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"You guys have all your assignments for today. Oh, and don't forget that tonight is Game Night." Benson said. "Aw, yeah! Game Night!" (Y/n) said. "What are we playing?" Rigby asked. "Yeah, Skips, what are we playing?" Benson asked. "Tonight, we will be playing Drawsome." Skips said. All the park workers cheer. "Alright. I love me some Drawsome. Who else is showing up to this Drawsome event?" Muscle Man asked. "I got a giant baby, Gary, and my cousin, Quips." All the park workers groan in disappointment after mentioning Quips. "What?" Skips asked.

"I really like the first two, but your cousin Quips is really annoying." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, man, he's always telling lame jokes." Rigby said. "Yeah, and they're not even funny." Mordecai said. "What are you guys talking about?" Skips asked. "Come on, every other word out of that guy's mouth is some annoying joke." Mordecai said. "Come on, guys! His jokes aren't that bad." Skips said, and (Y/n) raised an eyebrow at him. A taxi pulls up. "And then he said, "Yes, I do!" Quips laughs. "Alright, seriously, last one, cause I got to go. Why did-" the taxi driver is so annoyed by his jokes that he locks his door, and drives away fast as he can to avoid the jokes.

"Hey wait, I didn't get to finish my punchline! Aw well, he's probably already heard my routine." He turns around and sees all of the others. "Heeey, who's ready for some funny?" He asked. "Ugh!" Everyone except Skips said. "You guys all remember my cousin, Quips." Skips said. "Hey, Quips." Everyone said. "Hey, Benson. Nice to see ya. Speaking of "see ya," what did one ocean say to the other ocean? "'Sea ya later!" Quips laughs and (Y/n) groans. "I don't get it." Benson said flatly.

"Oh, well, an ocean is a body of water, and the sea is also––" Quips explained. "I don't care." Benson said. "A little more care will give you a little more hair. Zingo!" Quips said. "Ugh!" Benson said. "Hello, Quips." Pops said. "Pops, looking good. In fact, you look amazing. Just a compliment, don't get a big head." Everyone is shocked. "Oops, too late! Zammo!" Pops is upset, while (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and HFG glare at Quips ragingly, and (Y/n) growls. "Hey! That was mean!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Jeez (Y/n), try and lighten up. Maybe you'd be more likable if you learned how to loosen up, know what I'm saying?" Quips asked, and (Y/n) felt hurt by that and looks down, and everyone gasps, before glaring at Quips for that. "What?!" Rigby asked angrily. "Uncool." Mordecai said. "And of course Muscle Man, you love the jokes, why do seagulls fly over the sea? Because if they flew over the bay, they'd be bay-gulls!" He laughs. "I got a whole bit about bodies of water. What? You say you want another one?" Quips asked. "We didn't say anything." Muscle Man said. "What did the lake say to the puddle?" Quips asked. "Come on, Quips. Let's get you unpacked. You probably want to lie down after your trip." Skips said. "Guess it's time to take this comedy show on the road. And by comedy show, I mean me! Zingo!" Quips leaves. "Dude, he's even worse than last time.

I can't believe he insulted (Y/n) like that." Mordecai said. "It wasn't an insult, he was just kidding, he wasn't being serious." Skips said. "Oh really?" (Y/n) scowled. "Yeah, Skips. Tell your cousin that if he can't stop telling jokes, then he's gotta get outta here." Rigby said. "I can't just do that! I invited him here. No one told you to get rid of your brother Don when he visited." Skips said. "That's because everyone loved him! I tried to get rid of him!" Rigby shouted furiously. "Ugh! Alright fine, I'll tell him soon." While Skips leaves, everyone coughs.

"Wow guys, those coughs sound pretty serious. You guys should see a doctor. Oh, that reminds me, why did the clown go to the doctor? He was feeling a little funny!" Quips said. "I set up the extra cot for ya. Make yourself at home." Skips said to his cousin once they were in his garage. "Could I also make myself six feet tall and handsome? Zingo!" Quips said. "Look Quips, I gotta tell you something." Skips said, and Quips suddenly gets serious. "Wait, I need to tell you something. I just really appreciate you letting me hang out tonight, Skips." He said. "Uh-huh." Skips said.

"I actually got fired from the comedy club, and I needed to hang out with family and friends. This weekend is really gonna help me get my confidence back." Quips sniffles. "Sorry. Didn't mean to get so serious. Don't worry! I'm gonna take a walk and come back funnier than ever. Zingo!" He leaves. Later at nighttime, everyone is at Skips's door. Skips comes out. "Who's ready for some Drawsome?" Benson asked. "Drawsome! Whoo!" Muscle Man waves his shirt around in the air.

"I brought my pencil. Gimme somethin' to write on, man!" Pops said, and everyone laughs. "Wait, did you talk to your cousin?" Benson asked Skips. "I, uhh...." Skips said. "Knock, knock!" Quips said. "Who's there?" Mordecai asked with an annoyed tone. "Radio." There's a long silence. "You're supposed to go "Radio, who?" Quips said. "Radio, who?" Mordecai asked. "Radio not, here I come! Zingo! It's funny cuz' I said "Zingo!" at the end. And I see you brought a #2 Pencil. Do pencils even go Number #2? Maybe after too many beans." Pops puts away his pencil and glares furiously at Quips. "Do pencils even eat beans? I mean, am I right, guys? What's that all about?" Quips chuckles. "So, who's ready to get started? You guys all in?" Quips asked.

