Terror Tales of the Park III

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The two kids from High Score are egging Skips' House and laughing, until the glare of Benson's cart's headlights alarm them. Benson then steps out of his cart. "Private property boys, hit the road." Benson said. "Is that... Are you a cop?" One of them asked. "I'm not a cop, I'm your worst nightmare." The kids throw eggs at Benson, but he dodges them. "Hey! Hey, stop it!" He shouted. "Nice costume, loser!" The kids both laugh, pick up their bags and run away. Then Benson goes back to his cart and starts chasing them. Insides Pops' House, a Halloween party is going on. Various parts of the house are filled with guests doing various activities;

one man is sliding down the banister of the stairs. "Happy Hallow-" a man falls off of the banister. Thomas is telling a story to the other park workers, except for Pops and Benson. "But the maniac was calling from outside the house!" Thomas said. "Uh, don't you mean he was calling from INSIDE the house?" (Y/n) asked, raising an eyebrow at the goat. "Isn't that what I said?" He asked in confusion. "No, you said outside." (Y/n) said. "O- oh. Sorry. I mean, I mean, inside the house!"

He gave a goofy smile at the end causing (Y/n) to giggle a little as everyone else groans at the story and throw their soda cans at him. "Bad Thomas, bad! Seriously, that made my ears sad, bro." Muscle Man said. "There's no way you're winning the bet." Mordecai said. Pops walks over. "Bet?" He asked. "Yeah, Pops, whoever tells the scariest story wins the pot; our Halloween candy!" Skips said. "Ooh!" Pops said. "And whoever tells the worst story, probably Thomas, has to wear their costume until Thanksgiving." Rigby said. "Oh ho ho ho! What a humdinger of a bet!" Pops said. "Your turn, Rigby. Candy up!" (Y/n) said. "Hmph. Hmph." Rigby pours his candy on the pile. "Okay. We open on Mordecai and (Y/n) eating cereal."

~Killer Bed (as told by Rigby)~

Mordecai and (Y/n) are eating cereal when Rigby walks in with a box. "Aww, yeah!" Rigby said. "What is that?" Mordecai asked. "Who knows, it's probably just some other absurd thing that's gonna screw us all over." (Y/n) teased, and the duo chuckle while Rigby glares at them. "Ha ha, very funny, (Y/n). Actually, I ordered a real bed with pillow covers and everything! My trampoline days are over!" Rigby said. "What? No way." (Y/n) said in disbelief. "Uh, yeah way!" Rigby said.

"What the- How did you afford it?" Mordecai asked. "I've been saving up all year! Every time I found a penny, instead of hucking it into traffic, I put into a jar." Rigby said. "Those things are impossible to put together, dude." Mordecai said. "Yeah, believe me, Rigby, I've tried, and got several injuries from it." (Y/n) said. "Whatever, I'm a man now, and men build things. Besides, it comes with tools." Rigby said. "Pfft. Good luck." Mordecai said. "You want any help? You might need it." (Y/n) offered. "I don't need luck, cause it's gonna be easy. And no thanks, (Y/n), I got this." Rigby said. "If you say so." (Y/n) said, unsure. Rigby opens the box and paper and debris come out. Rigby unfolds the paper and reads it. "Hmmm, hmmm. So easy." Rigby said.

~1 hour later~

"Done!" The bed falls to pieces.

~4 hours later~

Rigby is hammering his bed.

~8 hours later~

"Done! Thanks for your help, Skips." Rigby said. "Yeah, don't mention it." Skips leaves the room. "All right. Time to try this baby out!" Rigby jumps onto the bed. "Oh, yeah." Rigby turns the TV on. "Have you purchased a bed recently?" The news reporter asked. "Yes" Rigby said. "It may have been a fatal mistake. During a shootout with police, dangerous murderer Johnny Allenwrench, identifiable by his gold tooth, fell into a UMAK machine and was manufactured into a bed.

Due to a clerical error, it was shipped out to stores. The company has issued a recall on all 'Killurgen' beds." The reporter said. "I feel bad for the losers who got that one." The reporter said. "I'm one of those losers!" Rigby panicked. "And so, people with beds are at threat level: Beds." Somebody gives the reporter a piece of paper. "This just in, police forensic experts have tracked the specific bed with the murderer in it. If your bed has the following SKU, you are sleeping on a killer. The camera zooms onto the bed SKU, scrolling as the reporter reads out the number.

