Chapter 2-11: Apprentice

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"And this is the whole situation now."

Naofumi: "Lord Dumbass"... Good choice.

"Thanks, I knew you'd appreciate it. With that, this is Rishia, who will be working under me as my student from now on."

Rishia: I- I look forward to working with you...

Filo: Don't be nervous ! Master is a good master !

Rishia: U- Um... I have a request... P- PLEASE LET ME WEAR A CHARACTER COSTUME !!

"... Why ?"

Rishia: When I was kicked out of Lord Itsuki's party, they took back the costume.

"Weren't they forcing you to wear it though ?"

Rishia: Yes, that's correct.

"And your point is ?"

Rishia: I really liked it ! Because they didn't find out even if I was feeling down !

"... This girl will be a real piece of work..."

Naofumi: Our destination has been set. Since the island is still recovering, leveling-up on this island is over. We'll head back to the castle.

Rishia: ... ...

"Itsuki is on another ship, he's not here. While I'm at it, you're prohibited from meeting with Itsuki. And don't even think of stalking him."

Rishia: WHAT ?!

"Nothing good will come of you meeting that dumbass again."

Rishia: That... Do- Don't speak bad of him... Please...

Raphtalia: You'd cover him even after all that happened ?

Rishia: ...

Raphtalia: So he's really important to you, Rishia... He'll come to understand you someday. Let's work hard together.

Rishia: Y- You too, Raphtalia... ?

Filo: Filo too ! Filo too !!

Raphtalia: Goodness, Filo...

Naofumi: I have a strange feeling of alienation right now...

"Well, as long as they understand each other..."

Melty: Welcome back ! Mother ! And Filo and everyone too !!

Filo: Mel !!

Mirellia: Did anything happen during my absence, Melty ?

Melty: No, everything went smoothly.

Mirellia: Very well.

Melty: Mother, on your command, I've put together a list of candidates who seem promising. Those who've sided with the church of the three heroes and were thrown in or demoted have been excluded.

"Is there anyone promising ?"

Mirellia: It will depend on the negotiation, but I'll do what I can. We have two and a half weeks until the next wave at Melromarc. We have to do everything we can until then, otherwise we can't put anything we've learned from the last wave to use. If you have any other requests, I'll do my best to support it.

Naofumi: Then...

Naofumi: Oh... This really is big...

"Well, as expected of the country's storehouse... What kind of stuff is in here ?"

Mirellia: Here is the list, but it may be faster if you specify what kind of material you are looking for.

Naofumi: We'll have a look around then. Is it alright if I absorb the items ?

Mirellia: yes. Feel free to use your "Weapon copy" skill too. If you want, creating new items is also possible at the blacksmith.

"In that case, we've got just the right place. We're patrons there after all."

Blacksmith: 'Sup ! Shield-bro, Staff-bro. I was thinking that it was about time you got back. How was it ? Did you level up on he island ?

"It was definitely worth it. Our levels increased by more than 30 in a few days after all-

Blacksmith: MORE THAN 30 ?! Haaaa... You did something unreasonable, didn't you ?

"Not... really ?"

Blacksmith: Even if leveling-up is easier there, I've never heard of leveling-up that fast after class advancement. Even if you receive some sort of stimulation over a long time, after 25 levels, you'll die of overwork !

Naofumi: We... Didn't know about that... Is it because of our holy weapons ?

"Thank you, O dear staff, for everything you've done for us so far..."

Blacksmith: Maybe. Let's leave it at that for now. More importantly...

Naofumi: Yeah, I know. Prepare for us the most powerful weapons and armors that'll fit us. The country will cover the bills.

Blacksmith: Good grief. Look at how far you've risen, guys. You've really returned from far away, haven't you ? that's quite the rare items you got here !

"Spoils from the island, and from the castle storehouse to. If you need more, just tell us, we can prepare it."

Blacksmith: Okay, got it. Considering that both your lasses are fine as it is... Is that a new party member wearing a costume or something ? What weapon is your specialty ?

Rishia: I- I use the sword..

"Could you look at her and chose one for her ?"

Blacksmith: I don't mind... But, she'll have to remove that first.

"Rishia ? You said yourself that you're quite good at magic, didn't you ? If possible, I'd like you to cover the rear with me."

Rishia: H- Heeeh ?! I- I'll do both of it !!

"Fine, but let him have a look first."

Blacksmith: I see. From the looks of it, a rapier would be a god choice. If you want to do support from the rear, an enchanted weapon would be desirable.


Blacksmith: You can also use a bow or a spear but... Because you'd need strength to use those, I can't recommend them.

Rishia: No... NOT THE BOW !

Naofumi: Because it's the same as Itsuki ?

Rishia: N- No, because I'll probably hit all of you instead.

"Ah. Well, that... Anyway, we'll leave it to you now."

Blacksmith: You can count on me for that, kid.

Rishia: Uuuuuh... I finally got the costume and yet, it was taken again...

"Don't make it sound like we did a bad thing, it's just to make some enhancements !"

Raphtalia: That old man is very skilled, so it'll surely become a very magnificent piece of equipment.

