Chapter 11: Give me the wrath

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Naofumi: Shit ! I thought they would just leave !!

Raphtalia: Naofumi !! if you shout so recklessly the apparitions will all come this way !

Naofumi: I can't help myself ! THIS IS ALL THANKS TO THAT FUCKING RUIN !!

*Long time ago, there was a town suffering from a great drought. One day, a hero came by and brought with him a miracle seed, thus he saved the town from the drought.*

"He looks really familiar, for some reason..."

*The miracle seed grew and became a huge tree bearing all different kinds of fruits. However, as time passed by, the townspeople started to notice something about that tree...*

Naofumi: Are you fucking serious ?! We did not expect it to bear apparitions in the end !!

Filo: This fruit is delicious. It tastes like sweet potatoes. Do you want some ?

"I believe now isn't exactly the right time to eat, Filo. Seriously, we started being traveling merchants only a few days ago, and we already received that request for ridiculous amounts of herbicide... And here we are."

Naofumi: This is too much... !

Filo: But they already paid us a huge amount to exterminate them. Didn't you look happy when you received the prepayment ?

"Shush !"

Raphtalia: This is...

"That tree thing seems to feed on life energy... What hero would be dumb enough to give them that... Oooooooooh..."

Naofumi: Hey, do you have any money with you ?

Raphtalia: Naofumi ?!!

Naofumi: Yeah, yeah, I know...

he poured some of the herbicide on the boy's arm, and made him drink some more, resulting on the plants invading him to wither away and disappear.

"Anyways, I'm glad your basic herbicide can act as a medicine too."

Naofumi: It must be possible thanks to my rank in healing alchemy..

Boy: Excuse me ?

Naofumi: Just stay where you are until we come back for our payment.

"Trees, trees, trees, trees, trees and OH MY GOD !! A tree."

Naofumi: Could you be a little more serious here ?

"I am serious, just concerned about my mana being critically low as we're literally surrounded by the enemy !"

Filo: Master, look ! I found a huge tree !

Naofumi: So that is the origin.

"Let's go ! [MAGICIAN'S RED] !!"

Sadly, only a puff of smoke came out of my staff.

"Oops... Guys, I'm afraid I may be out of mana here..."

Naofumi: You kidding us ?! Any way to replenish your stock fast ?

"Don't know, you see anything with a high mana concentration around here ?"

Raphtalia: That tree ? Given what it does, it should do...

"Why not, let's give it a try... Custom spell, [HIGHWAY STAR], Magic absorption !!"

I shot a couple of dark blue lines from my staff, and they stuck to the tree, absorbing it's magic and replenished my own at a rapid rate.

"It worked better than I anticipated, but now I'm ready ! Stupid flower, take that ! CROSSFIRE HURRICANE SPECIAL !!!"

Villager: The plants... They are disappearing !!

Moving farther into what was left of the village, they saw that kid Naofumi saved earlier, with a bunch of round-shaped things in his arms.

Villagers: Oh thanks the Lord, you are safe ! We tried several times to get rid of the plants but we couldn't... This is really a miracle !! Where are the good people who did this miracle ?!

Boy: They told me that they will come back for their payment.

Villager: Payment, you say ?

Boy: Yes. Also... They told me that we don't have to worry anymore...

"Filo, those red fruits will be your food for the time being."

Filo: Really ?! Yipeee !

Raphtalia: Are they gonna be alright ?

Naofumi: Are you worried about those plants leaving seeds behind ? I made a new shield called "reconstruct vegetation" which prevent that sort of mutation, so you don't have to worry.

"That really is the advantage of your shield against my spells, you can create any new ability depending on the situation and use it instantly, while I need more time to adjust and really control it..."

Raphtalia: But why do we have to leave the town without telling them ?

Naofumi: It is better that they don't know who we really are. Also there was no point to staying longer in that town.

Raphtalia started to cough again, from inhaling some of the plant's pollen/Gas sooner.

Naofumi: You sure have a poor respiratory system. Just in case, take a dose of antidote and rest. Looking out for you isn't my job, so don't be stubborn.

Raphtalia: ...

Naofumi: Hey, aren't you saying something ?

Raphtalia: Ah, yes ! I am grateful to the people of Ryute city for making us a splendid carriage.

Filo: Yeah ! I had a great time pulling it !

"Sorry to bother you. Camping outside isn't bad, but Naofumi don't want Raphtalia to sleep outside, given her situation. Also, you need to rest too, you really did a lot of work today."

Filo: Master, aren't you going to sleep ?

"I need to find a way to lower the amount of mana my spells costs, then I'll take a rest. Huh ?"

She has transformed into her human self, and immediately plopped down, leaning on my arm.

Filo: Umh, master. Why did you choose Filo ? Please tell me ?

