Cycle 4

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I’m not even surprised at this point. Why won’t this END?!?!?! I just want things to go back to normal…

    I sat there for a bit, deciding what to do. I remembered what Alice had at one point, the tommy gun. Now what does a tommy gun usually symbolise? A mafia. So, what was I gonna do? Well, if these cycles won’t end, then I might as well have some fun.

    I ran to the room with the Lost Ones, and decided to choose another subject. The Lost Ones aren’t exactly very...threatening, now are they?

    So I wandered around the studio, and eventually found a room full of Searchers and Butcher Gang members. I ran by, leaving bits of my ink on them to take control of them. What was I gonna do? I was gonna torture Alice as much as I can during these cycles.

    I remembered the little Alice that was with me last cycle. Just as I started to think of her, a little blob of ink fell to the ground from my arm. Huh. Guess it wasn’t just for that one cycle.

    “Took ya long enough! Do you know how suffocating it is to sit in your arm?”

    Nice to see you too, Alice. I picked her up, sat her on my shoulder, and she got a nice look around. 

    “What’s with these guys?”

    I grinned widely, happy to tell her my idea.

    This is my Ink Mafia!

    “Why the hell are you making a mafia?”

    I shrugged. If this cycle won’t end, might as well have some fun, right?

    I stood there before my army, thinking they were missing something. I know! I ran around, giving them little hats. I stood back, admiring my work. Each and every one of them had a hat on them (even little Alice). I made a hat for me, put it on, and made the tommy gun.

    “Let’s go torture an angel!” Alice screamed, despite being made from a previous version of the Alice we were about to go annoy/torture.

    When we arrived, just outside of the entrance to Alice’s home, I heard her talking on the loudspeakers.

    “Those inky abominations wander my halls. They're trying to take me back, back to the ink! Kill them, kill them all!” ALice screamed at the top of her lungs. We walked around the corner, and saw Henry. He had nothing but the Gent pipe, and looked almost scared and...confused? He was probably wondering why we all had hats on.

    We walked right past him, and straight up to Alice’s door. Henry quickly recovered from his shock and started attacking my Searchers with the pipe. I turned around and shot him twice in the knee, and made a rope to tie him up. When we had him tied up nice and tight, I sent a mental message to my Searchers to start busting down the door. 

    A few short minutes later, the Searchers had busted through the door. We walked down through the hallway, into Alice’s room, where she sat behind the glass. She seemed confident in the strength of her glass, but confused at the sight of all the Searchers and Butcher Gang wearing hats. When I stepped out with a tommy gun, she seemed to grow a bit more nervous. 

    I pointed the tommy gun at the glass, and Little Alice decided to say something.

    “Whaddya think of our Ink Mafia, Alice?”

    Alice calling out Alice...yeah, this is weird.

    Isn’t your name Alice, though?

    “Shut up, Steven! I’m trying to be cool!”

    But the way you did it, an Alice calling out Alice, was just weird.

    “Yeah, well I didn’t ask you, now did I?”

    Sass alert!

    “Oh, shut up…”

    Twisted Alice (yes, that’s what I’m gonna call her, since I now know three Alice’s) looked at Little Alice in amusement.

    “Aww, Steven, you got yourself a little pet. How cute.”

    Little Alice didn’t like this at all.


    “What’s that? I can’t hear you. This glass is soundproof. I can only hear you if I turn on the microphones. You’re only able to hear me because of my speakers, which are always on.”

    Always on? Yeah, I’m gonna call bullcrap on that. 

    Twisted Alice stood there, Wally’s body sitting on her table. I smiled, a twisted, sadistic smile. The Searchers started beating on the glass, the Pipers joining in with their wrenches. Twisted Alice seemed confident that her glass would hold. Then the cracks started.

    They started in the corner, spreading out into the rest of the glass. When the cracks became more prominent, she started to look worried. Right before the glass was gonna break, I made them stop. Alice seemed relieved, even if her glass only needed to be blown on to break.

I walked out from the group, stopping once I reached the glass. I put my inky hand out to a Searcher, and it walked into my hand. It started to convulse, then exploded into a puddle of ink. But it wasn’t done yet. 

The puddle started to reach up to me, and I lowered my arm to it. It crawled over my inky arm, and then over me. Most of my body became covered in ink, except for my smile. I could still see, but it wasn’t from my own eyes. It was from the eye of every Searcher and Butcher Gang member in the room. All those creatures under my control. Little Alice remained untouched by the ink, but she looked a bit more sinister somehow. 

Twisted Alice stared in horror at me, and I made every Searcher and Butcher Gang turn to stare back. I pulled my fist back, and swung it at the window. 