Rishia: A magnificent... Costume !!

"This vision will haunt my nights... By the way, I was just wondering, but how do you intend to use a rapier while wearing that ? I mean, even grabbing it would be pretty difficult without functional thumbs..."

Rishia: ... ...

"Do you even intend to grow stronger ?"

Rishia: I- I...

???: Found you ! Raphtalia !! Thank god you're alright !!

Raphtalia: K- Keel ?!

Naofumi: You're Raphtalia's childhood friend...


Raphtalia: It's not against my will.

Naofumi: Well, I do put her in danger though.

Keel: I KNEW IT !!


Noble: looks like you heroes hasn't changed. Hello, it's been a long time.

Keel: from here onward, I'll also fight in the wave !

"Eat you kid's meal first, before it gets cold."

Noble: After parting ways with everyone, he's been like this even since.

Keel: The wave happened in that island, didn't it ? You were put in danger again, weren't you ? Raphtalia... If you're fighting, then I'll also-

Raphtalia: I won't allow it. Saying that you want to fight so lightheartedly.

Filo: Master, Big sis Raphtalia is scary...

"I know... Stand back, and stay out of her direct range of attack."

Keel: WHY ?!

Raphtalia: Because, Keel, you're weaker than-

Naofumi: Raphtalia.

Naofumi: You, do you want to become stronger under me ?

Raphtalia: Naofumi !!

"Calm down, please."

Naofumi: His feeling is the same as yours, Raphtalia. Also, it's not a bad thing to try to get stronger.

Raphtalia: Keel...

Naofumi: or, you don't want to be under me because I put Raphtalia at risk ?


Keel: It's okay !! I'll become stronger and protect Raphtalia... AND EVERYONE TOO !!

Naofumi: That settles it then.

"First, let's introduce ourselves."


Keel: I'M KEEL !!

Filo: My turn ! Filo is Filo !

Raphtalia: I'm Raphtalia, I look forward to working with you. It's your turn next.

"Us too ?"

Raphtalia: of course !

Keel: My turn !! My goal, IS TO BECOME THE STRONGEST !!


Naofumi: Good mindset. Well then, Both of you will become our slaves !

Rishia: What ?

Keel: What ?

"What ?"

Rishia: Wh- What do you mean slave...

Keel: As I though, the Shield Hero is a bad guy ?!


Filo: Roger !!

Raphtalia: Y/n ?!! And you too, Filo, stop it !!

Rishia: KYAAAA !!

"Naofumi, I don't mind the 'joke', but please refrain from making that kind of face, even I find it creepy."

Raphtalia: Good grief, please stop joking around. Keel has suffered a lot as a slave. Please consider other peoples' condition before speaking.

"You say that, but Rishia was the one freaking out..."

Rishia: HIIIII

Raphtalia: That's just how you'd normally react !!

Keel: ... Was that a joke ? About being slaves ?

"Not really, you will become slaves and- For the love of Speedwagon, let me finish before freaking out !!"

Naofumi: In short, I've got an ability that compensates the growth of slaves and monsters in my and my allies' parties. It increases the effectiveness of leveling up. We've got your statuses appraised by a magician in the castle, but...

"Keel, your level is too low, even if we can't blame you for that. As for Rishia, you've got a good level and better status, but that's about it."

Naofumi: Even if we start training, a good status base is favorable.

"Rishia, you've already got a high level, but given your stats, leveling-up normally won't really change things. One of our options here is to reset your level and start over again."

Rishia: R- Reset ?!

"The next wave is near, and we need you two to be combat-ready as soon as possible, even though this is just a proposal. In the end, you decide."

Keel: Again... So I will become a slave again, huh.

"Officially, yes. In fact... Well, look at Raphtalia."

Mirellia: Iwatani sir, Y/n sir. So this is where you were.

Naofumi: Your majesty.

Mirellia: And all of your parties members too. I was searching for you, can I have a bit of your time ?

Naofumi: Sure, we don't mind.

"And... Who's that ?"

Mirellia: I'll introduce her. This person is Eclair Seaetto. She's among the top 5 swordsman in our country.

"So she'll be one of the instructors, huh ?"

Eclair: It's a pleasure to meet you, heroes. As I'm a Swordsman, I am not able to guide you directly, but for your comrades who I can, I plan to give it my best to guide them.

Raphtalia: Um... Now, did you call yourself Seaetto ?

'Where did I heard that again... ?'

Eclair: I see. So you two are...

Eclair: As someone who couldn't protect my father's territory, you can hate me if you want.

Raphtalia: So you are the duke's... Daughter ?! Please, please raise your head.

Naofumi: Oh. So she's the daughter of the duke when your village was lost during the wave...

"That also makes you a survivor of said wave, doesn't it ? But where were you up until now ?"

Eclair: ... As embarrassing as it is for me to say, I was imprisoned.

Mirellia: She was charged for treason, but in reality, with further investigation, it was because she opposed people who went to hunt slaves.

Eclair: I realized my powerlessness during those days, but I've received the heavy responsibility from her majesty. I took on the request for the sake of my country and for the people in my domain.

