Welcome to Space

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In outer space, the dome-sealed park rocket comes into view. The gang is groaning. "Looks like the newbies can't handle lightspeed, allow me to introduce you to my compatriots. Toothpick Sally, Recap Robot..." Chance said. "Hello, hi." Recap Robot said. "And yours truly, Chance Sureshot." Chance twirls his blaster and drops it. "We're here. That's the Space Tree, home." He said. "Whoa." The gang said. "Check out all the other domes." Rigby said. "The park dome lands in an empty spot, cut to Col. Ralws' office. "You left these new recruits drifting for how long?!" Col. Rawls asked. "Recruits?" (Y/n) asked.

"Uh, maybe 2 days." Chance said. "2 days?! If you were on time, maybe they wouldn't have been boarded by Reaper bots. Real rookie maneuver, Sureshot. Now get down and give me 300, you miserable sack of space puke." Col. Rawls said. "Uh, yes sir." Chance gets down and starts doing push-ups. "Ahem, as for the rest of you, welcome to space, I'm Colonel Rawls, insert pleasantries here." Col. Rawls said. "Hi. Benson here, quick question, WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Benson asked. Later, everyone is watching an initiation video. "Congrats, new domers. You have been selected to take part in the next frontier in recreation, the SPARK Initiative." A new voice said.

"Spark?" Benson gasps. "Space park." He said. "Shh." Rigby said. "Our operatives on Earth determined you would be a good fit for this mission. Over the next few months, this space station will be your home, you'll train with the best from around the world, then you'll be sent off on your own to explore pristine space wilderness so that this can become this. After that, you'll go to the [BLEEP] system, where you'll protect [BLEEP] as you arrive at [BLEEP]" the voice said. Col. Rawls runs in front of the screen. "Uh, that's classified for now, so who's jazzed about this?" Everyone but Benson cheers. "I see one guy who isn't jazzed." He said.

"So we're being forced to do this?" Benson asked. "Well, this is purely a volunteer mission to benefit mankind." Col. Rawls said. "Well I don't volunteer." Benson leaves the room. "What's his deal?" Anna asked. "Yeah, why can't Benson see that this is gonna be really cool?" Elieen agreed. "He's afraid to try something new." Skips said. "The park wouldn't be the same without him." Pops said. "We gotta get him on board." Rigby said.

Time Skip

"And this here's the barracks," Chance said. "Cool, bunk beds." Rigby said. "Benson, check it out, cool pillows." Mordecai said as he fluffs his out. "Those pillows are not cool at all and neither is space." Benson said. "Actually, Benson, I hate to disagree, but living in space is the definition of cool. I mean, I just got goosebumps saying that." Elieen said. "Um, again; basically kidnapped and forced to do this." Benson said. "What's the matter, Benson? You can have top bunk if you want." Rigby said. "I don't think that's the problem." (Y/n) said. "Oh, the top bunk, now I definitely wanna stay in space. Muscle Man, what about Starla?" Benson asked.

"Starla would be proud, Besides, I know our love will stand the test of time." He holds up a picture of him and Starla signed "Our love will stand the test of time. Starla" and kisses the photo. "Well, Fives, what about Celia?" Benson asked. "Ditto." Fives pulls out a photo of him and Celia signed "Ditto Celia," "I can't believe you people! Those scientists lied to us. MR. MAELLARD LIED TO US!! UGH, I WANNA GO HOME!!!" He storms out.

"This is gonna be harder than we thought." Skips said. "Thank you all for joining me on this tour. If you look to your left, you'll find Jamaican domers doing a little target practice." Recap Robot said. They see one aiming a gun at a poster of a fake alien. "Whoa." The guys said. "Benson, did you see how cool that was?" Fives asked. "Can you believe we get to use these things?" Muscle Man asked, pointing. "Yeah, that's not a safety hazard." Benson said. Next they are shown the Simulation Room,

where they see a fake alien grab two guys by the throat, and lift them into the air. The simulation disappears, and the guy falls to the floor. "And in the simulation room, we can program any scenario to prepare for what you might encounter in space." Recap Robot said. "Cool!" Olivia said. "Wow, that's pretty wild, huh, Benson? Any scenario you might encounter. Think of the possibilities." Skips said as he places a hand on his shoulder. "The only scenario I want to encounter is me going back to my apartment." Benson said. "And finally, this is the food court. Domers and pilots alike come here to hang out and swap stories." Recap Robot said.

