Married and Broke

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"Ugh! Why do we gotta watch the Wedding Network?" Rigby asked. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Fives, and Muscle Man are in the living room, sitting in front of the TV. "The jet-ski channel is just two channels away!" Rigby shouted. "Shut your face, bro. I'm trying to get ideas for Starla and I's wedding. So far, I thought of 10-foot onion ring towers, special seats that spin donuts, and a blimp that floats above the reception and rains barbecue sauce on command." Muscle Man said. "Whoa, you're really going all out for this wedding." (Y/n) smirks, and Muscle Man smirks back. "Well duh, I want nothing more than the best for Starla." He replied.

The announcer is heard on TV. "Do you have an unrealistically ambitious wedding?" The announcer asked. "No." Muscle Man said. "Then become a contestant on "Married and Broke!" He shows different couples doing crazy activities on the gameshow. "A twisted new gameshow from the makers of "Fool Me Once, Shame on You. Fool Me Twice, I Punch Your Face!" He said. "Oh, not them." (Y/n) said. "Oh, I've seen this one with (Y/n). People do the craziest stuff for a stupid wedding. I give it, like two and a half." Rigby said. "Out of what?"

Mordecai asked. "I don't know." Rigby said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Congratulations! We're paying for the wedding of your dreams!" Kyle said. The crowd cheers, then a husband sets on fire and Kyle grabs a fire extinguisher and extinguishes the fire off of him. "I don't need some demeaning game to pay for my wedding, I have all the money I could ever want." Muscle Man said. "What? How?" (Y/n) asked. "Smart investments. Yeah, I've been using my paychecks to invest in a little bumper stock called the Ant Farm Industry." He opens the closet to reveal ant farms in it. "Ant farms?" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Hi Five Ghost asked. "So I'm pretty much basically rich." His phone rings and he answers it. "Talk to me." He said. "Muscle Man, it's your stockbroker.

I'm calling to tell you that, uh... Yeah, ant farms are not real, not a real thing to invest in, a very bad investment, and, uh, I am not an accredited stockbroker." Maurice said. "What are you saying, Maurice?" Muscle Man asked. "Oh, boy. You got no money, you just got a bunch of ants. Oh, ho, ho. Good luck with the rest of your life!" Maurice said as he is being arrested by two cops in a desert. Maurice's call ended and Muscle Man closes his phone. "What was that all about?" Rigby asked. His phone rings again in a different ringtone and Muscle Man answers it. "Babe?" Muscle Man asked. "Babe, the flowers for our wedding, they're so expensive! You won't believe how expensive they are!" Starla said. "Oh, come on, like, how many ant farms are we talking here?" Muscle Man asked. "Mitch, they don't take ant farms." Muscle Man is shocked at this.

Later Muscle Man and Starla are in the casting director's office, at a studio called "YZB - Studios" talking about how they want to be on the gameshow. "Ahem. So, that's why we wanna be on your..." Muscle Man flips one flashcard. " Thank you." He said. "Married and Broke" isn't a crass, violent show like "Fool Me Twice", it's a sweet, romantic show about love." One director said. One employee named Neil came bursting through the door. "A contestant's hair is on fire!" He said. "Augh! For the last time, Neil, the infirmary's next door!" The director said. "Thank you, ma'am." He leaves. "Anyway, our audience want to see couples they can love, and I fear you may not be likable or relatable enough for our viewers." The director said.

"It's okay, Mitch. Our wedding will still be fine without flowers or anything else a wedding usually has." Muscle Man starts to get mad. "No one tells my girl where she can and can't be on TV! She's a goddess!" He breaks a table with his fist. "You couldn't even handle her!" The casting director grabs her picture frame and removes her picture of her family and moves her picture frame on Muscle Man and Starla as Muscle Man starts wrecking the office. "Mitch, calm down!" Starla shouted. "Hmm. Now this I like. You guys are in." The director said. Muscle Man stops. "Wait, what?" He asked. "I said, you're in!" Muscle Man and Starla are excited and Muscle Man twirls his shirt in the air and Starla jumps happily. "WHOOOOO!!!

Let's go win ourselves a wedding!" Muscle Man said, and they kiss. "I'm gonna get the biggest bonus." The director said. Back at the house, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Hi Five Ghost are ready to watch Muscle Man and Starla's appearance on "Married and Broke." "Guys, it's starting. Turn it up, turn it up!" (Y/n) shouted. Skips enters the living room. "Try not to get crumbs on the floor,

I've noticed an ant problem lately." He said. "Oh that's gross." (Y/n) said in disgust. "Muscle Man's on a gameshow so he can afford his lavish wedding." Fives said. "Make room for me on the couch." Skips said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Hello, everybody, and welcome to "Married and Broke!" It's me, your host, Mr. Kyle Garrity. Let's meet our couples." He goes to the Puppy Couple who are holding two puppies each. "Hello there, what's your story?" He asked. "Well, we sell puppies." The fiancé said. "But you know, with the economy, we couldn't sell enough puppies to afford our wedding." She said.

