Lucas' House

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    His house had actually been a short distance away from the forest that I resided in. It was only a few blocks away, and for someone who could run faster than one of the popular girls at school could send a text message, that would have been like running two steps and reaching your destination.

    Once I got close to his house, I slowed down, still trying to keep a somewhat low key profile. I walked up to the front door and knocked. It wasn't long before he answered it.

    "Hey," he greeted me with a warm smile. "My parents won't be here for a few hours," he said, seeming relieved by their absence. Maybe he was embarrassed by them, or worried about how they would react once they saw me, especially since I rock a pretty gothic look.. But hey, darker clothes mean that if I get a little mud on them, it'll slowly fade away.

    "Okay," I replied shyly. I was glad about his parents not being there, because it was awkward enough with just Lucas standing there, and I knew him! Just think of adding two more people who I didn't know! I winced at the thought.

    I got nervous as I walked inside. He must have noticed, because he jokingly said "Don't worry, we don't bite." He smiled a really cute lopsided grim, which I had never seen at school. I smiled back at him. If only he knew that I did bite.

    "Here, let me show you to your room," he said, leading me down a long, narrow hallway to a small room. I walked in, and took in the beautiful sight.

    The walls were painted a beautiful light purple, and there was a painting of a small, pink flower hanging above the bed that went alone with the blue and purple flowers on the bed sheet. And in the corner, there was a dresser with a small, white box tv on one of the shelves.

    "I hope it's not too small, it was my sister's old room," Lucas said sheepishly, embarrassed that he didn't have a bigger room to offer his new guest.

    "No, it's the perfect size. It's about the size of my room back home!" I replied, a huge grin on my face as I admired the room.

    "Well, I'm glad you like it," he smiled, relaxing now that the awkward part was out of the way. Well, except for meeting his parents. While I thought about that, I put my duffle bag on the bed, and followed him out of the room.

    He then led me to his kitchen. "So, what do you like to do for fun?" he asked me as he jumped onto the counter.

    "Ice skate," I replied. I once went ice skating with Sarah and Erica at one of Sarah's birthday parties, one of the few occasions that guaranteed me a ticket out of the forest. Not that I mind my responsibilities there or anything. I had turned out to be much better than I had anticipated, what with my grace, and I had a lot of fun.

    This was one of the few memories I could use when asked a question like Lucas', and I normally reused this answer again and again. I never get out much, so it's all I got.

    "What do you do for fun?" I asked him.

    "Well, I play football with my family," he said.

    "Nice," I complimented. I walked over to his fridge, where there was a huge collection of family pictured. There was one picture of a little boy, who was missing both front teeth, eating ice cream outside of Dairy Queen while sitting on his mom's lap. I took it off of the fridge and examined it, and on the back, is said 'Lucas Daniels, age 5'.

    "Is this you?" I asked him teasingly, nodding to the picture in my hand.

    "No," he said, his face reddening from the blush that was creeping up his face.

    "Aww, it is you!" I teased him.

    "Please don't tell anyone about this," he pleaded.

    "Hm... I don't know..." I continued to tease him. He had the most adorable blush. But suddenly, his eyes lit up mischievously and an impish smile spread over his face.

    "If you don't promise me that you won't tell anyone about this photo, I'll be forced to tickle you," he threatened, humored by the idea.

    "Hm... I think I'm still going to tell some people...." I taunted him playfully. He didn't reply; He just grabbed my wrist, pulled me into his living room, and threw me on his soft, dark brown couch. I landed with my hands under my bottom, which was a huge mistake, because he sat on my lap. I tried to get my hands free, but it was impossible. I only had my wolf senses and speed in my human form, not my strength. My hands were completely stuck, and he weighed too much for me to buck off.

    "Please don't tickle me..." I begged softly. I was hardly ever tickled at home; wolves don't tickle each other very often. Though, Sarah, Erica, and even Mike would poke my sides, and it was torturous! They are so sensitive, and I couldn't stand it for a second! But then, I could at least run away from my attackers, but here, I can't. I can't imagine being trapped and forces to endure this torture for a long time.

    "Are you going to tell people about this picture?" Lucas asked.

    "Why shouldn't I?" I asked with a head tilt. I was genuinely confused; it wasn't a bad picture or anything, and he was really cute as a child. Although, he thought my response as a challenge instead of a questioning of his motives, because instead of replying, he grabbed my sides.

    "NOOOOO! PLEASE! HAHAHA STOP! NOHAHAHAT THE SIDES!!!" I squeals. He then quickly took his nails and dragged them up and down my stomach. It wasn't as bad as the sides, but it was close. I calmed down enough to just giggle.

    "Please. haha. No more," I was smiling, despite my wanting for it to end, and it had only been a few seconds. He paused everything.

    "Are you going to tell people?" he asked again.

    "Well--" I was cut off from him grabbing my sides once again. He knew how badly that seemed to torture me, and he was going to exploit that as much as he could.


    "Oh, does that tickle?" he teased me.

    "YEHEHEHESS! PLEASE HAHAHA STOHAHAHAP!" I started thrashing, but it wasn't enough to buck him off. I guess being the captain of the basketball team helped you build some muscle.

    "Hm... Two simple words," he smiled deviously at me. He pinched my sides even more furiously, producing more squeals and begs.

    "PLEASE! HAHAHA I PROHAHAHAMISE." I squealed loudly, doing everything in my power to get his hands away.

    "What was that? I'm sorry, I can't understand you." he taunted as he smirked down at me. He dug both of his index fingers into my hip bones and I lost it.

    "NOHOHOHO! NOHOHOT THERE!" I begged, "MERCY! HAHAHAHA!" I was then encased in a fit of laughter. I couldn't say anything; laughter was the only sound that came out.

    "Oooh, that's a pretty sweet spot, isn't it? Well, I may have fun here for a while..." he trailed off deviously. The thought of being tickled like that for much longer terrified me. The only way to stop him was to say 'I promise', and he was tickling me so bad that that wouldn't happen any time soon.

    "LUCAS!" I screamed loudly, when I finally got a break in the laughter. He quickly stopped.

    "Do you promise?" he asked.

    "Yes, I promise," I said as I panted heavily, trying to recover all of the breath I had lost.

    "You know what will happen if you break this promise," he warned. To demonstrate, he fug into my hips, sending my into a fit of laughter once again. Once he was finished, he stood off of me, and I moved to defend my most ticklish spots. I sat curled up in a ball, my arms wrapped around my legs, and my biceps over my sides.

    "Relax, it's over." he soothed as he noticed how scared I was as he took a seat next to me. Then, the front door opened.
Sorry for not updating as much on this story, but with school, I have had barely any time to work on ANY stories at all. Please let me know if you have any tips that would make this story better or any ideas that you might like to see in it~


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