Cat Videos

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, Pops, Skips, Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost are watching internet videos. "You guys haven't seen "blargh.avi" yet? We're watching it!" Rigby said. The screen shows a video. The girl has a dog on a lead. "Go!" The dog jumps and makes her fall. "Blargh!" Everybody laughs, but Benson quickly slams the door open. "Nailed ya!" Everybody screams. "We were using the computer for business purposes!" Rigby said quickly. "You don't think I know about Funny Video Fridays, but I know!" Benson laughs. "You're gonna get such a write-up!" He said. "Quick! Put something on Benson'll like!" Mordecai said, and (Y/n) quickly types and a cat video came on.

Benson's pupils grow. "Wha-?" He asked. "It's a cat video, Benson." (Y/n) said. "Cat Video?" Benson asked. "Here's another one!" Rigby clicks on a video of a cat playing. "Whoa! When did they start making these?" Benson asked. "A long time ago, Benson." (Y/n) said. "There's millions of them." Mordecai said. "People just put up videos of their cats? On the internet?" Benson asked. "That's right, man. So just sit down for an hour or two and catch up." Rigby said. "I love cats." Benson sits down. Everybody leaves the room, except (Y/n). "So all I have to do is click on these cats?" Benson asked. "Yep. Just focus on the cats and not on the write-ups." (Y/n) said. "Write, what?" Benson asked. "Exactly." (Y/n) quickly leaves the room. Benson watches a cat video. "Whoa-huh-huh-huh!" He laughs.

(The Next Day)

"Sorry, sorry. I know I'm late to the morning meeting." Rigby said, excepting Benson to yell at him as he walks over. "Don't sweat it. Benson isn't even here yet." Skips said. "That's weird." Rigby said. "Ya think?! Benson's NEVER been late for work, ever! Something must be going on." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, I agree." Mordecai said. Benson shows up sleep deprived. "Did you stay up all night watching cat videos?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "Sure did." Benson chuckles.

"Did you know, there are internet cat celebrities? There's Fat Cat, Rat-a-tat Cat, and Mari, the Japanese cat that likes boxes. But my personal fav, is Curmudgeon Cat." Bensons shows a video of Curmudgeon Cat's owner waving its paw and the video freezes. "Ugh, piece of junk!" Benson snaps his fingers and gasps. I've got to get a new phone!" He starts to leave. "Uhh." Mordecai said. "Wait Benson! What about work?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah Benson. We need our assignments." Muscle Man said.

"Oh, right! Pops, you're in charge for the day." He gets in his car and drives away. "What the....?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm assigning you all old timey dances!" Pops starts dancing. "This is bad. And (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby are responsible!" Skips shouted. "What are you talking about?" Rigby asked. "You got Benson into cat videos you get him out. Those are the rules." Muscle Man said. "Fair enough, let's go, guys." (Y/n) said, standing up. "Hey, I got an idea. Let's just wait until Benson snaps out of it." Rigby said. "My legs feel like wet noodles!" Pops continues dancing. "You were saying?" (Y/n) asked.

"You're right, we better go check up on him." Mordecai said. At his apartment, Benson is laying on a couch watching cat videos and pouring a bowl of cereal and McFluffin interrupts. "McFluffin... I'm trying to watch a video about cats." McFluffin leaps off Benson, spilling the cereal. "Hey... I wasn't done with that." Benson tries to reach for it, then pours milk and cereal into his mouth. "Now, where were we?" Benson watches more cat videos. "Aww, he thinks he's people." An advertisement pops up. "Have you ever dreamed of meeting Curmudgeon cat? Hi, I'm Cat Masterson, auteur director and visionary behind such classic cat videos as "I Hate Weekdays," "Curmudgeon Capers" and "Kitty Kitty Bang Bang." Well, if you "feline" meeting Curmudgeon Cat in person, then come on down to Masterson Studios to attend a live taping of his next video." Masterson said, and Benson spits out his milk.

~Time Skip~

"You here for the live taping?" Masterson asked. "Yes, I am, Mr. Masterson. I'm a big fan. Big, big, big, big, really big fan." Benson said as he threw his arms up. Masterson laughs. "Ha-ha, I like your manic, sweaty energy. Right this way." Benson follows him into a room. "Now, first we gotta get you suited up in -- In your viewing suit." He said as he hands Benson a motion capture suit. "What's this?" Benson asked. "Standard industry practice." Masterson said. "Okay..." Benson said. "Ooh, that's good. Nice, snug fit. Now let's get this show on the road." Masterson said. "You know, I gotta ask, in "Ball of Yarn" at 2:38, Curmu—wait, why is it all dark in there?" Benson asked as he tries to look inside. Benson gets shoved and locked in.

