Hello China

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At Golden Garden, Benson is inside drinking a glass of water. A waitress approaches Benson. "Did you enjoy your meal, sir?" She asked. "You bet. Kung pao chicken and white rice, my favorite meal three years running." The waitress hands him a fortune cookie. "Ah, thank you. Ho-ho! fortune cookie. Wouldn't wanna forget that. It's the highlight of my night." The waitress walks off. Benson signs before he opens his cookie. He reads the fortune. ""Adventure comes to those who seek it."

He sits back and sighs again. He notices posters on the wall about China. He taps his chin in curiosity. "Hmm." Later at West Anderson High, Rigby is walking down the sidewalk. "Hmm-hmm! Time to ace a foreign language class." Later Rigby is in Spanish class. "Buenos day-os! (Buenos dias) (Good morning) He is later in French Class. "Bonjuice! (Bonjour) (Hello) next he is in German, class. "Greten-tag! (Guten Tag) (Good day) later he is sitting sadly in the principal's office. "Well, Rigby, you did it. You failed all your foreign language classes. Makes me so sad seeing you walking through the halls." He slumps into his chair.

"A grown man floating around like a ghost." Principal Dean said. " Why do I even need a foreign language anyway? It's not like I'll ever use it in real life. I can get by on my street smarts. Just walking around, talking to people, talking on the street, like "Hey, how you doin'?" Rigby asked. "Just pass a foreign language somehow and graduate already!" Principal Dean covers his face. "I can't take this anymore!" He shouted. At Pops' house, Rigby is talking with his co-workers.

".. and then he just sat there crying for 10 minutes." Rigby said. "What are you gonna do?" (Y/n) asked him. The sound of a vehicle rolling up is heard, followed by Benson. "Hello, everyone." He is standing in front of a taxi, with luggage in hand and a neck pillow around his neck. "I have a very shocking announcement: I'm gonna go to China and teach English for a month!" The employees are happily surprised. "I know! They even cover my plane ticket." Benson said. "Benson, do you even know any Chinese?" (Y/n) asked.

"Uh, no. But I'm teaching English, so..." The employees mumble. "Well, everybody, have a good month, and, uh. you know what I always say," he opens the taxi door. "Adventure comes to those who seek it." The park groundskeepers wave. "He has never once said that." (Y/n) said, and Mordecai and Rigby snicker. Benson gets in and closes the door. He clicks his finger through the open window and holds the pose "Close the window." And the window closes. "So what are you gonna do about foreign language, Rigby?" Mordecai and (Y/n) notice Rigby is missing. "Rigby?!" They asked. A Chinese Airlines airplane flies in the air. "RIGBY?!" (Y/n) shouted. In the plane, Benson is sleeping. He has headphones on,

and a book open face down. The plane finally lands near the Chinese airport. A rickshaw driver is taking him down the road. A bus is driving past tall green mountains. Benson looks out the window in awe. He is then moving with the crowd in a marketplace. "Does anyone know where the school is? Uh, xue xiao! Xue xiao? At the school Benson is teaching at; various students are walking around. Benson walks to his class, another man accompanying him. "Oh, Benson. We're so excited to have foreign English teacher." He said. As Benson is walking, he is wearing a shirt that says 'I ♥️ China'. "Thanks so much, Principal Zang. Ghang?" Benson asked. "Zhang!" He corrected. "Oh. I'm really sorry about my outfit. The airline lost my luggage." Benson said.

Principal Zhang laughs. "Uh, no. It's a good shirt." They walk up to the door of Benson's class. "So, do I get reimbursed for my ticket now, or..." Benson asked. "Ah, you only get plane ticket if your kids impress at the big English performance at the end of the semester. There's a huge assembly, the whole school's watching!" Principal Zhang said. Benson laughs. "Seriously?" He asked. "Principal Zhang chuckles. "Yes very funny. But it's very serious. Well step to the boat and you'll be fine!" He pushes Benson into the classroom and the students laugh.

"Uhh... Hello?" Benson asked. "Hi!" The students said. "All right. Well, uh... my name is Benson Dunwoody." He writes his name on the chalkboard. "You can call me Benson or Mr Benson. I was told you all have English names so we'll start with the class list. Kobe?" Benson asked. "Present." Kobe said. "Lebron?" Benson asked. "Present." They said. "Apple?" Benson asked. "Present." She said. "Rigby?" Benson asked. "Yeah-yuh!" He sees Rigby which made Benson surprised, and Benson takes him outside.  "Rigby, what are you doing here?" Benson demanded. "I need a foreign language class. You're teaching a foreign language class. It's really the most convenient option." Rigby said. "How did you even get here?" Benson asked.