"623570406.... umm, well, this last number's kind of smudged, I can't really make it out. It's an... 8! An 8." He said. "NOOOO!" Rigby shouted. Johnny cackles, swallowing Rigby with the duvet. In the kitchen, The groundskeepers are playing cards. "What's the deal with Rigby?" Muscle Man asked. "Oh, he got a new bed or something. Nobody cares, dude!" Mordecai said. Rigby is screaming, and rips the covers in half. "I could use a little help, guys!" He shouted. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "Don't worry (Y/n). It's just a bed, dude! You sleep in it!" Mordecai shouted.

Rigby is still screaming. "I'm gonna go check on him!" (Y/n) said quickly, before quickly running upstairs. "Urgh! Fine!" Mordecai throws his cards onto the table in anger, then walks up the stairs. "Rigby! Stop messing around!" He shouted. Johnny spits Rigby onto the wall. Johnny grabs a wrench. "What the...?! Rigby! Careful with that Allenwrench!" Mordecai tries to attack Johnny, but gets knocked back.

"Urgh! That was a firm mattress..." he said. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted, and she quickly ran over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked. "Yeah..." The other groundskeepers run in. "What's going on?" Benson asked, and Johnny grabs Rigby. "RIGBY!" (Y/n) shouted. "Back off, man, or the kid gets wrenched!" Johnny shouted, and the gang gasp. (Y/n) got super angry and clenches her fists. "Leave him alone!" She lunges at the bed, but gets kicked back into the wall rather harshly. "(Y/N)!" Everyone shouted. "Nobody hurts (Y/n)!" Thomas shouted angrily, about to charge at the bed himself, but was pulled back by Benson. "Easy Thomas..." he said.

(Y/n) groans, but stands up. "It's okay Thomas, I'm fine..." she said. "Dude, he's super strong, Benson." Mordecai said. "Well I got powers, too. Powers of negotiation! Let Rigby go!" Benson demanded. "You'll call the cops." Johnny said. "We won't call the cops if you let him go. Right guys?" Benson asked. "Nah. No way." The gang said. "Why would we?" Mordecai asked.

"I've been on the run for so long. I'm just tired, man." Johnny said. "Look, I'm the park manager here. I can give you a job." Benson said. "You'd do that? You'd do that for old Johnny Allenwrench?" Johnny asked, and (Y/n) snickers at the name. "Yeah. You won't have to run anymore." Johnny drops his wrench and lets Rigby go. The groundskeepers cheer. (Y/n) quickly runs over to help Rigby. "You okay?" She asked with concern. "Yeah, I'm fine." Rigby said. Benson shakes Johnny's hand in agreement. "You'll start tomorrow."

The Next Day

Johnny is watering the flowers and humming. "NOW!" All of the groundskeepers, except Benson and Rigby, attack Johnny with axes. "Way to plan that ambush, Rigby." Benson said. "Way to lie to his face, Benson." Rigby said. "Hey, it's called negotiating." He and Rigby laugh. "Rigby, you're getting ALL the promotions." Benson high fives Rigby. "YES!!"


The End

"Wait, did he just say Rigby was getting ALL the promotion—"


Rigby mimics the rock music. "Now that's a story, fools!" He said. Everyone except Muscle Man agrees. "Eh, I can do better." Muscle Man said. "What?! Why don't you put your candy where your mouth is." Rigby said. "So you want me to eat it?" Muscle Man asked, and (Y/n) chuckles. "No, put your money where your mouth is an expression, Muscle Man. It was his version of that." (Y/n) said. "It means to show your actions instead of just saying them." She replied. "I know what it means!" Muscle Man shouted. "Just put your candy on the table." Rigby said. "I will!" Muscle Man pours his candy on the pile. "This one's gonna make you have to change your chonies." He said.

~Jacked-Up Jack-o-Lantern (as told by Muscle Man)~

(Yn), Mordecai, Rigby, Muscle Man, and Hi-Five Ghost are finishing smashing pumpkins. "Man, disposing all of these pumpkins is the best job Benson ever gave us." Rigby smashes a pumpkin. "It's times like this, I know I'm in the right profession." Muscle Man smashes a pumpkin, and (Y/n) chuckles. "Oh man, last one." Mordecai said. A huge pumpkin is sitting right next to them. "How do we even... I mean, what do we even..." (Y/n) said. "I know what to do."

