Cool Bro Bots

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(Y/n) is looking at her cell phone, seeing the words "Trust no one" written on the screen. (Y/n) puts her phone down and sees a spaceship heading towards the park dome. The garage door to the dome opens, and the spaceship goes into the dome. "Get inside!" Benson shouted. The spaceship door opens, and a set of steps is automatically placed down onto the floor of the Park Dome. Smoke comes out of the air, and three shadows that look like robots appear.

Every park member runs into Pops' house. "Hurry!" Benson slams the door shut along with a chair, two cabinets, and a shelf barricading the door. "Do you think they saw us?" Pops asked. Benson puts his finger on his lips. "Sssshhh..." Pops starts panicking and breathing heavily after someone knocks on the door. Benson puts his palm on Pop's mouth in order to avoid being heard. A whirring noise of a gun is heard and blows up the door and the furniture. The Park Gang screams after four robots walk inside Pop's House.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Sorry. We didn't know anyone was in here." The leader of the bots said. "Please don't kill us." Mordecai said. "If you want to hurt any of my friends, you'll have to go through me first!" (Y/n) growled, stepping in front of the gang protectively. The leader of the bots narrows his eyes, causing the gang to tense, wondering if they should intervene. "I'm afraid we'll have to kill you.." (Y/n) gets prepared to attack them. "With kindness!" This takes (Y/n) totally off guard. "Wha... what?" She asked.

Everyone except Skips questions themselves. "Yes. We are Brocyclian helper bots. We are programmed to assist others in need. I am R-656. This is R-657, 8, and 9." The leader said. "Yeah. We can't wait to help you." R-659 said. "Okay... and how do we know we can trust you?" Anna asked. "Oh you don't have to worry, you can definitely trust us." But that only sounded more suspicious to (Y/n). "Huddle!" Benson said. The group huddle in a circle. "I don't know about these guys." Mordecai said. "We shouldn't trust them." Rigby said. "Yeah, they seem shady to me." Olivia said.

"You can say that again." (Y/n) said. "Guys, we're drifting in space. "They could be our only chance." Pops agreed. "Our only chance at what? Death?" (Y/n) asked, and Benson glares at her. "She has a point, how do we know if they're actually going to help us?" Rigby asked. "We could just ask them." Skips said. "Yeah, because bad guys always tell the truth whenever they're planning to kill someone." Anna said, and the trio snicker. "Alright, why don't you ask them if they'll help us, then?" Benson asked. "Fine." The group break apart from their huddle and turn to face the Bro Bots. "Bro bots, can you help us get back to Earth?" Anna asked. "Yes, let us show you." R-656 said. Later, the gang and the Bro Bots are at a fuel station.

"Huh. I can't believe I never noticed this before." Skips said. "The organic fuel synthesizer takes all natural resources from your park and converts them into fuel for your dome. Observe." R-656 grabs a handful of leaves and puts them into the organic fuel synthesizer. The machine whirs and shows a fuel meter increasing on the screen.

"Once the meter reaches full capacity, you will have just enough power to get you back to Earth." R-656 said. "Wow. You hear that, guys? Manual labor is gonna save our lives. Everybody grab a Bro Bot and get to work." Everyone except (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby grab a Bro Bot and leave. The trio notice two Bro Bots walking off, high-fiving each other, chuckling. "There's definitely something up with those bots." (Y/n) said. "Let's follow them."

The trio are spying on the Bro Bots. Eileen picks up yard waste. The trio peer through the bushes and find a Bro Bot heading towards Eileen holding a piece of string. The trio gasp as the Reaper Bot heads closer towards Eileen and then tying the bag for Eileen, pleasing her. The trio still seem suspicious and move back into the bushes. Muscle Man mows the lawn, with the trio watching him by a tree. Muscle Man sits down with a shadow nearby holding something in his hand. The trio gasp again and find out that the Bot actually has a turkey leg,

which he gives to Muscle Man. The trio are confused as to what is going on, that is, until the Reaper Bot returns with another item in his hand. The trio are shocked until they find out that it is a napkin, which the Bro Bot ties around Muscle Man. The trio watch in the distance, then watch Pops sleeping. A reaper Bot approaches with a pillow, and the quartet gasp in shock. The Bro Bot puts the second pillow under Pops and makes a shushing gesture. Pops goes back to sleep, with the quartet nearby speechless. Later, Mordecai leans against a tree and Rigby and (Y/n) stand near him.

"Wow, what if we were actually wrong about these guys? They actually seem pretty nice." (Y/n) said. "Yeah, too nice. They did say they were gonna kill us with kindness. Killing is killing, dude." Rigby said. "You have a point." (Y/n) said. "You're both being paranoid." Mordecai said. "Don't call me paranoid. It makes me paranoid!" Rigby shouted.

