Chapter 22: Yeeeeeesssssssss...~~

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You were expecting the anime scene, BUT IT WAS ME, THE MANGA !!!

" ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off.

Your POV:

Filo: MASTER !!!

Raphtalia: NAOFUMI !!!

"Woah woah, easy there..."

Naofumi: You're all so energetic ! I'm glad you're safe.

Raphtalia: That's what we should be saying...

Filo: Master !!

Melty: Mother !!

Queen: Melty. You've done well.

Melty: Yes !

"Well then , shall we go ?"

King: Oh, you've finally returned, Mirellia-

King: Wha- The shield, and the Staff !! Why are they here ?! Guards, execute them-

Mirellia: SILENCE !!

"Damn... That's some way to break the ice..."

Naofumi: Please, don't start making lame puns now...


King: What ?! What are you doing, Mirellia ?!

Mirellia: What, you ask ? Do you think I am ignorant of what you've done to the Shield and Staff heroes ? In the past, you might have been generous enough to aid someone you don't like, but now...

King: Ah ! It couldn't be... You're being manipulated by these demons-

Mirellia: The heroes have no such power. How foolish can you people be ? Now, once again... I am the queen of the Melromarc kingdom. Mirellia Q. Melromarc. Aultcray over there is my husband, but he is only a proxy king, so let us not suffer his foolish rambling.

Raphtalia: Your mother is so overpowering...

Melty: And when she's angry...

"This is most likely intentional. She wants to establish her position as the authority in this country."

Mirellia: I must say this to the heroes. The disturbance that began with the kidnapping of the second princess was the fault of the church of the three heroes. But their insufferable actions have been allowed so far due to the incompetence of my husband and daughter. My daughter, the first princess Malty, of course.

Motoyasu: MYNE ?!

Mirellia: Yes, that's right. Not only did she conspire with the church, she also directed the framing of the Shield hero, and even attempted to murder the Staff hero.

Mirellia: Rather than taking the kidnapped second princess under her care, she further exposed her to danger. This is no different from seeking an assassination for the succession.

Motoyasu: Noo ! That's not right ! Myne's not like that ! Aren't you her mother ? How could you say that ?!

Mirellia: I am the queen. As the greatest authority on this country, I must punish those who commit crime.

Motoyasu: This is a mistake... !

Mirellia: Then, let us ask her directly.

Motoyasu: M- Myne !!

Mirellia: Malty, I ask you. Did Iwatani attempt to rape you ?

Myne: That... That's right !

Motoyasu: Myne ?!

Raphtalia: This is...

"Yep ! It's a slave crest. And a high-level one, at that."

Motoyasu: A slave crest ?! How could you do that to your own daughter ?!

Mirellia: This is the best way to ensure she will not lie.

Motoyasu: You're just forcing her to say that, right ?!

Mirellia: Then, spear hero, perhaps you should try to take ownership. Perhaps then you will understand just how the slave seal works.

Motoyasu: A- Alright ! Just wait, Myne ! I'll prove your innocence !

"Oh boy, it's gonna be fun."

Motoyasu: There ! Weren't you about to be raped by Naofumi ?!

Myne: that's right, Motoyasu- GYAAAAHH !!! It hurts ! It hurts ! It hurts ! Motoyasu !!

Motoyasu: Wh- What ?!

Mirellia: Anyone else want to try ? Malty, did you steal Iwatani's possessions ?

Myne: Nothing of the sort ! GYAAAAAAH !!!

Mirellia: And finally... Did you attempted to kill the Staff hero and dispose of him ?

Myne: I- I'd never do such a thing- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH !!!!

Naofumi: So she can't do anything but lie... Seriously ?

Myne: ... I- I understand... The shield hero didn't rape me... It didn't happen... IT WAS ALL A LIE !!

Myne: Guh... Uuh... this is horrible... This is too much...

"Those tears are fake, aren't they ?"