Back at the airplane, a man is going to pick up the suitcase when suddenly Rigby pops out and gasps for air. "I'll give you all this stuff if you take me to this school." He said. "Ok." The man said.


"Rigby, go home now!" Benson shouted. "Come on, Benson. All I need is a passing grade." Rigby said, and Benson groans. "I'll pass you if you earn it!" Benson shouted. "Nice! Up top!" Rigby holds his hand but Benson walks off, refusing and re-enters the classroom while Rigby follows to find a seat. "All right, everyone. In this class, we'll be learning how to write a formal letter. So naturally we'll start with keeping concise syntax!" Benson said. Apple raises her hand.

"Lo shi!" She shouted. "What? What are you-- What are you saying to me?" Benson asked. "Teacher! Teacher!" The other students whisper to her. Apple stammers. "Teacher Benson! Teacher!" She said. " Yes, uhh... Apple?" Benson asked. "What does "Eggscellent" mean?" She asked. "Excuse me?" Benson asked. Apple points to Rigby wearing his Eggscellent hat while Benson stares at Rigby who shrugs his shoulders waiting for a response. "Well, Eggscellent is more like slang. So, you know, it's not really applicable to this lesson." Benson said.

"It kind of means like "really cool,"  but with eggs." Rigby said. The class talks and giggles and Apple blushes. "Well, maybe if we have time at the end of class." Benson said. "Rigby, do you have girlfriend?" Kobe asked. "Why, yes, I do, Kobe." Rigby said. "Wow!" The students said. "How about you, Mr. Benson?" Apple asked. "Uh, well, I'm... not really officially seeing anyone right now." Benson said.

"Wha?" Everyone asked. "Do you want one?" Kobe asked. "I don't. Uh... no. It's not... it's not really relevant." Benson said. "Rigby, how many hot dogs can you eat?" Apple asked. "Five. Three, with buns." He replied. " Wow! Me too! You're pretty Eggscellent, Rigby." Apple said. "Hm-hm-hm." The duo said, and Benson sighs. "Well, if we could just -" the school bell rings. "Huh?" Everyone leaves the class. "Oh, it's the bell. Uh, remember to read your books for tomorrow, everybody." Benson watches Rigby leave the class with another student. "Hmm."

In a forbidden city, Benson sees Rigby with Koby and Apple. Benson hangs up his clothes in his current accommodation when suddenly the wind blows them off. While Rigby is teaching Apple tricks, he notices Benson's clothes on the ground. After getting a glimpse of Rigby, Benson shuts the window. Back in school, Benson is writing on the chalkboard and stops after noticing Rigby and Apple fist bumping. Benson crosses the road on bricks in the rain. Water splashes on Benson after a car drives past. Benson then sees Rigby, Apple and Kobe in a restaurant listening to music. At school, Benson is writing on the board. "And so, like the book says, similar to the essay form we summarize in paragraph thr-" He sees Lebron typing on his phone. "LEBRON, I TOLD YOU TO PUT THAT PHONE AWAY!!" He shouted.

"OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" All the students said. "Stop talking!" Lebron shouted. "Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm." Apple said. "Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm-Hmm." The other students said. Benson groans. "This is not English! This is not what you're supposed to be learning!" He shouted. "But why not? It seems very useful." Kobe said. "Yeah, we want street smarts." Apple said. "'Cause it's not in the book. It's just a bunch of junk Rigby says and he's failing the class. NOW QUIT MESSING AROUND OR YOU'RE EXPELLED!!" Benson shouted. "OOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The students shouted. Later Benson groans and walks. He eventually bumps into Principal Zhang.

Principal Zhang laughs. "Benson. Big performance tomorrow! Is very great! Your great teacher." He laughs. "You really earn plane ticket huh?" He laughs again. Benson laughs. "I hope so, otherwise I'll be trapped in China forever." He said. "Very funny but very serious." Principal Zhang walks away. Benson groans. Later Benson is eating at a Chinese restaurant. "Hello." The waiter said. "Yes, uh... I'll have um..." Benson looks at the menu and sees that the writing is all in Mandarin. "Well, you don't really have any pictures so... I guess I'll have this one!" Benson points to one of the items on the menu. "That is like blood cut and stomach! Maybe you don't like it." The waiter said. "Just give it to me! I'm supposed to be having an adventure in China, right?" Benson asked. "Ok-ok!" The waiter takes the menu and Benson sees Rigby and Apple out the window. "Benson! Hi I can see you!" Rigby said. "Yes, yes, I see you!" Rigby said.

