Chapter 3-2: Re-equipping

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 " ": You talking

' ': You thinking

* *: Narrator/Voice-off

3rd person POV:

Naofumi: THE SEA ?! It did seem like it continued to another space but... This is too unexpected...

Rishia: Wh- What in the world is happening... ?!

Naofumi: Like I would know.

Rishia: The other world is this kind of weird world, huh...

Naofumi: Your world is also quite weird for us, you know. But, really... Something feels off here. At first glance, this sea looks normal, but... It feels like you can't go beyond it...

Rishia: Because we don't have any ships... ?

Naofumi: Not in that sense... For now, let's explore this place. Don't stray far off from now.

Rishia: It- It's a monster !

Naofumi: 'Cardboard box ?' Don't panic, it's a small fry. Look.


Naofumi: Don't "HIII" me ! Finish it fast !

Rishia: Ah, ye- yes !

Naofumi: This must be similar to the balloon. 'I can get experience points out of it just fine. Looks like the basics won't change?'

Rishia: Na- Naofumi-san.

Naofumi: Yeah. Looks like we can get by better than I thought. We'll raise our levels and keep on proceeding !

Naofumi: A river. Looks like the water is clear.

Rishia: My throat was getting parched...

Naofumi: It would have been better if we had a water container.

Rishia: I was worried there for a moment, but...

Naofumi: Yeah, our levels have also increased, along with some materials... ...

Rishia: ... Wh- What's the matter... ?

Naofumi: Don't get scared every time. It's nothing. 'This takes me back. Our levels may have decreased to 1, but compared to when we first started out... Raphtalia, Y/n... Right now, where are you...


Naofumi: ... RISHIA, GET DOWN !!

Rishia: Naofumi-san !!

Naofumi 'I misjudged it. Clearly, compared to its attack power, my defense is... Much lower I thought to myself, with my usual senses, that it'd be alright with just this much.'

???: Are you alright ? I take my eyes off you for a moment, and this happens. If it had been any worse, you'd have died.

Naofumi: Who are you ?

???: That's quite a rude way of speaking to me. The one who took care of you is me, you know ? You guys fell from the sky so I carried you to the prison...

Rishia: Ah- ! You're the lord of the prison ?!

???: Even so, for you to make it this far, should I call it reckless or something else... And wearing such talkative equipment.

Naofumi: Talkative ?

???: You don't know ? Look at your status screen. It's probably bugging out.

Rishia: Naofumi-san !

Naofumi: She's right... My defense value is bugging out.

???: Right ? Just like I said. And... What's this ? I'm also bugging out. That last monster's experience points isn't coming in ?

Naofumi: ... That weapon...

???: Of, you can tell ? My name is Kazayama Kizuna. One of the four holy heroes, wielder of the hunting took, the hunting hero !

Your POV:

"An ancient Dragon Hourglass ? You guys also have that here ?"

L'Arc: We have waves in this world, too. What, did you really think we were just attacking you ?

"Would you blame me ?"

Glass: That would be pretty hypocrite of us. But right now, our goal is to cross this country's borders, by any means.

Therese: The surveillance there would be far too strict... Heading to the capital will have less risk.

Raphtalia: Do we need to go to the capital ? Is it really safe ?

L'Arc: the road's surface is not broken, and it's easier to blend in if there's more people, right ?

"That would work if we weren't fugitives on the run..."

Therese: Then we need to get to the Ancient Dragon hourglass, and teleport out of this country from there.

Glass: It'd also be better to collect some information while we're at it too. We stayed longer than we expected thanks to Kyo...

"Yeah, that I can get behind... 'And maybe we can get information on the others' behavior too... Filo, Naofumi and Rishia are still nowhere to be found...'"

Raphtalia: But it really is a weird feeling, isn't it ? Even though it's not Melromarc, it's kind of the same... And the people talking around us in an unknown language, it's weird.

"Oh, that... I guess my Staff still translates that for me... But I can't read the letters... Do we even have money for travel ?"

L'Arc: ... Ah... We didn't exactly take anything when coming to your world...

Glass: That might prove to be a problem...

"Might ? ... This keeps getting better, no money, no level, no spell, no idea where we really are..."

L'Arc: No bitches ?

"Don't you dare. Do you even know what direction is that capital we're looking for ?"

L'Arc: More or less... Even we don't know many details about this country. But it probably won't take us longer than a few days to reach it.

"Hmmm... Hmmmmmmm..."

Raphtalia: Something wrong ?

"... No, just my imagination..."

Glass: Looking at it... What's that about a labyrinth ?

Therese: "Something has overflowed and disappeared in the sky above the infinite labyrinth entrance..."

L'Arc: Great, just what we needed, more things to worry about.

"Speaking of worry... What's that line for ?"

L'Arc: Oh that ? Nothing to do with us. They're queuing for the drop.

"The... Drop ? Isn't that something only the heroes can do ?"

L'Arc: It's just a reproduction.

Therese: Jewel people, a race who are said that they were originally jewels that obtained powers, then became people. They made that device.

Raphtalia: You know a lot about that.

Therese: You're talking to one of them.

"Ohhhh... That world really is something... Like everything that exists solely as legends back in mine... It's like everything becomes real here... Does that means there are also more people like Glass ?"

Glass: We are called "Spirit people" here. Our SP is both our magic power and life force.

"... ... Such advanced technologies... You think there would be a way to reproduce such devices ?"

L'Arc: Are you asking us for a way to help your world win the waves ?


Therese: Without jewel people, it would be difficult. But even this is just a reproduction of the Heroes' skill, and give lower quality drops.

