Chapter 10: New companion... I guess ?

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Naofumi: Slave merchant !

Slave-trader: Hello, Shield hero. What business has brought you here... On your own... ?

Naofumi: Tell me honestly. What kind of egg did you sell Y/n... ?

Slave-trader: Does he have any complaints about it ? The record says, "Filolial", sir, is there a problem ?

"Nope, not at all ! Actually I'd just like to know how she turned out like that..."

"Although I'm not complaining in the slightest. I think I just found my new sleeping spot."

Slave-trader: Oh... Ooooh... This, this must be... You raised it this much in only a few days, as expected of you, hero !

"You're welcome, but what is it exactly ?"

Slave-trader: Could it be a filolial's queen ?

"A queen ?"

Slave-trader: It's said that wild filolials tend to group by nature, and that there's always a "chief" running the group. They're called filolial kings or queens. This is a female, so it must be a queen !

Naofumi: Is it true ?

Slave-trader: Honestly speaking, I haven't seen them either, they don't appear in front of man's eyes...

Naofumi: In the end, you don't know anything about it !

Slave-trader: Why don't you leave this thing with me, so I can investigate a little bit more ?

"... Fine, I'll let her in your care, but just to be clear... If next time I see her, there's a single scratch on her, a missing feather, or any trace that you mistreated her in the slightest, I'll kill you in the more gruesome and painful way possible, got that ?"

Slave-trader: *Gulp*... G-Got it...

"Good, so we're clear. I'm sorry Filo, I'll be back by tomorrow.

Filo: Krah... Krah.

Filo: KRAHHHH !!!! KRAH !!!

Slave-trader: Ahh... This is one troublesome bird, hold that part over there !

Raphtalia: Do you think she feels lonely since she has just been born ?

"I... I guess so... Now I feel really guilty, perfect..."

???: Mas...

Slave-trader: This... This is...

???: Ster...

Filo: Master... !!


Blacksmith: What is going on ?! The shop's already closed... Huh ?

Filo: Master ? Who is this man ?

"Don't point fingers at people. We're sorry to interrupt you at night..."

Blacksmith: What brought you here, boys... ? Are you here to brag about buying a good slave ?

Naofumi: NO WE'RE NOT !!

Filo: Mm ? It smells of food !

Blacksmith: Oh, I was fixing a late dinner. Why don't you join me-

Filo: Really ?! WAAAH !!

"AH !! Wait, Filo..."


She... Transformed into her bird self, and chugged down the whole thing instantly...

Filo: Hm, the taste isn't very good...

Raphtalia: Heey ! You ate all of the food !!

"S... Sorry, we'll make up for this later... But first of all, Filo ! Turn back to your human form !"

Filo: I'm full, so I'll do it later.

"Fine... You leave me no choice then... Change !

Filo: AAAAAAH !!

Filo: UWAAAAA ! It hurts !!

"Stop crying, I feel bad enough already..."

Blacksmith: Don't tell me this kid is a monster... Your group keeps getting weirder each day..

"Tell me about it, the ordinary slave crest didn't work on her, so we had to cast a high-level one on her, to prevent her from transforming into her bird form..."

Filo: But you won't sleep with Filo in this human form, master !

"... What... ?"

She immediately started hugging my arm and stared intensely at Raphtalia.

Raphtalia: What's wrong ?

Filo: Filo won't hand master over.


"Don't worry Filo, Raphtalia's into Naofumi, not into me."

Naofumi: What're you talking ab-


Filo: But you're Filo's father, aren't you, master ?

"No, I'm you're owner, Filo."

Filo: Is that different ? Then what about Raphtalia ?

Naofumi: She's like my daughter.

Raphtalia: THAT'S NOT TRUE !!

Filo: Huh ? Filo doesn't get it...

Blacksmith: ... So, why are you here ?

"Oh, right, do you have any clothes that won't rip even when she transforms ? There's no option to prevent her from transforming in the slave crest menu."

Blacksmith: Look, this isn't a clothes store, you know...

"At least, do you know where we could find some ? Taking a naked girl who can turn into a monster outside isn't something I exactly plan to do..."

Blacksmith: My goodness. I just can't turn you down. I don't have one, but I think I know where to look. I'll introduce you to an expert. When it comes to transformations, she's the one. let's go see her tomorrow.

Magician: Right... There are such clothes.

"There is ? That'd really be helpful."

Magician: I'm a witch myself. Well, I rarely transform into an animal because it's quite a pain... But wouldn't it be annoying to make new clothes every time I transform ? So I have a certain set of skills. Some Semi-Humans can use them too.

Naofumi: Skills ?

Magician: More like "magic power". You can turn magical thread into clothes when you transform. You can switch between magic power and clothes at will, so you're clothed for sure when you're back to human.

Magician: We just need a gem necessary for spinning because the old one's broken. I don't think I can use it, and it's expensive to buy at a market...

"So what, we just need to fix that one, that's no big deal. [CRAZY DIAMOND], Fix !"

Magician: I suppose that's a way to do... It sure spare us the trouble to go look for another gem, after all.

"I like to avoid danger when I can."

Magician: It's ready, try it on.

Filo: Master !

Filo: How do you like it ? Does it suit Filo ?

"It definitely doe suits you, right ?"

Filo: Really ?

"You almost look like an angel, what a great design."

Blacksmith: I gave the order to a quality dress maker's shop.

"Oh, right, what about the fee ?"

Blacksmith: yeah, we asked the dressmaking shop to work from thread... the total price would be about forty silver coins.

"So it cost 340 silver coins in total, counting the weaving and the crest, plus 100 for the egg itself... I'll need to create a spell to change mud into gold quick..."

Naofumi: Raphtalia was way cheaper, you know...

Raphtalia: Please don't say things that imply I'm a cheap girl.

Blacksmith: And my dinner too...

"Yeah, we didn't forget."

Raphtalia: I'm so glad he was happy with your cooking, Naofumi..

Naofumi: He complained at first, he really didn't expect me to cook !

Raphtalia: But your cooking was really delicious !

Naofumi: Filo swept everything up, so I didn't have anything to eat. Now she's sleeping soundly with Y/n on top of her... So her clothes really disappear during her transformation... Geez.


Naofumi: Hah ?! I didn't. Why ask all of a sudden ?

Raphtalia: Ah, well... I was wondering what you thought of me...

Naofumi: I'm overburdening you as a slave.

Raphtalia: Anything else... ?

Naofumi: I think I should raise you well in lieu of your parents. I hold you dear, as a daughter, I'd say...

Raphtalia: What was that ?! Don't you think you took a strange turn ?!

Naofumi:: There's nothing strange about it. Isn't it you acting strange ? Why did you suddenly ask me such a question ?

Filo: Master, what are they doing ?

"You see, Filo, Naofumi is currently being what is called 'Dense as hell'. It means he's completely blind and can't see the feelings Raphtalia has for him."

Filo: Ohh...

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