The (Y/n) Plan

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At Olivia's house, Mordecai is heard laughing. He is having pizza and soda with Anna, Olivia, (Y/n), Margaret, Rigby and Eileen. "Wait, wait, wait. Yo, Rigby. What does this remind you of?" He pretends to sleep with his head on the pizza box he's holding. "What?" Rigby asked. "What?" Rigby asked. "Your 7th-grade science project on which pizza box makes the best pillow!" Mordecai said. "What?" Olivia asked. "Dude, I made ground-breaking discoveries with that project." Rigby said.

"Come on, Rigby. We've all done embarrassing stuff. You know, when I was a kid, I used to peel the pepperoni of a pizza and eat it separately." Margaret laughs. "Geez." She said. "Mmm, ok?" Anna asked. "That's not really that embarrassing, Margaret. I mean, if you want embarrassing, there's this manifesto (Y/n) wrote when she was younger. Wait, I think I still have it." Olivia runs to her room. Shuffling is heard. She comes back with the manifesto. "Here it is! The (Y/n) Plan." Margaret leans in to take a look, and Anna laughs. "Oh man! I forgot about this!" She said. "Oh god..." (Y/n) said. "Oh, woooow." Margaret reads.

"I, (Y/n) (L/n), do hereby swear to accomplish the following by the end of my first quarter century on planet Earth." She read. The others have gathered round. "1. Lower age of presidential eligibility to 25. 2. Achieve presidency." The six laugh. "Tell me, how's it coming with those?" Margaret asked. "Hey, I've still got time." (Y/n) defended. "Yeah, you can totally do that stuff by the time you're 44." Rigby said. "What? No, a quarter century is 25 years." Olivia said. Rigby chuckles. "Yeah, I knew that." He clears his throat and looks at the manifesto. "Number 3: Marry someone brilliant (preferably with several pants under his belt)"?" Rigby asked. "Patents." Anna corrected. "Oh, patents." He continues to read. "But just super smart is okay, too"?" Olivia, Anna, Mordecai, Eileen and Margaret laugh. Olivia clasps her paws over her eyes. "Oh, man! (Y/n) doesn't even know anyone like that, much less is married to him!" She said.

Rigby laughs nervously. "Yeah, pretty funny." He hands the manifesto to Mordecai. "Number 4: Eliminate allergic responses to peanuts." As Mordecai is reading, Rigby appears dumbfounded from what he has seen in the (Y/n) Plan. Later, Mordecai and Rigby are in their room at Pops' house. Rigby is wide awake on his trampoline bed. "Hey, Mordecai..." Mordecai is snoring fast asleep in his bed. Rigby gets out of his bed. "Hey, Mordecai..." He continues to snore. "Hey, Mordecai." He wakes up. "Ugh, what?!" He asked. "Do you think I'm dumb?" Rigby asked. "Yes." Mordecai snores back to sleep. "Ok, yeah.

I thought so. I was just checking." He gloomily walks back to his bed and sits down. Mordecai wakes up and sighs. "No, you're not dumb. I was just kidding. You'" Rigby looks back perked up. "In your own way?" He returns to his gloomy state. "Dude, where is this coming from?" Mordecai gets out of bed. "You've always been cool with being dumb." He said. "It's just... " he sighs. "The (Y/n) Plan." He shifts on his trampoline to face Mordecai. "Even if I was smart in my own way, which I'm not, I'm still not brilliant. I have zero patents or pants." Rigby said. "You're overreacting, man. (Y/n) doesn't care about that stuff anymore." Mordecai said. "But her sisters don't know I didn't graduate from high school! If I'm ever gonna be the brilliant guy of her dreams, that's the least I can do." Rigby said.

Later Rigby is at West Anderson High School in Principal Dean's office. "So let me get this straight. You, an adult, want to enroll at this school so you can get your diploma because you're currently too dumb?" He asked. "Pretty much, yeah." Rigby said. "Not a chance, Rigby. You put me through enough grief the first time you went here." Principal Dean said. "Aw, c'mon, Principal Dean! I know I screwed up in high school, but I swear I've changed!" Rigby said. Principal Dean grunts. "Fine." He reaches into the transcript cabinet. "I shouldn't do this, but..." he takes out Rigby's transcript. "Hmmm. You still need 3 classes to graduate: a science, a Phys Ed, and a language." He holds up a school electives pamphlet. "Choose one to start.