"Hey, Benson, check it out!" (Y/n) said, as she, Mordecai and Rigby were pointing to a poster. "All you can eat wings." Rigby said. "Yeah, they had that back on Earth, and they're probably better, too." Benson said. "Here's your new jumpsuits. They got your names on 'em." Chance gives everybody their jumpsuits. "Pretty cool, right?" He asked. "Yeah!" (Y/n) said. Benson sees his jumpsuit that labels

"Benson, the Dome Manager" on it. "No, not cool." He said. "Harsh." Chance said. "You should keep this anyway. I'm not staying." Benson said. "Cha! You still don't get it. You don't think this mission is important! Well, fine. We don't need you! All that matters is that we have a team that wants to be here!" Col. Rawls shouted. "This seems like a pretty important mission. You don't want to experience that?" Mordecai asked. "Come on, Benson, just stay with us." Skips said. "Yeah, it will be fun!" (Y/n) urged. "I can't believe you are all fine with this." Benson scoffs. "I mean..." he holds up his clipboard. "If this is a peaceful mission, why do we have to practice using weapons? Why

did I have to wear that fax machine like a jerk if you didn't have anything important for me to do? I had a good life, and then you had to drag us up here!" He shouted. "No more questions! That's an order!" Col. Rawls shouted. "Why would I listen to you? I'M THE PARK MANAGER!" Benson shouted. "WELL, I'M THE COLONEL, WHICH IS ABOUT ONE HUNDRED POSITIONS HIGHER THAN YOU!" He throws Benson's clipboard in the trash burner, and it automatically disintegrates, and everyone gasps.

"Are you done?!" Col. Rawls asked. "Oh, I'm done! I'M DONE WITH ALL OF THIS!!" Benson shouted. "Then go, then! We can get a pod back to Earth for ya, quitter!" Col. Rawls shouted. "Sounds great! I'm out!" Benson angrily leaves. "Shoot. I thought for sure that reverse psychology was gonna work." Col. Rawls said. "You call that reverse psychology?!" (Y/n) asked angrily. "Yeah man. That was messed up." Mordecai said. "You can't do that to our boss!" Rigby shouted. "You guys better get Benson onboard!" Col. Rawls said. "I think I've got one more idea that can get him to stay." (Y/n) said. Later the group is tying to talk him out of leaving. "You can't be serious, Benson." Rigby said. "You're really gonna give up, now?" Muscle Man asked.

"I've been telling you guys, for the past two hours you're not gonna change my mind. As soon as I finish this space panini, I'm out of here. There, I'm done." Benson said. "If you really want to go, I guess we can't stop you but... You should at least watch this before you leave. We all put this video together. We think it might change your mind about staying." (Y/n) hands him a videotape. "How did you make this?" He asked.

"Don't you remember that really cool editing bay we saw on the tour? There were so many VCRs!" Olivia said. Benson sighs. "I know what this is. It's a tape full of sappy memories that are supposed to convince me to stay, show me where I belong. Well, it won't work!" He shouted. "Benson, wait!" Anna shouted. "You're making a mistake!" Rigby shouted. Benson sees this tape labeled "For Benson" and closes his eyes. The pods blast off from Space Tree Station to the Earth and lands on that huge spot where the park had lifted off into space. The pod door opens as smoke comes out, and Benson coughs as he gets out of the pod when...

"Sir, sir! Are you responsible for the park disappearing?" A reporter asked. "No, I..." he said. "How do you plan to reimburse the city for all the damages?" A second reporter asked. "What? Uh..." Benson said. "Sir, what is space food like? Do you take it orally or..." a third reporter asked. "Get away from me!" Benson escapes from the reporters and races back to his apartment. Benson uses his key to unlock the door and realizes that the lock had been changed.

"Why isn't my key working?" Benson asked. "Why, that apartment's been vacant for 30 years." A neighbor said. "30 years? But I've only been gone for 2 days." Benson said. "Sorry. Did I say years? I meant hours. 30 hours. We all saw the news and assumed you were in space for good. There's some fresh new college students living in there." Benson sees college students cheering and laughing inside. Benson's face was drawn on his stomach with a marker. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha! We just drew your face on this dude's gut!" A college student said. "Yeah, you look like a loser!" A second student said. "Woo-hoo! Ha ha ha ha!" A third laughs, and Benson sighs.

As Benson has no place to live, he's off to search for a job. Benson sees a "Help wanted" sign on the windows of Cheezer's. Benson straightens up his neck tie and walks through the doors. Inside Cheezer's, Benson is cooking a grilled cheese sandwich. Once he's done cooking, the man argues that the sandwich is not completely cooked enough. Benson angrily grabs the sandwich and rubs it on his face. The female manager fired Benson. As Benson leaves Cheezer's, he grows mad and throws his hat down on the ground, and the cop writes something on the ticket and gives it to him. Another job that Benson is searching for is at the grocery store.