"Can we get a closeup on that, Hank?" The camera closes up to one puppy who is yawning. "Oooh, that is one young dog." The audience cheers. Kyle goes to the Orphan Couple. "How about you two?" He asked. The fiancée grabs the microphone from Kyle. "Well, thanks for asking, Kyle. We learned about five years ago that they are orphans, so, like, we're a foundation to end orphanism." The audience cheers again. "But we're a non-profit, so we need to, like, pay the orphans to put together our wedding." She continued. "That's so honorable." Kyle goes to Teddy and Tina. "Our next contestants, Teddy and Tina!" He said. "Thank you, thank you. We lost our wedding fund tragically while fighting in the army for our great country.

We were carrying money on our backs, but a grenade blew it up while we saved an entire platoon from a rebel attack. But we'd do it again." They ripped off their clothes to reveal their American jumpsuits. "For America!" The audience cheers again. Kyle goes to Muscle Man and Starla. "And you two... you... what's... what's all this about?" He asked. "Well, I'm, like, a guy, and she's, like, a chick, and we want 10-foot onion rings at our wedding so that's what we wanna pay for." (Y/n) face palms, and one member from the audience, who looks unhappy at their appearance, leaves. "Well, aren't you good for stating the idea of the show! Now, for the rules. You will compete in a set of really crazy, physical challenges. The last couple standing wins the free wedding! May the worst couple fail."

The game starts as the names of various obstacles appear. The first challenge is the "Tower and Shower Challenge," where the couple contestants have to climb up a giant tower made out of many wine glasses. Teddy and Tina use aerobics to get to the top and they pull the rope that pours water and the couple contestants stand still except for the Orphan Couple who were knocked off by the water, causing them to lose. Teddy and Tina win the first challenge. The next challenge is "Can Ring Run" where the boys have to carry the girls while wearing rings while running on presents while avoiding the cans. Muscle Man and Starla are knocked by the cans and Teddy and Tina win the second challenge. Starla grabs Muscle Man and they continue to run through the second challenge.

At the house (Y/n), Benson and Pops, cheer on Muscle Man and Starla when they noticed ants coming at them. Back to the game show, the next challenge is "Love Dove" where they have to train the doves, which Teddy and Tina did when they expand their arms and four doves each land on their arms. "Oh, come on...!" A dove flies into Muscle Man's mouth. The next challenge is the "Leap of Faith"

where they have to jump and use their bottle rockets and not get eaten by crocodiles wearing bridal hats. Teddy and Tina jump and pull their bottle rockets, which pop out confetti and they land on the target. The two high five. "Yeah!" The Puppy fiancé accidentally pulls one string of his rocket bottle, causing the Puppy Couple to land on a side of the gameshow and lose. Muscle Man and Starla fall and grab their strings of their bottle rocket. "Oh, no bro!" Muscle Man said. They pulled their strings of their bottle rockets and they land safely on the floor. "We made it at the last second."

Muscle Man said. At the house, ants attack the gang while they scream. Back to the gameshow, they face the next challenge, "High Rice," where Muscle Man and Starla are running towards two guys who are throwing rice at them. Teddy and Tina try to get past them, but they slip on the rice and fall, much to Muscle Man and Starla's delight, but Ted whistles and a flock of doves from the "Love Dove" challenge grab Teddy and Tina to safety, much to Muscle Man and Starla's annoyance. The challenges end. "And we're left with two remaining teams. Teddy and Tina, how are you two holding up?" Kyle asked. "Well, Kyle, after that rebel attack, we're just happy to be here. It's like a dream." Tina said. "Ah, an American dream." The couple said,

and the audience cheers. "And, in a very unlikely turn, these guys. Them. Well, onto the final round: cross the threshold!" Kyle said. The curtain falls down to reveal an obstacle course similar to the Baka Blitz from "Fool Me Twice." "The first team to carry their fiancé across every threshold and ring the wed-ding dong wins!" Kyle said. "Uh, doesn't this obstacle course look kinda like the one from..." Muscle Man said. "What, are we made of money?! On your marks." Kyle said. The two couples start their positions. "Get set." Kyle said. "Mitch?" Starla asked. "We got this, babe." Muscle Man said.