"Asking me such questions... Let's put it that way, I chose that egg because it was a filolial's, but I had no idea you'd hatch from it, Filo."

Filo: Then... Would it still be okay for you even if I wasn't Filo ?

"If we didn't get you from that egg, then we wouldn't be doing peddling jobs like we do now."

Filo: I... If Filo gets injured and becomes useless, will you go and buy someone else ?

"Silly Filo, there is no one who can replace you. If you do what you have to do then no one will leave you behind, you can count on me for that."

Filo: Yes !!

'... Now that I think about it, I'm starting to wonder... Was I really unplanned... ? After all, it looked like everything was ready for a fifth hero to happen, stats and skills... Maybe there is legends about an ancient Staff hero after all...'

Traveler: What a privilege ! To be able to ride a carriage pulled by the "divine bird" !

Raphtalia: "Divine bird" ?

Traveler: Eh ? You don't know ? It says the masters in the carriage pulled by the divine bird brings miracles to every town they visit. That's the rumor quickly spreading now.

"Miracles, you say..."

Naofumi: We are mere traveling merchants selling goods and medicines. Or anything our beloved customers request.

Traveler: What a humble person you are. You're the one in charge of the medicines, right ? Don't tell me that book has all the secrets for synthesizing medicines ?!

Naofumi: Well...

Filo: That's a relief ! Right, master ? They didn't know that you were the-

"FILO !!"

Filo: Oops...

Traveler: Wonderful ! It's rare to find people who are interested in apparitions ! As expected from the divine bird !!

Filo: Ehfuefue~ Filo got praised !

Naofumi: It seems that he didn't find out that we're both heroes.

"That's a nice excuse to hide your book shield. Nonetheless, Filo may be rare, but I can't believe we're that famous already."

Naofumi: travel is nicer when it's eventful. If ever there are rumors that intrigue you, listen carefully... Though we don't know where they come from.

"So the source of this plague is the corpse of a dragon ?"

Raphtalia: yes. The sword hero wanted some material from the dragon. Together with his adventurers he went to the mountain to kill it. Unfortunately, the adventurers became sacrifices. Up to now the plague has continued to spread and apparitions in the mountain are starting to change.

Naofumi: Entering the mountain isn't that easy, huh. Material that is hard to acquire and rots easily, that would be the internal organs...

Raphtalia: After all the help he got from the town and the lives sacrificed by the adventurers to acquire the materials, he still abandoned them.

"Seriously Ren, if you start this, you should be responsible and assume the consequences of your actions !"

Naofumi: The sick villagers seem a little bit better than before, but this is the limit of my medicines...

"And now I regret focusing my healing spell only on physical damages. Plagues and diseases are out of my range. We should probably report this to the capital, so they could send someone really adapted."

Naofumi: Right, we're done here anyway, let's go.

Villager: Huh ?! Are you really going to leave ?!

Naofumi: It's impossible for us to heal you completely. If we report this matter to the capital, then one of the heroes might lend you a hand.

Villager: You can't ! We don't know when they will come... We can't wait so long ! WE BEG YOU, PLEASE SAVE US !!

Naofumi: Not again...

'Seriously, why do we always have to clean up the mess the other heroes caused... ? Naofumi won't accept, until...'

Naofumi: If you really insist, you will have to pay. We won't hear any complaints !

Villagers: Yes ! We will pay you right away ! We're saved !

Naofumi: Guys...

"Yes, yes, we get rid of that dragon's corpse now. I don't blame you, if it wasn't you, it would be me."

Naofumi: We'll take the carriage as close to the target location as we can then finish it quickly, and avoid senseless tangles with the apparitions.

Villagers: Mister, this is all we have. I hope this is enough.

Naofumi: This will do. Shall we go now ?

*Chimera viper shield. Skill: Chain shield. Higher detoxify; poison tolerance (M); Special effect: Snake venom (M), hook.*

Villager: A shield ?! Don't tell me... You guys are the notorious shield and staff heroes ?! I can't believe that you took money from us citizens !

"Well, it can't be helped, you wouldn't believe us if we explained it anyway. The World isn't fair, you know."

Naofumi: We're the heroes that helps in the name of charity !

"As expected, the miasma is getting thicker and thicker the closer we get."

Naofumi: What is the...

"Ugh... "

Filo: Looks delicious ! As expected of the apparitions, they really know what tastes good... Filo wants to eat it, can I ?"

"No !! Don't you see that it is rotten ?!!"

Filo: Tch...

Raphtalia: But, Naofumi, what shall we do with the corpse ?

Naofumi: I was planning to bury it, but it seems that it will be better to absorb it using the Shield. That's the safest way, I think. First we have to dismantle the corpse. I can't absorb it because it's too big.

"Alright. let's go Filo, we'll exterminate that group of apparitions first."

