Crazy Fake Plan

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In Olivia's house, Mordecai, Rigby and Margaret are watching a TV show. "And now, commentary from RGB2!" A man on TV said. "If you ask this old-timer, TV peaked in the 80s! Why don't shows have laugh tracks anymore?" Olivia pokes her head out from the kitchen. "Sorry to keep you guys waiting. I know you're hungry, but my famous peanut butter and celery appetizers will be out in a jiffy."

The TV switches to an advertisement for Seeds of Agony by Jonno. "Audacieusement modern, contrasté, avant- ... garde. These are all words you might say when you gaze upon my piece, Seeds of Agony." The TV zooms out to show a giant strawberry behind her. "You won't want to miss this cultural event before it is taken by blimp back to my minimalist region studio and destroyed. The venue?" She laughs. "A transitional local between the realms of light and dreams." The TV shows a map that displays where Seeds of Agony is.

"Off of Spruce and I 95 at dusk by the Cheezer's. Saturday only!" The voice over said. "Whimsical!" The TV shows the three on the couch. "Wow, that sounds crazy." Mordecai said. Rigby laughs mischievously. "Crazy enough to work!" He said. "Dude, what are you talking about?" Rigby leans over to whisper to them. "Can you guys keep a secret?" Rigby checks to see if anyone is watching.

"I'm taking (Y/n) to see that tomorrow! And you guys are coming with! And, you're not gonna ruin the surprise!" He said. "What?" Mordecai asked. "It sounds a little intense." Margaret said. "And why's it gotta be a surprise? Is it a special occasion or something?" Mordecai asked. "No, and that's the point! She'd be expecting something if it was. I've made her laugh, cry, scream with terror when she fell into that cave hole; all the big emotions. But she's too smart to be surprised!" Rigby said.

"No way." Mordecai said. "If there's a mystery, she has to solve it. Whenever I try to surprise (Y/n), she figures it out immediately." In a flashback, Rigby is dressed in murder-mystery-style clothing. "Good evening, my lady. I'm here to warn you that trouble's afoot. You see, there's been a mur-" (Y/n) squeals. "You're taking me to a murder mystery, right?" She asked. "Uh... yes." Rigby said. "Great! I already picked out a dress so we could go!" (Y/n) said. In another flashback, Rigby is holding a telescope and not wearing any special clothes. "Surprise! I'm taking you-" he was cut off. "To the conjunction of the Moon and Mars up on Lookout Mountain? I know! I'm so excited!" In another flashback, Rigby is simply at Olivia's house without any items or clothes. "Hello-" he said. "You're taking me to the biannual mating season of the hermit crabs? You're the best!" (Y/n) said.

(Back in the present)

"She's smart like that, dude. So I thought of a plan so crazy she'll never figure it out. Will you guys help drive us around?" Rigby asked. "Dude, you're being kinda crazy, but at least it's a nice kind of crazy." Mordecai said. "I think that's sweet Rigby. Of course we'll help you." Margaret said." Olivia walks into the room carrying a tray of celery and peanut butter. "Who wants celery and peanut butter? Wait, I smell a surprise brewing." She said. "No. You don't." Rigby said.

"You're taking sis to a movie after this." She smirks. Rigby jumps off the couch. "Ha, noooo!" Rigby walks up with his face close to Olivia's head. "Is there even a surprise at all? Who's to say?" He walks away. Olivia thinks. Margaret and Mordecai pretend to not know. The next day at the coffee shop, (Y/n) is waiting when Rigby walks in. He is wearing beach shorts, a formal jacket, and a hat. He is holding a flower. "I'm gonna say, based on your beach-casual look,

combined with formal jacket and corsage, we're going to... Beach Prom! That's the most fun party of the year!" (Y/n) said. "Oh, (Y/n), (Y/n), (Y/n). I have a different surprise in store for you. And this time, you're never gonna be able to guess it! Now let's go." Rigby said. "Hmmm, if it's not Beach Prom, are we going to Costa Rica?" (Y/n) asked. "No need to guess, just enjoy the surprise." Rigby said.