"Go!" The two teams start. Teddy carries Tina through a door, then Muscle Man carries Starla and he tries to do the same, but they can't fit. "Mitch!" Starla shouted. "Suck it in." Muscle Man said. They finally fit through the door and they continue on. Teddy and Tina jump through one door of a wheel of doors, then Muscle Man and Starla do the same, but they crash it. "Come on, babe." Muscle Man continues on. "Mitch!" Starla shouted. They jump on the trampoline through a door, and they continue on. Muscle Man does the same, but he goes through the door. "Starla, come on! We gotta..." Muscle Man said. "Mitch!" She shouted from a distance. "Huh?" Muscle Man sees Starla on the trampoline, looking sad. He goes to her. "Starla, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Look at them, Mitch." They see Teddy and Tina go through a double-decker doorway as they continue on. "What are you seeing here, babe?" Muscle Man asked. "There's a perfect couple, Mitch. They've got something special and everyone loves it. And where does that leave us? We're just second-rate. People like us don't get cheered on, they see our love and it makes them wanna toss it." Starla said. "Listen, Starla, I may have made some bad investments in my life, but this relationship isn't one of them. I don't care if they don't like people like us, 'cause I love you, and we got something they don't have: passion." They kiss each other. "Hold on! Do these two have actual wants and desires? I relate to that!" Someone in the audience said.

"Even though they're really hard to look at, they're doing it for love." Another person said. "Yeah, alright!" They continue to kiss as they form an electric, giant red crystal. Teddy and Tina see this. "I've never seen anything like that." Teddy said. They continue on, as Muscle Man and Starla's red crystal destroys every threshold in the obstacle course and Teddy and Tina continue on as they get closer to the red button.

"Toss me, Teddy!" Tina shouted. Teddy tosses her to the red button as she and the crystal are getting closer to it, then a white explosion appears as the dust clears and the audience sees Muscle Man and Tina's hands on the red button. "Wow! Whooo! Could we get an instant replay on that, Hank?" Kyle asked. The camera plays the footage in slow motion and reveals that Tina uses her large polished American fingernail to press the red button, meaning Teddy and Tina won the gameshow and the audience cheers. "Thank you! Thanks, everyone!" Teddy said. "Oh, thank you so much!" Tina said. "USA, eh? USA, eh? USA, eh?" The couple said.

"Huh? Hold up! "USA" only has three letters in it. Say it again, bro." Muscle Man said. "Ahem. Uh, USA, eh?" Teddy asked. The audience gasp in shock. "Eh"?!" Kyle asked. "Alright, look, look, we... Oh, we sure are sorry. We can't help it, we're Canadians." They reveal their shirts with the Canadian symbol on it under their American jumpsuits and the audience gasp in shock again. "How dare you!" Kyle shouted. "So, that's why they were so nice and perfect!" Someone from the audience said. Teddy goes to the microphone. "Oh, we sure feel like a couple of hosers. We're just simple maple farmers. I ride my moose to work just like anyone else and I put on my hockey mask on one strap at a time. We thought having a big fancy American wedding for free was more important than telling the truth, and we're sorry." He said.

Kyle cries for a bit and wipes his tear with his tissue. "Get... get them out of my sight! They're disqualified!" The board changes Teddy and Tina's score from "winner" to "disqualified" and a cop arrests Teddy and Tina and they leave, then Kyle goes to Muscle Man and Starla. "I'm sorry I forgot your names before, but television glorifies beautiful people. I've actually struggled with my looks for years. That's why I grew this mustache, otherwise I'd look like a newborn baby. Muscle Man and Starla are the winners!" Kyle shouted. The audience cheer them on as the board scores Muscle Man and Starla as winners, and they're so glad they won.

"I'm sorry I called us second-rate, Mitch." Starla said. "It's alright, babe. We'll still have a first-rate wedding." Muscle Man said. "Could we have a blimp that rains barbecue sauce?" Starla asked. Muscle Man gasps at his idea from earlier and blushes. "Babe." They hug as the audience cheers, back at the house, it is destroyed with a giant ant hill behind it. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Fives, Benson and Skips made it out alive from the Alien Ants' invasion. "Is everyone okay? I think we got 'em all." Mordecai asked. A UFO with two Alien Ants in it appears above them. "Curse you, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby! We'll get you!" A missile destroys the UFO and kills the alien ants; which was fired by Pops, who holds a bazooka. "Thanks, Pops." (Y/n) said. "Oh, my pleasure." Pops said. "So, do you think Muscle Man and Starla won that gameshow?" Mordecai asked.

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