"Shh, shh. Wait." (Y/n) said. She watches a Bro Bot heading towards the organic fuel synthesizer to put some yard waste in the machine. However, the Bro Bot looks around to make sure nobody's there and leaves with the two bags. "Aha! Aha! What did I tell you?" Rigby said. "Let's follow him." (Y/n) said. The trio sees the robot approach the door and a scanner comes out.

"Access granted." The door opens to let the robot in. "Dudes, we got to get in there." Mordecai said. "How? In case you forgot, we're not robots." (Y/n) said. "Hmm." Mordecai began to think. Later the trio is walking towards the door while wearing tinfoil. The scanner comes out to scan their bodies. "011011. 011011." The trio said robotically. "Access granted." The door opens and the four walk in. "Zero-o-o-o-o." Mordecai and Rigby said as they walked in. The trio walk down a hallway and peek into a room. "State your bounty, Reaper-bot R-659." A voice said. "Reaper-bot?" (Y/n) asked.

"Deposit ready. Please place organic materials in containment unit." The robot dumps the bag of leaves. "Deposit accepted. Value on robot black market-- 2,000 credits." The computer said. "Aw, yeah. Stealing from others-- what us Reaper-bots do best. I can't believe they think we're actually helping them." R-659 said, and laughs evilly as he walks away, and (Y/n) growls.

"Not all of us were that gullible." She said. "Those liars. They were playing us right from the start." Rigby said, as they came out of their hiding spot. They walk into the room to look around. "Look at all this stuff. They must be harvesting plants from all over the galaxy." Mordecai said. "Whoa. This one's craze-o." Rigby touches a plate, and it instantly dies. "Dudes, come here. You might want to look at this." Mordecai said. The trio walk over, and (Y/n) gasps. She saw pictures of herself and her friends with Xs drawn over them.

Later the trio were trying to convince the others. "Reaper-bots? Really?" Benson asked in disbelief. "It's true! They're stealing all our plants and harvesting them for their own!" (Y/n) said. "We saw it ourselves!" Rigby said. "That's ridiculous. They're the best thing that's happened to us since we left Earth." Benson said. "They're the only thing that's happened to us." Skips said. "Hello, friends. You look parched. We converted this terrible sour fruit into a sweet and refreshing drink especially for you." R-656 walks towards the group. "Oh, nice. Lemonade. My favorite." Fives said, flying over. "No!" (Y/n) quickly slaps it out of the robot's hands, causing it to fall to the ground. "We're not buying it, brobots. Or should I say Reaper-bots." She growled.

"We found your evil plan. See?" Mordecai asked, walking over and showing them the paper that showed them and their friends crossed off. "Yes, our plan for helping you." The robot said. "But you drew Xs over our faces!" (Y/n) shouted. "The Xs help to remind us who to help. X marks the spot... for helping." He said. "A likely story... for a liar." Mordecai said. (Y/n) takes out her phone.

"Somebody tried to warn us about you." She said, as she showed the "trust no one" message. "Oh, wait. That's just an advertisement. Read the whole text." R-656 said. "Huh?" The trio asked, then read it. " "Trust no one..." (Y/n) scrolls down. "Who says their pizza is better than Papa Quasars"?" They asked, and (Y/n) face palms. "Wha-a-a-a-at?" The duo asked, as they slowly look back at the bots. "Seriously?" (Y/n) asked.

"Hello, Earthlings. I brought this hot disk of flour and cheese for you." Another Reaper bot said as they approach them. "See? Pizza. Are you guys satisfied now?" Benson asked. "Pizza's the oldest trick in the book!" Rigby shouted, pointing at him. "Yeah!" Mordecai crosses his arms. "We still think you brobots should leave!" (Y/n) shouted.

"Wow, as a robot who can't feel real emotions, I must say that hurt." The robot said as he closes the box. "Who says no to free pizza?" Fives asked angrily. "Not cool, bros." Muscle Man said. "Why are you guys being so mean to them?" Elieen asked. Their friends start yelling at them. "I am detecting mass tension." R-656 said. "I guess we'll have to find some other beings to enjoy our pizza with." The one holding the box said, and the robots begin to walk away.

"No, no. Wait. Don't go." Benson quickly runs after them and knees in front of them desperately. "Please don't go. Don't listen to those bozos. They were just about to leave." Benson said, glaring at them. "What?" (Y/n) asked in disbelief. "But—" (Y/n) said. "Just get inside, now!" Benson shouted. They looked dejected, and were about to walk into the house in defeat. "Stop!" They turn to see a man holding a gun, pointing it at the robots.