It shattered, and Twisted Alice screamed. I grabbed her, and brought her out into the main room where we had Henry tied up. I continued on, heading for the ink waterfall. I knew Alice’s worst fear: ink. She’s terrified of the stuff. She was hyperventilating just being close to me. 

I thought about what had happened. I didn’t know I could do that, yet I did. Like it was instinctual. I walked over to the ink waterfall (inkfall?) and held Alice over it. When she realised what I was about to do, it was too late. I dropped her in, and watched her dissolve {A.N.: It doesn’t really say what happens to Cartoon/Inky Abominations when they touch ink, but Allison kinda implied that they would dissolve and become one with the ink. Didn’t she?} 

Welp, that’s one thing taken care of. I started to shed the extra ink, when I realised something...I didn’t know how. I tried tearing it off my body, willing it to get off, but nothing worked. I started panicking. And what happens when I panic? Any objects I make with my ink disappear and come back to me. I heard Henry run for the elevator, and started going up. 

Would it restart if Henry made it out? What would happen to this world? I didn’t know, but I couldn’t let him make it out. All of the Searchers and Butcher Gang exploded into ink, which crawled around my body. The vast amounts of ink made me...different. Now, instead of the Searchers and Butcher Gang, Little Alice was my eyes. I charged at the elevator shaft, leaping and latching onto the wall. 

I climbed upward, intent on stopping Henry from reaching the top. He already had a head start. I climbed, and I climbed, and I climbed. As soon as I saw the elevator, I jumped upwards, latching onto the bottom of it. It shook, and I think Henry knew something was happening. I plunged my “hand” through the bottom of the elevator. 

Little Alice was laughing maniacally, while I just tore up the elevator. Henry tried hitting me with his pipe, which didn’t really do much, except get the pipe stuck in my ink. Eventually, the elevator broke, and came falling down to the ground. I jumped right before it hit the ground, and Henry and Buddy were in a similar position to when Alice crashed the elevator the first time.

I left, confident that Henry wouldn’t be able to mess things up this time. After all, I left him Buddy, didn’t I?

Apparently, Buddy died in the crash. So now Henry’s looking for me, or rather, the monster that destroyed the elevator. Because that’s all he saw. A monster. He didn’t see me do it, only the monster I became in that moment. And the problem? I still look like that.

I kept having to duck behind corners, because I heard Henry coming around the end of the hall. Eventually, I got cornered and ran into the carnival. Desperate, I found an inky puddle and jumped into it.

When I jumped out at the village, I felt...smaller. I could also see more than I could through Little Alice’s eyes. When I looked down at myself, I realised that the ink puddle had somehow peeled away the extra layers of ink from my body. Now I looked how I normally did, with only my inky limbs, not a whole inky body.

I looked around and saw a light coming from the tunnel. A boat was coming to the village. I ducked down into the shadows, and saw Allison and Tom getting off the boat, alone. Henry must still be on his way. I looked around, looking for a place to hide.

When the Searchers and Lost Ones attacked, I lured most of them into the shadows. Taking control of them, I snuck past the others, into the little wood bridge tunnel. When it was supposed to break, I made a rope and had them climb down it. Well, I tried. They mostly just fell and got back up. I wound up being the one to use the rope, mostly because I liked having a spine (do I have a spine? Or was it replaced with ink?). 

I brought them through the Film Vault, and onto the platform before the Giant Ink Machine where Allison and Tom usually stayed. I sat there waiting, Little Alice sleeping on my shoulder. Eventually, I heard Allison and Tom coming around the corner. Henry had to be with them.

When they rounded the corner, they didn't see me at first. Not that I expected them to. After all, I was in the shadows. I nudged Little Alice, waking her up. 

“Noo...I’m not ready to be awake...come back in five hours…”

Allison and Tom turned to look at me and the Lost Ones. I just sat there, while the Lost Ones stood looking at them, their eyes glowing blue. 

Allison was about to say something, when Henry walked out. He turned, saw me, and I saw a look of hatred.

“You! I’m going to kill you, you son of a bit-”

“Hey, you don’t get to talk to him that way! He’s the reason you’re alive, after all.” Little Alice said from my shoulder, now fully awake. 

Henry just glared at her. “He’s the reason Buddy is dead! If he’d shown up like he usually did, or at the very least didn’t tie me up and let me finish Alice’s tasks, then he would have lived! He would have survived Alice’s torture, just like last time!”

So, he’s starting to remember. I started to write on the wall.

“So, now you start to remember. Where was that memory two cycles ago?”

Allison and Tom looked confused. Henry turned to talk to them.

“Could we have a moment alone, please?”

Allison looked like she wanted to object, but Tom grabbed her shoulder and nodded towards the door they came from.

