Chapter 17: Rescue mission

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"Filo, stay down !"

Filo: Mmh... Master ? What's happening ?

"The situation just became kind of ominous..."

Filo: They're taking away the nice lord who helped us... ? But who is this guy ?

A dozen hours ago:

"Good thing the people of the neighboring were able to figure something out."

Melty: ... For sister to do such a thing... They must have known that we can't approach the town thoughtlessly.

"Even so, don't you think we'll be the ones blamed for this in the end ?"

Naofumi: That wouldn't even be surprising...

Raphtalia: Naofumi... Doesn't it seem like there are more semi-humans around ?

Naofumi: Ahh, now that you mention it.

Melty: That's right ! Around here... If it's the noble lord of these parts they may shelter us ! Let's rest until sister and the others go past us !

Naofumi: What did you say ?

Melty: There are many people that believe in the Shield hero, if it were those semi-humans who are friendly with you...

"Even if you say that, what tells us the noble won't let the other three heroes find us ?"

Melty: When the first wave hit Melromarc, there was a royal from Seaetto who passed away. The person my mother wanted as a right-hand man was a great person who was trying to repair the relationship between humans and semi-humans, but...

"Let me guess, a certain king and a certain first princess weren't happy with that ?"

Melty: yes... Ever since that person passed away, it appears that the nobles who had similar ideals to that person have, by order of my father, been demoted...

Naofumi: Did you say the first wave ? That means...

Raphtalia: Yes, it is exactly as you guessed... The village in which I lived was the one under the protection of the noble of Seaetto.

"... What a coincidence..."

Melty: I heard that after that rioters came and caused a horrible spectacle.

Raphtalia: Rioters... Yes, that's right... The people who attacked my village were soldiers of this country, disguised as rioters ! And by those people I was sold as a slave...

Naofumi: Seriously, this country never does anything worthwhile.

Melty: ... Mother always sent letters but... Sister... What exactly does she want father to do...

"Execute us, 'accidentally' kill you, allow her to marry that dumbass Motoyasu and be next queen, then treat all semi-humans like trash. The usual for a spoiled bitch rotten to the core."

Melty: When mother returns, they will surely be punished. No, I'll make sure of it... ! When this is done, Raphtalia, Think about identifying those soldiers !

Raphtalia: Yes. Naofumi.

Naofumi: Ahhh. I got it, nothing will change even if we stay here. let's try going to that noble's place. But the problem is...

"If we are going to meet them then we will need to set off toward the town..."

Filo: Will you ride Filo ?

"That will make us stand out too much."

Raphtalia: Shall I try to do something about it ?

Naofumi: Illusion magic ? Detection magic would be able to find us in one shot.

"Should we ask the semi-humans over there if they would take us in their horse-drawn carriage ?"

Raphtalia: First of, let's ask them straight out.

Naofumi: Will that be okay ?

Noble: No need for concern, they will take us safely to the mansion.

"It's fine then, but..."

Noble: This is my horse-drawn carriage so please feel free.

Naofumi: HUH ?!!

Noble: What's cracking guys-


Noble: It's been a while, Shield hero, Staff hero, princess Melty.

Melty: It's him ! The noble from this area I was talking about. You know him ?

Naofumi: Huh ? Hmmm ?

Noble: Thank you very much for the accessory.

Naofumi: I... I remember ! You're the effeminate nobleman who bought my accessory ! So that's it ! You were a nobleman from around this area !

Noble: The material was cheap and it was about 5 times the market price, but it was worth it because the design was unlike the other heroes, right ? I think I made a good purchase.


Raphtalia: Sorry.

Naofumi: Don't apologize, Raphtalia !

Noble: I'll hear the detailed account in the mansion. Please don't worry, I wouldn't do something like make a report.

Noble: I see. Return to the queen... It is just as you have guessed, it seems the Spear hero has come by here. I received a report saying that you set that forest in fire to shake off the Spear hero.

"Things really get reported however your sister imagines them."

Noble: It seems that your actions are being communicated because of the church's shadows.

Naofumi: Would you be able to use your influence to fool them in a similar way ?

Noble: As expected of a hero. Perhaps that is the reason why I keep running into heroes. However, from my standpoint this not such a good thing. I wonder how much I will be able to help you with...

Naofumi: I do not expect that much. Just...

"That's right. We'd like to know the movements of the other heroes."

Noble: Understood. If that's all it is, then...

Naofumi: Tomorrow morning we will leave this place, until then...

Melty: Huh ? So early ? Even if we stay a little longer...

Naofumi: If we stay longer we will only be a nuisance.

Melty: That's true, but...

Noble: Well then, at least until morning please rest up and make yourselves at home.

Naofumi: Got it.

Melty: What are you doing, Naofumi... ?

