Working Together

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    I looked up and met Lucas' green eyes staring into my own. "Hey!" He greeted me. "Hi..." I replied nervously. He pulled up a chair to my desk and handed me a laptop. "Well, what do you want to do first?" He asked me kindly, which soothed me a bit. "Well, do you want to start working on our PowerPoint and I'll start looking up facts?" I asked him kind of quietly. He nodded and started setting it up and adding designs as well as the titles for our slides.

    I looked at the paper that Ms. Lewis had given us with questions that we needed to answer for our PowerPoint. I found the answers, and Lucas joined in not too long after he had started on the PowerPoint to help me. I actually managed to keep in a conversation with him without getting too nervous to even speak, surprisingly! We started sharing our own stories, like the time his cousin peed on the Eiffel Tower (which he explained to me that he meant the bathroom on it, not the tower itself) and like the time I took a vacation to France and ended up going up there with my cousins when some random guy turned around and kissed me! We had a good laugh throughout, and he managed to keep up pace with me even while we were joking, which not many can do since I work such fast paced. What with always rushing around at home, it's how I've had to roll for the last few years. As he was telling me another story about his vacation with his cousins, I heard the dreaded voice of Ms. Lewis ring through the classroom.

    "Class, you have five minutes until class is over. Put your laptops back and get ready to leave." She instructed us. I followed Lucas to the computer rack to put away our laptops and sat back down at our seats. When he sat down, Lucas suddenly seemed very nervous.

    "Gwen, I know we have this project and it's due Monday, and she said she wants us to meet up over the weekend, so would you maybe like to stay for the weekend or just part of it at my house? It shouldn't take long, we only have a few more questions and everything...." He rambled on. I was shocked, was he actually nervous to ask me that? I blushed a bit, but thought about the pack. An entire weekend? I didn't mind it, but the pack might...

    "I would love to, but let me check with my parents when I get home." I told him. He smiled a bit more. "Well, can I give you my number so you can call me with your answer?" He asked. I giggled a bit. "Sure." I said. He ripped a small piece of paper out and wrote his number down quickly on it before the bell rang to dismiss us. I walked to my locker and got all my stuff before heading out to the bus.

    I rode the bus until we came in front of an old, vacant house outside of the forest that everyone thought was my home. I used that address for signing into the school so that I could get dropped off really close to the forest without giving away the fact that I was from the forest. I walked up to the house and sat on the front step, taking out my homework and doing it quickly (where would I be without wolf speed) until the bus disappeared and I was out of sight from all of the prying eyes. Then, I put my stuff away and pelted into the forest so I could ask Mike about this weekend.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far! Sorry this chapter wasn't super exciting, but it will get better! Thank you for everyone reading this and if you think there should be something that happens or a thing I can fix, let me know! Also, I do requests for a LOT of different fandoms/characters, so if you have a request you can ask me for some!

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