good luck!" (Y/n) said. "Thanks." Margaret said. Margaret then sighs. "Ugh, I can't take it anymore!" She runs back to (Y/n). "Hey, Margaret what's up? You're gonna miss your flight."

(Y/n) said. "I won't, it's just... (Y/n)?" She asked. "Yeah?" She asked. "There's something I need to tell you, it's about Mordecai and Rigby." She said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened. "What about Mordecai and Rigby? Are they okay?" (Y/n) asked. "What? Yeah, they're fine, it's just.. remember back during the bet we made with them, where Eileen and I said that they both love you?" Margaret asked. "It wasn't a lie, (Y/n). Those two don't just think of you as their best friend, they love you, (Y/n). And I'm honestly surprised you still haven't found out.

I've seen the way they act around you. And haven't you ever wondered why they were always so mean to you whenever Sam got involved? That was jealously, (Y/n). It was always jealously!" Margaret said. (Y/n) stayed quiet and thought about her words. "You may not believe me, but I'm telling the truth." Margaret said. Margaret leaves for her plane. "Well, I gotta go. "See you soon!" (Y/n) waves back. "Bye!" She said. (Y/n) leaves the airport, deep in thought as she stares at the ground. Were Margaret and Eileen right? Did both of her best friends feel that way? She then stops her thoughts as she sees Benson's car being towed away. "Oh come on!"

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