Naofumi: The conversation has already gone too far. There was no poison in the food, but...

Melty: Poison... Why don't you trust other people ?!

"Isn't it your sister and father's fault ?"

Naofumi: The second we came to this world we were betrayed. I'm going to do things the way I want to.

Melty: That's true, but... Even I...

Raphtalia: Naofumi, I will keep watch so please rest quickly.

Naofumi: Huh ? Yeah, you're right. I'll go ahead and do that then.

Melty: Hey ! Why do you listen immediately to what Raphtalia says ?!

Naofumi: Because I can depend on Raphtalia.

Filo: Filo's not sleepy. Say, master, can I go and explore the mansion ?

"I'll go with you. I'm not sleepy either anyways."

Naofumi: You sure, You're still wounded.

"I'll be fine."

Back to present:

"We got to hurry and find a way out of here, before they find us."

Maid: Sir hero ! Please hurry and evacuate this place !!

"We were planning to do so already, what happened ?"

Maid: the nobles next door have come wondering whether we were harboring the heroes... if you are found here, the lord will be blamed. Please make haste.

"Filo, let's go. What about Naofumi and the others ?"

Maid: their escape have already been planned. Please come here, hide in this closet.

Saying it was a close one would be an understatement, right after she close the doors, a bunch of soldiers appeared at the end of the hallway.

Captain: You there ! What are you doing ?!

Maid: I could ask you the same thing ! What are you doing here ?

Captain: That does not concern you ! Search everywhere !! Search for the Staff demon !

Soldier: Sir ! This closet seems rather suspicious !

Maid: D- Don't you dare open it ! They're not here !

Captain: We'll see about that ! ... ... ... Effectively, it's empty.


Maid: H- Huh ?

Captain: Continue searching ! They can't be that far !

A few seconds sooner:

'It is only a matter of time before they found us, we need to get out of here. Filo, grab onto me, and no matter what happen, keep going forward.'

Filo: 'Okay !'

'This is gonna hurt. Custom spell, [KING CRIMSON] Erase time !'

The world around us disappeared all at once, replaced by some sort of empty void in all directions.

"Let's go, Filo. That way."

It lasted for a few seconds, and when the world reformed itself, we were already outside the mansion.

Filo: Wow, that was fast, master. Master ?

But I was already throwing up blood, kneeling down.

"I... I'll be fine. It's still early for time manipulation, I think... But there's no time to think about it, now we need to find the others."

Filo: Wait, master. Look over there, they're also taking Melty !

Fat: Welcome to my mansion. It was quite the misfortune, wasn't it ? You must be tired so excuse me, but may I ask you a couple of questions ?

Melty: What is it ?

Fat: Why did the two demons call on that mansion ? You said you let them escape, but if that's true then there's no doubt that they went there with you. As I expected, that impudent pretty-boy guided you, didn't he ?

Melty: He is unrelated ! I am-

Fat: I heard rumors, that the princess was brainwashed by the demons, but I can't believe it at all.

Fat: So, won't you prove your innocence right here ? Please tell me where the two demons are, then I shall free you from the clutches of the people of this kingdom. All in God's name.

Filo: Wait, Filo knows this town ! Isn't this the town with the tale about you hiding a bad person in the past ?

Naofumi: There was something like that. And so... Raphtalia was reviled as a peddler, and couldn't sell anything at all.

Raphtalia: I didn't notice the last time I came. No, Lifana told me...

Naofumi: it's been a while since I've seen you so frightened.

"There's no doubt it's him ?"

Raphtalia: Yes. Before I met you, in the basement of that mansion, I was... A slave who was tortured, as entertainment for that man. Together with my close friend Lifana... Lifana lost her life there... He lost interest in me and sold me off.

"In that case, Melty is in even greater danger."

Raphtalia: Is it okay ? Melty bought us time to escape. We should hurry up and flee while the other heroes are gone.

Filo: WHAT ?!

Naofumi: Raphtalia, Are you scared ?

Raphtalia: I am. Now that I hold a sword, I don't have the confidence to stay sane in front of that man.

"The royalty in this country may be all trash, but Melty has never betrayed us even once."

Naofumi: I want to answer those who believed in us, even if means putting myself in danger. Even if it opposes the morals of this world.

Raphtalia: Thank you very much. Let's go.


Soldier: What's with all the noise ?

Soldier: It seems the semi-humans are swarming outside the town with enough vigor to climb the walls.

Soldier: So this was caused by someone ? Well anyway, at least this manor is...

???: Look over here...

Soldier: Huh ?

Soldier: What is that ? Some kind of toy ? Its face is all bizarre...



"And now the door's open."

Filo: Melty !! Where are you, Melty ?!!

Raphtalia: is it okay to Stand out so much ?

Naofumi: the early bird gets the worm. The other heroes aren't here and there aren't many soldiers either. Besides, this way's faster.