Muscle Man drives a cart and smashes the last pumpkin, eventually heading into some fog as the gang laugh. "Hey, where are we?" Fives asked. "I don't know it looks like some kind of..." They approach a pumpkin patch. "Abandoned pumpkin patch?" Mordecai asked. "Alright, bros, we hit the jackpot! This party just got a whole lot pumpkiny-er!" Muscle Man said. "Are you sure we're supposed to smash these? This is pretty far away." (Y/n) said. "I take my orders very seriously. Benson said all the pumpkins." Muscle Man said. "Woah, check that out." Rigby said.

They see two pumpkin scarecrows dressed like pilgrims on two poles. "Hey, where did you get those clothes? Out of my mom's trash?" Muscle Man asked the scarecrow, then laughs. "Dude, what are you doing?" Mordecai said. "This is the perfect time to brush up on my crowd work. Hey, it's just a joke. You seem a little stuck up. Stuck up on that pole!" As Muscle Man is making jokes, Rigby walks over to the scarecrows and reads a plaque that has been placed between them.

"Smash all you want, but leave these two pumpkin lovers alone" Aw, man. That just makes me wanna smash 'em more!" Rigby said. "Yeah, it's called reverse psychology, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Then let's do it! It's the Circle of Life, or whatever." Muscle Man said. "I think we should go..." (Y/n) said. Everybody starts complaining.

"Awwww..." Fives said. "What?" (Y/n) asked. "But we're supposed to!" Rigby said. "...Go smash these pumpkins!" (Y/n) said. "That's what I thought!" Her friends said. The gang knocks the female pumpkin scarecrow down with rocks, laughing. "Alright, I got this one." Muscle Man jumps on the female scarecrow and smashes her. This causes debris to splatter all over the male scarecrow. "WOAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" The trio said. Muscle Man high fives Fives.

"Now go for the dude!" Muscle Man shouted. "Haha, okay." Fives said. "Fives! Fives! Fives!" Everyone chanted. "Uuuuhhhhhhhhh........." Fives said. "Fives, you okay?" (Y/n) asked. "Just do it bro!" Muscle Man shouted. "Okay, I'll just grab his head now." As Fives is about to grab the male scarecrow's head, he comes to life and grabs Fives' arms. Fives screams in terror. "YOU!" Fives screams and fire is coming out of his mouth and eyes. "You smashed my hot wife!"

The fire fades out, revealing his glowing red eyes and mouth. "Now you will reap what you've sown!" He shouted. "Fives, just phase through, man!" Mordecai shouted. Before Fives can do that, however, the scarecrow turns him into a solid pumpkin. "FIVES!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. "You guys want to smash some pumpkins? Let's smash some pumpkins!" He smashes Hi-Five Ghost and collects the seeds. The gang screams. Muscle Man quickly puts his hands over his mouth to stop himself from throwing up. The scarecrow laughs evilly. "Scatter!" The gang run away into a cornfield in separate paths, making the scarecrow follow one of them. "Serpentine. Serpentine!" The scarecrow continues to follow one of them.

Mordecai is running and eventually decides to hide behind a mini tractor. The scarecrow can tell somebody is nearby, but before he can make sure of it, he hears Rigby scream. "MORDECAI! (Y/N), WHERE ARE YOU?!" He shouted. The scarecrow begins to follows the sound. Mordecai tries to escape, but only rams into the scarecrow, who is standing right behind him. The scarecrow snarls as Mordecai screams. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) shouted worriedly. Mordecai is about to get away, but the scarecrow grabs his ankle and turns him into a pumpkin.

"Not the face!" He shouted. "I hope you like, SQUASH!" He stomps on the pumpkin Mordecai, squashing him. He then collects the seeds. (Y/n) gasps, and Rigby suddenly grabs her right arm, causing her to scream, and Rigby quickly pulls her into a barn and slides the door close, then quickly shushes her and covers her mouth. "(Y/n), it's just me!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby?!" She then kicks him in the nuts. "Owwww!" "Rigby, you scared the shit out of me!" She shouted. "Shh!" Rigby hissed, pulling her beside him. "Do you want to get us caught?!" Right after he says this, the scarecrow punches a hole through the door.