Henry turned back to me. “I remember bits and pieces from the last ‘cycle’, as you call it. How many have actually happened?”

I started writing again. “This is the 4th one.”

Henry nodded. “I see...then I guess now I have to finish it.”

Little Alice spoke up. “And by finish it, you mean walk over to that giant Ink Machine, destroy Bendy, and finish this cycle like you usually do?”

Henry shook his head. “You don’t understand. Destroying Bendy is the only way to stop this. Clearly, you’ve got your facts wrong.”

I nodded, knowing this would happen. That’s why I brought the Lost Ones. I stood up, and thrust out my hand. The Lost Ones’ ink began to bubble.

“If you are intent on continuing this path, then perhaps you leave us with no choice.” Little Alice said. Then all Hell broke loose.

Henry started running through the ink, and the Lost Ones exploded. All their ink crawled towards me, then over me. As I was walking towards Henry, my mutations started taking place. My legs became similar to Beast Bendy’s, while my arms elongated, with my hands becoming larger and covered in spikes. My head became virtually nonexistent, becoming smothered in ink.

Little Alice mutated this time, too. She moved to the top of my head, and became covered in the ink like me. She took the place of my head, cackling wildly. Her halo disappeared, and her horns elongated. Her bottom half disappeared into the ink, while her top half became larger. Her arms elongated, and her hands gained claws. 

Allison and Tom rushed out from the hallway, saw me, and saw me chasing Henry. They looked at where I’d been sitting, and quickly put two-and-two together. Allison threw her blade at Henry.


Little Alice grabbed it out of the air, and broke it in half. Henry ran into the room in the Giant Ink Machine, and almost grabbed the film reel, but I charged into the room. Henry dodged, and I crashed into the throne, making the tape go flying. It wound up sliding under a giant closed door. Bendy wasn’t too far behind.

Ink Bendy shuffled into the room, and turned into Beast Bendy. I smacked him aside, knocking down the door to the next room. Bendy laid there for a bit, while Henry ran into the room to try and find the tape. I found it first, and Alice reached down to grab it. Henry saw her with it in her hand, and ran at me. I jumped up and latched onto the ceiling, my spikes digging into the metal.

I climbed around, out of Henry’s reach. Out of options, he defaulted to what he usually did in this room: pulling the levers. 

When all the levers were pulled, I climbed into the next room, and shattered the lights so he couldn’t see. When Henry walked in, the doors closed behind him, locking him in with me. It was then that I realised Alice’s new form had night vision. She saw Henry perfectly, which meant I did, too.

“We see you, Henry!” Alice whispered, and I dropped a hand from the ceiling. Henry shouldn’t have been able to see it, but he dodged it perfectly. He ran next to one of the giant ink vats, and I went to swipe at him. 

He dodged again, and I broke the vat. But before he ran to the next one, I saw something in his hand. He had the seeing tool. 

I remembered the floating balls of light that appeared in the vision of the seeing tool. That’s how he was seeing me…

“Ohh, Henry, why are you cheating? That’s no fun!” Alice whispered again, right before she snatched it from him. Now, not only was Henry walking blind, but Alice and I had the tape and the seeing tool. There was no way he could win now!

I went to swipe at him again, and this time, I hit home. He went flying into one of the vats, shattering it again. There were only two left now. Then something...unexpected happened.

Allison and Tom ran in with a flashlight, and Allison had a new blade. Where do people find this cool stuff?!?!

Allison swung at Alice everytime she got close, and Tom stood near Henry, helping him up. Then another unexpected figure arrived.

Bendy had gotten back up, and came charging into the room. He missed Allison, Tom, and Henry by a few feet, but jumped up and smacked me off of the ceiling. While I was down, he wrapped one of his hands around Alice and tore her off. She was still alive, though, but just had to crawl around like a Searcher. I could still see from her, and turned and smacked Bendy, making him fly into the last vat. One left.

Alice was trying to get back to me, but was blocked by Tom and Allison. 

“That tape! Get the tape from her!” Henry shouted.

Allison nodded and went to grab the tape. When Alice started to move away she stabbed one of her arms.

I turned towards Allison and charged. I smacked her into the wall and impaled her with one of my spikes. It broke off, leaving her impaled on the wall. Tom was next. He tried to swing his axe at Alice, but I grabbed him and slammed him into the ground, impaling him there as well. Then Bendy slammed into me, knocking me into the final vat. It broke, and Henry grabbed the tape.

He ran back to the throne room, and put the tape into the projector. Bendy appeared behind Henry, and I grabbed him. We sat there, me blindly wrestling Bendy, Henry just waiting for “The End” to appear on the screens.

Right before I was about to kill Bendy, “The End” appeared, and after a few moments, the world was bathed in light again.

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