Social Studies Project

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    I walked into my last period of the day, Social Studies with Ms. Lewis. I was excited for this class because we were supposed to start our projects on a foreign country, and I was interested in how it worked. This time, we were working on European countries, after working on Asian ones last term.

    I took my usual seat in the very middle of the first row. I could see the teacher and the board perfectly, which is also part of the reason I'm bullied. Everyone thinks I'm a nerd, which I am, but I think that's awesome! My friend Nina sat right behind me, and Buddy sat right next to me. Nina was always more popular, so she tried to not sit in the very front. But Buddy and I, we didn't care, and that's one thing I like about her. How neither of us cared, so we were crazy without being judge mental. Anyways, Ms. Lewis came up to the front and started talking.

    "Class, today we will begin our projects on a European country of MY choice. Also, since many of you have only been picking your friends, I will also be picking your partners." That sentence made my heart drop. We can't pick our partners? I always worked with Buddy, and Nina would end up working with Lucas. If my luck keeps working like it normally does, I'll end up being his partner....

    "I will now tell you your partners and country. Buddy and Nina, you will be working on Italy," Ms. Lewis announced. I started feeling sick. My two friends were partnered up, yay me! She kept going through the list, and the class was filled with a mix of frustrated groans and happy cheers. Finally, she got to the end of her list, and there was only myself left, and one other person. Wait, the only person's name I haven't heard is.....

    "Gwen, you will be working with Lucas on France," Ms. Lewis finished her list. My heart dropped into my stomach. Of course I got him! And France of all countries?! I have nothing against France, but it has Paris in it, which is the city of love! How can I talk about the city of love, which of course will have to be mentioned in the presentation, with my huge crush who isn't at ALL into me?! I turned around and found him sitting diagonally across from me. He was smiling brightly at me, but the most I could return was a timid smile. I turned back around and sighed, focusing on Ms. Lewis to give us the instructions to start working.

    "Well, you all know your partners. Get started. This is all due Monday, and today is Friday. I expect you guys to meet up over the weekend and do it, so chop chop," she said, and groups started getting up to go get laptops from the cart. I started packing up my binder and getting out note sheets and a pencil when I felt two laptops being placed on the desk....

Well, hopefully you guys are liking this story! Please leave comments if you think there's anything I can do to make it better. Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes, this is my first story after all. Please no hate guys (even though only like one person is gonna read this. You know who you are Buddy.)

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