The Dome Experiment

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There is a park morning meeting. "And (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby, let's have you pick up trash by the snack bar." Benson said. "Ugh! Again?" Rigby asked. "Don't worry, this is the last time you'll be on trash duty for a while." Benson said. "Awesome! Wait, we're not getting another intern, are we? Because I don't think I can handle another spy situation." Mordecai said, and (Y/) elbows him for that. "Ow!" Mordecai glares at her.

"Yeah, because every intern is secretly a spy, Mordecai." She said sarcastically. "Well Thomas was." He replied, and (Y/n) rolls her eyes. "He tried to kidnap me, Mordecai. I know that." She said. "Correction, he DID kidnap you, (Y/n)." Rigby said, and she sighs. "I know, but he made it right in the end, okay? Let's just focus on that. He's our friend, despite the whole betrayal thing." She said, and Benson sighs. "Okay, enough Thomas talk. And no, I've actually got some very big news about your dome-estic situation!" Everybody stares at him.

"Hopefully it won't cause any pan-dome-onium!" Everybody continues to stare. "Dome you have any ideas about what's going to happen?" Everybody is still staring. "No one, huh? Well, since I have to spell it out for you, Maellard's decided to seal off the park in a dome to create a contained ego-system! A group of scientists from the government are going to study it for a whole month!" Benson said. "Bro, would we ever have guessed that?" Muscle Man asked. "A whole month? Where are we supposed to go?" Mordecai asked. "Why aren't you more upset about the inconvenience?" Pops asked. "Because I don't live at the park." Benson said. "That's cold, dude." (Y/n) mumbled.

"So we can stay at your place?" Skips asked. "Heh, well, my place, while officially a one bedroom," The wind starts blowing strongly. "Feels more like a studio. So there isn't really any room!" He looks up and sees a dome coming down onto the park. "It's not tomorrow! It's today! They're sealing the park today!" Fives said.

"Grab your valuables!" He shouted. Everybody runs, as Benson looks up, not happily. Rigby takes a load of pizza pouches, Mordecai takes some tapes and his TV, (Y/n) grabs her tablet, wallet, and some food. Muscle Man takes what seems to be a load of letters from his dad, Pops opens a safe with lollipops inside and Skips waters his plants, everybody starts to run. "She's gonna seal!" Muscle Man shouted. The dome is seen getting closer to the ground. "Lighten your loads!" He throws a load of letters away.

Mordecai drops the bag with the TV inside, everybody continues running, Rigby then throws the pizza pouches ahead and jumps forward, but the dome seals, and Rigby jumps onto it. "Ow!" Rigby said, and (Y/n) runs over. "Are you okay?" She asked. Muscle Man bangs on the glass. "Grrr! Live free or die!" Everybody starts complaining. "Hey guys! Let's relax, okay? Like I said, they're not sealing the dome 'till tomorrow." Benson said "Are you blind, man?! Can you not see that the dome has been sealed today?!" Fives shouted angrily. "Calm down! Look, here comes Maellard now, I'm sure he can clear this whole thing up." A limo arrives and Mr. Maellard comes out of it.

"Maellard!" Mr. Maellard points to his head and nods. "Oh, okay!" Benson receives a phone call. "Maellard! So the test run's looking pretty successful on our end!" He knocks on the dome. "Good fit! Looks like we're in good shape for tomorrow!" He ends the call. "See? So you can all-" He receives another call from Maellard again, and he answers, another limo arrives behind him. "Oh, but I don't get dates wrong!"

He looks behind him. "And the dome is going to stay where it is for the next 30 days." Mr. Maellard is seen speaking, then a scientist passes him a bag of money, he then hangs up. "So..." Benson said. "We figured it out." Skips said. "This isn't fair!" Rigby protested. The gang complains again. Benson's face is full of anger and confusion. "I got the date wrong? But I'm me, Benson!" He shakes his head in disbelief. "Emergency meeting, my office, now!" Benson shouted.