"Maybe your outfit is a red herring." (Y/n) said. They walk over to where Margaret and Mordecai are waiting for them next to Margaret's car. They pretend to be randomly running into them. "Woah... Craaaazy running into you guys. Soooo random." (Top notch acting there, Margaret) "Need a lift?" Mordecai asked. "But that could also be a red herring of said red herring, meaning..." (Y/n) puts on a jacket from inside the car. "Beach Prom!" She said.

"JUST GET IN THE CAR!" Rigby shouted. "I'd say we're about fifteen miles outside of downtown heading northwest. The temperature has dropped approximately three degrees, which puts us near that shoe store I like, but..." (Y/n) calculates on her fingers. "Yup, we'd overshoot it by about nine-hundred feet." She notices Sea Turtle Fan Club at the Super Hotel 25. "Ah! Sea Turtle Fan Club! I just paid my dues! That's so nice, Rigby!" Rigby's watch beeps. "And... time to turn around." He puts on a doctor's shirt and hat, as well as a stethoscope. "Huh?" Margaret asked. "Uh, make a u-turn up here!" Rigby said. "Okay." They turn around and eventually get to the park.

"Alright, everyone get out and go behind the house." They walk behind the house, where there is rope, three chairs, a cardboard box, tiki torches and a parachute. (Y/n) thinks. She combines the items in her mind to show a hot air balloon. "I've got it! You're building a hot air balloon with all this stuff for us to ride in!" She said. "That stuff's for a birthday at the park later, which you guys better be back for. I'm not working it by myself after last time." Muscle Man said. "Look, I'm sorry about that brush fire, but I don't think we'll make it back in time. Rigby's plan might last all month." Mordecai said.

"Speaking of which, round 'em up! Back in the car!" Rigby said. "Not cool, bros!" Muscle Man shouted. Rigby directs Margaret on where to drive as (Y/n) tries to estimate the surprise and what it is. She guesses something else and Rigby shakes his head. They pass a few things, one being the observatory and the Carbon Gardens. They stop at a gas station and leave. "Rigby, I have to say this is the best surprise you've ever done." (Y/n) said, and Rigby smiles at her while eating a gummy worm. "But that doesn't mean I won't figure out what it is." (Y/n) said, waving a finger. "Well, you won't, unless you know what's that way!" Rigby said, then he points forward. Mordecai and Margaret squint their eyes to read the sign which says ""No people No restrooms No Gas No Food" "Uh, that seems kind of shady."

Margaret said. "Yeah. Very shady. Is there even time? We might not make it if we go this way." Mordecai said. "Oh, no. We'll make it. Trust me." Rigby said. Margaret glances at Rigby with uncertainly before she continues driving. The sun soon starts setting. "Dude, the sun's going down. That thing that we're trying to do is gonna end soon." Mordecai said. "Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch! Trust me. Now go over that hill." Rigby points forward. Mordecai notices a group of people on motorcycles on the right side and on the left side of the road. "Come on, man. We got to turn around. We have no business being here." He said. "Mordecai, chill. These guys are probably cool. We just need to drive past. We'll blend right in." Rigby said. "Are you sure about that, Rigby?" (Y/n) asked as she looks at the bike gang.

The gang grunt angrily as Margaret drives past them. "Okay. All right. Just keep driving. Just..." the motorcycles in front then block their path. "Not okay. Not all right!" She shouted. "Wow. I honestly don't know what's next. I am terrified beyond all reason, though." (Y/n) said. Two people approach the car and one approaches the window. "Um, can I help you?" Margaret asked. The man pulls down the window. "I'd say y'all don't blend right in. Where are you headed?" The man asked. "Sorry. Can't tell you. Trying to surprise my girlfriend. You understand." Rigby said. "Oh, a surprise, huh?" The man asked, his neck cracks. "You know, my old man surprised me once. Now he's dead..." the gang gasp. "...set on never surprising me again!" His neck cracks again. "Long story short, you best be telling me where you're going. No surprises on the road.

That's the biker law." He said as he lifts a finger. "No! It's a surprise!" Rigby shouted. "Rigby, come on." Margaret said. "Yeah, here. I can just act surprised later." (Y/n) does a fake gasp. "Rigby! Oh, my gosh! I love it!" She said. "That's not a real surprise face!" Rigby snapped. "Yeah, pathetic!" A biker shouted. "Rigby, just tell him." Margaret said. "Dude, it's over." Mordecai said. "No! Never!" Rigby crosses his arms with a pout. "Tell me!" The biker shouted. "These aren't rational guys, Rigby. Uh, sir, I can tell you. We're gonna—" the biker interrupts Mordecai. "No! I want to hear it from this guy!" The biker approaches Rigby and snaps his fingers. Two other bikers approach and duct tape Mordecai and Margaret's mouths shut and Rigby and (Y/n) gasp.