Myne: No they're not- GAAAAAAAAAAAH !!!

"This is really fun. Want to give it a try, Naofumi ? This is just like music to my ears."

Mirellia: Then, I shall hand down the verdict. Aultcray and Malty both, shall be deprived of their royal status permanently.

Aultcray: Are you insane, Mirellia ?!

Myne: That's right ! This is too much, Mama !

Aultcray: If I were to be removed from the royal family, the people, the ministers, and the greats of the other countries wouldn't stay silent !

Mirellia: preparations have already been made. There is nobody to make noise. You're just an old criminal.

Myne: if you remove me from the royal family, what will happen to this country ?!

Mirellia: There shall be no loss. Let me speak clearly... You are the scum of this country. Admit it !

Myne: EEK ! Mo- Motoyasu !

Aultcray: Bow hero ! Sword hero ! Say something !

Motoyasu: Myne...

Mirellia: I'll hear them out if they side with you. Should they offer appropriate reasoning. And if you obtain the forgiveness of the shield and staff heroes, then... While contributing the most of the five heroes, they also suffered the greatest insult. Thus, they have that right. How does it sounds ?

Myne: Pl- Please, find it within your honorable self to not think of revenge ! Revenge shall only breed revenge, the wise shield hero would do otherwise, no ? Please, recommend mercy to the queen ! Would it not be most prudent to clear yourself of this resentment ? Please, I beg of you...! Naofumi... Sir... ?


'Oh, wow, such a fast answer. I couldn't say it better, though.'


Raphtalia: N... Naofumi...

Myne: Th- That's tyrannical ! A hero shouldn't be doing things like that !

Naofumi: Don't spit out that crap so impudently ! I'm sick of it ! This is exactly the kind of unreasonableness you've had me deal with for so long ! It's about time you realized that !!

Myne: S- Staff hero ! Please, try to reason him ! He has gone mad !

"... Do you regret what you've done ?"

Myne: What... ?

"Do you truly regret what you've done to us, and not only the fact that you've been caught ?"


"sigh... There is but one thing I regret about this, it is not being able to hold the sword myself."

Myne: You... You're a monster !!

"Yes. I am. I am a monster you people created, so don't blame me, blame yourself."

Myne: M- Mother ! Please, in your capacity as a queen, exercise your wise imperial judgement !

Mirellia: You make a good point. If we, following the scandal of the church of the three heroes, were to execute even former members of the royal family... There would be heavy repercussions for our international reputation.

Naofumi: Wait ! Are you going to ignore the crimes they've committed ?

Mirellia: For that, I have a proposal. You could, for example, rip off their arms and legs, flay them alive, take what little remains of their status, honor, and respect, and give them a taste of living hell. You could give them a life to which they would prefer death.

Mirellia: How about it ? Is it not a good proposal ?

Melty: Mother... !

Mirellia: Would you not find greater catharsis in this than in killing them ?

Naofumi: ... That's right.

Raphtalia: Naofumi ?!

Naofumi: I've been waiting for this moment, since they first tarnished my life in this world with false accusations. Other than execution, I may do anything I wish, correct ?

Mirellia: Of course. What would you like ?

"Phew... They've finally been dragged away, what a relief."

Mirellia: Say, Staff hero, don't you have something to say about their punishment ?

"I leave them for Naofumi. But now that you mention it, there is something I'd like to ask."

Mirellia: What is it ?

"It does not concern those two directly, but the Spear hero attempted several time to assault underaged members of our group, and for that I requires punishment."

Motoyasu: H- Heh... ?

Mirellia: Of course, is there something you have in mind already ?

"There is. I want him to stand still in the middle of the room for 5 minutes straight. He must not move, defend himself or protest."

Mirellia: It shall be done. What next ?

"Simple. Filo ?"

Filo: Yes ?

"Have fun. You have 5 minutes."

Filo: Really ? I can ?

"Of course. Just be careful to not kill him."