He aims for one, and Benson dives for cover, luckily getting out of the way just in time, but the guy missed. "Hey, you almost hit him. How rude." R-656 said. "Uh, yeah. I, uh, meant to do that." The man said. "Who are you people?" Benson asked. Chance shakes his head. "I don't know." He said. "You don't know who you are?" Skips asked in disbelief. "Oh, I do. There's just no time to explain." Chance said. "These Reaper-bots are harvesting your natural resources as we speak." Recap Robot said.

"You filthy metal heads only help others to help yourselves." Sally said as she held a gun. "Nuh-uh. Our motives are genuine. How can you trust these people? They could be space pirates." R-659 said, pointing at the newcomers. "Say that to my gun, you Reaper scum!" Chance said as he shook the hand holding the gun. "Park friends, think of all the nice things we've done for you today. Does that not mean anything to you?" R-656 asked. The gang start to get overwhelmed. Tension grows as the woman glares at the robot,

and their eyes narrow, both groups then narrow their eyes at the park gang. A shooting star flies past. "Well, this is certainly a pickle. I'm not sure who we can trust." Pops said. "I put my money on the new guys. Look." Skips said, and points up. A big robot chops down multiple trees, and a robot rhino saws them in half. "What is that thing, brobots?" Muscle Man asked as he points. "Oh, that? That's, uh—" R-656 finally drops his act. "Ah, who are we kidding? Reaper-bots, attack!" He shouted. The robots start firing lasers at the gang. "Quick, this way!" The gang takes cover behind some bushes and a tree as the robots continue to fire at them.

"Here, arm yourselves!" Chance throws everyone a gun. "Sweet!" (Y/n) said. The giant robot's hands turn into a chainsaw and an axe and he laughs evilly. Sally shoots the rhino's face. "Hey, baby blue. You want some more? Come get it!" She then leads the rhino robot away from the group. She and her robot partner fire at the rhino as it chases them. The rhino uses its chainsaw to dig into the ground, and it speeds ahead of them. "We're gonna need more firepower." Sally said. "Loud and clear."

Recap Robot brings out two sets of guns and Sally places hers in between them, then fires as the robot rhino charges at them. A reaper bot comes out. "Gonna need back-up. I repeat, back-up." He screams as the chainsaw crashes into his ship. (Y/n), Mordecai, Rigby, and the new guy were firing at the other giant robot. But the robot drops a giant tree on them, and they collapse and drop their guns. Then the robot attacks by slamming his axe on the ground, and Pops and Skips quickly dodge it.

The robot then saws a tree down, that two of the reaper bots were hiding behind. R-656 tries to run away, but gets shot through the stomach. The attacker turned out to be none other than Muscle Man. "Hole-in-one." He said. The park gang kept shooting at the robot to no avail. "It's not working!" Mordecai said. The robot just continues to laugh evilly, angering (Y/n). She throws her gun away and aims an energy blast at the robot, right at the bread,

and the robot reels back. "Dude, you found his weak spot." Mordecai said. " Aim for the beard!" Sally and Skips shouted. The park gang began aiming their guns at the robot's bread. Benson yells in rage as he aims. "Hey, buddy, I hate to bust your chops, but logging season is over." Mordecai said, then aims at the bread again, and the robot's bread is destroyed. "Looks like we lumber jacked him up." Chance said. The park gang turns to him in confusion from that joke, but Sally laughs.

"Ha ha. Not bad." She said. The robot collapses, and the gang quickly retreat before it falls to the ground, then it explodes and catches fire. "Wow, those robots really had us fooled." Skips said. "It's like my father always told me-- If someone's being nice to you, they probably have ulterior motives." Benson said. "Wow, your father said that?" (Y/n) asked. "Yeah. Sorry we didn't believe you guys." Benson said. (Y/n) only shrugs. "It's cool." She said. "Yeah, it's okay, Benson." Mordecai said. "No hard feelings. Not everyone's as smart as we is."

Rigby said, and (Y/n) face palms. "Let's go to the control room. We got to get out of here." Chance said. "Control room?" (Y/n) asked. "Come on." The group enter the house, and go into (Y/n)'s room. "This is just (Y/n)'s room." Rigby said, as they ran towards it. Chance walks in front of a music player. "Is it?" He turns it, and the wall transformers into a control room. Another part of her room reveals an area with some computers. Posters of hers also change, and a chair pops up from under the floor. Eileen backs away. (Y/n) is in front of her friends protectively again, as they look afraid and confused. "Where do you plan on taking us?" She demanded, knowing full well that going back to Earth wasn't the plan. Chance only smirks. "You'll see..." he then begins to drive their dome away.

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