Naofumi: As a noble of this country, you seem to have quite a bit of a backbone. Can we be certain of her skills ?

Mirellia: Of course, I can guarantee-

Eclair: Please wait, your majesty. It's understandable that the Shield hero is concerned. I would like to have a match with him.

"Don't worry about going all-out, the medic team is on standby."

Naofumi: You can attack however you please. If you think you can break past my defense, I'd like to see it.

Eclair: Acknowledged.

Naofumi: You're fast.

Eclair: Much obliged. Well then, a little more...

Eclair: It's my defeat. Looks like my power doesn't amount to anything in front of you.

Naofumi: Not really. This is just because for the divine protection of the Shield.

Keel: Amazing...

Rishia: Yes, Eclair's 10 hit combo was also amazing though.

Keel: You could see those ?!

Rishia: Eh ? Ah, no... It took everything I had just to follow their movements...

"Can I ask you something ? Can you add special effects to your current sword ?"

Eclair: Add special effects ?

"You know, adding magic to it ?"

Eclair: I see. Something like this ?

Keel: OWAHHH ! Awesome !!

Naofumi: Can you use that magic sword to deal damage while ignoring defense altogether ?

Eclair: An attack like that doesn't exist in my school... But, I've heard that such an attack exists. Looks like I'm not fit to be an instructor...

"Don't put yourself down, your strength and skills are the real deal. Your training will certainly be profitable for all of us."

Eclair: I understand.

Mirellia: heroes, can I have a moment ?

Naofumi: What is it, your majesty ?

Mirellia: It's about the instructors. I've gained acknowledgment from various people in their respective fields. Just like Eclair, everybody can be trusted. But the main thing is...

"No, don't tell, I'll use my magic psychic abilities to read your mind.... HMMMMMMMMMMMM... The three dumbasses don't want to ?"

Mirellia: It hasn't quite reached that level yet... All of them are in the castle right now, but we can't really get to them as they move independently. I'll go and tell them to take part in it, but first I want you and your companions to go and receive guidance from them.

"To be fair, meeting the other three... I think things are fine as they are right now."

Mirellia: You already know that we can't go on like this...I've also invited the sage from the Peerless transformation style, and he willingly accepted when he heard about you. If it's that person, then starting with you two, and later the other heroes too, will be able to reach further heights under his guidance.

Naofumi: Is that school that amazing ? I never heard of it before...

Mirellia: It's a phantom school that has left its mark in legends. That person has made a brilliant contribution in the great war in the past. According to the schedule, that person will arrive sometime today.

"I see..."

Filo: Waaaah ! Master scolded me !!

"Filo, a sword is used to fight, not to play with. Now please eat."

Naofumi: Don't make me laugh...

Keel: I- I didn't know that Raphtalia was so good with the sword...

Raphtalia: Yes. After all, I didn't even hold one when I was in the village... I cannot convey it properly, but I'm Naofumi's sword. Since the day I swore that, I feel like I've become a swordsman.

Rishia: ... I... What could I have become for Lord Itsuki...

Raphtalia: Even if you don't know, you can figure it out from now onward.

"The mages at the castle will cooperate and teach us about magic, you know ?"

Rishia: Magic, huh ! I'm quite god at studying.

Keel: I... I'll become a slave first.

Raphtalia: Is that okay with you ?

Keel: Of course not. Even if it's not for real, I don't want to. But, because I'm weak... First, I should catch up...

Raphtalia: Keel...

Keel: AND AFTER THAT, I'LL PROTECT YOU !! Next time I'll be the one to protect you, Raphtalia ! And everyone in the village too...

Raphtalia: Keel...

"Nice resolve."

Keel: It disappeared ?!

Rishia: Eh ? Is it alright this way ?

Priest: This slave crest is high-level after all.

"Just like Bitch's, right ? Her wasn't visible unless... Hmmmmmm..."

Priest: Yes, it's the same one.

"Hrm. You really want to leave your level as it is, Rishia ?"

Rishia: yes. The wave is close and I believe that it would be better that way. And if I were to start from scratch, I feel it would be better after I found which direction I want to move in...

"Didn't you said you were good with magic ? You should specialize there."

Rishia: That is correct, but... After thinking for some time, maybe that isn't so...

"How so ?"

Rishia: Ah Ummmm, I don't have one, a special magic. I can use every type of magic, but... I don't think I can use it any better than normal...

Naofumi: Wait, did you say every type ?

Rishia: Y- Yes, both attack and support magic...

Naofumi: Isn't that amazing in its own way ? From what I heard, you can't normally do that.

Rishia: Heh ?!


Rishia: H- Heh... ?

"... Starting today, I'll make you study your brains out. I'll force this stuff and those spells into your skull until you pass out, and even at that point, trust me I'll still find a way to continue. I'll make you cry tears of blood, you will wish that you really drowned in that ocean, but even if you beg, even if you plead me, even if you bleed, I won't stop until I can safely and proudly call you my apprentice. Understood."

Rishia: He... Heh........... Hu-

???: That's right !!


Old Lady: You only see this kind of talent that this girl possesses once every hundred years !

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