Birthday Gift

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(Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby and Skips are fixing the roof. Rigby taps his hammer a few times. "♪Yo, it's your birthday, I got you a present! Yo, it's your birthday, I give the best presents!♪" Rigby rapped. "You can't rhyme present with present, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "She's right." Mordecai said, and he rolls his eyes. "Psh. Whatever, man. Your birthday present is so great. You don't even know!" Rigby said. "Ha. Ha. Yeah. I'm sure man. Thanks." Mordecai said. "Don't thank me yet. Thank me later tonight when you open it and love it, which I know you will. I gotta use it." Rigby said.

Rigby leaves (Y/n), Mordecai and Skips to go to the bathroom. In the bathroom, Rigby opens the cabinet, finding an item wrapped in birthday wrapping. "Oh, yeah! A perfect hiding place for a perfect gift. Mordecai's gonna love it. I get the best birthday gifts." Rigby said. "Man, I'd hate to say it, but Rigby gives me the worst birthday gifts," Mordecai said. "Really, it sounds like he got you something really good this time." Skips said. "Nah, he never really puts any thought into it. And if he does, they're usually just gifts he gets for himself or (Y/n). It's cool though. I've gotten used to it." Rigby looks at Mordecai and Skips talking with a frown, then has flashbacks.


"Yo, it's your birthday, I got you a present!" Mordecai opens a Donut World Box and finds donut crumbs. Rigby eats Mordecai's donuts. "Yo, it's your birthday, I give the best presents!" Rigby gives Mordecai a t-shirt with "Mordecai's Friend" on it. "Yo, it's your birthday, I got you a present!" Rigby puts on the shirt. Back at Pops' house, Rigby gives Mordecai a card. "Yo, it's your birthday. I give the best presents!" Mordecai looks at the card where a note is lying on the middle with "I OWE YOU RIGBY" written on it.


"My presents aren't that bad, are they?" Rigby opens the gift, which is a mug saying "World's Greatest Rigby" "Oh, no. I gotta get him something better." Rigby said. In the kitchen,  Rigby is sitting at a table with a pad, holding a pencil in his hand. "What to get Mordecai. Mordecai. Gift for Mordecai. Mordecai for gift. Hmm..." Rigby is later slouching on his chair, sighing. Later Rigby is sitting on the back of his chair with some cereal on the table. Then Rigby's face is lying flat on the table. Rigby's face is lying on his pad covered in pasta just as (Y/n) comes in. "Rigby?" Startled, Rigby gets up quickly. "(Y/n)?! What... how... what're you doing here?" Rigby smiles nervously at her, and she raises an eyebrow.

"Rigby what's wrong?" (Y/n) asked with concern, and Rigby sighs. "Okay, I overheard Mordecai talking about how I never get him any good birthday presents, so I was trying to think of something but I have nothing! What should I do?" Rigby asked her worriedly. "Why not just get him something you know he likes? You do that with me all the time." (Y/n) said. "Well yeah, that's because you're my girlfriend,

knowing what you like is super easy." Rigby said. "Well Mordecai is our best friend, you know a lot about him too. It shouldn't be too hard. We all like video games, right?" (Y/n) asked. "That's it! Mordecai likes video games, we like video games! And Mordecai likes video games! I'll get Mordecai a video game! Thanks, (Y/n)!" Rigby said. Later Rigby is holding "Violent Fist 2" "Violent Fist 2," the new game from Tendindo! Sold! What?" Rigby sees the cover of the game, which has a price tag of $60. "60 bucks? Do you have anything cheaper?" Rigby asked.

"I guess you're not into quality. Feel free to rifle through the discount bin like a peasant." The employee said. In the Discount Bin, there's a sign on the bin saying $50.00 and under! "Ugh!" Rigby digs through the box. "These games are lame! "Dog-cart Racing" for $49? I can't afford any of these!" He said. "I guess our interaction is done then." Later at the coffee shop, Rigby is drinking from his "World's Greatest Rigby" mug as (Y/n) is with him. "What's wrong, Rigby?" (Y/n) asked, and he sighs. "I tried your suggestion for buying a video game, but they're all too expensive.

I think I might just have to give him this one." Rigby shows (Y/n) the mug. "You know you can't give him that, right?" She asked. "Ugh! I wish those video games weren't so expensive!" Rigby shouted. "Then why don't you just make a video game? Allow me to introduce myself." Zaxon walks over to Rigby and (Y/n). "I am Zax-" he drops his card. "- oop. Uh, I am Zaxon! What if I told you you can make your very own interactive world with your mind? Observe!" Zaxon pulls out a VCR and some cables. He walks up to the TV and plugs the cable in. Rigby and (Y/n) watch Zaxon as he puts a tape inside the VCR. It starts playing, showing Zaxon's head pop on the screen.