Motoyasu: W- Wait a little, Y/n ! I- I haven't healed from last time yet ! It would be dishonorable for you to beat me up in that state, right ?

"Oh... Yes, that would be rather unmanly of me... "

Motoyasu: R- Right ?! So, you...

"I already figured that out, so I've healed you. Try to move around, there shouldn't be any pain left."

Motoyasu: Hey, you're right ! I feel just as good as new now !

"Good, so... If you're healed, then there isn't any problem with beating you up, is it ?"



While the beating was still ongoing, with me occasionally healing what was left of Motoyasu, I couldn't help but notice the queen was slightly blushing while looking at the scene.

Filo: WOW ! We can eat all of this ?!

"Yep, go ahead and eat. You must be hungry after all that healthy exercising sooner."

Naofumi: This is a banquet for our sake, after all.

Filo: Yay ! But... Where's Melty ?

"She'll be here soon. Now go eat !"

Filo: Yessir !!

Soldier: H- Heroes sirs !

Naofumi: You guys ! You came ! What's up ?

Soldier: Well, we were going to head out on a security mission, but then you called us, so... It's my first time in a place like this... Makes me nervous...

Crowd: The heroes ? Whoa ! It's the shield and staff heroes ! And right before our eyes... !

"It's quite the exquisite banquet... Looks like a lot of adventurers have come, even semi-humans."

Naofumi: Apparently they called people from outside the country as well. They looked you guys up and called you too.

Soldier: We heard that there would be an announcement at the banquet ! Something about you heroes, we're really looking forward to it ! The Shield and Staff heroes, are finally going to be recognized !

"Well, it's going to be a bit different..."

Soldier: Huh ?

Naofumi: Don't worry about it. Now that you're here, you might as well relax. The entertainment will be beginning soon.

Mirellia: Everyone, thank you for coming today. We are holding the banquet to commemorate the efforts of those honorable people who fought in the recent incident. Among them were the great heroes...

Mirellia: Now, while it may interrupt your dinner, I would like to take this opportunity to make an announcement. Bring them here.

Crowd: The king ? It's the king. The first princess is there too.

Mirellia: As punishment for the chaos they have effected, these two will lose their royal status... And their names are hereby changed, from "Aultcray" to "Trash", and "Malty" to "Bitch" !

Mirellia: For those who persist in using incorrect names, there awaits punishment. We initially intended to punish them far more severely, but the moderation of this decree stems from the kindheartedness of the Shield hero.

Crowd: That's the shield hero for you... !

Mirellia: If I remember correctly, Bitch also had a pseudonym she used as an adventurer. What shall we do about that ?

Naofumi: "Whore".

Raphtalia: Naofumi...

"Hey ! I'm not okay with that !"

Mirellia: Staff hero ?

For a split second, Bitch's eyes were filled with hopes, that I would side with her. However...

"When we talked about that, I though we had an agreement on 'Thot' !"

Naofumi: We had, but I changed my mind. She will go with "Whore" from now on.

"Tch... You always need to have the last word, don't you... ?"

Mirellia: Th... Then let it be recorded !

Crowd: Is he going to be the trash king now ? But he ain't a king anymore./Bitch and Whore... Damn, kinda hurts to say that.

Trash: I- I WON'T FORGIVE YOU, SHIE- eeeeeeeee...

Trash: Wh- What do you think you're doing ? I am-

"Trash, right ?"

Trash: Guh... Gah... !

Whore: I... Won't forgive this disgrace... I'LL KILL YOU ! AS SOON AS I CAN, I'LL KILL YOU BOTH !!

Naofumi: Try it if you like, you have the slave crest, so you'll actually die. Even though you just escaped the death penalty...

"Whore, did you not say that revenge only breeds revenge ? Why don't you practice what you preach ?"

Ren: This is the result of your own actions. I, too, think as much.

Itsuki: This is one hell of a punishment, but that doesn't really matter.