Filo: Hmm Hmm. Roger.

"How can you eat in such a moment... ?"

Raphtalia: Naofumi... is it just me, or did the dragon move ?

Naofumi: Haha... That's impossible !

Naofumi: WHAT THE...

"Naofumi, why do you always have to open your mouth ?!!!"

Naofumi: IT'S A ZOMBIE DRAGON ?!!!

Raphtalia: Naofumi ! It is starting to regenerate, even if doesn't have it fangs and horns !

Naofumi: This is bad... In games zombie dragons are stronger compared to the ones that are alive !! Retreat !! We Stand no chance against this guy !!

The dragon was certainly not going to let us go so easily, and used its still regenerating tail to attack, hitting Filo fair and square. She wasn't really hurt, but her pride was badly damaged, a feeling highly accentuated by the smug look on that dragon's face.


Naofumi: FILO ?!!

Raphtalia: According to what I heard, originally filolials and dragons are on bad terms ! It's just like during the race !

Naofumi: We need to go !! Y/n, call back Filo...


Raphtalia: Not him too !!

Naofumi: Guys, stop, we need to retreat !! DO YOU HEAR ME ?!! GUYS !!!

Both me and Filo got distracted, and for a split second, we stopped focusing on what was before us. However, that split second was all that dragon needed, and used to chomp down on the two of us.

3rd Person POV:

Naofumi: 'I always told them that I'd protect them. Why did this happened ? Because I didn't stopped them ? Or because I didn't turn those people down ? Maybe if Ren hadn't left that corpse like that, this wouldn't have happened to begin with... If I wasn't chosen to become the Shield hero, this wouldn't have happened !!'

*Do you want power ?*

Raphtalia: NAOFUMI !! Please come to your senses !! We have to get away first !! NAOFUMI !!

*Do you... Hate everything in this world ?*

Naofumi: I hate. This world and everything in it... I wish it was all just gone.

*I will grant your wish... Let hatred and power engulf you. Curse shield: Shield of wrath*

Naofumi: Self curse: IGNITION !

The dragon, that on the meantime attacked them, got blocked by Naofumi's new shield, and immediately was set on fire, screaming in pain.

Naofumi: That's right. Burn everything !! With this flame, I'll set this hateful world aflame !!

Raphtalia: You... Can't...

She fell to the ground, affected by the curse.

Naofumi: R... RAPHTALIA !!! Raphtalia, get a hold of yourself !! Why did this... Don't tell me... I got her involved ?! Fast heal ! Fast heal ! Fast heal ! FAST HEAL !! FAST...

Raphtalia: Na... Ofumi...

Naofumi: Raphtalia ! Are you okay ?!

Raphtalia: I'm glad. Naofumi... that... You're back...

Naofumi: ... Why ? Why did you stay next to me ?! WHY DIDN'T YOU RUN AWAY ?!

Raphtalia: ... But I felt like I had to hold you, or you'd be gone far away... So I got scared... Ugg...

Naofumi: No ! The elementary heal magic I barely learned isn't enough... I need the medicine in the carriage !

It was about to grab them, but it started to wince and convulse, screaming and screeching in pain.

Naofumi: What... What's going on ?!

???: Good grief. Leave my friends out of this, would you ?

???2: Hmph, it doesn't taste so good, after all.

???: let's get out of here before I throw up, Filo. Custom spell, [THE HAND], erase !!

With a strange sound, parts of the dragon suddenly disappeared, as two figures stumbled out of it.

Your POV:

Filo: Whoa ! We're finally out !

"I think i'm gonna throw up... No, I'm definitely gonna..."

I slumped over a rock, and soon after, a rainbow stream came out of behind it.

Naofumi: GUYS !!

"Oh hey, Naofu-Urg !"

More rainbows.

Filo: Don't worry about us, we're fine. Well, physically, at least.

Naofumi: What about your wound ?! You bled so much !!

Filo: Bled ? Oh, that was my feed.

Naofumi: FEED ?

Filo: When the dragon swallowed us, I vomited the red fruits in my stomach !

"It went everywhere... I'm gonna be traumatized forever..."

Naofumi: So, you guys are okay... ?

Filo: Yeah ! It didn't hurt or even tingle !

Naofumi: I see...

Filo: Were you worried about us ? Hey...

"B... be quiet, Filo. Raphtalia's critically hurt. Right now, the emergency is to take her out of here."

Raphtalia: Naofumi, I can walk to the carriage on my own... It's thanks to your spells. Also, I think we should take care of the dragon first.

Naofumi: Come on. Filo is waiting for you... You're right.

Naofumi: Okay, Filo ! You know what to do !!

Filo: Yessir ! Bon appetit !!

Naofumi: No ! Don't eat it !

Filo: What ?!


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