And I suggest you be realistic." He gives it to Rigby. "I will! Thanks, Principal Dean. You won't regret this!" He walks out of the office, the door knocking down the plant in the corner. Dean turns to the window. Later at the park, Mordecai and Rigby are sitting on the steps of Pops' house. "So what do you think?" Mordecai looks at the pamphlet. "Hmmm. Oh, dude. This is perfect! Intro to Geology, remember?" He asked. Rigby shrugs. "Not really." He said. "Rocks for jocks? No one ever fails?" Mordecai asked. "Oh yeah! All the athletes took it 'cause it was basically a free pass. Piece of cake. I'll do it!" Rigby said. "You're not worried about hanging out with jocks all semester?" Mordecai asked. "Nah. I'm gonna rule that place like a king!" In the geology class, the jocks are clearly playing around.

"Settle down, class. We've got a returning student with us today. Rigby, would you like to come to the front and introduce yourself?" Rigby gets out of his seat and takes it with him to the front. He then sits on it backwards. "Hey, dudes. Let me rap to you abou-" He falls flat on the chair and groans. He gets up and sits back on the chair. "Sup. I'm Rigby, but my friends call me Rigbone. You guys have actually probably heard of me, I used to go to this school." Rigby said. "Ohh, yeah. My older brother stepped on your neck in gym class. Didn't you flunk out?" Aiden asked. "" Rigby said. "Yeah, right." Jaden said. The jocks laugh. "Whatever! I only came back here to prove something to my girlfriend anyway." Rigby said. "Oh, cool. Is she a hundred-year-old dropout too?" Braeden asked, and this instantly angered Rigby. "No! She's super cool and, like, a genius!" Rigby shouted. "You're old!" Aiden said. Braeden and Jaden hi five.

"Aiden, Braeden, Jaden! Behave yourself, or you won't pass this class!" Aiden is on his phone. "Mrs. Kessler, nobody's ever failed your class." Mrs. Kesslers walks up to a layout of a mountain with a cave. "That's true. Okay, so from last week, who knows what this is called?" Rigby is waving his paw. "And remember, we ruled out "rock hole." He puts his hand down in disappointment. A football is thrown at him. Aiden and the jocks laugh at him as he tries to concentrate. At night at Pops' house, Rigby is studying. "Wow. You never studied this hard when you were actually in high school." Mordecai said. "Failure's not an option, dude. If (Y/n) wants someone brilliant, she's gonna get someone brilliant." He tosses the book he is reading aside and pulls out another. His phone rings; (Y/n) is calling. He answers it.

"Hey, (Y/n). Oooooohh. That was tonight? Aaah. Sorry, I can't. Uhhh...because... Mordecai got dumped again. That guy, right?" Rigby asked. "Dude, what the-" Rigby shushes him. "Yeah, it's real touch-and-go right now. He needs my support. We're still on for Friday, though. The big dance thing we planned for months. Gotta go. See ya!" He ends the call and sighs. "That's the third thing I had to turn down this week." He said. "Dude, just tell her the truth." Mordecai said.

"Not until I'm brilliant." Rigby said. In the geology class, Mrs. Kessler taps a rock on her desk. "You hear that?" There is silence. Rigby looks around a bit. "I heard it, Mrs. K." He said. "I'm sure everyone did, but thanks for responding, Rigby. Well, anyway, the hollow sound is how you can tell if a rock is a geode." She taps her hammer on the geode, causing it to break in half. "Look at that!" She picks up a rock half. "Gorgeous." Rigby writes "Jeode = Gorjus", then underlines it. "We'll see plenty of these on our field trip Friday night." Rigby raises his paw. "Umm.." He clears his throat. "Excuse me? What field trip?" He asked. "The Spelunking Field Trip The second requirement for this class?" Mrs. Kessler asked.