"Gotcha!" He said. "RUN!" (Y/n) shouted. The duo climb up a ladder and run for an open window. The scarecrow tries to catch them, but fails. Rigby looks down and sees that he is very high up. The scarecrow continues to crawl after them. "Remember to roll." He grabs (Y/n)'s right arm, but the scarecrow manages to grab her tail. "AH! Rigby, help!" She shouted. "(Y/N)!" But it was too late, and she is turned into a pumpkin. "NO!" Rigby shouted, but then he is grabbed and turned into one too.

"Got a ripe one here! Just in time for, FALL!" He drops pumpkin Rigby and (Y/n), causing them to splatter on the ground below. The scarecrow collects the seeds. Muscle Man is running into some reeds, but he trips on a branch. The reeds are still rustling, causing Muscle Man to get up and run away. He's in a circle in the middle of the cornfield, and he squeals as the reeds continue to rustle. "Show yourself!" He hears the scarecrow laugh when the reeds started rustling again. He repeatedly punches the air in front of him, as if the scarecrow was there. He then bumps into the scarecrow.

"Please, bro, let me go. I didn't know that sign was serious." Muscle Man said. "Of course it was! She was my soul mate." The scarecrow said. "You'll find someone else." Muscle Man said. "You think it's that easy to meet someone else!? Don't get me started on dating!" He grabs Muscle Man and turns him into a solid pumpkin as he laughs. "Now, it's time to join your pump kin!" There's a short pause. "Wait, does that even make sense?" He snarls and throws Muscle Man onto the ground, squashing him. He then bends down to collect the seeds.

He walks away with the seeds, eventually tossing them all up in the air and into the ground. "That'll teach 'em." He chuckles evilly as he returns to his pole. The next day, a pumpkin patch ceremony is happening. A man sees the scarecrow. "That's a weird-looking scarecrow." He said. "Yeah." The woman said. "Mommy, Mommy, I want one of these!" A child said. "Ohhhhhh....." Her mother said. "Kid, you don't want one of us. There's some choice ones over there." Muscle Man said. "Um, I'm not ripe!" The pumpkin Rigbys said. "Neither am I!" The pumpkin (Y/n) said. "Uhhhhh, me neither!" The Fives said. The pumpkin gang argues as the scarecrow laughs evilly in the background.

End of "Jacked-Up Jack-o-Lantern"

"WHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Now that was a story, ladies!" Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Yeah right, that wasn't even scary." She said. "Agreed." Rigby said. The gang disagree on Muscle Man's story. "You guys just don't get the twist ending. It's supposed to be ironic." Muscle Man said. "You're lucky Thomas' story was such a pile, or you'd be stuck in that costume for weeks." Rigby said. "What are you supposed to be, anyway?" Skips asked.

"Peanut butter on bread, bro. I even used the real deal." Muscle Man scoops a little peanut butter off his belly. "Anybody hungry?" He asked. "Aww, sick!" Mordecai said, and (Y/n) gags. "That's the Thomas' story of costumes." Rigby said. "Hey, lay off the guy, okay?" (Y/n) asked, slightly annoyed that they were always picking on Thomas. "Shut it! You haven't seen the whole thing. Hey, Starla!" Muscle Man said. Her head comes out of a bucket of water intended for apple bobbing. She then walks over to him. "Hi, Mitch." She said. "Do you prefer creamy or chunky?" Muscle Man places a giant lunch bag over top of them and they kiss,

causing peanut butter and jelly to leak out of the bag, and (Y/n) gags again, and turns over as if she's about to vomit. "Are you okay?" Mordecai asked, patting her back a little. "I'm okay..." she said. "Anybody else have a story?" Rigby asked. Benson enters the house with the bag of candy from the two kids and sighs. "What a night, at least I made it to the...huh? Aw, what, I missed the party?" He asked. "Not technically. The party is only over when Scottie leaves, isn't that right Scottie?!" Muscle Man asked a guy eating a bowl of chips. "Yeah, man." He said.

"Ugh! Unbelievable! This is what I get for doing your chores." Benson said. "Dude, is that candy?" Rigby asked. "Confiscated candy I got from a couple of park hooligans, no thanks to you. What are you guys even doing, anyway?" Benson asked. "We're playing a scary story game." Pops said, and (Y/n) nods. "Whoever tells the best scary story wins everyone's Halloween candy." She added.

