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In the next morning, Taeyong wakes up in a good mood. Well, he's always in a good mood. He wakes up with a smile on his face, cleaning up his bed right away and skips out of his bedroom. He opened the door and saw his cat walking towards him.

"Oh, good morning, Yong."

His cat meowed. Taeyong chuckled and carried his cat as he walked to the living room. His smile widened to see his new pet. The dog jogged to him and lets the boy pet his head.

"Hello, Jae. How's your first night? Was it good, baby?" Taeyong cooed.

'It was great!'

The dog jumped and his front paws landed on the boy's leg.

'You are such a sunshine!'

"You guys must be hungry. Let's have breakfast then we'll have a walk. Sounds good?"

Jae barked before walking behind his owner. He never had an owner so it felt really good to have one. Just by the first time seeing Taeyong, he knew he'll love being with him. He loves him right from the start and seeing him happy is the only thing he wants for his human. The cat is kinda feisty but he'll make things work.

After breakfast, Taeyong took his bath and changed his clothes. He has his first class at the afternoon so he gets to be with Jae. He should buy him a collar and leash. Maybe they could go to a pet store.

"Baby Jae, let's go," Taeyong said as he crouched and carried the dog, "Oof, you're heavy."

Jae licked his owner's cheek, giving him a kiss.

"Have a nice day, Yong. Don't ruin anything, okay?" the boy said and his cat meowed. He slipped his crocs before going out of his apartment.

Taeyong held the dog and kept him from falling. He should groom him too, his fur is very long and maybe could have a bath. The boy walked until they're in an empty street. He puts down his dog.

"Walk closely with me, boy."

They walked on the side of streets. Taeyong has his hands behind him with a pout on his face. The dog looked at his owner and adored his human.

They arrived at the pet store. Taeyong looked around with Jae behind him. He stopped on the aisle with the collars and leashes. He squatted and wrapped his arm around his dog.

"What do you think, Jae? What do you like?" Taeyong asked.

Jae looked at his owner and puts his paw on the human's knee. Taeyong laughed.

"I'm not one of the choices, baby. Pick a collar."

Taeyong hummed and grabs one design, "How 'bout this?"

'Anything is good, Taeyong.'

"Or this?" the boy holds the black leash and collar, "I do think black suits you well, bud. Hm, let's get some treats too and maybe toys."

They walked to the other aisle and Taeyong picked some treats he could give to his dog. He definitely picked the meat ones and that could clean teeth. He grabbed all the things he needed before going to the counter and paid for the things.

Both of them walked out and before they could go to the groom shop, Taeyong puts on the collar on his dog.

"Looks good on you, boy. Very handsome, I would say," the boy chuckled before walking.

They walked to the grooming shop. It's Jae's first time to be groomed. He waited for Taeyong to finish talking to the guy and after, he was brought into a room and was surprised that Taeyong wasn't with him. He immediately barked and became aggressive.

Taeyong saw his dog became anxious. He was already behind the glass to see Jae being groomed and the employees kept him out. He knew Jae won't see him if he's at the other side so he ran and crouched for Jae to see him. He waved and gave him a thumbs up. Jae, finally, calmed down and the employee who was holding the dog was relieved.

Taeyong stayed to where Jae could see him. When he was being groomed, Taeyong watched and captured some photos.

After, Taeyong was in smiles when they got out. Jae looked clean and cute. He pats his dog's head and headed back home. Jae hasn't seen himself and but Taeyong seemed to like it.

'Thank you, Taeyong! I feel very comfortable but they did cut a lot of my hair. But if you like, I like as well.'

When they got home, Taeyong takes the leash and hangs it on the door with Yong's. The dog jumped around and the cat immediately hissed at the intrusion. Yong just walked and stayed somewhere else. Taeyong seemed to enjoy seeing Jae.

"We'll go to the park sometime with some of my friends. They got some pets too so you'll definitely enjoy and social with other dogs," Taeyong said and sat down on the couch to watch some TV.

Jae walked and crawled to lay beside Taeyong. He puts his head on the human's lap and felt comfortable. The boy rubbed the dog's back and head.

"I'm still thinking about my thesis. I need to find a hybrid to study. I don't know where but I could find in the internet," Taeyong said.

The dog's ears stood up at the word hybrid but before he could do something, Taeyong had a phone call. His head raised and after the phone call, Taeyong stood from the couch and goes into his room.

'A hybrid? I'm a hybrid.'

A/N: hello hi and some of you might have seen me cursed

yes, i cursed bc of a comment

i'm not restricting anyone from saying their opinions in public but please refrain from fighting or making an argument on my fic

i'm just getting pissed 'cause i never liked arguments and it just makes me annoyed tbh

i'm really disappointed

leave me, report or say bad things to me, i don't care

it's time for some of you to know how i feel

thank you listening to my ted talk

still, love lots ♥

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