Chapter 23: The legend of the Staff hero.

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

Your POV:

"You say that, but our fight is far from over. Everything that happened until now was but to prepare us for what's about to strike..."

Mirellia: Is it that time already... ? The final wave of calamity ?

"Mh ? I though no one know about this old legend nowadays... Even Fitoria barely knew anything..."

Mirellia: So you met the legendary filolial queen. This is an old tale indeed, but it was passed down each generation of the royal family, from the foundation of this country. And I believe the same has happened with the other as well...

"The legend of the first hero ?"

Mirellia: Precisely. If you wish, I could tell you the entire thing; but I believe it would be wise to not tell the other heroes yet. The shield hero can be trusted, so I don't think it would cause any problems, however, the other three still resent you, for what you've done.

"Being saved by the one hero they designed as 'powerless' is not something their egos can accept so easily... I will listen to you. What is that legend really about ?"

*Long ago, in fact way before the 5 countries we know today were founded, monsters and demons roamed this land freely, terrifying and mercilessly slaying the inhabitants.*

"Kinda grim, may I say..."

Mirellia: Indeed. Although this is merely a legend. Even I do not know what is true and what was added afterward.

*Unable to fight back, unable to run away, and left completely helpless against those never-ending waves, the ancient people did the only last thing they could. They prayed. Day after day, week after week, month after month, for entire years, they prayed, until, one day...*

*Something, someone, far away, answered their call, their cry for help, thus marking the appearance of the one who will become the first hero, the staff hero.*

"So, was he summoned here from another world, like us ?"

Mirellia: That is still unknown. No one know if he was truly summoned here, or if it was simply a powerful mage that suddenly appeared.

"From what I already learned, the summoning theory would be the good one."

Mirellia: You met him ?

"Not quite. Let just say I encountered an 'echo' of him, that resided within the staff."

*Armed with mighty magic, and spells no one had ever heard of before, the hero single-handedly vanquished the waves, forcing the monsters to retreat in the darkness.*

"That reminds me of something."

Mirellia: It should. According to the legend, the Staff hero had the power to create the magic. He wasn't using it, he was creating it.

Naofumi: Is this why you got your skill, the "spell creation" ?

"W- When did you guys got here ?"

Raphtalia: we saw you leaving the banquet room with the queen, so we followed you here. We've heard everything until now.

"Mh. I was planning on telling you guys anyways, so it doesn't really change anything."

*The hero knew that it was only a matter of time, and that one day, the wave would come back. He traveled across the whole continent, uniting everyone under his banner, and created an immense empire.*

"Those ruins Fitoria showed us, she said it was the country the first hero created..."

Naofumi: To think there was an empire before the 5 kingdoms...

*He ruled that empire the best he could, and for several decades, there was an era of peace and prosperity. But deep down, the hero knew it wouldn't last long, and he was right. Just as he planned, the wave happened once again.*

Naofumi: Several decades... ? How old was he at that time ?

"He was probably around our age when he appeared, and I wouldn't even be surprised if he developed a spell to stop his aging process."

Motoyasu: To think that he used only magic...

"And WHAT are you three doing here ?!"

Ren: We overheard what you said, so we followed Naofumi.

Itsuki: There is only us, though. Our followers stayed at the banquet. The includes Whore as well.

Mirellia: It was bound to happen anyways...

*The hero and his army fought valiantly, but that wave was not leaded by simple demons. There were hostile, sentient enemies who were leading it. And in the end, even the great hero was defeated.*

"History is repeating itself, once again."

Naofumi: That woman... Glass, was it ? Was she leading the wave, or just a foreigner in the fight ?

Motoyasu: Who ?

"That girl who wiped the floor with you all in the second wave."

*With what little power he has left, the hero managed to push back the wave, and sealed the opening they came through, before succumbing to his wounds. When the people in the empire learned about his death, great troubles began, to know who would success him as the emperor, resulting on a civil war, and the creation of 5 kingdoms, the same 5 kingdoms that still exist today.*

Motoyasu: What a dumbass. In the end, he wasn't even able to...

"You'd better watch your mouth. Remember that the 3 of you were completely powerless against a wave several times weaker than the one he fought about."

*On the battlefield, the only thing that was left of him, was his staff. From it, our ancestors forged the four holy weapons, so they would be able to fight against the future waves. From the staff were forged a spear, a sword, a bow, and a shield.*

"The origin of the four holy weapons... Everything went from this."

*However, a legend remained, that one day, the staff hero will come back to that world...*

"And that once he's back, the final wave will arise to confront him. I already know that part. Well, that was... Interesting, to say the least."

Mirellia: You see now why it is best if words about that legend don't spread around...

"Yes. If people know the final wave is about to happen, it'll be panic all over the country, and even beyond..."

Mirellia: Well, that is part of the problem. You see, as the new staff hero, most people would probably expect you to try and reform the ancient empire, to unite everyone under the same banner once again...

"I see... I am not planning that, not in the slightest, but if that would happen... All current kings and queens would lost their sovereignty over their countries. Not to mention that since I was summoned in Melromarc, with all others 4 heroes at once, Melromarc will probably appear like some sacred ground, the country I chose as capital for the new empire."

Mirellia: The other royal families are aware of your existence already, but I ensured them that you were here to fight the waves of calamity, and nothing else. However...

"Yes, it shouldn't be long, before some of them try to convince me to join their side, even though... Even though I just aim to go home, once everything's over. Filo, Raphtalia and the others, I'll miss them for sure, but... As strange as it may sound, I'm starting to feel a little... Homesick. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like this place, even if Whore did a good job on making me pretty fed off of here... But I just can't feel at home here."

Mirellia: Say... have you ever considered getting married before ?

"Don't try to play that card with me. I know very well that if I were to marry a royal family's member, that would definitely seal the country's fate as the capital, as well as painting a huge target on you all."

"I'm here to accomplish my duty as a hero, and nothing more. I will fight the waves, and defend this world. That is final. To me, I'm one of the heroes, before being the Staff hero."

Mirellia: I figured you would say that. I will not insist any further. You should go too, the meeting with the other heroes will soon start, they should be done talking by now.

"Go ahead, I'll catch on you later. Just need... To clear my head a little.

Mirellia: As you wish.

"There are still too many questions for me... Who was the first hero, where was he really from, how am I possibly related to him... From what he told me, we both are Jojo fans, that could be a hint..."

"*Sigh*... Anyways, I don't have much time to worry about that right now. Another wave will come soon, and we all need to be ready for it..."

Filo: Master !! Master, I just saw Melty's mom walking away, did something happened ?

"Nothing important... Say, Filo, would you like to see what's beyond this country, once we're done with the next wave ?"

Filo: Will Melty, Raphtalia and Naofumi be able to come with us ?

"I'm sure we'll be able to convince them, one way or another."

Filo: Yay ! I want to see Raphtalia's country, with all the semi-humans !

"Hehehe, sure. The world better prepare itself... For this is the Return of the Staff Hero !!"

Guh... Done... 2 months, i wrote all of this in exactly 2 months. And yes, it will be continued, but right now I REALLY need to sleep...

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