"And who ever tells the lamest story has to wear their costume until Thanksgiving dinner. Thomas!" Muscle Man pretends to cough. "You got a cold, Muscle Man?" Thomas asked, and (Y/n) face palms. 'Oh Thomas...' she thought to herself. "So how about it, Benson, are you in?" Mordecai asked. "Yeah, you got anything better than that costume?" Rigby asked. Benson gives them a glare and throws the candy bag on the table. "It all took place during a morning meeting, just like any other morning meeting."

~The Previous Owner (as told by Benson)~

The gang are having a morning meeting. "Well, I guess that just about does it. Hanging the Halloween signs, the pumpkins... oh yeah, there is one more thing. We should all get out of here, because there's gonna be a 200 year old poltergeist in the house tonight." Benson said. "A what?!" (Y/n) shrieks, terrified. "Poltergeist? Are you serious?" Mordecai said. "That sounds awesome!" Rigby said. "Have you lost your mind?!" (Y/n) asked. "No, not awesome. Remember all those things people were saying back in the 1980s?" Benson counts some off on his fingers.

"Like bogus, righteous, and wigging out? Well, there was actually a guy saying them 200 years ago," A flashback begins. "And his name was Jebediah Townhouse. He was the previous owner of the house, and everything he ever said or did was two-hundred years ahead of its time." Benson said. "Yo, yo, what up, what up! What's popping unlocking homies?" Everyone looks at each other as Jebediah Townhouse begins to dance. "Because he was so ahead of his time, the town folks knew it could only mean one thing." Benson said. "Witch!"

The mob begins to surround Jebediah Townhouse as he continues to dance when an 80s instrumental piece sounding like MC Hammer's U Can't Touch This plays. Later he goes all the way on top of the house as the clouds begin to turn dark grayish black. "Can't touch me up here suckers!" Jebediah said. "Get down Jebediah so we can kill you, you witch!" A man shouted. "Come now no need for harsh words. Brother Townhouse, please come down here so that we may kill you." Another man spoke more politely. "I'll show all Y'all. I'm gonna come back in two-hundred years and everybody is going to be talking like me, I'll be the king of the world."

Jebediah Townhouse begins to spin on the top of the center of the house. As he stops lightning appears in front of him. "Boom!" He shouted. "But we'll all be long gone in two-hundred years!" The polite man from earlier shouted. "Oh, uh? Well, I'll just kill whoever is in my house then. Boom!" He replied. His body turns dark red and melts in the house. "He fused his soul into the house.

Silently waiting for two-hundred to return." The thunderclaps in the house as the image of Jebediah Townhouse's face appears and he laughs evilly as the flashback ends. "Tonight's the night he comes back. So, we should all get out of here before it gets dark. Maybe if Jebediah Townhouse doesn't see anybody, he'll go away." Benson said, and (Y/n) bursts into laughter. "What?! What's so funny?!" Benson asked angrily. "Come on, Benson! You- you really think that we'd believe a silly story like that?" (Y/n) asked between laughs. "I'm serious, (Y/n)! This isn't a joke!" Benson shouted. "Pfft lame." Muscle Man said.

Rigby giggles. "If you wanted the house to yourself you can just ask." He said. "Yeah Benson that story doesn't make any sense." Mordecai said. "Well sense or no sense he's coming. There are plenty of documents down of hall of records that back this up." Benson packs his suit case and puts it inside his car. "Benson's superstitious, Benson's superstitious. He's oh-so very scared, he's shaking in his britches." The trio teased. "Yes, very scared."

Benson closes the door and puts his sunglasses on. "That's why I'm leaving and so should you. Trust me, it's your only chance for survival." He turns on the car and leaves. "Ooh..." (Y/n) said in a spooky tone, and her best friends snicker. "Dudes, dudes, I just got an idea. We should all come back tonight and see who can stay in the house the longest." Muscle Man said. "Oh yeah, now we're talking." (Y/n) said. "We should make it a little more interesting." Mordecai said. "How so?" Muscle Man asked.

