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"Have you found a hybrid? It's been a week since our professor told us about the thesis making," Doyoung asked while they were at the canteen, taking a break.

Taeyong shook his head, "Not yet, and you?"

"I did ask somebody and told me that there's this hybrid lurking at the flower shop. I should go there and see for myself today," Doyoung answered, "How 'bout you, Jungwoo?"

"Lucas found a cat yesterday and luckily, it is a hybrid," Jungwoo took a sip on his drink.

Taeyong groaned and felt frustrated, "I haven't even started looking for one. How should I do this?"

"I'm sure you'll get one. I'll ask Lucas if he could ask someone," Jungwoo said.

"Thanks, Jungwoo--"

Suddenly, the bell rang which means break is already done and it's time for the next class. Taeyong looked at his watch around his wrist and saw it was time for his major.

"I need to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" Taeyong collected his things before running.

Taeyong walks alone in the empty streets again. Well, his friends have different schedules so they can't walk together. He was fine with it, though. The whole quiet walk helps him to think deeper, just like now. He didn't do much this week. He was too busy with other things, to be specific--he is busy with his dog, Jae.

They spent the week together. They've been sleeping together, bathe together and even eat together. They looked like they've been the best of friends for a long time.


The boy's eyebrows furrowed as he heard someone calling him in an unfamiliar voice. He looked back and saw a man smiling at him.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?" Taeyong asked.

The man walked closer to him but Taeyong took a step back. The man smiled playfully at him with dimples showing up. He is quite handsome and wore fitted clothing which made his body see-through the fabric. Taeyong cleared his throat and dared not to stare too much.

"I'm Jaehyun," he introduced himself.

Taeyong shook his head and smiled, "I think you mistook me from someone."

The man held his wrist, "I'm Jae, Taeyong. Remember?"

Taeyong felt confused. Why did he have the black collar he gave to Jae? The boy shook his head again before he pulled his wrist and ran away. He runs as fast as he could to the way to his apartment. He heard the man, named Jaehyun, called him and tried to get him. Taeyong was afraid.

Taeyong arrived at his apartment and immediately unlocked his door. Jaehyun almost got him but he was slammed with the door. He heard the door clicked, meaning he was locked from the inside. The man pouted. He knocked and tried getting the boy's attention.

"Taeyongie! It's me, Jae!" he shouted.

Taeyong panted and kept the door locked. He heard what the man said but he can't believe him. Jaehyun kept convincing him that he is Jae, his dog. The boy immediately looked for the dog and couldn't see him anywhere.

"Jae? You here?" he called but no response.

Taeyong felt nervous and goes back to the door. He didn't hear any knocks which made him look through the peephole. He didn't see anything so he unlocked and opened the door a bit. He looked around and saw the man seated beside the door. Jaehyun saw the human which made him to stand up.

"D-Don't go near me!" Taeyong said.

Jaehyun nodded and took two steps back. Taeyong saw how obedient the man was.

"Is it really you? Jae? The dog I recused?" the boy asked.

The man nodded, "You were finding a hybrid, right? I am a hybrid!"

Taeyong was about to faint. He was keeping a dog with a human mind. He didn't even notice the dog was a hybrid.

"Taeyong? Are you okay? I...can give you time," Jaehyun said, worried about his owner's feelings.

Taeyong shook his head, "Get inside, please."

Both of them walked to the living room with the door locked. Taeyong sat down on the couch and lets Jaehyun to stand infront of him. He doesn't know how will he say this but he needs to know.

"Could you...try and go back to the little pup you are?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun didn't think twice and in a snap, he turned into the golden retriever Taeyong knew. The clothes that looked like Taeyong's was loose around the small body. The human's jaw dropped and looked scared at the dog. The dog whined and puts his paw on Taeyong's knee.

"Geez, you could've tell me that you're a hybrid in the first place. I've been living with a hybrid for a week now?" Taeyong sighed. He blushed when he realized they just shared everything with each other, "You really scared me."

Jaehyun whined and leaned to put his head on the human's lap.

"Alright. We need to have some rules here. First, you shouldn't be in human form until I say so. You could scare somebody. Second, don't do that again. You should be here and only here. Then, lastly, don't let anyone know you're a hybrid. Do you got that, Jae?" Taeyong asked.

Jaehyun looked at him with cute puppy eyes and nodded. Taeyong pats his head and sighed.

"Also, if you don't mind, I'll use you for my thesis," Taeyong said, "I'll test you for simple things. Okay, bud?"

Jaehyun barked. Taeyong chuckled and played with the dog. Atleast Taeyong finally found a hybrid. He still couldn't believe he just saw Jae in human form and to be honest, he likes Jae in that form.

A/N: don't forget to wash your hands and drink your vitamins after reading this chpater!!

the virus is spreading too fast and we need to protect ourselves

Love lots ♥

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