Everyone begins to disagree angrily and walk away, because they refuse to play with Quips, because of his lame and bad jokes. "Wait here, just a second." Skips over to the gang. "Wait! You guys can't leave!" He said. "Yes, we can." Benson said. "There's no way I'm playing Drawsome with that flop factory!" Muscle Man said. "Yeah! He's not funny." Fives said. "I'd rather have a punch in the face any day." Pops said. Everyone agrees while continuing to walk away, but Skips stops (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "Wait, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby! You guys have to stay! You know you owe me." (Y/n), Mordecai and

Rigby remember flashbacks of things Skips has done to save them, such as defending them from a pack of blue red-eyed wolves, rescuing them from a sinkhole, and helping them escape a horde of what looks like Pops in form of a Man-Bat. Back in the present, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby change their minds. "Alright, I guess we'll stay." Rigby said. Later Skips, (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby,

and Quips get ready for "Drawsome" "Hey, you guys puttin' up paper?" Quips asked. "Yeah." (Y/n) said flatly. "What did the guy paper, say to the girl paper, when he picked her up for a date?" There's a long silence. "I like your pad." Quips chuckles. "Get it? Like a pad of paper!" Rigby groans as Gary and Reginald arrive with a bowl of dip. "Hello." Reginald said. "Aw, dip!" Mordecai said.

"Whoo! Yeah!" Rigby said. Everyone goes to try the dip. "This dip is great!" Rigby said. "What's your secret?" (Y/n) asked. "A cosmic chef never reveals his methods." Gary said. "Hey, have you heard the one about the chef in space? He was famous for his spaghetti and "meteorballs".Meteorballs? Yeah, I'm still working on it." Quips tries the dip as the gang glare at him in confusion.

"Uh, okay everyone. Let's get this game night rolling." Skips said. The game starts, and Mordecai draws a shrimp. "Uh, lobster!" Skips said. "Crustacean!" Rigby said. "Shrimp!" Mordecai grunts and circles his picture. "Jumbo Shrimp!" Skips said. "Yes!" Mordecai laughs. Gary draws an abnormal looking circle. "Go, Gary, Go!" Quips said. "Is that Pops? Oh, villain!" Reginald said. Gary draws more of his picture. "Your mom? Your mom's boyfriend?" Quips asked.

"Time's up!" Reginald, Quips and Gary groan in disappointment and defeat. Gary drops the crayon in anger. "Man in the moon! It was "Man in the moon"!" He shouted. "Wow! For real? I really thought that was your mom's boyfriend. Zingo!" Gary looks dumfounded. "Dude!" (Y/n) scolded angrily. Quips tells more annoying jokes as the game progresses. "How you catch a unique lion? "Unique" up on him. Zingo! How do you catch a tame lion? "Tame" way! Zingo!" He said.

"Shut up!" (Y/n) shouted. "Seriously, is this Game Night or Lame Night?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, we came here to play Drawsome, not listen to jokes." Rigby said. "Guys, guys. Call me crazy, but maybe if you laughed more, you'd have a better time. And maybe, you'll even draw better." Quips said. "Hey, what do you think you're doing? You're on our team, remember?" Gary asked. "Yeah. Are you trying to make us lose?" Reginald asked. "It's just a game, Reggie. Hey, that reminds me! Why can't you play games in the jungle? Because there's always gonna be a "cheetah"!" Quips said.

"I said shut up!" (Y/n) shouted. "Just take the game seriously!" Reginald shouted. Skips takes Quips aside. "Hey, Quips. Try not to upset Reginald or (Y/n)." Skips said. "Aw, why would I want to upset them?" Quips asked. "Reginald gets upset if people don't take the game seriously. As for (Y/n), trust me, you don't want to see her when she's angry. It can get pretty intense." Skips said. "I hear you, loud and clear, Skips." Quips said. "Good. Okay, Reginald. You're up." Skips said.

"Good luck, Reggie!" Quips said, and he groans. "I don't need luck. I was a communications major." He draws a picture. "Bacon?" Gary asked. "Bacon." Quips said. "He just said that!" Reginald said. "Uh, bacon!" Quips said again. "It isn't bacon!" Reginald shouted, and (Y/n) face palms. "C'mon! Are you sure its not bacon? Zingo!" Quips said. "Time!" Skips said. "Fire engine! It is a fire engine! You would have got it if you didn't keep guessing "bacon"!" Reginald said. "But guessing "Bacon" is way funnier than guessing "Fire Engine." Quips points at the drawing. "Look, it's got a side of eggs." He said. "That is a Dalmatian!" Reginald shouted. Quips laughs. "Dalmatian?" He asked. "I majored in communications!" Reginald shouted. "Maybe it's time for a refresher course, cuz'

all you're communicating here is that you don't know how to draw a Dalmatian. Zingo!" Quips said. "Dude stop! These jokes of yours aren't even funny, they're just hurtful!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "No one tells me that I need a refresher course!" Reginald shouted. "(Y/n)'s right. That was a bit harsh, Quips. "Drawsome" is supposed to be a safe space, free of judgement." Gary agreed. "Aw. Is Baby upset? Is he gonna call the "Waahmbulance"?" Quips asked.