Time Skip

"So I'm sure you all know why we're here." All the park members, except Muscle Man, are in Benson's office. "To figure out how to survive in a dome for a month?" Skips asked. "To look at the email I got from the dome guys and prove I was right about the drop date." Everyone else, except Pops, groans. "You won't be groaning when you see," Benson turns the computer around. "This!" The power goes out. Pops shakes his head as everyone else groans again. "For real?!" (Y/n) asked. "It's okay. I've got a printed backup version." He turns to his file cabinets. "That's not what we're mad about."

Mordecai said. "You really print every email?" Rigby asked in disbelief. "Yes, I do, for this exact type of situation. So it's not like you can make fun of me because I wasn't prepared. Yep, you can't turn off the power to my physical mail, or as I call it, my p-mail." Benson said. Mordecai groans. "We don't care." He said. "Is your p-mail gonna feed us for a month?" Skips asked. "I'm scared!" Pops sad. "I'm hungry!" Rigby said. "You're always hungry." (Y/n) told him. "Listen, I'm sure you'll all calm down when you see..." He pulls out a printed email. "What the...what's this?" He asked. "You were wrong about the date. Now, can you please just help us?" (Y/n) asked. "We really need leadership right now." Fives said.

"No, this isn't right. It's all wrong!" Muscle Man enters. "Do not go into the bathroom. The water has been cut off as well." He said. "What?!" (Y/n) asked. "Do you hear that?" Rigby asked. Everyone but Benson mumbles as they walk up to the window. A sound of a rocket is heard and dome pods appear flying in, dropping packages on parachutes. "What are those things?" Mordecai asked. "They're dropping packages!" Fives said. "Let's take a look." (Y/n) said. "Now wait just one..."

Everyone runs out, leaving Benson. "Okay, I'll just hang back, and sort this date thing out." Benson goes to look at the calendar. "I can't believe it. I-- Was I really wrong? Wait." Benson feels the paper. "This paper stock... " Benson grabs the paper from his desk. "It has a much finer tooth than mine." He glances at the papers suspiciously. "And it's slightly off-white to boot. Hmm. Oh, what the--? I can't believe—" Benson said as he glances at the papers side by side. "The watermarks aren't even the same font!" Benson becomes very angry. "They tried to make a fool out of me." Benson walks over to the window. "I've been so blind." Benson smirks. "I'm gonna blow this thing wide open." He said.

Benson slams the door open and runs to the gang. "Guys! Wait till you see this paper stock! Huh?" He asked, as he notices the gang opening up boxes. "Cool! Custom jackets with our names on them." Rigby said. "Hey yeah, that is pretty cool!" (Y/n) said. "Excuse me!" Benson snapped. "If we keep things rationed, this should be enough food for the month." Fives said. "I don't normally like seeds, but in the dome—" Muscle Man said as he ate a bag of seeds. "Those aren't for eating. They're for planting, dude."  Mordecai said. "Oh. That explains why they're unsalted." Muscle Man said,

and (Y/n) face palms. "Idiot." She said. "Hello? Are you even listening to me? We're being actively lied to about the date!" Benson shouted. "Sometimes the better man admits when he's made a mistake." Skips said. "You guys really don't believe me." Benson said in disbelief. "Your thing is the least of our problems." Skips said. "Hey, uh, so I was thinking, we should write up a full inventory of these supplies. Is that a good idea?" Fives asked. But Benson wasn't listening as he caught sight of a drone flying out of their house.

"Benson?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "Uh, Benson?" (Y/n) asked. "Huh?" Benson turns to her. "Uh, sure. You go ahead with all that. I got to go do something.." Benson said as he sprints off. "Okay. Sounds good." Fives said. Benson quickly follows the drone and falls over. "Ah!" He yelps in pain, then hides behind a tree. "Rolled on my keys." Benson follows the drone over a fallen tree, then accidentally crashes into a tree branch. "Aah!" The drone stops, and turns around, and Benson hides behind the tree nervously.