Motoyasu: I- I will... I'll believe you no matter what, My-

Mirellia: *Intense menacing glare*

Motoyasu: Uh, I mean, WHORE !!


"Such a great performance. Damn, I wish I could record this on something..."

Mirellia: Do you finally understand your place ? It was not just them, but many of this country's citizens who suffered from your thoughtless deeds.

'Your dirty deeds that were done dirt cheap.'

Mirellia: if you have any royal pride still, at least show it here. Before all these eyes, bow your heads and pray for the Shield hero and the Staff hero to save the world.

Naofumi: Hm ?

Mirellia: Bitch has the slave crest, but... trash, if you do not bow of your own will...

Trash: Eek !

Mirellia: I don't wish to embarrass you any further, understood ?

Trash: Guh... Gu- Uuuuuhh...

Trash/Whore: P- Please... Forgive our transgressions, and save this country and this world... Shied hero ! Staff hero !

"That was a great speech. Now then..."

I suddenly grabbed trash by the back of his collar, and started dragging him away.

Trash: Wh- What do you think you're doing ?!

"What am I doing... ? I'm just taking out the Trash."

Naofumi: Damn... So you used us, queen ?

Mirellia: What might you be speaking of ?

"You were sentencing your own family. Going overboard was probably correct. But seeking something better than execution..."

Mirellia: ... I can't compete with, heroes. But I wasn't lying. I plan to keep them under watch, and upon their next transgression, I won't refuse to put them down.

Naofumi: Of course ! But that kneeling was great. The very best sight.

Raphtalia: Naofumi, you're making a scary face...

"AH !"

Naofumi: What's up ?

"I just realized... If Whore has a son with someone, he'll be a literal 'Son of a Bitch' !"

Mirellia: This banquet will continue, but I've prepared a separate room for the heroes.

Naofumi: A separate room ?

Mirellia: I have a proposal to improve our cooperation, in order to defend against the waves, which will only get stronger.

"Oh. Sounds nice."

Mirellia: once the preparations are finished, I'll call-

Filo: AH ! Melty ! I finally found you ! Melty !

Melty: Filo...

Filo: Hey ! This place is really big ! Let's explore it !

Melty: ...

Mirellia: You may, Melty. Since their parties will be leaving after the banquet...

Filo: Hmm ? Won't Melty be with us ?

Melty: Filo... I can't travel with you guys anymore...

Naofumi: Filo, Melty lives in a world different from ours.

Melty: Wait... What is that supposed to mean ?!

"Well, it is true... We can't just wander around with the next queen."

Melty: I... I'm...

Filo: Melty, what's wrong ?! Does it hurt somewhere ?!

Melty: Ugh... Guuh...

Filo: Will we... Still be able to meet ?

Melty: Yeah. We can still meet each other... If you stop by, Filo.

Filo: ... No ! NO ! I don't want to leave you, Melty ! I want to always always be with you !

Melty: Filo... Filo, listen well. there's something that only I can do. And something only you can do as well... All right ?

Filo: ... Yeah, I think.

Melty: ... I really enjoyed our journey together. This country still has a lot of problems. And I don't think I even knew it until I met you guys. I spoke with mother about what happened in your homeland, Raphtalia. I'll make this country one where humans and semi-humans can leave in peace. PLEASE, WAIT FOR THAT DAY !!

Raphtalia: Yes. We're counting on you.

Melty: Naofumi...

Naofumi: What is it ?

Melty: Actually... Even though we didn't spend that much time together... I feel like we've shared so many experiences... Naofumi... ... ...

"What is that ? We can't hear you."


Melty: Filo ! Let's go explore !

Filo: Yea... Yeah ! W- Wait up !

Naofumi: Well, I guess... She may be the next queen but she's still a kid.

Mirellia: That is true. But I am relieved to know it. The clouds over the future of this country have cleared ever so slightly.

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