"ZAXON!" Zaxon's head disappears and then reappears on the screen. "Oh, hello. I didn't see you there." Zaxon turns his head. "But I felt your presence. I'm here to show you an exciting new program I have developed. It's called ZIPGIDZ!" Zaxon is walking on the tape to his right, in the background are some planets. "ZIPGIDZ." Letters and the description of the letter appear on the tape.

"Zaxon's Intelligent Player to Game Interface Design by Zaxon. In the front of "Tendindo Games", Zaxon is wearing a janitor uniform, putting his hand up. "I first developed the program while working at Tendindo Games, the top company leading the way in a video-game renaissance. " he said. In a flashback in the main office, the staff are having a meeting while Zaxon is standing nearby. "You guys, I got a great idea! What if there was a program where you could make your own video game?" Zaxon asked. "What? You're just a janitor. You can't make video games." The boss said, and the staff laugh at Zaxon. "Anybody can make a video game! I'll show you! I'll show all of you!"

Back to the present...

"And I did show them. Sure, any hotshot "programmer" can make a video game, but with my easy-to-use software, any so-and-so with a free afternoon can make one of their own, even you two!" Zaxon said. "Even us?" Rigby asked. "Yes, you! With my high-tech futuristic equipment, the electrodes in your cerebral imagination cortex can formulate your own virtual world. So sit back and let your mind do the work." Zaxon said as a helmet went over his head on the screen as multiple pictures flew by him. The video ends with him sitting on a chair and drinking soda.

"That was uninformative and poorly produced. There's no way anyone would fall for that." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) then sees Rigby giggling as he speeds off on a motorcycle with Zaxon. "Except my boyfriend." She said. "Whoa! You made all of these? Are you a wizard?" Rigby asked as he looks around his house. "Of sorts. But I know no tricks, only truth. The truth of the matter is you promised you'd give your friend an amazing birthday gift tonight, so let's get to it!" Zaxon said as he threw his arms up. "So I just think up a game and that's it?" Rigby asked.

"Yes, but first we must run very intense physical and mental tests." Zaxon said. "Aw, what?" Rigby asked. "Let the intense training montage begin!" Zaxon said. First, Rigby was wearing some kind of device as Zaxon launches multiple logs at Rigby. He jumps over one, but gets rolled over by the others. Next, Rigby has to figure out a simple puzzle, trying to match blocks in the correct holes. Rigby tries to jam the wrong block into the circle hole. Zaxon stops him and shows him that it was the right shape, but Rigby just looks confused. Then Rigby runs across a sidewalk as Zaxon continues to throw fruit at him. Later Rigby puts his paws on some kind of cardboard, then Zaxon slices open a bottle of soda with a sword, but when Rigby tries, he accidentally flings the sword away,

Rigby then sits at a table and is presented with a carrot and a cupcake, and when he touches the cupcake, he gets an electric shock, but repeats the process and keeps getting shocked. Rigby ends up repeating the tests, Rigby is able to jump over all of the logs this time, but still had trouble putting the blocks in the right holes, then reaches for a coffee mug and slams it onto the hole, making a mess,

and Zaxon didn't look too happy. Rigby was able to dodge the fruit being thrown at him, and even caught the apple, taking a bite. Rigby then smashes the face off the cardboard, and successfully cuts off his mug with the sword. Rigby then ends up eating the cupcake as he gets multiple shocks, and Zaxon tries to stop him. Frustrated, Rigby throws the papers off the desk. A paper is printed out and Zaxon grabs it. "The results are in. The physical portion of your test was most impressive. In fact, it was off the charts." Zaxon said. "Yes!" Rigby said.

"The I.Q. portion is off the charts as well, but in a bad way. Like, literally it's so low that it's not even on the chart. I think I've eaten walnuts with a higher intellect." Zaxon said. "Does that mean I can't make a game?" Rigby asked. "No. Don't you remember my promotional VHS? Anybody can make a video game. Time to put on a really cool helmet that I invented myself!" Helmets appear on their heads. "These helmets will virtually transport us into your head. Once we're in, you can make the game with your mind. However, because of your low I.Q., there will be bugs in the system."  Zaxon said, lifting down his glasses. "Bugs?" Rigby asked. "But fear not. When the time comes, I will help you face them. By the way, these could kill us." Zaxon said. "Wait, what?" Rigby asked. He screams, then the duo are teleported into his mind.

The two then look around at a green and black empty space. "Whoa! So this is what my mind looks like?" Rigby asked. "Yes, but think about what you want the game to be." Zaxon said. "Uh...I want it to be at the park, I guess." Suddenly the park forms around them. "Whoa! Now I want (Y/n), Mordecai and Skips to be in it. And they've got a birthday cake!" Rigby said, and the trio appear on the roof.