"Standard industry practice." Masterson said. "Wha-?" Benson asked. "Where's Curmudgeon Cat?" Benson asked, suddenly a green light shines on him. "Huh?" Benson asked as a mouse toy drops in front of him. "Go ahead, play with your toy." Masterson said. "I -- I don't think I'm comfortable with this." Benson said. "Ugh. Do we have a diva on our hands here?" Masterson asked. "I think we have a diva." His assistant replied. "Eh?" Benson said. "Bat the mouse!" "Uh..." Benson said. "Bat the mouse!" Benson starts batting the mouse. "Yes, yes." Masterson laughs. Later the trio arrive at Benson's apartment. "Benson?" (Y/n) asked. "Hey, man, we got wings." Rigby said, they walk in to find it completely trashed. "Whoa! What the..." (Y/n) said. "This isn't good." Mordecai said. They then see the add Benson saw. "Come on down to Masterson Studios to attend a live taping of his next video." Masterson said. "Let's go." (Y/n) said.

The trio all go to the same building. "Hey, we're looking for our friend, Benson." Mordecai said. "Sweaty guy, looks like he hasn't slept in days." Rigby said. "One moment. Security!" The woman at the desk shouted. The trio's eyes widen as two men appear from behind plants and strike the trio with darts and they pass out. "Wakey, wakey." The trio slowly flutter their eyes open. "Huh?" They asked, then a light shines on them. "Where are we?" (Y/n) asked, then more lights turn on. "Dudes, are we in a Ping-Pong factory?" Rigby asked. Masterson reveals himself on a TV in the room. "Welcome to my studio." He said. "Who are you?!" (Y/n) demanded. "Yeah, and what'd you do with Benson?" Mordecai asked. "Benson? I made him a star. You see, for years, I tried using real cats in my videos, but they always fell short of my vision.

Have you ever tried to direct a cat? It almost made me lose my mind! So instead I built this highly advanced visual effects studio that allows actors to play the cats." Masterson said. "So Curmudgeon Cat's some guy in a suit?" Rigby asked. "Precisely! Here's the real Curmudgeon Cat, aka Randall Tate." Masterson said. "Ew!" The trio said as the TV shows an old man. "Unfortunately, he died while filming his latest video, "Trapeze Kitty." He shows a clip of him falling off the rope. "They say cats always land on their feet... but overweight middle-aged men, not so much. So I need to find new stars, and, uh, I like your look." Masterson said. (Y/n) was fuming. "No way! You can't just force us to be actors in your lame videos!" She shouted. "Yeah, we're not gonna be motion-capture puppets." and Masterson laughs. "Oh-ho-ho, this isn't mo-cap. This is "mo-cat." Dale!" Dale hits a button and a pink light appears below the trio.

"Wha—?" The trio asked. The trio then turn into cats themselves. "I introduce you to the newest Internet cat sensations: Stretch, Rusty and...uh, Runty." He said. "Hey!" Rigby said angrily. "And roll camera."  Masterson said, Then a camera points towards the trio. "Stretch, Rusty and Runty," take one. And action!" Dale said. "No!" (Y/n) shouted angrily. "We're not gonna act like cats." Mordecai said. "Aw! not even a little?" Masterson asked. "Show us where Benson is!" (Y/n) demanded. "Fine." A studio door shows up. The trio runs through, but the door turns into a box and the trio falls over.  "If you don't want to act like cats, then why are you being so adorable?" Masterson asked. "Back off, creep!" (Y/n) snapped. "But this is great footage." The trio reaches for the door, but it moves up and drapes come down. "Oh, look at that! Ooh, who let these drapes In here?"

Masterson asked. "I guess you're just gonna have to climb them." Masterson said. "Seriously?" Mordecai asked, and the trio began climbing. "Hmm, you kitties getting sweaty? Heh-heh, looks like it's bath time." The drapes disappear and the trio scream as they fall into a bath. (Y/n) and Mordecai both climb out and Rigby gasps for air, then (Y/n) quickly pulls him out. "Quick, the door!" (Y/n) shouted. The trio begins running toward the door. "Why are you resisting? You guys should just play with some yarn for a while." Masterson said, and yarn balls stop the trio in their tracks as they roll past, then the trio continue running toward the door and Masterson sighs. "You know what? Fine. Go through that door. You might not like what you find." He said as the trio went through the cat flap. "Dudes, where are we?" Rigby asked as the trio entered. "I think it's a laundry room." (Y/n) said as the trio walk over to a pile of clothes. "Cuteness." Benson said as he emerges from the pile and the trio scream. "Benson?" (Y/n) asked.