"Uh, I mean, caw! Caw!" He shouted. The red light turns green as the drone floats away. Benson runs after it again but it quickly vanishes. "It vanished. It was right in front of me. Where on earth—?" Benson suddenly crashes into another dome and falls over. "Whoa. Another dome?" Benson asked as he stood up. A bird squeaks as it flies by, then crashes into it and falls over, losing a few feathers in the process. "I know. I didn't see it either." Benson said as he approaches the bird. Benson picks up the bird and begins walking. "And why is it camouflaged?" He asked. Benson sees a door on the dome blocked by lasers.

"Jeez. Pretty high security. Something is fishy here. I want to see what's going on in there." Benson notices a small window on the dome and peeks through it. He sees two men and one man hands the other a file with Benson's picture on it, then giving him a "shush" motion with his finger. The other man does the same before saying to leave the room. "Why do they have my picture? Someone's coming." Benson quickly runs to hide behind two trash bins as two people fly by on dome cycles. "Armed guards and a laser-beam door? They really don't want visitors."

Benson comes to a sudden realization. "Wait. Of course. It's so obvious. That must be where they've hidden my p-mail. I better go tell the gang about this. Maybe we can overpower them, and I can clear my name. I like you, bird. I think I'll call you...Antares. Huh?" Benson said. Benson turns around and sees the drone from before, and the bird flies away. "Quitter!" Benson shouted after the bird. "Hey..." Benson says as he was shot by a tranquilizer. Benson later wakes up somewhere in the woods.

"What? How long have I been out?" He asked as he stood up. "Judging by my stubble growth, 'I'd say 76 hours." A chill breeze blows by and Benson shivers. "Brr. I'd better get back to the house. It's probably pretty dire over there without me." Benson goes back to the house. (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby were playing a video game on the TV as Pops was raking, Muscle Man was setting up a tent, and Skips was washing the house. "Oh, Benson! You're okay! We were worried about you." Pops said with relief, leaning against the rake.

"I'm fine, Pops. I just need to call a-- Is that a garden?" Benson asked in sudden realization, and Pops nods. "Mm-hmm. We ran out of food, so we're growing our own. Living off the land has been quite invigorating." Pops said. "Huh. Living off the land, huh?" Benson asked, tuning to the trio playing a video game. "Looks like you three are really contributing to the cause." Benson said sarcastically. "Actually, we're on break." (Y/n) said, and Benson's eyes widened. 'Wait, no snarky reply from (Y/n)? Something's off...' he thought, as Fives flew over. "Hey, guys, I appreciate you putting in the hours earlier. Getting up at dawn isn't easy, but those latrines are looking tip-top." Fives said as he held a clipboard.

"Hey, no thanks necessary." Mordecai said. "Yeah. Just happy to do our part." Rigby said. "Yeah, man." (Y/n) agreed. "Is that my clipboard?" Benson asked as he approaches Fives. "Oh, hey, Benson. Ha, ha. Yeah, it's funny, but I suppose I've kind of become the de facto leader in your absence. Everyone's really coming to their own as a contributing member of the dome-munity. Now that you're back, I guess you want this back." Fives said as he hands Benson the clipboard. "Yeah, sure. Look, everyone listen. I have something very important to show you pertaining to my p-mail." Benson said as everyone gathers around him.

"Benson, it's okay. Nobody cares about that anymore." Rigby said. "Yes, Benson. We've grown quite fond of the dome." Pops said. "Look, I know you all still blame me for being stuck in here, so just come with me, and I'll prove it wasn't my fault." Benson said, and Mordecai groans. "Fine. Let's just get this over with." He said. Benson leads the gang to the place where the second dome was, only for it to be gone. "This can't be. It was right here. I'm telling you, there was a whole other dome, just like the big one, but little, with trees on it and lasers." Benson said. "It's okay, Benson. Come back with us to the camp, and we'll set you up a hammock in the meditation tent."