"Um, what's the first?" Rigby asked. "The big test that everyone passes? So basically, all you have to do is show up for the field trip and you'll pass." Mrs. Kessler said. "But I have a big date with my girlfriend that night!" Rigby said. "I'm just saying, if you wanna pass, you gotta show up to the cave." Later on Friday, a phone ringing is heard. Rigby is in his room, answering the call. "Hello." He said. (Y/n) is on the line; she is making a flag sign that says "I Like The Way You Move!" "Hey Rigby, you ready for our date tonight? The Modern Dance USA Troupe only comes through town once a year, and this year, they're letting the audience participate!" Rigby is feeling less optimistic. "Aww, this is so special. Like unprecedented,

and will never be repeated!" Rigby fake coughs. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked. "I'm not feeling so hot, (Y/n)." Rigby said. "I can bring you some lozenges." (Y/n) said. "Nah, I don't eat shellfish. I'm sorry, I think I better stay in tonight. Take care of the ol' Rig-bod. Can we reschedule for tomorrow?" Rigby asked. "Well, the dance troupe is only here one night..." Rigby coughs harder. "But, yeah. Of course. Get some rest." (Y/n) said. "Thanks, I will. See you tomorrow." He hangs up and groans in frustration. Later he is on the field trip. "You sure you can handle this, Old Man Rigby?" Aiden asked. "Yeah, it's pretty dark in there." Jaden said. Braeden taunts Rigby like a ghost. "I'll be fine. I'm friends with a caveman. Gregg." Rigby said. "Ok, okay. Gregg the Caveman." The three jocks laugh.

"Leave Rigby alone. He's just trying to get an education." Kim said. "Let's try to stay focused, huh? It's easy to fall down a cave hole, but harder to come out. Getting stuck in the cave wouldn't prevent you from passing the class, but could prevent you from being alive. Anyway, follow me." The class goes into the cave. (Y/n) knocks on Rigby's bedroom door. Mordecai answers. "Oh, hey (Y/n). Rigby's not back from his field trip to the cave yet." He said. "He's...not home sick?" She asked. "No, I think the class..." (Y/n) has an angry look on her face. "Uhh...the class of illness he has involves an addiction to caves?" (Y/n) still retains her expression. "So...he's at a cave now." He laughs weakly. "I see." (Y/n) said. "You're not buying this, are you?" Mordecai asked. "No." (Y/n) said. "Then can I have the soup?" He asked. Inside the cave, Aiden grabs a stalactite from the roof of the cave. "Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!"

He throws it far, causing it to break on the ground. Mrs. Kessler gasps. "That was 150,000 years old!" She scolded, and Aiden laughs. "Cool." He said. "Sports! Sports! Sports!" The jocks walk away. Rigby is standing with the three girls from the class; a familiar figure is standing behind the girls. "Psh. Go back to playing with your stalactites, you dumb jocks." The 3 girls laugh. "You, like, remind me of my dad. He's funny and old." Jayla said. "Oh yeah, he's so old and he's so funny." The girls walk off, and the hidden figure is none other than... Rigby gasps. "(Y/n)?!" He asked. "Rigby!" The jocks are close by at the scene. "How'd the old man land such a megababe?" Braeden asked, and (Y/n) blushes, and Rigby growls at Braeden. (Y/n)'s blush fades. "No! You know, I don't like being lied to by my boyfriend, AGAIN." (Y/n) is angrily looking at Rigby, who appears saddened.

"I missed the dance show to bring you soup!" She runs off on her own, shocking Rigby, who follows after her. "(Y/n), wait!" Rigby shouted. He is stopped by Mrs. Kessler. "Not so fast, Rigby." She said. "But I have to get my girlfriend!" Rigby shouted. "Just saying, if you wanna pass this class..." Mrs. Kessler said. "Passing doesn't matter if I don't have (Y/n)!" He runs past Mrs. Kessler and continues going after. "Hold up." He eventually loses her and he is stuck choosing between two tunnels. "(Y/n), come out and talk to me!" He shouted. "Go away, Rigby! Lying to me for weeks so you can sit around in a cave with high school kids?! You might as well just leave me here to..." (Y/n) is heard suddenly screaming, alarming Rigby. "(Y/N)!" Rigby shouted. He runs into the first tunnel. He soon spots a large hole in the ground and looks in.

