Chapter 2-10: Lord Dumbass

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Filo: Hey, masterrrrr. Can I go swim in the ocean for a bit ?

"In the middle of the night ?"

Filo: Yup ! It's okay, right ?

"Can't you wait at least for tomorrow ? I mean, we're not leaving the island for a while, after all. The ships are heavily damaged, it'll take me a while to fix them all."

Naofumi: Also, the boss fro that wave was gigantic, and they're asking for help. Right now it's just being postponed, though. Unless we reach far enough for the island... Well, it can't be helped.

"As expected, we can't escape from the wave unscathed..."

Filo: Soooooo, is it okay if I go for a swim ?

"I said tomorrow. Besides you just went into the hot springs, didn't you ?"

Filo: Buuuut...

Raphtalia: Hey, look there. It's the spear hero and the Bow's hero...

"That's a rather rare combination we got there."

Filo: Are they going for a swim ?

Naofumi: Not a chance. He's hitting on her, probably.

"*sigh* I'll be right back..."

"Hey, Motoyasu ! Just because you think with your crotch doesn't mean you really can go around and hit on every single-"

Motoyasu: Y/n !! You came at a really good time ! Please look after her !

"... What did you do this time ? Clean up your own mess, seriously."

Motoyasu: What ?! I haven't done anything to her ! I'm not Naof-

"Another word and I erase your lineage."

Motoyasu: Th- That was not what I was saying ! Anyways, now it's in your hands !!

"HEY !! 'Where did he learned the Joestar's secret technique... ?'"

Rishia: It's not... The Spear Hero's fault. Please don't worry about me...

Naofumi: Even if you say that...

Rishia: It's the truth. The spear hero was only concerned for me... I- I was only crying by myself...

"Did Itsuki got mad after what happened this afternoon ? If it's just that..."

Rishia: PLEASE... Please, don't worry about me...

"I worry about that a lot."

Naofumi: Oh, so you haven't turned mute all of a sudden, that's a relief.

"Isn't it on your minds as well ?"

Raphtalia: It is, but... Even if we forced her to talk, we'd probably only hurt her even more...

'I must be overthinking things... I know I shouldn't get too involved in situations like this...'

'Seriously, Itsuki, we can hear you laughing from all the way here... I'm sure there is no problem, in the end...'

"Hm ? Rishia- Hey, Wait !!"

"... Fine, I'll take that matter in hand now."

"You better spill the beans now. Tell me everything you know."

Motoyasu: What's your problem, can't you see you're being a nuisance ? Go be a bother somewhere else.

"You know, you left me with that to take care of yesterday, but if I don't even know what you left me, it'll be a problem."

Motoyasu: Fine, fine, but the rest of it, I leave it to you.

'To think Motoyasu could muster a face like that, I've learned a lot these past few days.'

Motoyasu: You see, I'm not good with girls who are in that sort of situation.. That's why I'll leave it to you.

'I though you were okay with anyone as long as it's a girl...' "Not good ?"

Motoyasu: At first I was worried why she was crying, so I tried to speak to her even though it might annoy her, and she began to speak to me bit by bit...

Itsuki: Rishia, there's something that I'd like to ask you. It's about this...

Rishia: Huh ? This is your precious... What happened to it ?

Itsuki You ask me ?

Rishia: Well... Umm... Lord Itsuki ?

Itsuki: Rishia ! Don't you have anything else you want to say to me ?

Rishia: O- It...

Itsuki: How disappointing... Very much so.

Rishia: L- Lord Itsuki ?! What's the matter !!!

Mald: You still don't understand, Rishia ? Lord Itsuki is very angry right now. If you hadn't lied, and obediently admitted your mistakes...

Rishia: L- LIED ?!!

Mald: That's right. That you were the one who broke the bracelet.

Rishia: H- Heh ?! If- If I had said that, that would've been a lie ! I- I don't know anything...

Mald: You still say that. Everyone here has seen that you were the one who did that.

Adventurers: You know, don't be flustered and hide the fact./ That's right./ Even if it was caused by your clumsiness, that was...

Itsuki: Rishia.

Rishia: Lord Itsuki, I-

Itsuki: It really is a shame. But from today onward, I want you to leave the party. Farewell.

"Excuse me for a little while, there's something I need to take care of real quick."


Itsuki: Is something the matter, Y/n ?

"Ooooh, I'll tell you what's the matter alright... Are you that much of a child that you couldn't Stand the fact that Rishia played a more active role than you in the last wave ?!