Fives said, placing a hand on Benson's shoulder but he slaps it away. "I don't need your pity hammocks. What's going on here? Why are you being all weird and supportive?" Benson asked as he steps back from them. "Did the dome people get to you?" He asked. "Benson, chill. You can trust us." (Y/n) said, stepping forward gently but he steps back. "Stay back! I trust no one!" Benson shouted as he runs off.

"Benson, wait!" (Y/n) shouted, reaching after him, but Fives grabs her paw gently. "Let him go. The dome affects us all in different ways." Fives said. Benson pushes some leaves aside. "They'll see. These dome guys are up to something, and I'll prove it, even if it takes me all month." Benson spots a trail and follows it, which leads him to a small pond, Benson swims through it, then does some climbing, and sees the dome again once he reaches the top. A man puts something into the drone and it flies away.

~day 10~

Benson is shaking on the ground.

~day 15~

Benson builds himself shelter by using tree branches. He also hangs a poster with a squirrel hanging from a branch with a caption above that says "hang in there"

~day 17~

Benson hides from the gang waking past, then uses some branches to build himself a bow and arrow and begins practicing archery. The bird from before grabs an arrow and hands it to Benson and he fires again.

~day 22~

Benson is still creating weapons.

~day 25~

Benson spots the drone fly into the dome and nods. "I'm ready. Dome, dome-dome, dome, dome. Time to blow this thing wide open." Benson said. Benson sees another drone fly towards the second dome. He leaps onto it, and rides it into the building, then jumps down and looks around. Benson hides behind a wall, then sees a man biting onto a machine that verifies him and allows him access to the room. Benson then whistles to get the other guy's attention. "Huh? Darn birds got in again." As he walks away, Benson knocks him down and he passes out. Benson then uses the guy's teeth on the machine to get into the room, and sees two employees. "I hear the whole thing will be blasting off in a couple months." The man said.

"Well, assuming Steffen can get his act together." The girl said, nudging him playfully. Benson enters a room with a label that said "secret" "Huh?" He turns to see two blueprints. "What the—?" He glances at the other wall and sees two more blueprints. " My p-mail's not up there." He goes to a desk, flips on the switch, and begins looking through the papers on the desk. "Come on. Come on." He said. Then something caught his eye as he saw one with a picture of (Y/n). "What the?" In curiosity, he grabs it and reads through it and his eyes widen. "No way. It's true. It must all be true. I'm gonna blow this thing wide open." Suddenly a light shines on a man standing beside Benson. "Benson Dunwoody! Park manager, former drummer, stick-hockey enthusiast. Dr. Dome. Welcome to my domicile." He said.

"I don't care who you are. I think we both know what's going on here." Benson said as he points at him accusingly. "I can see you've accurately surmised our plans. And figured out ours for (Y/n)." He said. "What is all this? Why are you even interested in her in the first place?!" Benson demanded. "Ja, her powers, Benson." And his eyes widened. "In case you forgot, that friend of yours has a lot of power.

And we want to see how much, and know what she's capable of. We need to find out whether or not she's dangerous." He replied. "I assure you, she's not dangerous." Benson said. "We don't know that for sure, Benson. With the power she holds, it's very possible that she could hurt someone or cause destruction, maybe even turn to the dark side." He said. "What?! No! (Y/n) would never-" Benson was cut off. "You may think you know her since she's one of your employees, Benson. But we can't shake off these suspicions. We will be observing her very closely for a while." He said, and Benson sighs. "Fine, but don't you dare hurt her." He said.

"I knew to look for your backup, for I, too, print my e-mails." Dr. Dome said as he opens a drawer and took out a file. "Just in case." He said. "Is that my p-mail?" Benson asked. "Our plans have surely been made apparent to you by this point. Why we put a dome over the park and pumped it full of oxygen. Why we created a self-sustaining environment within it. Why we switched the date on your e-mail. Why we—" Benson suddenly points at him. "Aha! So you admit you did change the dates! And I've got the proof right here!" Benson laughs maniacally as he snatches the paper. "Ja. Of course we did. As you know, that's part of the test."