"(Y/n), are you okay?! Did you fall down the rock hole?!" Rigby asked. "I'm okay..." (Y/n) said. (Y/n) is in the cave hole. "But it's pitch-black down here. I don't know how to get out." (Y/n) said. "I'm comin' down!" Rigby shouted. "Actually, it'd be better if you went to get help!" Rigby falls into the cave, and (Y/n) sighs. "(Y/n), I can explain! I was going to the hospital but I got lost!" Rigby said. "Rigby, I know you're not sick! Just tell me the truth!" Rigby sighs. "Okay. I'm not just hangin' out in a cave with teens for fun. I....I never graduated from high school." Rigby said. "Rigby, I already know that..." (Y/n) said. "But your sisters don't!" Rigby said, and she was taken aback, and he sighs again. "I just... Since the two of us are together now I want them to like me. And I was afraid of them thinking less of me since I never graduated.

This whole cave thing is just for school credits so I can graduate and get my diploma. I never cared until I saw your plan, but now all I can think about is how you're gonna be the president, and I'm just gonna be some jerk you used to date." Rigby said. "Rigby, I wrote that when I was like six years old. Surely things have changed since then. And my sisters won't care if you're a graduate or not.

As long as you make me happy, that's all that'll matter to them." (Y/n) smiles. "Yeah?" Rigby asked. "Yeah." (Y/n) said. The two stand up and bump into each other. "What are we gonna do? It's way too dark to find a way out." (Y/n) said. "Hmm. I got an idea." Rigby picks up a small rock and feels it. He then throws it aside. "No." He starts checking the ground. "Rigby, are you digging? It sounds like you're digging. You know caves are already underground, right?" As she says this, Rigby picks up another rock and identifies it.

"A-ha!" He gives it to (Y/n). "Here!" He said. "It's pointy. What is it?" He walks ahead. "It's a quartz! Now I just need-" He grunts as he bumps into a stalactite. It breaks and falls on his head. He picks it up. "Pentlandite!" Rigby ignites the quartz and pentlandite together in front of (Y/n). A flame is lit on a larger rock in a few seconds. "A-ha! It worked! Still not enough light." He runs out of the light for a moment. He comes back with another small rock. "What now?" (Y/n) asked.

"Shhh, Listen." He hits the small rock against the big one. It makes a hollow sound. "It's hollow." (Y/n) said. "Uh-huh. And check this out." He hit it again, causing it to brak in half. He gives one half to (Y/n). "Ooh! Purple geode with jasper banding. Classy." She said. "Thanks." Rigby places his half near the fire. "Now if we go!" The light from the fire shines into the particles of the geode, and a bright purple light shines through the whole cave. "Wow. It's..." (Y/n) said.

"Gorgeous." Rigby said. "Rigby, look!" (Y/n) point to the cave's exit. "Rigby, that was pretty amazing." She said. "Yeah, I like this feeling. You know, even if I might never be brilliant, I still wanna get my diploma. For you, and for me." Rigby said. "I respect that." Rigby smiles and then walks (Y/n) hand in hand to the exit. "Um, hey (Y/n)?" Rigby asked. "Yeah?" She asked. "Can I try something when we're walking out?" Rigby asked.

"Mmm, ok." Mrs. Kessler and her class are waiting outside the cave. "Well, they're dead for sure. Oh, the principal's gonna have my head for this." Aiden turns to the exit. "Look!" He said." Rigby appears out of the cave, carrying (Y/n). "Yeah-yuh!" The girls come over to see this. The two run off as the class watches. "I know everyone passes this class, but Rigby just aced it." Rigby continues walking off. "I get to carry you next time." (Y/n) said. "Deal." Rigby said.

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