"What do you have in mind?" (Y/n) asked. "We should all put in twenty bucks and then whoever stays the longest can keep all the money." Mordecai said. "Dude, dude... that is an awesome idea." (Y/n) said. "Wait, wait that's like." Rigby counts the others. "A hundred bucks." Rigby said. "Did you really have to use your fingers for that, Rigby?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief, and he huffs. "Shut up!" He snapped. "Let's do it!" He said. Later at night it is storming outside as Pops is in his bed having trouble sleeping. Suddenly he hears his record turning on as he cover his ears.

Suddenly the record scratches as it stops. Pops gets out of his bed, turns off the record and goes back to sleep. Suddenly he hears a voice. "Pops." Jebediah Townhouse is in the record as he turns around and looks at Pops. "What up, Pops!" Pops screams in terror. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are playing video games. "Where you at, where you at?" Rigby asked. They hear Pops screaming in terror running downstairs. "Pops! Are you okay?!" (Y/n) asked worriedly.

"Dude, Pops, what's wrong?" Mordecai said. "J.. Jebediah Townhouse. He spoke to me in my phonograph." Pops said. "Dude, Pops, Jebediah Townhouse isn't real." Mordecai said. "Yeah. If your trying to scare us to get the hundred bucks, it's not gonna work." Rigby said, and (Y/n) scoffs. "Come on now, why would Pops do that?" She asked. "She's right, I wouldn't. I don't want the hundred dollars," Pops takes out his wallet with a few Butterscotch Ripples. "I'm already rich." He said.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you are, but not in that regard." (Y/n) said, referring to the candy. Suddenly the TV turns off and lights turn off as well. "Huh?!" (Y/n) asked, starting to panic a little. "Aw, come on, we're about to put the hurt on that fool." Rigby said. "Alright, everyone stay cool." Mordecai opens the desk, picks up the flashlight and turns it on. Suddenly they heard a strange noise. "What's that noise?" They walk outside of the hallway, the light shows the door and the strange noise is heard again.

"Mordecai... Rigby..." (Y/n) said quietly, getting really freaked out. "Shh!" Mordecai shushed her. "It's him, it's Jebediah Townhouse!" Pops said. "Oh no, dude, you might be right Pops, he's come to get you!" Pops screams in terror. Rigby starts laughing and gets punched by Mordecai. "Knock it off, dude. It's probably nothing." The door suddenly begins to knock. "Rigby, go open the door." Mordecai said. "Ha, "it's probably nothing" says the guy who's too afraid to look." (Y/n) teased, and Mordecai turns to glare at her.

"Oh yeah? You wanna check it out?" He asked. "Nope, I'm good..." (Y/n) said, stepping back, and Mordecai scoffs. "That's what I thought. You go, I don't want whatever is out there killing me so I don't get my hundred bucks." Rigby said. "Alright!" (Y/n) shouted, sick of their bickering. "We'll all go." She said. Mordecai picks up a golf club, Rigby brings another golf club when he opens it in the bag, and (Y/n) also grabs one. They walk toward the door, Mordecai gulps and looks outside of the window. Suddenly a figure looking like Jebediah

Townhouse pops out of the window. Mordecai screams, and the figure opens the door. The four scream in terror. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby start beating the figure with their golf clubs. The figure is revealed to be Muscle Man in disguise with a garbage pail on his head and High Five Ghost was in the garbage pail. "What's your deal, bros?!" Muscle Man asked. "Dude, Muscle Man, you scared us to death!" (Y/n) shouted.

"What's your problem?!" Rigby snapped. "Just having a little fun, bro. You don't think I was gonna come over and not try to scare you. Pfft, that hundred bucks is as good as mine." Muscle Man said. "Dude, what were you wearing on your head?" Rigby asked. "Fives doesn't have a rain coat, so I'm covering him from this storm with this garbage pail. Geez you don't have to go crazy on me with the golf clubs. Now let's see who can stay in the house the longest." Musce Man said.

"Ugh, fine." Mordecai said. The storm outside the window blows the curtains, with the gang playing the board game, Muscle Man was wrapped up with a blanket as High Five Ghost hits the clock line swirling it and stops to 8 as he moves the board game character. "Nice. You're probably gonna win. Your turn Pops." Muscle Man said. Pops hits the clock line swirling and stops to 9 as Pops gets happy. Suddenly the line starts to swirl by itself and hits to 6.

