Chapter 18: ... Acquiring birds...

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Kiel: Who... Are you... ?

Raphtalia: Kiel, it's you, right ?! It's me, Raphtalia...

Kiel: Don't come any closer !! Everyone's... Dead... Lifana, and Raphtalia as well... No one is here anymore...

Naofumi: I've seen those eyes before.

"Yes, me too... Those are the same eyes you once had."

Raphtalia: Please, give us a little time. I'll talk a little about the Kiel I knew. The Kiel I knew, collected pretty shells for his father's birthday celebration, and dived into the ocean and almost drowned, and I had to get Sardina to help you...

Raphtalia: And oh, that's right. There was that time when you ate that poisonous mushroom and hurt your stomach and I was hiding. When you spotted me you said "Please don't tell anyone.".

Kiel: Raphtalia ?!! Ughhh...

Raphtalia: Don't push yourself, Kiel.

Kiel: There's no way... I mean... The Raphtalia I knew was small and cute and small... But not this beautiful...

Raphtalia: I'm currently a slave of the Shield hero. My level has gotten a lot higher since then...

Kiel: the Shield... Hero... ?

Raphtalia: Wait a second, I'll undo those for you now.

Kiev: It's really real... It's not a dream... Raphtalia, is it okay... Is it okay to, believe in you ? To live... Once again under that flag...

"Will he be alright ?"

Raphtalia: It's okay, he's only passed out. He'll need some healing though.

"Yes, let me deal with it..."

Melty: This... Something like this... I will not forgive it. It is horrible that this was even allowed to happen.

Naofumi: ... That's true. But most likely the same things are going on all over the country.

Melty: Every... Where...

Naofumi: This country discriminates against semi-humans a lot more than you do. That and honestly, seeing this, aren't you seized with fear ?

Melty: Naofumi ! If you look at a scene like this, do you feel nothing ?!

"It's not that we feel nothing. That's why you should help with Raphtalia's revenge."

Naofumi: Are you okay now ? We're going, it would be pointless to stay too long.

Raphtalia: Something seems strange, doesn't it ?

Naofumi: Yeah. It's eerily silent...

"Is something wrong, Filo ?"


"You've got to be kidding me... This guy wasn't dead ?!"

Fat: So you've shown your faces ! Demons !! But this is your end !!

Naofumi: You... What did you...

Fat: That's right, I should've done this from the start. You demons and those filthy semi-humans... ! I SHALL CLEANSE ALL OF THIS WORLD'S IMPURITIES !! WITH THE POWER OF THIS ANCIENT DEMON !!!

Naofumi: Wh- What is that ?! A DINOSAUR ?!!

Melty: Th- There's no way, could that be... A legend from this town... An ancient hero... the sealed demon !

"What the hell are you thinking ?! This is the middle of the town !!"

Fat: It's your own fault... Because you... Angered me... For a mere semi-human to waste my time... !

Melty: BE QUIET !! You are responsible for the land and are supposed to be ruling the people, while... Engaging in such horrible practices: This is something I cannot forgive !! Seal this monster immediately !! if you don't... !!

Fat: Oh, the princess is standing on her own two feet ! BUT IT'S TOO LATE !! WHEN I DIE, NOBODY WILL BE ABLE TO STOP IT ANYMORE !!!

Citizen: Wh- What is that sound ?! In the middle of the town... What on Earth is happening... ?!

And the answer to that question would be: A desperate chase between us and that dinosaur through the whole town.

"To think such a thing would be sealed here... Even if we defeat that thing, it will be blamed on us."

Melty: Defeat that thing... The Tyrant Dragon Rex, an ancient invincible demon, who is said to have been sealed away... AND THIS IS THE MIDDLE OF TOWN !!!

Naofumi: Then what are you saying we should do ?!

Raphtalia: Naofumi, there is something that has been bothering me... Just earlier, Filo's underbelly was faintly glowing. And that dragon is emitting the same light...

"The zombie dragon's core... It must be resonating with that dinosaur's..."

Naofumi: That would explain why he's only targeting Filo... If that's the case...

"We might be able to lure that thing out of the city ! But if we do that...'

Noble: Please leave this to me. I had heard rumors about the lord around here. However, with my position, I was unable to do anything... And I was always disturbed by it. Among my supporters there are many semi-humans. I'm sure there would be many who would gladly help us.

Naofumi: What will you do, Melty ? We are going to be a decoy. There is no need to unnecessarily follow us.

Melty: ... I'll go. I'll follow you guys. I understand, what I saw today was a disease deeply rooted within this country... As a princess of this country, this is my sin too. I have no idea how to stop this... i'm powerless.

Noble: Princess Melty, allow me to say something. Please hold on to the feeling you are feeling now. Because the things you have seen and heard may be able to change this country... Because you are this country's crown princess.