"But you must make a friend of cuteness. Cuteness and horror are your friends." Benson walks down the pile and goes over to his food dish and begins to eat, then plays with a ball of yarn. "He's gone crazy." Rigby said. "Benson!" He shouted. "My name is Lil Benny now." He replied. "Stop it! We're here to rescue you." Mordecai said as he grabs Benson but he doesn't respond. "Dudes, he's out of it." He said. "Stretch, Rusty and Runty, why don't you join Lil Benny? You'll get full veterinary and dental." Masterson said as the objects in the room disappear, then so does the room. "Never!" (Y/n) shouted. "Yeah, you're sick!" Mordecai shouted. "Let's get you out of here, Benson." Rigby said as he, (Y/n) and Mordecai place Benson on their shoulders. "We're coming to get you, Masterson!" (Y/n) shouted. "They're headed for the control room. Cut?" Dale asked as the trio began to walk towards them. "No. No, no, no. Keep rolling.

Cue the pointer." Masterson said. "Cueing pointer." Dale said. The laser pointer appears in front of them. "Ooh, it's the laser pointer! Hey! Where are we going? We're supposed to play with the laser!" Benson said as the trio drag Benson away from it. The laser creates fire in its path as it follows them. "Is Mr. Masterson trying to hurt us with the laser?" Benson asked. "Yes, Benson. Yes, he is." Mordecai said. "I remember. My name is Benson. And you guys are (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby." Benson looks at the trio again. "You guys look adorable." He said. "How do we get out of here?" Rigby asked as the trio approach a dead end. "Look, the control room!" Benson said. "Cue the antagonists." Masterson said. "Cueing antagonists." Dale said as he flips three switches, and the four were then surrounded by a giant little boy, a dog, and a vacuum. "I'd like to introduce you to some of my favorite scenarios. Stuart 2.0, a toddler with no boundaries and sticky fingers." The kid laughs manically. "Lucy, a Shiba that's always getting "Inu" trouble."

The dog barks evilly. "And the vacuum cleaner." The vacuum turns on and laughs evilly too. "And...action!" Masterson shouted as he points. The four shriek as the three advance on them. "I'm the feline Fellini, baby!" Masterson shouted. "(Y/n), you have powers right? Can't you do something?!" Benson asked in panic. "Yes, but I don't have very good control over them yet! I still don't know a lot about them!" (Y/n) shouted. "Can't you at least try something?!" Rigby asked, also panicking. "Uh... um..." (Y/n) quickly teleports herself and the other four out of the way and the three enemies crash into each other. "Oh yeah! You can teleport!" Mordecai said.

"Not very well though!" She shouted. "It's a start!" Rigby said. "Come on!" Benson shouted. The four jump onto the three enemies. "On the count of three. One..." Benson said, as the four prepare to leap. "I am, uh..." Masterson said. "Two...." Benson said. "Uh, C.M.?" Dale asked. "Not now. I'm the, uh..." Masterson said. "Three!" Benson shouted, and the four leaped off. "I am the kitty Kubrick!"

The trio jump through the window and break the glass. "Aah!" He quickly stands up and backs away. "Oh, this is great! You gotta get this on tape." Dale grabs the camera as it is tossed to him. "The climax of my magnum opus!" Just then they glitched back into their true selves for a split second and sparks began to surround (Y/n). "I'm pretty sure they want to beat you up." Dale said. "No, see? That's real. I want you to capture it. Okay, you, get over there. G-g-get the wides. And I'll... I'll get the P.O.V. Okay. Okay, truck in. And...action!" Suddenly the four jump on him and beat him up.

"Ah! Pile up on me!" He shouted. "Ha, ha, ha, adorable! Aww. I mean, you're really getting hurt but... Aww." Dale said. "Dramatic music swells and— Ooh!" (Y/n) tosses him into the wall and pink sparks fly around him as the four return to normal. "Music swells higher. Up shot, protagonists in. Special lighting illuminates their perplexed faces. Twist ending." Masterson said as he turns into a cat himself and passes out. "That's a wrap, people." He raises his paw. "Ah, that twist came out of nowhere.

He didn't set that up at all." Rigby said. "I'll call Animal Control." (Y/n) said. "There he is!" Mordecai said as two officers led him out in a crate. "Okay, cancel my 5:00. See if I can get equipment in the slammer. Benson, bubelah, call me." Masterson said. "Ugh!" (Y/n) shivers. "As if, you creep!" She snapped. "Don't call him." She said. "Look, Benson, sorry for, like, getting you addicted to cat videos." (Y/n) said. Benson turns red with anger. "You three are lucky I didn't suffer any permanent psychological damage! Let's go." Benson said. The trio ran to the golf cart. "Shotgun!" Rigby shouted. "Don't run!" Benson crawls towards the cart, then stops to lick his arm, before continuing. "Hold up, guys!"

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