Benson wrote his name on the paper, but he couldn't remember his address. He wrote a scribbling line on the "Address" line. The store manager couldn't accept him as part of the job. Neither does the dock worker nor a hobo manager. Benson was depressed that he couldn't get any jobs to work for home, food, and money. Benson has a 5 o'clock shadow. Somebody threw a newspaper on Benson's face. Benson sees a picture of

Mordecai, Rigby, (Y/n), Eileen, Pops, Muscle Man, Skips, and Hi-Five Ghost are smiling and wearing their uniforms, and the headline above the picture says "Park Crew loves being in space." Benson gasps. He goes to Wing Kingdom and tells the waiter to order some hot wings that he wants to eat. The waiter asks a question: "Do you have money to pay for the wings?" Benson nervously smiles and shrugs.

Two men threw Benson out of Wing Kingdom and dumped him in the garbage. Benson becomes a hobo and has a load of things in a shopping cart, and a 5 o'clock shadow has grown into a bigger beard for years. Later that night, Benson went back to the missing park spot where the shuttle had landed and started a campfire to keep warm. He sees a "For Benson" tape, and his eyes are watery.

There's construction of new buildings around the city as many years have gone by. Later, Benson pushes a shopping cart and the reporter on TV reports that there's going to be an alien attack around the earth as the spaceships arrive from outer space. Benson ran fast from the spaceships as he ran inside the TV Store Warehouse. Benson grabs a dusty tape and blows the dust off. Benson was sad about the tape that he was looking at. He inserts the tape into the VCR, and the tape plays on TV.

"Hey, Benson, um, we get why you want to go back to Earth, but I'm not sure we were really upfront about why we wanted you to stay." (Y/n) said. "It just wouldn't be the same without you." Skips said. "I won't be able to keep up with work without you breathing down my neck." Rigby said. "And who am I gonna have wing-eating contests with, huh?" Muscle Man asked. "We've always appreciated your no-nonsense attitude and dedication to your work.

It's really inspiring." Fives said. Benson feels sad about this video as he has tears in his eyes. He wipes his tears away. "Hey, Benson, I don't know you very well, but I do not know you mean a lot of these guys, and I'd like a chance to get to know you better too. You do have the best chance of keeping Rigby from blowing something up." Elieen said. "It's true." Rigby shows the broken camera to Benson. "I already broke the first camera we tried to record this with." He said.

"We all really look forward to you, but also, you're our friend, and we'll miss you, and–" Pops starts crying, and so does Benson. Rigby sets up the camera to record altogether as a message. "Alright, you get it. We'll miss you so..." Skips sniffles. "Don't go, all right?" He asked. "Yeah, Benson. We can't do this without you." (Y/n) said.

Space needs you, Benson

"I made a huge mistake! I SHOULD'VE STAYED IN SPAAAAACE!!!" Benson quickly reaches for the exit, opens the door, and.. "AUGH! AAAAUGH! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT! I SHOULDN'T HAVE LEFT!" Benson quickly reaches for the exit, opens the door, and... "Benson! Are you OK?" (Y/n) asked. Benson gasps. "You're all here! You're so young!" He hugs (Y/n), Mordecai and Rigby. "So this is what it's like: on the other side." He said. "On the other side of the door?" (Y/n) asked. "What? No, I was on Earth... for years." Benson said. "Actually, you went into the holosimulator." Olivia said.

[Flashback to when they see Benson go back home in Earth.]

"Well, it won't work!" Benson enters the pod. "Benson, wait!" Anna shouted. "You're making a mistake!" Rigby shouted. "I SHOULD'VE STAYED IN SPAAAAACE!!!" Benson exits the pod.


"You just walked through the wrong door." Elieen said. Benson sees two doors. He realized that he did not go through the door to the Return to Earth pod on the left. He went through the door to the Return to Earth Simulator on the right. "Oh." He said. "Seems like a huge flaw to have those rooms next to each other." Anna said. "Man, life on Earth without you guys was pretty terrible. So maybe I don't know what's gonna happen or what everything means,

but as long as we're together, that's enough for me." Benson said. "Y'know, Benson, there may be a lot of new stuff going on, but we're all the same. The park's still the park, and you're still our boss." (Y/n) hands him his jumpsuit. "Thanks, everyone." Benson said. "Is he in? Sounds like he's in. Welcome to space, everybody." Col. Rawls said. "OOOOOOHH!!" Everyone said.

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