Chapter 2-12: "Ki"

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Naofumi: Hey, old hag. Cut it out.

Elrasla: Hoho, you're quite rough, ain't ya ?

Naofumi: Says the person who's sexually harassing others.

"First of all, who are you ?"

Naofumi: Y/n, you're not off the hook either.

Elrasla: Hoho. I had yet to introduce myself. Then,

Naofumi: 'Even though she only touched me... This pain that pierces through me...'

'Does sound familiar...'

Elrasla: Surprised, are ya ? This old hag has got something too, right ? Mister saints.

Keel: Saints ? The heroes are called that way ?

"You know that name... Did we met you while doing peddling jobs... ?"

Elrasla: Ya don't remember ?

Naofumi: I don't. At least not an old hag who can use an attack that deals damage proportional to defense. You're not making fun of us, are you

Elrasla: Hoho. Well, that's just expected. At that time, you did save a lot of people at various places. i'm also one of them. I didn't think I would live to see tomorrow, and at that time, you gave me medicine. I was saved by your miraculous actions.

Keel: You can do something like that ?!

Naofumi: It's not a miracle, it's easy after developing Pearl Jam to it's fullest. By the way, we've already received compensation for that medicine.

"We weren't exactly doing it for charity at that moment after all."

Mirellia: So, that's how it was. You were already acquainted with her.

Elrasla: Your majesty.

Mirellia: Thank you for coming. Let me introduce her formally, she's one of the people who has accepted the role of combat adviser, the sage from Peerless transformation style.

Naofumi: This old hag is... ?

Elrasla: I don't usually accept summons from the country, but... My peerless transformation style is a school for the weak. It lets the weak fight against overwhelmingly strong opponents... You said it was not for charity, but you wouldn't be called saints if it weren't that you saved lives by being peddlers.

Elrasla: Lending a hand to those who need it, no matter what form it takes, that deed itself is the principle of my school. If I couldn't add to the strength of those Saints, then I can't call myself a Peerless transformation style user. I've trained this body that has gone out of shape, and have come to visit you as soon as possible.

"The weak... As long as you're willing to help us, that's good. But can we really learn those techniques ? I mean, we can't use weapons beside our owns..."

Elrasla: Not really. My school deals with using "Ki". The power of Ki can be received by every being equally.

Naofumi: ... Is it different from magic ?

Elrasla: Magic something that brings movement in the world's order. You use it depending on your aptitude and knowledge. But, Ki is something more primitive than that. Let me see...

Elrasla: Your majesty, I'd like to be given this statue, is it alright ?

Mirellia: Yes, it is...

Elrasla: Much obliged. Well then...

Elrasla: This is "Ki". Did you not get it ? Just now it crumbled not because of a blow but-

Naofumi: There's no way we would understand !!

Keel: Owaa. that's amazing !

Rishia: ... ...


Rishia: H- HEEEEEEEEEH !!!

"... Rishia, you can use Ki ?"

Rishia: N- No, not one bit... That one before was brittle...

Elrasla: ... I have decided. THE NEXT SUCCESSOR OF PEERLESS TRANSFORMATION STYLE, WILL BE THIS LASS !! Then, without any further delay.. !

Naofumi: The hell is wrong with this old hag ?!

"Back off my apprentice NOW !!"

Naofumi: NOT YOU TOO ?!

Shadow: Your majesty, about that matter... And another thing...

Mirellia: What did you just say ? ... Heroes, can you accompany me ? There seems to be a problem...

Naofumi: Raphtalia ! What happened ?

Raphtalia: Naofumi. Well... The other heroes gathered together by chance, and Eclair brought up the thing about training. And then... And then...

Mirellia: Are you not calm right now, Eclair ?

Eclair: Your majesty ! Please overlook this matter. While I may still be inexperienced, i'm still a knight. As such, I cannot allow an insult to go unchallenged.

Ren: It's not an insult. I merely suggested that instead of training for this cheap mimicry, there are better things to do.

Motoyasu: Especially if we were taught by someone with a lower level, right ?

Naofumi: ... Again, huh ?

Raphtalia: Yes.

"Because we all know how much your high levels helped during the last wave, didn't they ? Oh wait, you guys got one-shot again, that's right. I keep forgetting."

Itsuki: You...

"Oh hey, Lord Dumbass. How'zit goin' ?"

Itsuki: You better undo that spell now ! Or else !!

"Not before you apologize to Rishia for everything you've put her through. And I mean real excuses, I'll know if you mean what you say. Dumbass."

Mirellia: I understand. I'll consider it if it's a sparring match.

Eclair: I'm honored.

Ren: Hmph.

"Using magic or skills is not allowed, what you're comparing here is your swordsmanship. The first person to attack the vitals will be the winner."

Raphtalia: Naofumi, this match will be probably won by...

Naofumi: yeah. The problem will be what happens after that.

"I'm planning on 5 seconds... BEGIN !!!"

Ren: MY WIN !!!

Motoyasu: What ?

Naofumi: Over in a flash, huh...

"Like I said, 5 seconds."

Eclair: ... It can't be ? You're more bark than bite, aren't you ?

Ren: More... ONCE MORE !!

Mirellia: Amaki !!

Eclair: I don't mind, your majesty. This is a rare chance, I'll use it as a chance for training, until he tires out-


Eclair: Ugh !

Naofumi: Hey ! The rules stipulated to not use skills !! REN !!

Mirellia: Amaki. How was it ? Eclair's Swordsmanship ?

Ren: I... I approve... ...

"Well then, about that training..."


Mirellia: What about the two of you ?