Benson just stares at him. "Perhaps the data isn't as compromised as we initially thought." Dr. Dome said. "Yeah, wait, what are all these blueprints for?" Benson asked as he glances at them. Dr. Dome snaps his figures, and two of the people run to Benson and grab him as Dr. Dome grabs the paper back and swallows it. "NO!" Benson shouted. "What the—?" Benson asked as a dart hit his arm. "Steffen, come on. It is a very simple user interface." Dr. Dome grabs the device from him and touches the screen.

"Antidote dart," then touches it again and the eye on the screen closes. "Knockout dart. Remember what I just showed you because it is important." Dr. Dome then shoots Benson and knocks him out. "Do you think he'll tell the others?" The girl asked. "Only one way to find out." Dr. Dome said. (Y/n) was holding a ladder as Mordecai puts a pipe together, then climbs down as Fives flew over. "Oh, be careful up there. How you guys doing?" Fives asked. "Well, we just about finished with the new irrigation system." Mordecai said. "You guys are doing

great work. Here. I don't want you guys to get dehydrated." Fives said as he pumps the trio some water. "Thanks, boss." (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby said as they took their glass of water. "Looking good, Pops." Fives said, and Pops waves. "Thank you." He said as Muscle Man and Skips approach Fives. "Good, you're back. Any luck?" Fives asked. "Yeah, bad luck." Muscle Man said. "We couldn't find him." Skips said.

Fives takes a sip of his drink. "This isn't good." He said. "What do you think we should do?" Mordecai asked. "Go find him, duh!" (Y/n) snapped. "Hmm... Yep, okay. Let's all go out in an organized search party. Hopefully we can find him and talk to him calmly. Now, remember our mantra." Fives said. "The dome affects us all in different ways." Everyone said. "Great. Let's go. Everybody, please stick together." Fives said as everyone began to walk into the woods. "Guys, I think I found something." Rigby said.

~Time Skip~

"Benson?" Mordecai asked. "He's waking up." (Y/n) said. "He's still unstable." Skips said. "Benson, are you all right? We found you passed out in the forest. Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked. "What? Yeah, I'm..." Benson said. "Is there anything you wanna tell us?" Rigby asked. "Huh?" Benson asked as he sat up. "Any big secrets?" Rigby asked. "Really cool headband, Benson." Mordecai said. "Benson. Seems like you've been through a lot. What happened?" Skips said. "Well, ahem, now that you mention it, I-I was doing some recon. Actually came across some very earth-shattering—" Benson then realizes something. "Hey, has that mirror always been there?" Benson asked. "Oh, that old thing? Never mind that." (Y/n) said. "Now, you were saying about your time in the forest?" Skips asked. "Yeah, tell us more, sir." Rigby said.

"Sir...?" Benson suddenly grabs Rigby roughly. "What did you call me?!" Benson demanded. Benson's eyes widen as he realizes it wasn't really Rigby and sees the face of a human instead. "Hey, Benson, is there something wrong?" The person pretending to be Mordecai asked. "Maybe you should lie back down." The Skips imposter said. "Yeah, Benson, get some rest." The (Y/n) imposter said. "Would you like a popsicle?" The Pops imposter asked. Benson begins to sweat nervously. "Uh, sorry, guys. Think I'm still feeling a bit rattled from everything. Say, remember that game we used to play that always made me really comfortable and let my guard down?" Benson asked. "Of course. What was it again?" The Fives imposter asked. "The close our eyes game

where we all close our eyes." Benson said. "Sure, sure." The (Y/n) imposter said. "Okay." The Pops imposter said, then they all closed their eyes. Benson suddenly flips the table over and runs out the door into the hallway. "What the—?" Benson asked, then began running down the hallway as more imposters showed up. "Oh, no, bro!" "Muscle Man" said, and Benson shoves him aside. "Benson, it's me, Techmo." "Techmo" said. "Oh, come on. I barely know you!" Benson said as he shoves him aside. "Benson, slow down. I'm your girlfriend Audrey." "Audrey" said. "We broke up months ago!" Benson shouted, running towards the door. He escapes the door and takes off on one of the flying devices. "Benson!" (Y/n) called. "Benson! Benson, bro, where are you?" Muscle Man asked.