"We came here to rescue Melty at any cost. A gentleman would manage on his own against the turmoil."

Raphtalia: Understood.

"And so, let's rampage some more, Filo!!"

Filo: 'Kay !!

Naofumi: We're in the courtyard now. Huh ?

Naofumi: What is that ? I have no idea what they were thinking with that tacky monument... Raphtalia ?

Raphtalia: This way, Naofumi. This leads to the basement.

Naofumi: And Melty's there ?

Raphtalia: No, inside is probably... I think there are semi-humans, child slaves inside.

Naofumi: Raphtalia, in this situation... You think we could save them and bring them along ?

Raphtalia: Regardless... I am...


Soldier: The shield transformed ?! Is it the Shield dem...UGGH ! AAH !

Naofumi: How is it ? The taste of my poisonous snake fang ? You'll die if you don't detoxify it soon, you know ? But I'll give you this antidote if you listen to me. Now, where is princess Melty ?

Soldier: EEEEEEEP !! I- I understand, I understand, so...

Naofumi: Raphtalia, Melty comes first, then the basement.

Raphtalia: Yes... !

"So, are we done with rampaging for now ?"

Fat: What's with the commotion ?

Soldier: Sir, it would seems that the two demons has broken in. They're probably searching for Princess Melty...

Fat: In that case, immediately...

Filo: MELTY !!!

Melty: Filo !!

Fat: Hey ! What pathetic soldiers !

Melty: Filo, don't come over !! Quickly run away with the others ! I'll be fine !! This person brought me here to lure Naofumi and Y/n out !!

Fat: Oh, if you know, then the conversation will be quick.

Filo: Melty !!

Fat: Don't move !!

Melty: What are you doing ?!

Fat: This is to bury the two demons. God too wishes for this.

"What a convenient god you have here, to forgive you no matter how inhumane you act."

Fat: The demons !! So this is the honor you speak of !!

Naofumi: It's fine for us. Are we not demons, after all ?

Fat: Woah ! Don't move any further ! Aren't you worried ? You may intend to rape the princess and take the country, but as long as I am here...



Fat: A- Ah... The sword... I... Th... This semi-human appearance... S- STOP IT , I'M SORRY ! Forgive me... Just my life...

Raphtalia: Fu... Fufufu... While killing so many poor semi-humans yourself... This... This... This pathetic creature, killed Lifana.

Fat: Lifana... ?! Your friend ?

Raphtalia: You don't remember ?

Fat: I've fought a war against semi-humans before !! The name of each one... !

Raphtalia: War ? This isn't a battle field. There might have been proud semi-humans soldiers on the battlefield, but... The one I know is a young girl, all those lower in standing than you...

Fat: You, can't be... The one raised, in the basement...

At the last moment, before dealing the fatal blow, she hesitated for a split second.

Melty: Raphtalia !!!

Fat: I just want to keep my life... Did you think I would plead like that ?! Incorrigible, INCORRIGIBLE !! THIS LOWBORN SEMI-HUMAN !!! YOU TOO, I'LL HAVE YOU ATONE WITH YOUR LIFE ! To have defied me... I'LL USE THIS WHIP WHICH HAS ABSORBED THE BLOOD OF SEMI-HUMANS !!!

"I WON'T stand still and watch this happen. Custom spell, [RED HOT CHILI PEPPER] Lightning control !!"


"You can only hit those weaker than you, isn't that right ?"


"You should ask forgiveness from all the child you've killed. We have no intention of letting you go to begin with. Now get up."

Fat: I- I'll give you lots of money ! Just tell me what you want, I'll give it to you !!

"Good grief... You truly are the lowest scum on Earth. The debt that you owe..."

"Cannot be paid with money ! [STAR PLATINUM] !!!"





Raphtalia: Is he dead ?

"Probably. And even if he's still alive, I doubt he'll be ever able to walk again."

Naofumi: Are you okay, Melty ?

Melty: Y- Yes. I am...

Naofumi: A gentleman would also faint, but you seem fine.

Noble: F- Fine is a big word here...

"Let me handle this, [CRAZY DIAMOND] !"

Melty: Raphtalia...

Raphtalia: Didn't I tell you ? That I wasn't such a capable person...

Filo: This place is kinda unpleasant.

"You tell me about it..."

Naofumi: Guys...

Raphtalia: You are avenged, now... Lifana...

Naofumi: Her... ?

Raphtalia: yes. A girl who was more feminine and gentle than I... And always spoke of marrying someone like the Shield hero...

Naofumi: Let's take her with us. It would be sad to leave her here.

Raphtalia: ... Yes.

Filo: Master...

"Is there someone else here ?"

Filo: Yeah. A boy.

Raphtalia: K... KIEL !!

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