"I'm gonna come inside. Ok?" Rigby asked. "No, don't come inside!" Benson groans after Rigby and Apple come into the restaurant. "Hey, Benson." Rigby said. "Teacher Benson. Sup, dude. What food did you order?" Apple asked. "I ordered the traditional mow shooey wang." Benson said. "Apple: Shén me?" Apple laughs. "That's what my grandparents eat." She said.

"Shouldn't you two be studying? I'd really like to be alone right now." Benson said. "Oh. My bad. I catch you outside, Rigby." Apple leaves. Rigby sits down on a seat across from Benson. "So, Benson, you seemed stressed!" He said. Benson sighs. "The school assembly is tomorrow and if you haven't learned anything, we won't get the plane ticket home." He said. "Benson, come on! You gotta relax. Life tends to work out." Rigby leans back. "You just gotta learn to coast. That's what I'm doing and I'm having a great time." He said.

"No! Rigby, don't you see? If you don't study, you're gonna fail and you'll never turn into someone better. You're making the same mistakes as back home." Benson stands up. "Do you really want to have flown half way around the world only to find out you're always gonna be the same no matter where you go?" The waiter gives Benson his food and Benson sits back down. "Ok. Well, uh... I'm gonna let you eat your food! I'll see you at the performance tomorrow." Rigby gets up and leaves.

"What's wrong with teacher?" Apple asked. "Apple do you know what pulling an all nighter is?" Apple shakes her head no. "Let's go!" Apple and Rigby leave. Back at school, there's a banner saying ENGLISH PERFORMANCE. "Up and next we have Class 7!" A voice over the P.A said. "Benson, where is your class?" Principal Zhang asked, and Benson sighs. "Look Mr. Zhang! I'm really sorry but-" The lights go out. "Yo, we about to showcase English up in this joint!" Rigby said.

(Song: Dear Benson)

Kobe: Dear Benson, here's a letter we begin with my bad

Students: My bad! We like to keep it formal. But livin' in the modern world has freshened up the normal way of sayin' what we wanna say in text, e-mail and chat and we should keep it concise. That's the price to write a letter

Rigby: But whatever, s'all good

Students: Cause slang can do it better

Rigby: Yo, wassup Apple? You ready to break this thing down?!

(D-d-drop the beat)

Apple: Our history, you see, is study only for a test. No biggie, but like a music note we need a rest. Ahh, slang is a'ight. My straight up chillin' swagger's killin, street talk and it's tight

Rigby: So, dear Benson, here's a letter where within we bust out

Students: Bust out!

Rigby: Informal language livin

Apple: (Grabs Benson to the stage) Lao shi, lao-chic.

Apple and Rigby: Yo, don't be stressing tix

Apple and Kobe: We'll help you get a pu, 'Cause we know some adult chicks!

Students: Paragraph 3, it's the summarizarion. Formal has a place, but it'll face stagnation.

Kobe: Slang's got a bang.

Student: It's a little slice of heaven

Apple: So, sincerely, catch you later, and peace out

Students: We're Class 7!

The audience cheers as the lights go back on.

Principal Zhang walks up to the stage. "Ah, Benson, I've never seen such amazing display." Kobe gives Benson a bouquet of flowers. "And the vulgar slang that most Americans use!" Principal Zhang said. "Uh..." Benson said. "Mr. Benson worked very hard to teach us all facets of the English language. This performance is dedicated to Mr. Benson, to whom we owe all the credit." Apple said. "Please return next year and share more of your vulgar raps with our students." Principal Zhang said. Benson looks at Rigby. "I'd love to. Rigby, you pass. You all pass."

(At West Anderson High)

"Well, Rigby, normally leaving school for a month would be grounds for expulsion, but I want you out of here and you technically did pass a foreign language class, so, whatever. You can have your credits, you pass." Principal Dean said. "tài hǎo le! (Very good) (太好了)" Rigby said. "Only one more credit and you're out of here. You know, I admit to being a bit touched by your resolve." Principal Dean looks outside his window. "In fact, you kind of remind me of a young me." He said. Rigby runs on the football field. "I passed!" He shouted. "AAAAHH!! RIGBY-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!!!!"

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