"Benson!" (Y/n) called again. "Hey, guys." Benson said as he suddenly appeared from the bushes and the gang recoil in surprise. "Whoa! Why are you lurking in the bushes?" Rigby asked. "Oh, right. I don't normally do that." Benson laughs. "I guess I got mixed up and took a wrong turn. Speaking of mix-ups, now that the gang's back together and everything's back to normal, I wanted to tell you it turns out I actually did get the date wrong on that e-mail. I apologize for making such a fuss." Benson said. (Y/n) looks at Mordecai and Rigby, and the duo looks at her, the trio nods, then looks back at Benson suspiciously.

"You apologize, huh?" The trio asked. "Yep. After all, you know your old pal Benson's motto: "Don't sweat the small stuff." Benson said. "He's a fake!" (Y/n) shouted. "Get him!" Rigby shouted. The trio lunged at the fake Benson, pulling a man with a Benson puppet out of the bushes. "What the heck is this? Where's the real Benson?" Rigby demanded. "Yeah, what have you done to him?!" (Y/n) demanded. "I'll never tell." He grunts, and makes the Benson puppet "die" then stands up.

"Please, go back to your house. Dr. Dome is not gonna—" Benson flies over and knocks the man back. "Benson!" Mordecai said. "Is it really you?" Rigby asked. "Wait!" (Y/n) steps in front of the duo protectively and generates the same energy she used for her energy blasts on her paws. "How do we know he's the REAL Benson?" She asked threateningly. "This whole month has been a lie. They're not studying the park, they're studying us! Especially you!" He points to (Y/n). "Also, I was right about the dates, and I was right about the second dome, and you should never have doubted me!" Benson shouted, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened, then she deactivates her powers.

"It's definitely him." She said. Benson runs over to a log and knocks on it, and opens a hatch on it, grabbing his bow and arrows. "So, what do we do?" Rigby asked. "We're gonna take back our free-dome. To the dome cycle." Benson pointed. The gang all run over and hop on, with the trio riding in front with Benson as the others ride on the drones attached to it. Dr. Dome and his employees then fly after them. "Orders from on high said compromised data must be destroyed.

Dome let them get away." Dr. Dome said. Benson grabs his weapon. "Is that a bow and arrow?" Mordecai asked. "Yes." Benson fires it at the tree. A man flies toward them but gets caught by the rope and explodes. Another bow and arrow crashes through the glass on the other's flying device. "Weather control, give me freezing rain." Dr. Dome demanded. "Yes, sir." The man pushes the "freezing rain" button and clouds form and everyone screams as Benson flies over the dome. Another machine opens from the dome and begins firing at them and everyone screams again.

"Hold on!" Benson jumps off and dodges the attacks. "Ooh." Everyone said. Benson then fires multiple bow and arrows at the machine's holes and then jumps back onto the dome cycle. "Benson?" (Y/n) asked with concern. "Didn't that hurt your knees?" Rigby asked. Benso drives up, and Mordecai notices someone behind them, firing darts. "Behind us! Look out, he's got a dart—" Mordecai said, but before he could finish, the trio were shot, but only Mordecai and Rigby passed out as (Y/n) dodges. (Y/n) then jumps over to the enemy's dome cycle and punches him off, then shoots Mordecai and Rigby to wake them up. "Fire! Fire all of your darts!" Dr. Dome shouted.

They fire darts at them and the duo fall asleep again and (Y/n) growls. "(Y/N)!" Benson shouted worriedly, and she jumps back onto their dome cycle, then shot the duo again, waking them up and they gasp. Rigby grabs the device and shoots a dart back at the enemies, but shoots the wrong kind. "Ow!" The man said. "Dude!" Mordecai snatches it and fires, but then gets knocked out. Rigby grabs the device again and fires. Dr. Dome jumps onto the weather controller and shoves the man off. "I thought I was doing a good job!" He shouted as he fell off. Dr. Dome then hits the rain and lightning button and the clouds face the gang and begin producing lightning and Muscle Man, Fives, Pops and Skips scream. Benson whistles and the bird flies over.

