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After knowing that his pet is a hybrid, Taeyong started writing a plan for his thesis. He has Jae on his bed, Yong on his window while he's on his chair with a pen and paper. He kept spinning the pen around his fingers as he continues to think.

"What do you think should I find more about you?" Taeyong asked to the resting dog on his bed.

"Generally, I don't know anything about hybrids. Now that I saw one personally."

The dog's ears flopped down.

"Should I see if you can write with your small paws? If you can learn how to talk i dog form? How 'bout abilities? Do you guys have any superpowers?" Taeyong asked.

The dog yawned and jumped when Taeyong slammed his pen against the table.

"Or...the difference between your dog and human form? That sounds good," Taeyong wrote the idea down and continued with subtopics, "This should be good. I don't know when to start though. Maybe I'll just write things down on the way."

The boy looked at Jae. He somehow wanted to be with the human Jae. He tried thinking about it and he might strict about the rules. He knew Jae's smart. He might as well have someone to talk to. He kinda feels lonely for a while now.

"I might be too strict with the rules," Taeyong said, catching the dog's attention, "You can be human, any time."

Jaehyun's ears raised in excitement.

"But...if I have any friends with me or if I tell you to, you should be your cute 'lil dog form, okay?"

Taeyong saw Jae nodding before he lets him to be human. Unfortunately, he wasn't informed that hybrid would be naked when they transform. When Jaehyun did turn into human, Taeyong was red as a tomato and immediately stood up to not make anything more awkward and get some clothes for Jaehyun.

"Are you sick?" the deep and mellow voice was heard from the man seated on the bed. It did make Taeyong's heart to skip a beat.

It is normal to like someone from their voices, right?

Taeyong shook his head, avoiding to look back, "I-It's just hot, that's all..."

The boy searched for more shirts and fortunately, he found some of his oversized shirts and shorts. He could borrow him some boxers as well. After searching something for Jaehyun, he gave the clothing without looking.

"Wear these," Taeyong said.

Jaehyun looked at the fabrics and grabbed them. Taeyong took a peek and saw that Jaehyun successfully wore them, in the right way. The boy sat down again and looked at the man. He smiled a bit and hummed.

"We should go shopping."

Jaehyun's eyebrow raised, "Shopping?"

"Let's buy you some clothes, alright? You can't walk around naked," Taeyong laughed, "We'll go in the weekend, okay?"

The man nodded obediently. He really still acts like a dog and it does him very cute. Taeyong suddenly wants to pinch the cheeks and poke those cute dimples.

"I'll just take a bath," Taeyong said.

Jaehyun nodded, "Okay. Do you want me to accompany you?"

The boy blushed a bit and shook his head, "N-No, I'm fine--"

"But I can help you clean yourself."

Taeyong shook his head again, "N-No. Really, Jaehyun, I can manage."

The boy didn't speak again and just grabbed his towel before going into his bathroom.

"Jae! It's bedtime!"

Taeyong called. He goes out of his room and saw Jaehyun watching a series on the TV. The man seemed to be in to show so Taeyong walked closer and looked at the TV. Surprisingly, it's a dog show. It made the boy chuckle and sat down beside Jaehyun.

"So, this is what you're watching all night?"

Jaehyun nodded, "It is quite interesting to say the least."

"Jae? How old are you?" Taeyong asked.

"In human's layman term, I'm currently 21 years old."

"I almost forgot, your birthday's coming up. Hm, I'll try baking you a cake in the weekend after we go shopping. Anyway, have you been in a pound? A past owner perhaps?" Taeyong asked.

The man looked at him, "I was left behind by my pack. My mother didn't find me so I guess I should say I lived mostly by own. I didn't have any owners before you. You're my first, Taeyong."

The boy was taken aback, "Really? Then, the more reasons why I should take care of you."

"You're the best owner a dog could have!"

Taeyong ruffled his fluffy hair, "Because I'm your only owner!"

"But even if I get abandoned by you, I'll still love you. I'll still forgive you," Jaehyun said with a smile plastered on his face.


Jaehyun nodded, "Right from the start, I knew you'll be very kind. I love you since you adopted me."

The boy was surprised by those words but reminded himself that Jaehyun doesn't know feelings a human can have. He cleared his throat and pats the man's shoulder.

"I will never abandon you, bud," Taeyong said and hands out his pinky, "That's my promise. To seal the promise, we need to pinky swear."

Jaehyun pouted confusedly but he did the same thing as he wrapped his pinky around Taeyong's. He smiled and somehow felt warmth and relief from the boy.

"You're very cute, Taeyong," Jaehyun said out of the blue which made the boy blush.

"Don't say random things, Jaehyun..."

The man chuckled, "Sorry."

"It's bedtime already. I'll see you tomorrow," Taeyong said.

Jaehyun nodded, "Goodnight, Taeyong."

"Night, Jae."

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