Itsuki: WHAT WAS THAT ?!! Did she really say that ?!

"She didn't, but by the look on your face, I'd say I just hit the mark, didn't I ?"

Itsuki: W- What is your problem ?! Did you come to mock me ?!

"Man, you're really an eyesore, aren't you ? Right now, I am incredibly pissed off at all of you, that's all. You know, even after explaining the situation to Motoyasu, she was still vehemently trying to defend you. That you are not wrong, and not to blame your for this, that's it's her fault for being untrustworthy."

"Apparently, Motoyasu came to this world after dying due to jealousy of other girls, so he's bad at dealing with abnormally wholehearted people like Rishia. That's why I'm pissed off. Call Rishia here, tell her the truth, and apologize to her !"

Itsuki: ... I listened silently to what you had to say, but-


"You wanna go back into the book ?"

Mald: Eek...

"Thought so. I have my ways to discern truth from lies. Thanks to that, I can also say, that the one who broke the bracelet in currently among us."

"[Atum]. Now... Did Rishia broke the bracelet ?"

Itsuki: No No No No No.

"I knew it. It's useless to hide the truth, I'll reach it sooner or later."

Itsuki: ... I understand. I'll tell you the truth.

Mald: Lord Itsuki ?!

Itsuki: This is all for Rishia's sake. Truth is, I knew about this. That everyone was talking between themselves and decided that they would carry on this evil deed. Doesn't it make you feel how much they care for their comrades ?

"... They don't... ?"

Itsuki: Rishia is not suited for combat. She'd be better off living back at her hometown. They only gave her a chance to understand that fact by herself.

Mald: L- Lord Itsuki !! Yes, that's right ! That's exactly why !

"You really expect me to believe that out of all the possibilities you had, you genuinely only came up with 'Let's falsely accuse here and throw her out like garbage' ?

All: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes.

"You only wanted her expelled from the party... And in the last wave, when her actions were acknowledged instead of yours, she turned from a burden into an eyesore..."

Itsuki: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes.

"... So that's your so-called 'Justice' huh ? Just to dismiss a single person, you went as far as to falsely accuse her. Let me give you a scoop here, Mr.Vigilante, a hero is someone who fights FOR the weak, not someone who casts them aside ! You say Rishia isn't suited for combat ?! SAYS THE USELESS GUY WHO DOESN'T HAVE THE METTLE TO EVEN GET HURT !!!"

Rishia: PLEASE STOP IT. Please don't... Speak ill of Lord Itsuki...


Rishia: Lord Itsuki... Was I, was I a hindrance ? I- Am I not needed ? Could I not be of use, of even a tiny bit to you, Lord Itsuki ?

Itsuki: ... I can't go on with a weak person like you.

Rishia: ... I understand.

"Rishia ! Wait ! RISHIA !!!"

Mald: About time she understood...

"[HEAVEN'S DOOR] !! I had enough of that bullshit, so... There, from now on, your name will be 'Lord Dumbass'."

"I can fix an object, but a broken heart is beyond my abilities... And let's not talk about a malfunctioning human..."

Rishia: 'I'm sorry, Lord Itsuki ! I'm sorry, for being weak...'

"She's not going to do something THAT cliché ?! Rishia !! Stop that ! [HIEROPHANT GREEN] !!!"

"F- Filo ?!"

Filo: This lady really sucks at swimming, she was about to drown.

"Yeah, good job Filo. Seriously, trying to commit suicide just because she was set aside by that idiot..."

Rishia: Ple- Please let me die. After being cast away from Lord Itsuki, a weak person such as me...

"That won't do... Tell me, what do you think would be the best for you ? Just accepting what he said as true... or proving him that he was wrong, and making him crawl back to you, begging you to come back ? Don't you want to make him say 'I need you' ?"

"I know that feeling, I've been around Naofumi for so long, I know what it is to be falsely accused then scorned for being weak. But the difference is that I decided to prove them all wrong, and here I am now, treating THEM like a stain on my shoes. Come with me ! I can make you stronger than Itsuki could ever dream of !!"

Rishia: ... I- I'm... I'm in love with Lord Itsuki... That won't change...

"That's fine by me. For now, think about yourself, and decide what you want to do yourself."

Rishia: I'll... Be in your care !

"Good. Trust me, once i'm done with you, Itsuki will be kneeling before you."

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