"... Kyo did manipulate and stole the energy of the spirit turtle, and even set a trap on the way... If only he wasn't such an asshole."

L'Arc: Took the words right out of my mouth.

Glass: Alright, say it.


Glass: Say it.

"Fine. It wasn't my imagination, and they really did make wanted posters of us."

Glass: Worst of all, they don't resemble us at all.

L'Arc: That's the worst for you ?

Glass: Well, the fact they made wanted posters was a given since we escaped the prison after dealing all that damage. They also have to save their faces.

L'Arc: That's it, that really did it. I can't say that as not guilty.

Therese: Are you blaming me ? I'm innocent. I didn't do anything bad after all.

Raphtalia: Um... Isn't it better for us to leave here ?

"True... There are many lookouts around here. So even if the wanted posters don't resemble us at all, there will still be pursuers targeting us."

Therese: ... Raphtalia-san... perhaps you got a little taller ?

L'Arc: Wow, I only realized that now ! That's amazing, missy !

Raphtalia: Um... This is thanks to everyone, because I leveled up a bit on the road.

"Th- That's nice, but can we get back on the topic of being fugitives on the run, please ?"

L'Arc: yes, yes, it's probably better to hide her ears and tail.

Therese: Now that you say it, they may stand out a bit... And we should wear kimonos too.

L'Arc: Right, we'll stand out in central city if we use these outfits. Okay ! Now that it's decided, let's go... !

Raphtalia: Eh ?! Um, wait...

Glass: There won't be any problems. Our wanted posters won't be spread that widely. Because we're another country's vassal weapon wielders, if the rumor get into our country, this country would have many problems. That's why the information is also vague. They probably didn't put much force into pursuing us. Around that place, that is.

"... Wouldn't that be pretty weird ?"

Glass: Not really, since they already know our destination. The dragon hourglass in Central City. They could just prevent us from teleporting from there, and capture us all without getting exhausted.

"... So there's really no other way for us to escape this country ?"

Glass: ... Sorry to say this, but that's what I thought. The thing about Kyo is our fault too. And you got involved as well. So if you want to act with us, we'll help you as much as possible. We'll return to our country by using the Hourglass to to teleport... But if you want to stay in this country and search for your comrades... We won't stop you.

"... I have a feeling we'll find them along the way."

L'Arc: How about this short katana ? For your body size right now, a normal katana is still too big, isn't it ?

Raphtalia: Sorry for troubling everyone...

L'Arc: Don't worry about that ! You have to at least hold a weapon.

"Thank god the drops on the way here were worth at least some money."

Raphtalia: Eh ?

L'Arc: Hey, Therese...

Therese: Ah, language... Here you go.

Blacksmith: How about this one ?

Therese: How is it ? Can you understand ?

Raphtalia: ... Yes, thank you very much. '... If I was thrown into this world alone... I wonder what would've happened to me. Naofumi-sama and the others... Are they fine ? Are they together ? Even though I'm Naofumi-sama's sword... I'm not beside him when it matters most...'

"... I can read you like an open book, Raphtalia. But I'm just as worried as you are..."

Raphtalia: Do you think they're alright ?

"Naofumi is, without a doubt. I know the guy, and you do too. You just can't get rid of him. As for Filo and Rishia... We can only hope and believe for now..."

Therese: That's amazing, Raphtalia !

L'Arc: Even though that was kinda sly, that was some amazing swordsmanship !

Raphtalia: No, I'm still far from it. Since it's the first time I've used this sword you call a "Katana"... And I'm also not used to this outfit yet.

L'Arc: Is that so ? Even though this is your first time, you look like you're good at it.

Raphtalia: Really...

L'Arc: That's still more than our mage anyways.

"Well fuck you too."

Raphtalia: Is there really nothing left of your spells ?

"That's the weird thing... They're all gone, and no matter what I can't make them back... Safe for one... I really don't get why The World is still here."

L'Arc: That's your time-stopping spell, isn't it ? Wouldn't that be a good thing that it's still here ?

"But it doesn't make any sense ! Why this one ?! And beside, it got weirdly different as well ! Like, the incantation got changed, and its duration is cut in half ! I swear ever since I came to this alternate world, everything went straight downhill for me... Ever since... Another world..."

L'Arc: Onto something ?

"... Maybe... Custom spell, THE WORLD !! Time is mine !!"

"... ... ... 2... 3... 4... 5. Time resumes."

L'Arc: ... So ?

"... Remember what happened right after we escaped the prison ? With that tree and all ?"

Therese: It got torn apart, right ?

"Yep. We thought it was because they were pursuing us, but... I think it was because of me... So if I do that..."

L'Arc: ... Finger Gun ?

"Watch. Custom spell... TUSK !!"


"GUH- ?! I- I really wasn't expecting that kind of recoil..."

L'Arc: So now you have a crossbow... Neat.

"Well, if anything, I get now why the rest became what it is... Guess it's worth something staring at your status screen for long enough after all... Now I'll keep doing that if you don't mind... I have a proper supply of spells to get."

L'Arc: The missy got a new sword, and sonny also gets his spells. Things are getting better.

Glass: ... Would you want to have a mock battle then ? I predict that we will have to battle in Central City, and a burden will just be trouble for us after all.

L'Arc: ... Hey, Glassy...

Raphtalia: ... Please do ! 'Since I only have a sword...'

"... Hmmhmmmhmmm... Hm ? Ah... HAAAAAAAAAH ?!"

L'Arc: What now, again with a spel- Where are you going, Sonny ?!


L'Arc: What reacted ?!


Therese: ... Who is he talking about ?

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