Chapter 2-13: Familiar situation

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

Mirellia: the subjugation of mysterious monsters, and participation in the wave that will occur one week from now. Achievement of these two conditions will lead to your freedom.

"Mysterious monsters ?"

Naofumi: What is it...

Mirellia: Right now, it is something that is troubling every country... The other day, it also appeared in our country... There are many unclear parts because the testimonies from different countries do not match up. But it seems that its distinctive feature is that a part of its body has a shell, and that it is forming a swarm that will come from the East.

"Even though it isn't part of the wave... ?"

Mirellia: Yes. The reason for that is under investigation. Either way, because these are occurring at the same time, it's getting out of hand. The case with the mystery monsters and the wave, both of these matters require to be handled with haste. In addition to this, it is the perfect opportunity to re-evaluate your worth as heroes.

Mirellia: Please, by all means, save our World, heroes.


Naofumi: 'From all the past experiences, there is no way that they'll be able to do it.'

'They'll get wrecked, we'll have to save them and deal with the problems they will cause as well as the original problem, they'll be whiny about that, they'll leave, and we'll have to start the whole thing over again. Classic.'

Naofumi: 'Her majesty may also be anticipating that as well... I have a bad feeling about this...'

Blacksmith: So let me get this straight: The training is on hold and you'll be going out to hunt monsters instead ? Is it that thing from the other day ?

"The rumors already spread out that much ?"

Blacksmith: Well, yeah. A lot of requests are also going to the adventurers too. My business is thriving because of it. I thought that it was a case where small fries appear in large numbers, which happens sometimes. It sounds dangerous because the heroes are participating, even with the wave coming soon.

"Everything in the castle does feel busy... We just didn't have time to worry about it until now."

Naofumi: Well, this is why it's earlier than planned, but have they been completed ?

Blacksmith: Yep.

Filo: Wow... ! It's white !!

Raphtalia: It has become lighter than it used to be...

Blacksmith: "And how has it become easier to handle ?" I have removed the negative attributes, that's how.

"Without dropping the effectiveness ?! At this point, even saying you're skilled would be an insult !"

Blacksmith: isn't it ? Isn't it ? Instead of not dropping the negative attributes, it has become even before than before ! Have a look at this too !!

Naofumi: How did it become like that ? It was a penguin costume before...

Filo: Yay, it's Filo !!

Blacksmith: The other day, Filo came over with her friends, right ?

"Okay... But why tho ?"

Raphtalia: This feels really comfortable, right ?

Naofumi: Why did you put it on.

Blacksmith: But her status have risen, see ?

"... Whatever, I'm sure she'll love it anyways."

Naofumi: Well, that's about it.

Blacksmith: Okay. Just look at them in high spirits. Is it that boy's first battle ? He looks just like how Raphtalia used to be.

"With a little less depression, maybe... I don't think the thought of battle and drawing out blood should ever be enjoyable..."

Naofumi: Oi, Keel ! This is serious, stop playing around !

Keel: I know that ! I'll kill a lot of monsters, and become big like Raphtalia !

Blacksmith: It will be goo if he can get lots of experience out of this before the wave.

Naofumi: That's right...

"I think we're almost done loading. Where are Eclair and the others ?

Raphtalia: They went to the pharmacy for the last of the supplies, they should be back any time now.

"Good, we'll leave as soon as they return. Speaking of, where is Keel ?"

Naofumi: Still inside of the shop, I think.

Raphtalia: I'll go call him !

Filo: Ehehe~ Been a long time since we went out on a carriage~.

"You say it. I'll get the others, we're already done with the rest anyway."

Naofumi: Ohh boy...

???: You... Are the one that possesses the Holy Shield, right ?

Naofumi: Who're you ?

???: I've come to request something of you. Please defeat me.

Naofumi: ... Huh ?

???: At this rate, I won't be able to fulfill my role.

Naofumi: Hey, don't continue talking to yourself. Answer my questions.

???: Please. If not, meaningless sacrifices will be made, from now on as well...

"Naofumi... Earth to Naofumi... hello ? Anybody home ? Everyone's here, we're ready to go."

Naofumi: ... Just now, that person...

"Who ? There isn't anyone here. Well, nevermind that, everyone come aboard the Speed Wagon please !"

Naofumi: You didn't...

"I certainly did. Don't you think it has a very nice foundation and topping ?"

Naofumi: Just shut up, I beg you...

Eclair: The other heroes have gone somewhere else ?

Raphtalia: Yes. It seems that they're splitting into groups.

"Incidentally, this may be a good thing, they'll all be covering more ground like that."

Rishia: Even though they're appearing in such a large scale, what the monsters look like is still unknown...

Naofumi: ...

Raphtalia: Naofumi ?

