Cycle 3

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Yes, I realise this was supposed to come out yesterday. And I'm sorry if you don't like it, or are mad at me. I just hated the idea of Steven always having to write in things, no now he has a little bit of help with that! Enjoy!



    I woke up to the sound of something dripping. I opened my eyes, seeing a black substance leaking from the ceiling. It was almost pitch-black in the room, so it could have been anything. I sat up, wanting to get a better look at my surroundings.


    I screamed. Well, as much of a scream as a mute person can scream, that is. What is happening? I turned my hand into a sharp object and cut my rope. I saw a puddle of ink, and just dropped into it. I didn’t hear the voices, and I didn’t have to struggle to hold myself together. I just picked a random time to hop out of a random puddle, and found myself face to face with Alice. 

    She jumped back, surprised. I saw Buddy unconscious on a nearby table, unharmed. I looked back to Alice, and put my inky arm on her shoulder. Instead of controlling her, I sent wave after wave of unbearable pain through her, channeling my anger. She crumpled to her knees, and started screaming. Layer after layer of ink fell from her, until she was a squirming, inky, shapeless slug. The slug tried to get away, but I just picked it up with my inky hand. I looked at it, and heard the faintest of whispers. “Please, have mercy.” 

    I just looked at the slug, and pushed one thought into its mind. “What would you know of mercy?” And then I squished it. Well, more like I absorbed it somehow. Welp, I can’t see any repercussions for this. She’s gone. 

    WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?! I fell to the ground, Alice’s voice pounding in my head. I looked at Buddy. He was awake and looking at me. I saw a lump of my ink crawling down my arm, and onto the floor.

    It sat there, wiggling, until it started to form a shape. It formed a body, arms, legs, even a head with little horns and a ring. I realised what was happening.

    A perfect miniature Alice Angel creation sat where there had been only an inky blob. 

    She tried to stand up, but then fell again. She tried this a couple more times, then just gave up. I picked her up, and sat her on my shoulder. I heard Buddy trying to get out of his restraints. I walked over, made a sharp object, then cut the restraints. 

    Buddy sat up, and looked around the room. Henry would probably be on the tracks right about now.

    Where do I go to find the Mansion room...? I thought.

    “It’s right outside that door, idiot.” Alice said, pointing to a door behind me.

    Wait, how did she hear me? I turned to look at her for a moment. She sat there, kicking her legs back and forth. She seemed like she was quickly getting used to this rather quickly. Almost seemed to like it.

    She started to look impatient. “Well, are we going or not?”

    I beckoned at Buddy to follow, and off we went through the door. 

Henry came through the doors, and we were sitting on a couch. He jumped out of the car, and ran for Buddy. He looked him over to make sure he was okay. Then he turned towards me.

“Have we met before?” he asked. Wait, he recognised me? Hold up…

“His name’s Steven. He can’t talk, so I’ve decided to help him communicate. Easier than writing everything…” Alice piped up on my shoulder. The heck? This is the weirdest cycle yet…

Allison and Tom arrived not too long after that. They brought us to their safehouse, and decided not to lock Henry in the makeshift cage. They talked for a couple of days, while I just sat in the corner, waiting. 

The day before the Ink Demon usually arrives was tomorrow, and when everyone else slept, Alice and I left for the giant Ink Machine. Everytime it reset, Henry did something. Something involving Beast Bendy and that film reel.

Alice sat on my shoulder as we crossed the ink river. I figured out that sense I technically created her, then she could hear my thoughts. She then transmitted that thought by speaking it for others to hear. Pretty cool, huh? Wait, what was I doing? Right!

When we reached the town, I ran over to the door covered in chains. I easily knocked it off with a well placed bit of Harmful Ink-tent (I’ve decided to name my abilities!) It dissolved within seconds! Why does this excite me? I don’t know. I stepped on the board, and started to fall. Alice started screaming in fear. Oh right...she hasn’t ever experienced this before...welp, I’m just gonna say karma. 

We landed with a slight splash sound. Alice looked like she was trying to swim to the other side, while I just walked over. I picked her up, and walked to the film vault. I made the pipes, walked through, and opened the box. Nothing. So I continued on, onto the giant Ink Machine. I walked through the ink, Alice making noises of disgust. 

I wound up in front of that weird throne, the one Henry was standing next to at the end of the first cycle. There was something sitting in it, but I couldn’t quite see it. It was too dark. As I got closer, I heard sounds of breathing. Shallow, wet breathing. Almost sounded like something...was...snoring. I felt a sense of dread as I got closer to the throne. The snoring was definitely getting louder. When I was right in front of the throne, I realised what was in front of me. The Ink Demon was sleeping, holding the film reel. What the fu-

“Hey, Steven, why are we standing in front of the Ink Demon?!?!” Alice whisper-shouted. I shrugged. Maybe I could take the reel from him while he slept? 

I ran through the halls searching for a Little Miracles station. What happened? I managed to get the film reel, but Alice sneezed from the dust on it. The Ink Demon shot up, growling. Alice screamed, and we started running. 

I still had the reel under my arm, and was running out of hallway. I spotted an ink puddle, and jumped into it. Alice seemed to be freaking out, so I decided not to stay long. I quickly thought about the throne room, and went there. Well, close enough. I wound up on the little shore that Alice and Tom always stayed behind at. Guess who was there now? Alice, Tom, Henry, and Buddy all jumped at my falling from the ceiling.

“Ow…” Alice said from right next to me. I stood up, dusted myself off, picked up Alice, and set her back on my shoulder. I picked up the film reel, and started walking back to the throne room.

Allison looked like she was about to protest, but by the time she got a couple words out, I was already waist-deep in the ink, walking onwards towards my goal. I heard Henry talking to Allison, and started going faster. I was sure Henry was the cause of this, I was sure of it! This never-ending cycle never started until Henry arrived in the studio. And it always restarted when he killed Bendy. 

This time, when I arrived at the throne, I wasted no time in putting the reel into the projector. I heard footsteps from outside, and saw Bendy start to shuffle into the room. As soon as he was hit by the first bit of light from the TV screens, he screeched in pain. 

He kept going, layers of ink dissolving from his body. By the time he reached me, he was barely even half my height. He went to grab me, then stopped, dissolving into a ray of light.

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