"QUIPS!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "How dare you!!" Reginald shouted. "Whoa, whoa! Okay buddy. You were right, Skips, he does get upset when people don't take the game seriously." Skips make a hand motion. "Maybe somebody should tell him it's just a game. Zingo!" Quips said. "SHUT UP!" (Y/n) shouted. "SILENCE!!!" Finally furious with Quips' jokes, he zaps (Y/n), Skips and Quips into a cube with his rattle. "Skips!! (Y/n)!!" Mordecai and Rigby shouted. "Smooth move, Quips."

Skips said sarcastically. "He missed out on a great punch line." Skips punches a wall several times. "Hey Reginald, you might wanna get some help for your anger issues. It could lead to high blood pressure. That's a dangerous health risk for a baby." Quips said. "I DO NOT HAVE ANGER ISSUES!!!" He zaps the cube, sending it into a wall. "Just take a deep breath, man. We're all just here to draw some pictures." Gary said. "Quips, you gotta stop!" Skips shouted.

"Yeah! Can't you see your jokes are only hurting other's feelings?! Nobody thinks they're funny! They're just hurting people!" (Y/n) shouted furiously. "She's right, Quips." Skips said. "I haven't been this claustrophobic since before I was born. Talk about a "womb with a view." At least he's not closin' the walls in on us." Quips said. "For once, I agree with you." (Y/n) said. "Great idea!" Reginald shrinks the cube and (Y/n) starts to panic. "Oh no, no! I can't handle being in small places!"

She starts to hyperventilate. "Kid, kid! Calm down!" Skips said, trying to calm her. "Aw, why did you say that? We're gonna get crushed!" Skips scolds his brother. " It was a joke!" Skips tries to stop the cube from shrinking. "Skips, (Y/n)!" Mordecai and Rigby both toss a dumbbell at the cube but get zapped. "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the crib. Zingo!" Quips said.

Reginald growls in anger. "Calm down, man. Have some 7-layer dip." Gary said. "Jeez. I didn't mean to get you all "rattled"!" Quips laughs. "Skips! Did you see what I did there? I used "rattle"! Can't this guy take a joke?" Quips asked. "Okay, funny man! If you're so fond of your jokes, why don't you listen to some of your own?" Reginald zaps the cube, bringing goofy looking pictures of Quips onto the walls. "Where do sheep go to get their haircuts?" "To the "baa-baa" shop." "Why was the broom late for school? It "over-swept".

"How do you catch a fish on your computer? With the "Inter-Net"." "Stop it! Stop it! I can't take it anymore!" (Y/n) shouted, but Quips just laughs. "This guy is pure gold! Don't worry, Skips. I'll just tell Reggie some more jokes." He said. "What? What are you talking about?" Skips asked. "Seriously. As soon as I get him laughing, he'll let us out for an encore." Quips said. "He's not gonna laugh at your jokes!" Skips pushes against the walls, making them crack. "Sure he will! Maybe he just has a problem with understanding them." Quips said.

"THE BABY IS NOT THE PROBLEM HERE! YOU ARE!" Skips shouted. "What do you mean?" Quips asked. "All you do is tell bad jokes!" Skips shouted. "What?! People love those jokes." Quips said. "No, they don't!" Akin punches a wall. "Quips, you're not funny!" He continues punching walls until the cube is entirely destroyed. (Y/n) falls and Mordecai and Rigby quickly run to help her up. "(Y/n)!" They shouted. "Are you okay?" Rigby asked her. She was still breathing quickly but was finally starting to calm down.

"Yeah..." she said. "What about you, Skips? You alright?" Mordecai asked him. "Yeah, I've been worse." Skips said. Quips groans. "I had no idea that you guys didn't think I was funny. I thought you all called me "Quips" because my last name is "Quippenger". He said. "No, it's because you're always telling jokes." Skips said. "Yeah, really bad jokes." Rigby said. "Rigby! Look, Quips, I know you really wanna be a comedian, but it's just really annoying when you're always trying out your material on us. And sometimes hurtful like (Y/n) was saying." Skips said.

"I'm sorry, everybody. I had no idea. I just really thought you guys all thought I was hilarious. I wish you had told me this sooner. And I'm sorry for hurting your feelings (Y/n)." Quips said, and she smiles slightly. "It's okay, Quips, I forgive you." She said. "This must be why I got fired from the comedy club. Zingo!" Gary and Reginald blush a little. "Sorry, sorry! Just kidding. I promise I'll stop now." Quips said. "Actually, I think I know a place that your jokes just might work." Skips said. Later Quips is dressed like a clown. "Why do clowns love telling jokes? Because they "nose" what's funny!" He honks his nose. "Zingo!" And children laugh. "Yup, that's a better audience for him." (Y/n) said. "Um, yeah." Mordecai agreed.

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