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    Hey there! I'm Gwen, and I live in the forests in the mountains around my home. I'm pretty ordinary; I go to school, chill with friends, and I am the leader of my pack. Yes, I said "pack". I am a Wolfblood, and I have been the leader of it ever since my parents died while fighting with a rival pack five years ago.

    Ever since that has happened, I have led this pack with the same knowledge that my parents and their parents used to lead with. I always check with the elders of the pack to make sure that I am doing what is best for the pack, and that has made all of the difference over the years.

    Since I am the leader of the pack, I go to school. I know, weird right? What sane Wolfblood goes to school just because they're a leader? And by CHOICE?! But I go so that I can keep up with the humans and their advances, and I also get to keep an eye out for anyone who starts suspecting something from me or the forest.

    At school, I have two friends, and there are about four hundred people in my grade ALONE! Their names are Nina Fox and "Buddy" Jones. Buddy's name is actually Sally, but she prefers Buddy. They are my closest and only friends, because the rest of the grade thinks as us as "weirdos" or "outcasts". I get bullied by the more popular kids in my grade because of this, but, it's hard to worry about anything those kids are saying when I have an entire pack to worry about at home.

    But who leads the pack while I am out for over seven hours everyday? Well, that would be my boyfriend, for whom I'm betrothed to, Mike Warren. Mike is my age, and he is one of the bravest and strongest of the pack. When we were born, my parents picked the best of the best for me to be married to when we are old enough, and that happened to be Mike. Mike is always super sweet to me, and is always willing to help out around the pack if I need to go somewhere. He also leaves flowers on my nightstand for when I wake up, and sometimes I'll find little love notes in my binder when I show up for school!

Even though Mike is the sweetest and best husband any Wolfblood could ever hope for, there is one problem. And it's name is Lucas Daniels. He is the captain of the basketball team at my school, and he's got everything. He's kind, sweet, intelligent, sporty, and even plays a bit of music on his guitar. Even though I am that nerdy geeky outcast, I still envision myself with him. Except there are two problems with that. One, I'm betrothed already, and two, he's popular, and he probably hasn't even noticed me before! But, that can't stop my thoughts.....

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