"Hey, dude! Come up and eat some birthday ca-a-ake!" Mordecai said. A pink cake appears in front of Mordecai. "Yeah, Rigby, come on!" (Y/n) said. "Now add some obstacles." Zaxon said. "Like jumps and holes and stuff?" Rigby asked. Suddenly the house lifts up and floats away. "Aah! No, no, no! That's not what I meant!" Rigby panics, waving his paws. "Aw, man!" Rigby said. Zaxon approaches Rigby and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Aw, man! is right! Now all you have to do is get to the cake at the end and the video game will be made. Just remember your training." He said. "All right. Let's do this." Rigby said. A start line appears in front of the duo, then they look back to see a bunch of red bugs coming towards them. "Aah! the bugs! run!" Zaxon shouted, and Rigby screams as the two began to run. "Why are there so many?" Rigby asked as they ran. "Actually, based on your I.Q., I was expecting more." Zaxon said.

"Quick! up here!" Rigby shouted. He quickly starts jumping on the small rocks with Zaxon behind him. They jump over a green laser fence and then climb up a wall. Rigby makes it to the top. "We're almost there!" Rigby shouted as he saw the house. Suddenly one of the bugs grabs his leg and begins to pull him down and he yelps. Zaxon grabs the bug and throws it away, then takes out his sword. "Go. I'll hold them off." Zaxon said. "No! I can't just leave you." Rigby shouted. "Your friend only has a birthday once a year. Finish this game so you can give him the best gift ever!" Zaxon said as he jumps down, then began slicing the bugs with his sword.

"Oh, and, Rigby," Rigby climbs back up and glances at him. "Prove to them that anyone can make a video game, even you!" Zaxon shouted. "Zaxon!" Rigby shouted as he got dragged into the pile of bugs. Another bug lands on Rigby, and he grunts as he throws it off. Rigby then leaps across the rest of the floating rocks to the house. Once he does, a group of bugs from either side approach him.

Rigby jumps up and tries to avoid them, sees the (Y/n), Mordecai and Skips on the roof. "Rigby is my friend." Mordecai said. "And my boyfriend." (Y/n) said. "I am Skips, and I have all the answers!" Skips said. Rigby reaches a paw out for them, then his foot gets snatched by one of the bugs. "No!" The bug then drags him down and they begin to surround him. "Remember your training." Rigby then has flashbacks to him attacking the

"bug" during his training. "Not this year." Rigby screams and pushes them all off. Rigby then begins karate fighting each bug, then summons a red and orange energy blast and fires it at them, which burns them all and he continues to climb to the top of the house, kicking another bug out of the way. He finally makes it to the top of the house. "You win!" A voice spoke as the words appear above him. "Have some cake, Rigby." (Y/n) said. Rigby reaches towards it. "Aw, yeah! Piece of cake!"

He said, but before he could grab it, he came back to reality. "Aw, man." He said. Rigby turns to see Zaxon unconscious. "Zaxon!" He said. "You fought well, old friend." Rigby closes his eyes and mouth, but he wakes up. "I'm not really dead, just "video game" dead." He said. The game comes out and Rigby grabs it. "Game complete." The machine said. "Man, I give the best gifts." Rigby said. Later he approaches Mordecai and (Y/n) on the sofa as they play a video game. "Mordecai! (Y/n)!" Rigby shouted as he ran over, and the duo turn to him.

"There you are." (Y/n) said. "Dude, where have you been? You went to the bathroom and never came back. You missed my birthday!" Mordecai said. "I know my gifts have always been lame, but I really tried this time. Happy birthday, man." Rigby said as he hands Mordecai a video game. "Whoa! You actually made one? Cool!" (Y/n) said. "A video game?" Mordecai asked as he opens it. "Made by yours truly!" Rigby said. "What? No way. You didn't make this." Mordecai said. "No, but my mind did." Rigby said as he points to his mind, and (Y/n) puts in the game. "Cake Quest!" The game said. The choosable characters were the main trio, (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby.

Mordecai chooses himself and begins to play. He jumps over a small rock and cliff, then reaches the cake. Then the screen says "you're a winner" in green. "Well that was easy." (Y/n) said. "Whoa! That was awful! You really did make this, huh?" Mordecai asked. "Yup." Rigby said. "Honestly... it reminds me of that mini game with Circus Baby in Sister Location." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai snickers, while Rigby crosses his arms with a pout. "Yeah, like I'd purposely copy Five Nights At Freddy's." Rigby said. "Of course you wouldn't, considering those games scare you." Mordecai said, shoving him playfully, startling him. "They do NOT! I was only scared that one time in the 4th game when Foxy got me! Those animatronics look terrifying in that game!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Well, this is the best gift you've given me."  Mordecai said.

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