(Y/n) then growls, and prepares to jump on one of the bikers, but Rigby quickly grabs her right arms and holds her back. "No!" He shouted. "They're hurting our friends, Rigby! You can't just expect me to sit and do nothing!" (Y/n) shouted, getting angrier. "Yes I can! Now is not the time for you to get angry (Y/n)!" Rigby shouted. "Withhold information, we throw you off the cliff. Second biker law." The bikers connect their bikes to the car and begin to drive it up the mountain. (Y/n) was getting even angrier. "(Y/n), calm down!" Rigby snapped. "Calm down?! At a time like this?! Just tell them the surprise Rigby!" She shouted. "No!" He shouted. "Telling them wouldn't make it a surprise anymore. I've been at this for too long. I'm not giving up now." Rigby said.

"Rigby this is REALLY not the time for you to be stubborn!" (Y/n) shouted. "Get 'em out of the car!" The group look down the cliff. "Now, come on, boy. This is your last chance. I'd really like to know what that surprise is." The biker said. "You and everyone else! I'd rather die than give up the one thing that might surprise (Y/n). I'll never break." Rigby said. "So be it. You're gonna get it." The biker takes out a bag. "RIGBY!" The bag is placed over her. "All right! Ladies first!" He said.

"All right! You win! I'll tell you!" Rigby shouted. "Guys? Guys!" (Y/n) asked in panic. "Surprise!" Rigby lifts the bag off her. "I brought you to see a giant strawberry!" He said. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in shock. "What?! I can't believe it! Seeds of Agony by Jonno?" She asked. "I'm really here! But-- but there was the Sea Turtle Club, the balloon at the park, the observatory... but then we ended up here. What does it all mean?" (Y/n) asked. "Nothing!" Rigby said. Margaret chuckles. "You guys, too?" (Y/n) asked, pointing at the bikers. "I knew it! You slippery devil." She said as her paws grab Rigby's. "Brilliant." She said.

"I knew I couldn't outsmart you, so I had to out-crazy you with the craziest fake plan of all time! Are you surprised?" Rigby asked. "Yes, I'm surprised! And I'm sorry I couldn't just go with the flow. My knowledge is both a blessing and a curse." (Y/n) said. "Thanks for sticking with me. I really love this surprise, Rigby." (Y/n) said. "Aw." The two hug each other. "Also, who are these guys?" (Y/n) asked, pointing to the bikers. "Oh, we're the troupe from the murder mystery you attended.

We wanted to help Rigby after you guessed the culprit within seconds of arrival. So we just threw on our old," his voice changes. "Motorcycle gang voices." Then switches back to British. "A-and lent a hand." Another biker places a hand on his shoulder. "Yes, it was a delight to reprise our roles." He said. "Oh, I thought you looked familiar, but I was too paralyzed with fear to guess." (Y/n) looks back at Rigby. "So that's why you didn't want me getting angry,

you didn't want me to hurt them, right?" She asked, and Rigby chuckles nervously. "Yeah, that, or accidentally set off your powers and destroy the whole mountain." Rigby said. "Oh... right." (Y/n) blushes from embarrassment. The group watch the giant strawberry fly away. "Anybody want anything from the car?" (Y/n) asked as she stands up. "Yeah. Surprise me." Rigby said, and (Y/n) snickers. "Dude, I can't believe your plan worked." Mordecai said. "Yeah, it was sweet. Then it was terrifying. But now it's sweet again. I wish you would have told us about that motorcycle gang." Margaret said. "Part of the surprise. What are you gonna do?" Rigby asked. "Regardless, I'm still really impressed you did all that." Margaret sad. "Well, it's (Y/n)." Rigby said.

♪ It's (Y/n) ♪

♪ It's (Y/n) ♪

♪ It's (Y/n) ♪

♪ It's (Y/n) ♪

"We also do musicals!"

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