Melty: Yes... I know even if you don't tell me !

Kiel: Guh... Raph... Talia... Don't go... Don't... Die...

Raphtalia: we are going to do what we must. So wait for me, Kiel. We'll make sure to take back that banner !

"So it's decided... Let's go ! Filo, we're running away !!"

Filo: Huh ?! We're not gonna fight ?!

"We will fight, but only once we leave the city !!"

Naofumi: There are people gathering around the road to the gate. Try to find a path that will minimize damage and jump the wall !!

Filo: But it looks like there are lots of houses anywhere we go !

"Just do what you can !!"

Filo: GOT IT !!

Raphtalia: It's coming straight for us !!

"Alright ! Filo, keep running at this speed !!"

Filo: For how long ?

"Until we're farther away. Let's go until we can't see the town !!"

Noble: Geez... For such a horrible monster to be released.

Citizen: Lord... My lord !!

Noble: Everyone ! When the wall broke I hurried over here. Above all, I am glad you are safe.

Citizen: Lord, who is that boy... ?

Noble: A boy who was kept here as a slave. I'll leave him in your hands.

Citizen: Understood. let's leave this town as soon as possible.

Noble: No. There is still work to be done. Providing aid to the damaged area. There is no one governing this city and the soldiers seem to be confused. So, everyone, please help me.

Citizens: Please wait ! They kidnapped you and did horrible things to that boy ! Are you really going to save the people around here ?! We haven't liked the people around here for a while !! These people were particularly horrible to semi-humans, you know ?!

Noble: Are you saying, that if this slave wasn't a semi-human, you wouldn't feel sorry for him ? So, please...


"SILVER PLATINUM !!! Both of you !!"


"Shit ! As expected, we're not dealing any damages here ! He hasn't budged at all !"

Naofumi: If this really was a game, we would take our time to slowly wear down its physical strength, but...

"Yes, that will be hard without a decisive blow. At least we're fortunate it's stupid... Heh, now I wish that this idiot Motoyasu was here, so we could use him as a decoy..."

Naofumi: Should I use it ? The shield of rage...

"It is a last resort in case we face a desperate situation, which IS the case... "

???: No.

Naofumi: What's that ? A voice ?!

Melty: Guys !! the river bank looks strange !

"Fog ? It definitely doesn't look natural..."

Melty: Yes, this is magic fog, a high level ward. My mother told me of a magic fog that would cover the lost forest. It's said that no matter where you go you always return to the same place.

Naofumi: So being in this fog means... We're trapped ? Could this be the work of the bitch's lot... ?!

"I doubt it... If they were capable of doing that, they probably would've done it long ago, to prevent us from escaping..."

Filo: Master ! Look ! More delicious-looking birds !!

"No Filo, don't eat... them... What on earth is happening here ?!!"

Melty: Amazing ! It's like a dream !

One would disagree with that statement, and that would be the dinosaur itself, who started to get really mad for... Some reason.

"We didn't needed THAT on top of that mess !!"

Naofumi: Did something set him off ?! We should do it in one shot after all...

*Obstruction is prohibited.*

Naofumi: Wh...

"Wait... A being able to rise against one of the four legendary weapons..."

???: It's okay, so just wait.

Naofumi: Again ! Who is it ?!

???: Please don't rely on that power.

"M... Ma- Ma- Massive !!"


Queen: It seems... The dragon fragments didn't fit your body and you became massive.

Melty: She spoke !!

Filo: Filo can speak too, you know ?

"Well, that is true, but..."

Queen: if you handle over the fragments I will let you live. Now.

Dinosaur: Kuh... Kukukuku...

Melty: Please, don't lose !!

Raphtalia: melty !! Filo ! Get away !

Naofumi: Shit ! What is this massive battle ?!

Queen: Too bad.

Queen: It's because you don't fit your body size... So. Can I call you, the Shield and Staff heroes ?

Naofumi: What do you want ?

"What are you exactly ? Is this fog also your doing ?"

Queen: That's right, sorry about that. Just wait a second.

Queen: I'll start with a self-introduction.

Fitoria: I am the queen who unites all filolials. Fitoria.

Melty: Did you say Fitoria ?!

"You know her ?"

Melty: Of course ! In the past, she was summoned when the wave came. The legendary filolial, said to have raised the four legendary heroes !

Naofumi: In the past... ?!

Filo: Wah ! She's the same as Filo ! Will Filo become that big too one day ??

"If you do it'll become way too troublesome to travel around. Plus you probably won't be able to support yourself."

Filo: Huh ?!

Fitoria: Do not worry, to become that big requires at least ten generations.

Naofumi: And so ? What does this queen want with us ?

Fitoria: I came because there was a report of a new queen candidate.. But I want to talk to you more about a lot of things. I want to know under what circumstances that demon was released. Come with me, to the country the first hero protected.

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