Jebediah Townhouse climbs on the escalator and looks at Pops and he screams in horror. "It's him." Pops points at the board game. "It's Jebediah Townhouse!" He shouted. "Where? I don't see anything." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, you're freaking me out, Pops." Rigby said. "Ugh! I can't take this. All this scary stuff is making me hungry. Come on, Fives." Muscle Man removes the blanket and the two walk away to the kitchen with Muscle Man holding the burning candle.

"I wonder if they have anymore of those frozen burritos." Muscle Man said. "Yeah, that'll be awesome." Fives said. "Bean and cheese, beef and bean, green chili." Muscle Man opens on top of the refrigerator revealed to be the face of Jebediah Townhouse. "Yo yo! Ice to meet you fool!" Muscle Man gasps as Jebediah Townhouse stretches the refrigerator as he's about to eat them but the two run away. "What the?" Jebediah Townhouse laughs in the oven.

"What's cooking Home Skillet." Jebediah said. "Home Skillet? Nobody ever says that anymore. You're a couple decades too late with that bro." Muscle Man said. "Oh yeah? Well, why you on the hot grill?" Fire comes out of him as Muscle Man and High Five Ghost scream in horror as the others on the coffee table playing board games hear them. "Ugh! He's probably eaten our food." Rigby said. "He's probably just trying to scare us. You better not be eating all our burritos, dude."

Mordecai opens the door holding another burning candle and walks in the kitchen to search for Muscle Man & HFG. "Muscle Man? Fives?" He looks at the oven and Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are revealed to be turned into brownies. Mordecai yells and runs back to (Y/n), Rigby and Pops. "We gotta get out of here. It's real. Muscle Man and High Fives both have been turned into brownies!" He shouted. "Brownies?" (Y/n) asked in slight disbelief. "Yes, brownies!" Mordecai snapped, and she flinches. "Okay, okay!" She said. "Aaah, I knew it. We're done for!" Pops shouted.

"Whoa, Whoa wait just hang on a second. If Muscle Man and High Five Ghost are both brownies, then technically we get more money, right?" Rigby asked, earning a slap from (Y/n). "OW!" "Yeah you're right. We should just try to stick this out." Mordecai said. Rigby hums, and before (Y/n) can argue, suddenly Jebediah Townhouse pops out of the board game. "Yeah!, stick it out to the Max!" (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Pops scream. "Wait, the Max? What?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey, nobody talks like that anymore man." Rigby said. "What? Nah, you guys are bugging."

Jebediah said. "What is this guy even..." Mordecai said. "When you wigging out, you know? I mean, you guys are totally bogus." Jebediah said. Rigby points at Jebediah Townhouse. "No, we don't know, 'cause no one talks like that anymore bro." He said. "Oh yeah? Well, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Jebediah shouted. "RUN!" (Y/n) shouted. The gang run for their lives as Jebediah Townhouse chases after them but suddenly gets stuck by the empty door beam. "Hey, yo get back here, fools! I know where you live!"  Jebediah said. "Aaah! We gotta get out of here!" Mordecai said.

Jebediah Townhouse's head pops out of the door. "Jebediah is in the house!" The gang scream in terror as they run upstairs but suddenly it turns into gums with teeth on top and a tongue. Pops beings to slip, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby hold on to the stair banister as Pops slides down to Jebediah Townhouse. He goes inside his mouth and and gets eaten by him. "POPS!" (Y/n) shouted. "Aw, yeah! I gotta have my Pops!" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby yell in horror. "Time for some dessert!" Jebediah shouted. "Come on dudes let's go!" Rigby shouted. They run up to the top of the hallway. Jebediah's head pops out of a window with heads as his eyes and mouth.

"Hey, you dummies don't have a hall pass!" The 1st one said. "Yeah, you gotta have a hall pass, dummies!" They all laugh as they charge towards the trio as they scream, running towards the window. "Dudes, the window!" Mordecai tries to open it but it doesn't open. "It's stuck!" Rigby beings to get scared as Jebediah Townhouse is still laughing coming straight toward them. "Wha.. What are we going to do?!" (Y/n) asked. Jebediah Townhouse is still laughing and charging toward them. "The attic!" Mordecai opens the attic with ladders coming out. "Hurry!" Rigby shouted. They climb fast as Rigby lost balance and falls. "MORDECAI! (Y/N)!" (Y/n) grabs Rigby on the leg. "Pull me up, quick!"