Naofumi: Ahh... What could be its real form...

"I think that's why we're gonna have to investigate."

Keel: WAA !! Amazing ! It's my first place at a place like this !

Raphtalia: This is... !

Naofumi: Yeah... It's in the same state that it was when we were here before...

"More trees... Even. MORE. TREES !"

Eclair: Umm... Then this place is... The place you heroes saved from vegetation...

Naofumi: I thought that it had lost its mutation and become a normal tree...

"Well, this is a bunch of normal-looking trees..."

Raphtalia: Is it possible that the monsters became like that because of this ?

Naofumi: Geh. Let's just pretend that we didn't see this ?

Raphtalia: NAOFUMI !!

Boy: Hey ! How many times do I have to tell you ?! Do not enter this part of the forest with a carriage... ?

Villagers: Well, well, if it isn't the two saints ! Welcome back ! Saint !! Saint !! Please have these ! It's our local specialty.

Filo: YAY !!!

Villager: It's because of you that this village was saved from the drought and even managed to escape complete poverty, so everybody is thankful. These trees are all descendants from the seed that you left behind and that we have raised with care.

"So these aren't actually mutants..."

Boy: Because the whole village is like this, adventurers sometimes damage the trees without knowing.

Naofumi: You seem healthy.

Villager: healthy enough to cause trouble. Even today, he went to the plantation alone...

Boy: Because we haven't been able to harvest them properly, have we ? Even though they're bearing this much fruit...

Villager: I told you that the monsters might appear at any moment ! For goodness' sake... !

"Yes, about those monsters, would you mind telling us more details about them ?"

Villager: This is the monster corpse that we picked up.

Elrasla: Hmm... I haven't seen this kind of monster before...

"Well, if the distinctive feature is a shell, this one does indeed have it... Have you reported this to the castle yet ?"

Villager: Yes, we have reported it. It appears out of nowhere, and come in large numbers, we can't do anything... It gives me shivers to think of what would have happened if not for the adventurers.

Naofumi: Can I have this corpse ?

Villager: Eh ? Yes, please.

Naofumi: A familiar...

"Of course, it would be too easy to know who or what it belongs to... At least we know it's a familiar, and by extension that something, somewhere, is using it to attack. that's always a start."

Rishia: Familiar with a shell... Uuuh...

Naofumi: Nothing will happen if we just stand around like that. let's split up and begin patrolling. If something catches your attention, make sure to report it. Keel.

Keel: Yes !

Naofumi: You'll keep watching here.


Naofumi: We don't know what will happen, after all.

Keel: I promise that I won't get in the way... !!

Naofumi: No.

Raphtalia: Keel, you protect the villagers here, okay ?

Keel: ... Okay !

"Alright, then let's move out in pairs."

"It will be quite hard to make the difference between the forest and the plantation.."

Filo: I think this is the plantation !

"Stop eating everything you find, Filo, please..."

Filo: Master, let's search for something in another area...

"Don't try this, Filo, you just want to find even more fruits. Besides, we just got there."

Filo: This place doesn't have any monsters present !

"You sure ? It's true that the plantation is not that damaged... Wait a second. Filo, if there's no monster, then can you explain this ?"

"Let's see... No shell. A regular monster around here ? It has a lot of small cuts... If the familiars attack even other monsters, no wonder it's that much of a problem..."

Filo: What a waste leaving all this behind.

"Don't even think about eating it. But, they didn't attack the plantation, so it probably wasn't hunt for food..."

Shadow: Staff hero...

"Gh. Listen, I know it's even in your name that you stick to the shadows, but could you at least let me know when you're near ? Anyway, what's the matter ?"

Shadow: It was her majesty's command to share information regularly.

"While also monitoring the heroes, right ?"

Shadow: Mostly the other three, though.

Shadow: ... So they're familiars. That's a big clue. Anything else ?

"Not by myself, but Naofumi met a strange person. You should see that matter directly with him, I don't know anything."

Shadow: I will report this too.

"This is about everything. Was there anything new on your side ?"

Shadow: ... Staff hero, are you sure you know anything more than that ?

"That almost sounded like an accusation."

Shadow: Don't misinterpret my words, Staff hero. It's just that the three other heroes seem to be hiding something... Do you have any idea what it could be ?

"Haven't seen them since that last meeting with the queen... Filo ? Something the mat-TEEEEEEEEEEER ?!!"

Filo: Master, I heard a scream !! It cam from the village's direction !!

Adventurer: Hurry and get inside the buildings !!

Villager: it's alright, they'll take care of it...

Keel: THIS ! DAMN ! BAT !! Are you alright ?!

Boy; You- Are you alright... ,

Keel: I'm fine, I'm fine. An injury this small is not a big deal.

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