Motoyasu: Well... Okay...

Mirellia: That's good. Well then, since everyone is gathered here, let's go over the Curriculum. All of the other instructors are over there, and please bring all of your party members too.

Motoyasu: Starting... Right now ?

Mirellia: Yes. The program will keep you busy. After all, there are many things that you have to learn. Until the next wave, let's do everything we can... !

Motoyasu: ... Why does this... Feel so nostalgic...

Itsuki: This is just like school...

Ren: Even after coming to another world...

Naofumi: These guys are all worn out... Do they really have higher levels than Eclair... ?

Raphtalia: Naofumi !

Naofumi: Raphtalia... Don't you have magic training with Rishia after this ?

Raphtalia: Yes ! Is she here ?

Naofumi: With Itsuki here Y/n is making her have lunch somewhere else.

Raphtalia: Ah... I'll be going there then.

Naofumi: ah, wait ! Raphtalia ! You had sword training with Eclair just now, right ? Are you alright ? Have you...

Raphtalia: Yes ! I had lunch with Eclair just now !

Naofumi: That's not what I meant... Hmm

*Thump thump thump thump*

"We're back."

Filo: master, I'm hungry !

"I know, Filo, I know."

Naofumi: Oh, you're here. Did Keel's level go up ?

"Probably. We should check the effectiveness of running over monsters for experience gain... In any case, that's what we'll keep doing for now."

Naofumi: I thought you had magic training later as well ?

"I do. Everything really turned out quite hectic didn't it ?"

Naofumi: Perhaps we're also tired... I'm amazed that you really took interest on studying the basics, considering how far your spells go.

"Magic detection, passive magic resistance, optimal mana cost, concentration and stabilization... There's still too many things that I need to work on."

Elrasla: THAT'S IT ! Next one, my disciple Rishia. This is it, destroy that boulder like I showed you before.

Rishia: Muuuuuu... TAKE THIS !! AIIIIIIIIIIIII !!!

Elrasla: Not good. You're not concentrating at all. Remember that feeling !! You've succeeded once already...

"Still going at it so late, huh ? Sorry for making you teach Rishia separately."

Rishia: Not a problem, Saint.

"But, that 'Ki' thing... That's really a tough one, I can't even grasp it..."

Elrasla: Ki permeates your body and provides something like vitality. If you can control "Ki", you can even block the defense ignoring attack.

"This should be more useful to Naofumi than me... My defense is so low I probably wouldn't even feel the difference."

Rishia: Huh ? Waaaaaa... This water is amazing. My body is warming up from inside !

"Does it ? I though this was some sort of energy drink... According to Naofumi, that is..."


Rishia: What ? Huh ? How do you hold it ?!


Elrasla: How was it, my disciple Rishia !!

Rishia: ... Umm. The warm feeling has gone away, now I feel cold...

Elrasla: I see... Looks like you, my disciple, cannot hod on to Ki yet...

"A potion to restore Ki... I'll need to have the recipe written down for that one..."

Elrasla: Originally, to gain the perception of Ki, you would have to seclude yourself in the mountains.

"We can't really afford that, you know... ? Not right now at least."

Elrasla: So it is. The first step is to invest time and learn it little... By little.

Bitch: I'm tired of thisssss... OUCH !

Elrasla: Then take this ! You can't stop meditating right now.

Bitch: Why, old hag ! Are you saying there's any meaning to this ?! I'm not a monk, okay ?! This is what martial artists do, isn't it ?!

Elrasla: You could say that the concept of Ki is central to Peerless transformation style. No shortcuts exist other than training and disposition.

Elrasla: The first step is to invest time and learn to perceive Ki.

Itsuki: Even if you say to invest time, how much time does it take ?

Ren: That's right, we're not free.

Motoyasu: After all, we don't know if these potions are even working...

Elrasla: At the very least, 1 month. It depends on the person, so it may take a few months, a year, or even 10 years... You might not even grasp the concept if you're not enveloped by the vitality of the mountain...

Motoyasu: ... DON'T MESS WITH US !! We don't have all time in the World.

Itsuki: That's right ! We won't make it in time for the next wave for certain.

Ren: We're leaving, everyone !

Naofumi: Hey ! Everyone !!

Motoyasu: You should also stop, you two. You really think this will be of any use ?

Elrasla: If you don't begin now, you'll never learn it.

Motoyasu: We don't need it.

Motoyasu: Look. One strike with a skill is enough !

Itsuki: If it's that much, even I can !

Ren: Piece of cake.


Motoyasu: Effort ? We've been chosen and become heroes, haven't we ? IF YOU SAY THAT WE'RE WEAK, THEN THE STRONGER ONES SHOULD JUST SAVE THE WORLD !!

"So that was it all along ? The reason behind your superiority complex was because you believed you were 'Chosen ones'... It really never occurred to you... that the reason for your presence here could just be dumb luck ? That you may have been in the right place at the right time ?"

Motoyasu: Tch... Well, since you're so strong-

"You can go, you know. We're not holding you back. Just know, that you shall be known as the heroes that were to lazy to put any effort in and ran away."

Motoyasu: ... Don't think too highly of yourself just because of that dumb legend. You're not our boss ! We're going back !

"Going back... One thing's for sure, you'll never move forward with that mentality..."

Naofumi: These three... We might have already reached our limits. Unless these guys go through hell and experience it firsthand, they will never...

Mirellia: Fine. If you say that you cannot adhere to my country's policies, then it's a shame, but this is it. You'll no longer receive assistance from my country and become free. It will be better if you go to another country on your own decision.

Mirellia: But, there are some conditions.

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