Jebediah Townhouse continues laughing and charging. (Y/n) lifts Rigby right on time as Jebediah Townhouse crashes in an explosion blowing (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby away. "Who are we kidding we should've never done this." Mordecai said. "Yeah, I don't even know if I want a hundred bucks anymore." Rigby said. Jebediah Townhouse laughs as the beams on top of the attic turn into Jebediah Townhouse's arms and three Jebediahs come out of the knuckles. "A hundred bucks? That's major moola." "Since you don't want it." "Can I just have it?" (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby scream as they run towards the window. "Quick, up to the roof!" Mordecai shouted.

As they flee, Jebediah Townhouse laughs. They made it outside of the window as an arm crashes outside of the window. They climb on top the roof. "I think we're safe up here." Mordecai said. Jebediah Townhouse's head pops out of the roof. "Raise the roof, Y'all." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are in terror as he shakes his head left and right, and the three hold on his hair. "Where my home guys at? Where my home guys at? There they at, There they at." "Make it stop!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Dudes, I can't take this guy anymore, forget the hundred bucks let's get out of here." Mordecai said. "Dudes, no, it's too far to jump down!" Rigby shouted. "Hey my hair is totally tubular, get it, tubular!" Jebediah said. "Ugh, I'm going for it!" Mordecai jumps and yells. "Mordecai!" (Y/n) and Rigby shouted. The duo jump down and join Mordecai. "Huh?" Jebediah asked. "Eat on that Jebediah Townhouse!" (Y/n) shouted. "Oooooooooohhhhhh!" Before they can reach the ground, Jebediah Townhouse's hand catches them. "Whoop, there it is!" Jebediah Townhouse puts (Y/n), Mordecai & Rigby inside his mouth, eats them, and burps.

End of "The Previous Owner"

"Excuse me. Anyway, that's my story." Benson said. "Dude, Benson, that was awesome." Mordecai said. "Yeah, that was surprisingly much better than your last one. "(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, fix the wallpaper or you're fired!" She teased playfully, and everyone snickers except for Benson. "Ha ha, very funny." Benson said sarcastically. "I agree, good show! A story like that deserves all the candy." Pops said. "Hear that, Thomas? Looks like you're stuck in your lame costume till Thanksgiving!" Muscle Man said. "Aw, man." Thomas said.

"Gee, guys, thanks! I'm glad you like it, because it's all true." Benson said. "Wait, what?" (Y/n) asked. "Yep, it's all true." A flashback starts with the mob holding torches and hay rake with the storm coming out of the sky, and Jebediah Townhouse is on top of the rooftop. "Jebediah Townhouse actually existed, and he actually vowed to come back in two hundred years to hunt who ever was in the house, but not before signing the deed over to Mr. Mallard."

Jebediah turns to a young Mr. Maellard behind him. He holds up a deed. "Sign this, boy-eee!" Young Mr. Mallard signs his name with his pen. "Shazam!" The lightning hits Jebediah Townhouse and he melts in the house and the flashback ends. "Come on, Benson, are you being serious?" Rigby asked. "Yes, totally serious." Benson said. "I don't know, guys, I think he's just messing with us." Mordecai said. Pops talks on the phone. "Hmm, yes hmm I see, yes goodbye." He puts the phone back. "Oh that was Papa. There is a Jebediah Townhouse."

The gang gasp in horror. "Well, when is he suppose to show up?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah, shouldn't we get out of here or something?" Skips asked. Benson checks his watch. "Hmm looks like my watch is a little fast, he should've been here five minutes ago." He said. "You should really get your watch fixed, man." Scottie eats chips, then suddenly, Jebediah Townhouse pops out of the table and eats him.

"Hmm hmm, I didn't just crash your party, did I?" Jebediah Townhouse's hand comes out of the ceiling as the gang scream. Outside of the house, Jebediah Townhouse's head pops out of the roof of the house on the left and turns into his arm then the garage door turns into his foot. Then he lifts the house. "Jebediah Townhouse bet you with the wrong house." He kicks his right leg. "Yeah, boy, that's what I'm talking about." He laughs. "Happy Halloween, homies!"

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