The bird then attacks the two employees and they scream. Benson then fires at them and their flying device falls. Benson then speaks to him in bird language. Benson turns to the others. "Press the moon button on your drones!" He shouted. Muscle Man, Fives, Pops and Skips do as they're told. "We're almost out." Mordecai said. Dr. Dome then pushes a button to close the door.

"We can still make it, bros!" Dr. Dome presses another button, quickly closing the door and everyone gasps. "You are our test subjects. You cannot escape the dome. Even if you blow that thing open, you would never be able to fit. You would have to blow that thing, like, really, really wide open." Dr. Dome shouted. Benson gasps, then grabs a bow and arrow. "I'm gonna blow this thing wide open." He said. Dr. Dome shouted. Benson then fires at the door with a bow and arrow and the door explodes.

"No! Dome you see this is bigger than you? This is bigger than all of us!" Benson then fires the arrow at Dr. Dome and he gasps, then laughs evilly. "You missed me!" He taunted. "I never miss." Benson said, then he and the gang fly out. "What?" Dr. Dome asked. He then looks to see the arrow had landed on a button that read "aim ice storm at the weather control booth" "Dome it all to hole." The clouds then face Dr. Dome and begin aiming strong winds and ice at him and he freezes. The gang land safely. "It's the final frontier!" Muscle Man shouted. "There may be another layer of dome around this one. Everybody weapon up." Benson said, and everyone pulls out a weapon as a tank approaches. "Congratulations." Mr. Maellard said as he pops out of the tank. "Maellard?" Benson asked as he lowers his weapon.

"You finished the experiment. But just barely. If you'd escaped even a minute sooner, we'd have had to start over again." Mr. Maellard said. "So the plan was to trap us in there with no warning all along?" Mordecai asked angrily. "I suppose there's no harm in admitting now that yes, I played you for fools and won." Mr. Maellard said. "But why would you do this?" (Y/n) asked angrily. "I'm afraid I can't divulge the goal of the experiment." He replied, but Benson angrily runs over to his tank and grabs his scruff. "No, Maellard. You tell us what this was all for. You tell us right now! Tell us!" Benson shouted furiously, preparing to strike him. "All right! The experiment was a test to see how the park and its employees would do in a zombie apocalypse."

Mr. Maellard said. "A zombie apocalypse?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "Seriously?" Mordecai asked. "That's too cool to be true." Rigby crosses his arms. "He thinks he can still play us for fools." Skips said angrily. "He doesn't understand how much we've all grown from this experience." Fives said. "The truth this time, Maellard. You owe us the truth!" (Y/n) said angrily, pointing at him. "You can't handle the truth!" He shouted back. "Papa, please." Pops cried. "Eh, fine. I just felt like buying a big dome to put on the park because I'm rich." Mr. Maellard said, and (Y/n)'s eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" She asked furiously. "See? I told you you couldn't handle it." Mr. Maellard said said, and (Y/n) growls, and Rigby places a paw on her shoulder. "Calm down, (Y/n)." He said. "I'd probably have done two domes. You know, so it would look like a huge butt." Muscle Man said, and (Y/n) groans and face palms. "Great idea, Muscle Man." She said sarcastically. "I know, it is a great idea." He said, not picking up on her sarcasm. "Well, back to my mansion." Mr. Maellard said as he's about to go back in the tank, but Benson grabs him. "You're not done here, Maellard. The e-mail. Admit to everyone that you changed the date!" Benson demanded. "Yeah, I changed the date." Mr. Maellard said. "So I was right, everyone!" Benson laughs manically. "I was right!" He shouted. "Good for you, Benson." (Y/n) said sarcastically.

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